The enemy of organized gang stalkers is an unique suspect: “individualism.” How Heng Choon Chan, and Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, are schtupping us with Hegellian phalluses.

So, up until now, we have seen many many examples of how gang stalking is related to policing, and community policing, aka “communitarian” policing, and how there are racial, class, gendered elements that conspire to phrase “the other” as mentally ill, rather than as persons needing protection that is guaranteed to them by due process rights, but which is more often than not denied to TI’s in ‘official source gas lighting’ campaigns, as may TI’s report this exact fact.

And, we have seen how the MSM has so far played along with this odd and dishonest narrative, literally framing the dialectic as that of dangerous crazy people versus “everyone else.” So it cannot be overlooked that this is an extension of psychology as a pseudo science, directly and LITERALLY related to Edward Bernay’s and “mind control.”

So now we must take a look at the type of material that Dr. Lorraine Sheridan and David V. James, as well as other DVIC profiteers use to “organize” their version of a society. And the key here, it will be noted, is that these same are at war with “individuals.”

Here, from Heng Choon Chan and Lorraine Sheridan, we see another clear indicator that “individuality” is an issue, as many “targeted individuals” will tell you, but also, that these researchers are deliberately pairing the individual against the collective-and remember, that in the Hegelian Dialectic, constant conflict is a purely profitable model for some individuals, at the expense of many others who are targeted by them. In the case I am about to introduce, we see a comparison between a communist countries perceptions of stalking contrasted (conflicted) with western individualist perceptions.

And before I introduce the link between stalking and attacks on individuality-and many of those attacks BY the exact academics that believe in the collective-I would first like to point the reader to Sheridan’s following online, which clearly indicates two things: 1) she is closely affiliated with police and the DVIC, as well as the many newly emerged groups of organized gang stalkers that I have implicated elsewhere on this blog, and 2) her work in prisons is nearly as inhumane and antithetical to the lived experience of an actual target of organized stalking, Dr. Moss David Posner, who died as a TI while advocating for  prisoners rights.

Then, I would like to point the researcher to the fact that much of Sheridan and James-et al’s work-indeed the entire dialectic of who or what is stalking or stalkers  is also very closely centered on police and police perception management, and “influence:”Are police under the influence of influence operations by pseudo-science and psychology?

And here we see the “conflict” begin:

Organized stalking and “mind control” and influence operations: manipulating voters.

Epilepsy warning: this post contains a swirling graphic image

While our governments, our corporations, and our intelligence and law enforcement agencies believe it is their right to steal our data, and use it to maniulate and even abuse certain people and to wage influence operations on us, in secret, I believe in fair warning, in anticipation of un-intended consequences, hence my epilepsy warning above. This is the difference between consensual behavior, and non-consensual behavior, and the NSA/CIA/FBI/DEA data theft pipeline had  15 year head start on all of us.

Except, me, maybe.

Any cursory research into organized gang stalking reveals that politics are a major factor in “who gets targeted with OGS.” While there are varying levels of targeting, ranging from simple “influence” operations through the internet, to extreme cases where local politicians and others gang up on individuals to harass, intimidate, or otherwise coerce them, the most common “targeting” that individuals face is through advertising.

As we saw in the caase of “Moonshot CVE” and in the cases of Twitter monitoring activists and feeding the data to law enforcement and other un-named parties, and programs like DataminR and Media Sonar being used concurrently at Fusion Centers, and the local police department, as well as yet un-named intelligence agency level programs, there is a constant blurring of lines between advertisers, governments, political PAC’s corporations, and then, police and intelligence agencies targeting of activists and others in spying or conformity enforcement operations.

WElcome to PsyOps, and mind control, and “influence by constant suggestion.. Or, this:

Image result for swirling black and white gif

So, to put this in common terms, imagine yourself walking down the sidewalk, dodging blots of chewing gum, and the residue of mop water dumped across your path. These are ordinary pedestrian obstacles, and most people expect some of that when out walking.

As you continue on your  path, all of a sudden, a bicyclist heads straight towards you, so fast that they seem as if they might just run you over. What do you do? Of course, you step aside, thinking-“what a rude prick. I had the right of way- and bicycles are supposed to ride on the street!”

You brush it off, and continue on your path. An the obstacles become more and more: the couple walking along is as wide as the sidewalk, and you step off into the grass to let them pass. And then, five teenagers on skateboards; and then, at a crosswalk, people are bumping into you from all directions as if you are not there.

These scenarios above are what is described by TI’s who are being gang stalked, and particularly in the last example, this is what is known as “community mbbing,” and also “street theater.” TI’s write endlessly about this online, but they are also described by others who “suffer delusional disorders.” What’s the main difference? Proof- proof is required to indicate that such is actual, real, and happening to you.

In OGS, proof is hard to get, because of the design of community harassment and community policing, but online, it is easier to prove, now that we know with certainty that it IS happening, it IS targeted, and it IS political. And, as we see above, it IS attempting to influence you, your behavior, and your choices.

Here, below, from Breitbart News, we see targeted individuals as swing voters, but we also see that language and particularly, coded and slanderous language is used to label, and further harass or otherwise cause harm to individuals who don’t toe a party line.

While on the surface, it cannot be missed that this targeted “outreach” is yet another example of Democrat demagoguery, it also cannot be missed that “hetero-normative white people” are being labeled in ways that can and do trigger the Department of Homeland Security “threat matrix” and “bad words” lists, as “white supremacists are on every list as “hate groups”:

NH Dem Party Chair Calls Rural, Disaffected Voters ‘White Supremacists’


This weekend WMUR’s “CloseUp” interviewed the executive director of “Look Ahead America” Matt Braynard, whose new organization is planning outreach to inactive voters in New Hampshire.

Braynard said, “We’ve identified maybe 15,000 inactive voters who we would consider disaffected, patriotic Americans. And potentially 100,000 or more unregistered adults we’re going to reach out to.”

He explained his organization was using “psychometrics,” saying, “Normally it gets applied to likely voters universes for purposes of persuasion. We are applying it towards identifying patriotic Americans who’ve become disaffected and cynical, so we can engage them on issues relevant to them, get them registered, get them educated and turn them out to vote.”

In response, the chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party Ray Buckley said, “The organizing and activating of these extremists, these white supremacists, really could have a detrimental effect on the entire culture of New Hampshire.”

In the aricle above, note the use of the word “psychometrics” which literally means ” the measure of psychological effects in order to cause persuasion.” This is not insignificant, as we see that “influence” is the goal, and that “psychology” is applied as a tool.

In relatively harmless incidents such as this, we must ask ourselves if “influence operations” are harmful, and most likely come up with the answer that they are mildly intrusive, but not necessarily “causing harm.”

However, in these cases, when we add the fact that the data used is derived from the “profiles” that our own ISP’s have sold to outside organizations; and that these profiles are shared and re-sold across gvernment, private industry, political PAC’s, the Five Eyes Alliance, and even in the case of Israel, that our profiles are literally given to a theocratic, apartheid nation state that has not signed any nuclear treaty or even officially disclosed that it is a nuclear power the story of harm versus “no harm” becomes a question that few are willing  to ask out loud; being used against their and it becomes a question where the individual this targeted must make a stand, or simply succumb to being used against their free will in such a manner.

So, this issue of “supremacy” becomes for some of us, a crucial and key point wherein we must ask “whose white supremacy” is being targeted and whose white supremacy is not (most Israeli’s and other supremacist Jews still encourage their daughters to marry only white men). And certainly, other theocratic, nationalistic, racial, and psychological  supremacy becomes part of each persons targeting as well. So-whose decisions are we actually making when we are under chronic and constant “influence operations”?

Regardless of the answer, there is one other level of questionable targeting: the fact that beyond advertisers profiling us, we also have intelligence agencies profiling us, and then, targeting us as well, individually n levels that only nazi maad scientists were able to conceive of in decades past.

Because the past is the present is the future with intelligence agencies, we know with certainty that other, more nefarious and unethical targeting takes place, and that this takes place in secret, without our informed consent- that this entire internet entrapment scheme that has made everyone a target, has now morphed into a wider scheme of political targeting on the ‘consumer’ level; and that despite the consumer’s awareness that it is them, being consumed first, and targeted advertising only after that.

So beyond the citizens rights to protest or even to withdraw from these big data schemes, or the use of our data to make us targets, multiple levels of targeting are taking place at all times, and our decisions are under constant and chronic attack.

Copies of Nothing: police psychology and the replication of power through willful ignorance, and bullying.

It is nearly impossible to impute to the reader how disproportionate the telling of the story of “targeted individuals” of organized gang stalking is in terms of power versus those who are powerless; or that the issue of “TI’s” is in fact one of “first they came for the ________, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a (member of the Beatrice Six). But the fact is that beyond interagency collaborationn to subvert the Constitution in the name of “goodguyism,” only the little guys and gals get targeted, while others get “flipped” or otherwise compromised.

So let’s take a look at one of the many illegal database schemes that has been minimized or eradicated from our ability to view this illegality in the press, and where innocent people and Americans were targeted by an intelligence agency that was really a multi-agency Hydra of subversion on American-and international shores.

The DEA and the SOD database: They needed a code word to describe their voyeurism, and then, to discredit those they targeted with clandestine, illegal, iun-Constitutional HUMINT campaigns of coercion and terror.

Let’s first take a look at “police psychological profiles” that are generally stuck somewhere in the toilet, as most of the religiously afflicted are, and then, add the opportunistic and voyeuristic and eugenic nature of feminist jurisprudence through the eyes of Kurt Vonnegut, who was popular with militarist feminists during the rise of the neocon “left” and the DVIC, where we discovered that women’s violence is well financed, and internationalist, because “hungry hungry hungry!“:

From “Breakfast of Champions,” where Vonnegut- a survivor of the fire-bombing of Dresden– critiques “white male power” but forgets to note “white female privilege,”which is perhaps more deadly, if Dresden, or Holodmor are any example .

wide open beavers.jpg

So, voyeurism (the NSA to local LEO data theft pipeline) and photography ( they frequently make threats that they have secret databases with TI’s pictures in them; and agencies are indeed using our televisions and our laptop camera’s to spy on us) is a major them of these neo-fascists and their Hegelian counter parts, and the “TI” is their secret passion, as women’s deviance and violence takes different and creative forms.

If I showed you pictures of “TI’s” you might laugh, or mock them somehow, as many of them appear in mug shots, due to the disproportionate force and fury with which western societies prosecute the poor and the disenfranchised. Many of them, like the now-famous Timothy Trespas, are easily discredited because they “don’t look like “us”.”

Odd, how the bane of aging white feminists everywhere-“lookism” has become the exact tool with which these target and harass people in official source gas lighting, such as the case where the New York Times Mike McPhate conspired with Lorraine Sheridan to cover up this crime in last years article.

I have written about TI’s from a variety of standpoints, but one thing that can be said with certainty is that they are frequently “not” super models or muscle bound ‘heroic’ figures from ancient Greece, though there ARE exceptions. And, like anyone, they ave their faults and flaws.

What makes them different though, is that they are often stripped of the pretenses of power fairly early in life, and have frequently been labeled by those who value power. As such, as Glenn Greenwald has noted, they have “no place to hide,” when operations like the illegal and warrantless  NSA/DEA/CIA/FBI decides to turn their lives into a free for all. so beyond merely being involuntary HUMINT assets, they are also mocked for being so, and with the approval apparently, of “psychology,” despite NONE OF THIS being authorized or even acknowledged in a legal framework anywhere.

I recently spoke with a man who was forced onto a stretcher in a “set up,” to try to create the appearance that he is mentally ill, which is bad enough. But the story gets really sick when he describes how “there was even a photographer present taking closeup pictures of my face as they did this.”

And I spoke with a woman whose neighbors-wonderful progressives in a “progressive” city, framed her as the neighborhood crank as they waged loud parties next door. Her mugshot looks exactly like that. And then, after they got a fifty year restraining order on her (because she told the judge ‘why don’t you just make it ten, twenty or forty years’) they moved away! See how that works- let me know if you start seeing patterns-because seeing patterns can indicate delusional thinking.

So, the claim that communitarian policing is framing people is not unusual, nor is it unprecedented when individuals take a stand against this nefarious bullying. And this is no small claim, nor is it an uncommon one in the “frame jobs” that much of these make-work projects of our current government is involved in.

And the internet abounds with video’s of “authorities” in power citing vague “rules” or even more un-Constitutional “policies” that prohibit photographers from filming them-public servants-at work in public. So, without a doubt, photography-which is NOT a crime- has become a tool with which institutions collaborate to defame those it targets.

In the video below, some from the DEA gets their authoritarian asses handed to them by an individual who knows that “policies” and “rules” are not LAWS, and that-for now- citizens still have the right to film and photograph these cowards who work anonymously from behind the internet switches plotting the destruction of free speech rights, due process of law, and more; that these who invade our privacy with impunity, and from behind the veil of absolutist secrecy are themselves annoyed by cameras.

And,  the citizen knows that people who cite policies and rules are in fact cowards who hide behind authority, and mobsterism, and the psychopathology of institutions that are destroying Democracy with obstructionism in the gray area of law.

And especially, note the license plates, as these federal agents work in a state that has granted official “anonymity”to public “servants.” In order to understand “what is a police state” one must understand the “privileged immunity and institutional anonymity” of these operatives.

And this, below, is what breeds contempt for the public by these same. And it cannot be missed that the photographer is described as being 5’4″ tall, and is standing against men and women who top the scales at body mass and weight. Welcome to feminist jurisprudence and policing! It seems that the “little people” are an extreme threat:


“Fascist DEA Scum bags attempting to Censor 1St Amendment freedom of Press”


But for the most part, many if not all TI’s are the product of inter-generational bullying by institutional forces ranging from neighbors and schoolmates to police to mental health professionals, and the hidden networks of “goodguys and gals” who somehow see nothing wrong with “piling on.”So in order to understand my version and interpretation of “TI’s” and OGS, it requires that I define “what is a coward,”as you and others who research organized gang stalking will note that claims that GS are cowards are quite frequent in the online dialectic of OGS, and in fact a staple comment.

So, it cannot be missed that this individual filming is a 5’4″ sprite, unarmed, and questioning the authority of those who are IN FACT AND IN PRACTICE a huge factor in OGS online dialogues. Nor can it be missed that each of these photographers is practicing their rights against thousands of pounds of human meat that makes it’s living from violence, and that they are all armed.

So, beyond institutional sociopathy, and psychopaths whose sickness finds a welcome home in institutions of power, I personally view TI’s as “not mentally ill” anymore than those who pursue them, and “pile on.” It is instructive to note two things about this “phenomenon” that will help put it in perspective

  1. many of those who are “targeted” are people whose civil rights and due process rights were violated in durations of time that defy imagination and are frequently derived from warrantless surveillance and the “War on Terror.”
  2. Nearly all of them that I have talked to report bullying, and “strange” internet encounters with hidden bad actors

Read together, these form a narrative drawn from the replication of status quo superstitions and outright mythological lies that form the narrative of police and state power psychological basis, but also, plain old bullying by any other name.

So, here below is a link farm to stories about how the DEA (which is inseparable in mission or tactical applications, and methodology from the CIA at this point) used a database to illegally, and un-Constitutionally profile, monitor, perform surveillance and harass American citizens.

And for those of us who walk “unarmed” in the world with the expectation that these “goodguys and their gunz and bomz” won’t shoot us for excercising our rights is in fact and in practice, true bravery, because we KNOW they are murderous, slanderous, malevolent crooks who love to “shine a light” on “we the people” but somehow, cringe when the light gets cast on them-or scurry away like cockroaches-the video above is prima facie proof of that.

Special Operations Division (SOD) database abuse and lawsuits to follow? Who would even know where to look for the proof? I have an idea- ask those crazy peepl in the TI community!

Testilying as security theater and “goodguyism gone wild!”: How DEA agents and all other LEO’s use illegally obtained data to create and then “dry clean or launder” a case, aka “parallel construction-as well as to follow peole around and do plainly bizarre sh!t to their internet connections, telephones, cars, homes, etc, etc….

More on parallel case laundering, dry cleaning alleged crime, and illegal spying

Prosecutors and supervisors cover up the program that covers up illegal spying, of “cover up squared,” layers upon layers of subterfuge and criminality from “the good guys and gals”

The cover up of the cover up of the cover ups, layered in a discrediting narrative, aka “who are targeted individuals?” What happens to targeted individuals?”

Organized stalking and CIA operations manual: what you are experiencing is “counter-intelligence stalking.”

I get a lot of readers from Russia, the Ukraine and elsewhere who seek information about the CIA phone hacking and then, influence operations, propaganda and gang stalking operations.

While much has been written in the last decade about “far right” groups of “organized thugs” who stalk and harass people, it is important to note that the left is doing this today as the right has lost power-due to tactical assault like OGS. And the left has done this before as well- Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany (the blur between Jews who profited from the Holocaust one way or another is striking, as we see some Jews today encouraging racism and stalking), and Mao’s China-in sort, anywhere there was communism, there is OGS,

And targeted individuals were as likely to be high level politicians as they were opposition candidates, or even low level drug dealers with an “in” to the “party circuit” or other social circles. These people who get stalked are what is called “influencers” and while they are the people who suffer the most in OGS, it is really the “larger audience” that is the actual target-the people who the “influencer” can influence. This larger audience is called the “targeted audience” aka the “TA.”

So, one TI can lead agents and agencies to a larger TA-got that? And that is straight out of the CIA operations manual or any of a number of other intelligence agency playbooks-they really are all the same with slight differences that aren’t worth discussing here. This one was from this era, where America lost its grip on industry, and went to a “black cash” budget instead.

And, from high level diplomats to low level drug dealers acrss town from you, OGS is the tactic, various TA’s are the actual targets, whether it is a cop with a vendetta because you banged his wifey who sics the dogs on you in the form of “women’s rights advocates” and the associated “umbrella agencies and NGO’s that get cash for DVIC stalking, or the Russian’s, or the local good guys and their do-gooders who seek to kidnap your child by framing you into a crime, the tactics are IDENTICAL.

Here below is a bit about the behind the scenes “influence operation” that is taking place around you:

PREFACE TO: CIA Handbook Psychological Warfare.pdf

Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the “political animal” that Aristotle defined. In effect,the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the”political animal” has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets. Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the “environment” in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population. This book is a manual for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and democratic crusade being waged in Nicaragua by the Freedom Commandos. Welcome!

Reader-Take special note of this :

3. Armed Propaganda

Armed propaganda includes every act carried out, and the good impression that this armed force causes will result in positive attitudes in the population toward that force; and it does not include forced indoctrination. Armed propaganda improves the behavior of the population toward them, and it is not achieved by force.

Hard link here:

So, in most cases of OGS, we encounter the common complaint that “slander campaigns” and “rumors” and “defamation” are taking place. These take place around key individuals to gain their complicity, or to gain their compromise, in order to then gain power over the TA. The link above will explain that to you better, but also, other methods of sabotage that are likely being used against you.


A quick note on statistics: I get about 60 posts read per day. Is organized gang stalking real? If you read only ONE post on this blog, read this one.

I think at this point, I have essentially proven my many thesis points, and I encourage other researchers to study this topic from any angle they wish. And to test and retest my many hypotheses against other evidence-but I especially advise you to separate the OGS dialectic from the “noise” of directed energy weapons, UFO’s aliens and all that other classic USAF/CIA/DEA/FBI counter-intelligence psychobabble.

While to some, it may seem OK to use people in experiments, create great stress and angst with the inducement of trauma and fear through OGS; or target indigent populations, or to harass people with pre-existing mental health conditions; or to abuse whistle blowers, journalists, and common criminals- I remind the reader that due process is sacred, and that so-called national security exceptions aren’t; and while your personal institutional sociopathy may express itself in the “gray area” community policing scheme, I have deliberately and beyond my own better judgement been compelled to the plate to take a swing “for the little guys and gals” who are targeted with OGS  by institutional psychopaths and sociopaths who are enlisted in your/their schemes.

In the time I was writing this, I literally encountered more Rotarians than I ever thought existed. In America, there are somewhere near 130,000 of them- I have encountered five of them out of the blue, and three of them are current or retired police or intelligence. While each particular case of OGS may have a distinctly different cause or tone, I note with empirical evidence that Rotarian’s appear in many online narratives of OGS and real estate is literally the battle ground they appear on[follow that link].

In the half year it took me to write this blog alone, I have encountered over ten persons who call themselves targeted individuals, also “out of the blue,” and I have been approached with three stories that involve national security. My cars have been broken into, and my phones have been stolen.

There was Donald, the Viet Nam era explosives expert, and Bit’s the amazing hacker; Lucie (who is a genuine TI), and of course, who can forget how Sava appeared out of nowhere-from two continents away! To remind me that his sister and I went to college together.

In the last years, I  caught a plainly bizarre”Sataniss” sniffing neighbor climbing around the telephone pole in my alley as my internet was juggled around for about two years. Oh, yeah: he was the block captain.

I met a man- THE man who literally invented ALL of the technology (more or less) that CIA/DEA/FBI spycraft use- and he a Lockheed Martin and other big MIC engineer contractor who invented specifically the exact technology that MRAP’s use for guidance; and he also informed me of how EMARSS systems and other equipment on FBI airplanes works, and how the technology that HASN”T been reported in MSM includes that “they” use 3D “heat maps” to literally look into your home, and build a 3D model of you taking a sh!t.

A SWAT team member and his cohort moved in next door to me and dished gossip very loudly and more- much much more, which I can document, and literally “prove,” including the names of these individuals, which other’s have documented as well.

A whorehouse full of underaged hookers was “busted” blocks from my local sheriffs station; another cop was busted selling guns blocks away from me. ALl of this, and I never once “see/saw/ or said something ” to bring attention to any of it- I never once picked up a phone or dialed a call or sent an email to discuss any of this except to my select witnesses.

I was approached just last week with information from a man claiming he is the son of one the founders of the CIA; and gave a retired wise guy a ride home in my car. I interviewed a retied SWAT commander who knew the difference between costume jewelry and a 25k pigeon blood pendant.

And all of this, above, as a major database breach was foiled because a Fortune 30 company with retired FBI on it’s payroll failed to note the slow data leakage from a controlled area that requires CGIS oversight; and that leak which targeted primarily LEO’s BY other LEO’s, who work in the EXACT due process violating gray area ‘community policing’ scheme’s I have outlined herein. And I can name the city where this subversion is centered- but no one cares anymore about due process, because they are all snout deep in it.

And I never once lifted the phone and asked for any of it- for this is how ‘wiretapped’ a TI’s phone can be. I never contacted any of these people first a they all came to me. Think about that for a minute, and get back to me. Or better yet, please don’t.

So- for the future researchers who might wonder “what is organized gang stalking” and “what is a targeted individual” you can take this above as my testimony, and I can point you to witnesses and other evidence and data who can and will verify that what I say herein is true to the letter. But sometimes, vampires need a kick in the teeth, and hopefully, this blog will do that for others who are being violated like this.

Sooo: what did YOU do this week? In that light, I have demonstrated herein – that organized gang stalking is:

1) real, and has non-organic non-delusional basis

2) it is gaining currency as a legitimate complaint, an that Sheridan and James et al are delusional in stating that victims of OGS should be isolated, or cut off the interet, because the use of the internet is a crucial tool with which to raise awareness of OGS

3) that psychologists are actually part of the problem, and frequently co-conspirators in “political/punitive psychology” especially in this matter; and they are somehow very invested (literally, in the monetary sense; and as we see with the CIA torture psychologists Mitchell and Jessen, psychology is an amoral and unethical enterprise at the state level; and in denying OGS to the point where junk science such as the Lorraine Sherridan and David V. James study, as well as the Elizabeth Dietrich study are  deliberate “official source gas lighting,” and very likely intentional fraud that has not demonstrated or otherwise given merit to OGS claims

4) that law enforcement, working in the gray area schemes ranging from outright criminal conduct, to collaboration with outside agencies in criminal conduct (such as Stratfor, or LEIU’s) and as such has a vested interest in keeping it relegated to “delusional complaint” because frequently we see LEO’s are actually perpetrating it, but also, they get paid based on statistics-so the more call to 911 the more work they make. This is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex “at work” making it’s own “work.”

5) that it is most frequently a crime of those who have power directed at those who do not have power, and it relies on this power imbalance to institute itself, and also to erase it’s hidden criminal conduct, such as the case of literally yusing “mind control” on peple who were later exonerated in the  Largest DNA exoneration in American History.

6) that elements of religious sects and cults; academic cults; intelligence agencies, community policing, NGO’s and corporations, Rotary Club, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the Jewish Federations, Asian Law Caucus member’s, AIPAC, Google, Palantir, Media Sonar et al; and private security contractors, real estate developers and all manners of political stalking that ALL use identical tactics and methods of harassment, and also inter-relate to each other in secular settings to plot stalking.

7) that using the original counter-intelligence “pre-loaded” term of “gang stalking” is an appropriate term to describe the highly organized domestic terrorism that OGS is, because it has currency in the online dialectic-and that taking the power away from stalkers by using their own terms is a crucial step to understanding OGS complaints. Also, that the term gang stalking marks a clear turning point in American Democracy where some felt it was alright to bend and break the law to “get gang criminals off the streets” or to destroy due process to “get organized crime,” as we saw in the LEIU’s stated purpose-and that this sliding sce of morality has now reached into the wider culture as police budgets that get ever more fat seek to prove their “value.”

Feminism, safe spaces, cry bullies and organized gang stalking: the case of the Rwandan Genocide and ’empowered women.’

The Rwandan Genocide was a “women’s war.”

While much of the research on organized gang stalking indicates a police element run amok as it works with the “community policing scheme” that favors the lop-sided narrative of violence, and then, shelters the worst elements of criminality in the heart of what is left of the American home: woen’s violence. Why is that?

Women’s violence is covert, networked, and slanderous;  dangerous because of the pedadstalization of women BY women and the men they choose as co-conspirators – and also was behind what was called “The Red Guard” under Mao Tze Deng, or called “Red Squads” during the heyday of the FBI using the Ku Klux Klan and other social groups to terrorize “uppity negroes” and more as primarily white wmen wh had extensive power networked then as they do now to on one hand hide their influence, and on the other, to cry wolf, on que whenever they are challenged in their power-and then, their henchmen and wimmin step in to maintain narrative control.

Today, we see a similar element, working with different and ‘more diverse’ groups, to cause domestic terror in the form of the DVICWhat is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?.  And despite he so-called “rise of the right” we know from history that most Nazi organizers were, or are gay Jewish men like Frank Collin, or quite frequently are FBI informants. So, while you can quit worrying about the Klan, you might want to examine these other lunatic fringes.

Without a doubt, we see that violent women use institutional forces to wage purely psychopathic campaigns. For instance, in the most recent genocide on record, women were instrumental in leading the charge that other women be raped; murdered, dismembered, and more.

Women as Leaders in GenocideWomen as Leaders in Genocide and the similarity between women’s actual violence, and women’s social or cultural violence

ISSN: 1558-8769

Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill

Donna J. Maier

The role of women as perpetrators in the Rwanda Genocide has been documented much more so than that of women in other genocides and crimes against humanity: more than in the holocaust of World War II, than in the massacres of Mayan Guatemala’s Indians in 1982, and more even than in the widespread atrocities that accompanied the break-up of the former Yugoslavia which were virtually concurrent with the Rwanda Genocide. It is not entirely clear why this is the case. Testimonies of women perpetrators and victims were collected in the immediate aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide by various human rights groups, most completely by the United Kingdom based NGO African Rights which published its data within a year of the genocide.[1] More evidence has emerged in the trials of genocidaires at the International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda, and in trials in the national courts of Rwanda,Belgium, and other countries.  These trials include the evidence of female victims, but also have included prosecution of high level women perpetrators which have resulted in guilty verdicts.

In feminist circles, the co-option of social cause, and the essential destruction of any person’s individual narrative by globalist agenda’s takes place in ‘closed settings,’ aka ‘safe spaces’ as some seek to build a following, or enforce a cult mentality via closed door intimidation. The isolation factor cannot be lost on any in the ‘healing professions’ or law enforcement. And cry bullies, a recent scourge of those who practice identity politics-and who were resoundingly ousted from power in the election of 2016-are frequently the precursor to organized gang stalking.

And, OGS is an actual contagion on modern college campuses, as young women and others are brainwashed via hysterical trance formation to mouth words and act out scripts of trauma that seldom resemble the actual events they claim to have endured. Indeed, there are forms of female initiated violence that could use an updated profile on Fakerape.

Related Stories: How one young woman, Emma Sulkowicz virtually begged a young man for anal sex, and then, claimed he was her was a rapist when he didn’t submit to her other perverse means of control(nothing against experimental sex, butt….)

The UVA fakerape hoax was one piece of a larger bunch of asses, magnified around the world, thanks to the now fully discredited liar Sabrina Rubin Erdeley

Eight famous FakeRape’s

UVA fraternity that was defamed and libeled by Sabrina Rubin Erdeley’s fake rape story in Rolling Stone magazine settles for 1.65 million

Gang Stalkers: Minus 1.65 million We the People: plus 1.65 million

So-forget “fakerape” as an issue of merit and begin to see it as a nefarious ploy of those who are likely institutional sociopaths, psychopaths, and degenerates, such as Sabrina Rubin Erdeley and others who practice the lowliest form of activist journalism, called “lying their asses off” or a dollar or two. )

Then, begin to take note that some women are mercilessly gang stalked in academia-in numbers that are likely far greater than “fakerape’s” that are mediated in-you guessed it-as in the Sulkowicz case and the UVA rape hoaxes, these cases are mediated in academic settings and “closed door adjudication hearings” that have no legal standing, but can ruin a young boys academic career by slander.

And all of this in a climate of “safe spaces” where these terrorists and bullies plot their crimes, and then cry foul when they are discovered. And LEO’s for the most part just don’t care- they get paid no matter what. In fact, fake rape and other DVIC plts are helping to drain taxpayers, and break he countries bank.

So, in these cases of organized academic gang stalking, trauma can be presumed, as the stalkers and harassers all deploy a form of “trauma-bonding” that is written about in the literature of torture, and also, is part of the diagnoses of Stockholm Syndrome as we saw with the largest DNA exoneration in American history.

Here is a snapshot of Ms. Sulkowicz rape theater:

In recent months, Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University senior who carries her mattress around campus as a protest against the university’s non-expulsion of her alleged rapist (and an art project for her senior thesis) has been hailed as a heroine in the battle against campus sexual assault.

While Sheridan and James maintain that somehow, group stalking and gang stalking are dissimilar, one glance at the data tells us that it is nearly all the same. However, because they are ensconced in the “fake world” of academia, they seldom see the similarity-or deal with victims of this horrible practice. I myself have known one individual who committed suicide after extensive harassment in her master’s degree program.

From HER online, a discussion about organized gang stalking in academic and institutional settings:

Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting

By Rheyanne Weaver HERWriter

The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there’s the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There’s also the fear that someone is following you. Then there is gang stalking.

This is the ultimate form of paranoia that turns out to be a well-founded suspicion and mistrust. Gang stalking is when a group of people decide to target an individual and attempt to control aspects of that individual’s life and monitor them 24/7. Generally, this is done without the person actually knowing about this organized stalking group, but if a person does find out, the results and helplessness can be devastating.

According to, “gang stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time.”

Sound sick yet? It gets worse. Targets are chosen for many reasons, including dissenting opinions in politics and the workplace. The overall goal is to break the targets down, from making them just look crazy for suspecting gang stalking to isolating them to ruining their reputation and credibility to forcing them to commit suicide.

People might participate in gang stalking without knowing these horrible consequences. They might gang stalk to be accepted into a group or be forced into gang stalking.

The Brush pass: what is ‘directed conversation’ in the OGS dialectic?

Those refreshing interludes.

“Every time we are sent down to Mexico to train one group in SWAT tactics, we know they’ll be sending us down there in ten years to kill the same guys we are training today.” and “It used to be that the Israeli’s came here to train, and now we go over there.”

–spoken to me by an anonymous retired SWAT lieutenant just this afternoon 08-15-2017

While on  the surface, my writings may seem to some to be provocative-which is what all respectable words SHOULD be-a certain group of ‘umbrella’ organizations and their adherents in and outside of policing and its affiliated brethren and sisterns might feel that my writings herein are “anti-police, or even “anti-government,” based on their political leanings, or payola.

I wish to point out the that nothing is further from the truth as pertains to my intentions, or more important than free speech regarding this topic, and that, unfettered by political compromises, or the silencing that can happen through the great blackmail scheme that we have come to learn is the NSA data collection scheme and its accompanying database abuse; and that due process is the first step and the last step one will ever take in America, and know with great pride that they are fortunate to live here, and interact here, as citizens. This is, I would like to remind my 26 readers from today, a right, and NOT a privilege.

One of the biggest problems facing American’s today is the same problem that is facing policing, which is that of defining the “us” from the “them.” This has and always been a problem in policing of any kind. When speaking of “us versus them,” it is important to look at the roots of this dual and dichotomous narrative, but also ask if “the right people” are the ones being targeted. Then, it is important to know that targeting via database operations has taken on nightmarish proportions for ALL American’s, including police.

So, ironically, I find myself lending voice to another kind of voiceless person, which are those in  policing, government, and other public sectors who themselves are targeted on multiple levels, and then, burdened with the need to keep silent, based on the heirarchy of blindly following orders, speaking when spoken to, keeping secrets, and doing as they are told.All of these can and do produce special, and specific mental disruptions, and certainly do affect mental processes; just as it does to citizens.

Of the OGS denialists, there seems to be a unified version of “these people are all mentally ill,” whereas of those targeted, they are, until recently, fairly silent, and frequently compromised in ways that defy conventional explanations. One such “targeting” took place upon American diplomats, and the US government clearly and decidedly implicated “sound weapons”in a main stream news story carried by the Associated Press.

So, of those who practice OGS, and those who are targeted, few know that police officers, and law enforcement in general are among the most targeted of all “individuals” as this new scheme of database abuse has some of them in it’s sights, as it once had common  criminals, and political targets in it’s vast net. Also in the net are frequently targeted diplomats, foreign service employees, and more. Then, beyond American’s being targeted, there is the fact that their relatives and associates are also targeted.

When I, for one, sit down to contemplate “what is America?” and “what is Democracy,” like most, I come up with the answer that we are world leaders and that the United States Constitution is a document written for everyone-it is written for the alt-left protester and the crybully as much as it is written for the alt-right racists and their affiliated groups who argue over statues in culture wars, rather than statutes which are violated every day by those who have abused citizens via database collection, and as such the Constitution, due process, which should be the focal point of our “American” discussion, has bee subsumed by identity politics of race class and gender wars; and Syria, or Iran is “our” enemy, instead of those who are tearing us apart, and using the Constitution as toilet paper; because regardless of the mess that international finance, and black operations of any and every kind put us in, we are, all still American’s FIRST.

And in that light, policing takes on an especially important role: that of “upholding an oath” to protect American’s, FIRST from enemies “both foreign and domestic.” This oath is not one that includes “well, you know, that American, versus that American is a better American, so we don’t have to protect him or her.” And it certainly does not include overlooking the long term, and frequently harmful targeting that factions of the LE community perpetrate against other factions of the LE community.

I myself have several members of my family who worked and who work in policing. And like all families, I also have many family members targeted-an  uncle just returned from Israel; an uncle who runs an American business that is highly targeted by mobsters and others; a cousin who is a past and current legal counsel for two former sitting presidents. And my own father- a Korea veteran, wore a wire for the FBI in the 1960’s, which certainly explains why I have chosen to write, rather than any other course of action, to peacefully protest the subversion of Democracy via database abuse, and it’s accompanying blackmail schemes.

As such, I have written this blog as a guide, and to encourage others to write their own, based in this as an example. My readership has blossomed, and certainly, the stories they are reading validate each and every thesis herein. My other work can be seen in other places, and I will continue to write as long as I am able, for the word is indeed mightier than the sword, if the hornets nest that I have kicked up here by breaking my own silence is any indicator.

On that note, let me add a few sprinkles of salt and pepper to (((cooking analogy thanks to Libra who hates it when I use his seekrit nym without accreditation)))  the story herein:

  1. I have been approached by no less than 6 people in the last three months who call themselves targeted individuals. One was a hacker,  two were Viet Nam era veterans, one was his ‘running partner’ who mentioned a certain man who was imprisoned for terrorism in 2001 or so;  one was a bag lady, one just a street kid who wished he could hack better. Another was chased out of his neighbrhood because he reads leftist literature, and his kid has autism.Three black, two hispanic. One white. This is more “TI’s” than I have ever met in such a short span of time.
  2. I watched over a period of 8 years as my life became ‘infiltrated’ and coincidence after coincidence piled up, as did compromising situations, situations that directly affected my life and safety, and much more. Finally, I will note that a relative of mine is affiliated with a certain database which contains the identities of every single American or foreigner who has ever passed a background check, or who has been fingerprinted-and this database was the exact one which was also used during the elections in Hugo Chavez’ elections. And as such, I blew the whistle when it was compromised BY those who work IN the exact organizations that are paid to protect that information. There is today, such a collaboration between those who work in corporations, and those who work in law enforcement to undermine us all via database abuse, and the selective leaking of information for political reasons.
  3. Like any whistle blower, journalist, or anyone else who has ever endured OGS, I can say with certainty that I fear for my life and safety, and the lives and safety of my family members. As such, I write this to inform the public at large, and those who have sought to compromise me that you are on notice; and I hope the wheels of government find you, and prosecute you to the fullest extent of  the law.

Lastly, on a refreshing note: I believe to the fullest extent that what I put forwards herein is a valid thesis which can and will be useful to those who are in similar positions. And to those who I might feel mocked, chided, or derided herein, maybe take a look at your own thesis, your own complicity, or your own immorality, and ask yourself why the things I write here are a challenge to you. But I for one, hope that my peaceful dissent and resistance can be seen as exactly that, and for the criminal, civil defense lawyer or other constitutional rights scholar; to those in the healing professions, and those in the wider dialectic find value herein.

Val is an electrician, and he was approached as a gang stalking recruit in an environment loaded with Durkheim’s ‘anomie’

Val is a merchant mariner, one of the most noble professions I can think of. When he is not at sea, he works with his family as an apprentice electrician, in a wealthy area of a large city. Then, like most men who are men, he spends some time when he is not at sea hanging out with other men in gritty urban environments, and associating with friends from where he grew up.

The only problem for he and his friends is that they all grew up black-and in one of the biggest and most notorious urban ghetto’s that is a virtual powder keg of the toxins and effects of racism and the disparity of wealth. And, they grew up on a watchlist called the CalGang database, which literally monitors gangster babies from birth as if they are a threat to “organized society. And this database like so many others today which are hidden beyond the view of those who are catalogued in them-this database presumes criminality from birth. As such these men are literally and in every sense “targeted individuals.”

As you have probably guessed by now, Val is black. Such is the power of stereotypes, but also the power of language used in propaganda-most western people believe that blacks are the primary residents of ghetto’s ( an out dated term in itself, as “the hood” is used by ghetto dwellers all around the world due to Hip Hop music.) And as such, Val hangs out with other black people. And unlike Jewish ghetto’s of earlier era’s, these men are not self segregated.

” I hang out there when I am not at sea, because it’s my way of giving back, and trying to let them know there’s more than that-living there.”

What Val is saying is that he was fortunate, and that he “got out,” of the enforced entrapment and containment scheme that American ghetto’s are-and that in order to inspire others, he feels he has a duty to go back and “associate” with those who are “still there.” And it is this which made him a target of recruitment for gang stalking; and a possible “threat” in the matrix should he not comply with community policing.

Then, there is a little known fact that black American’s who police their own neighborhoods are tracked, targeted and assassinated for doing so, as we saw in the 1960’s with Black Panthers and others, and even today; whereas Jews have their own police in the Bronx and other places. In fact, in western nations, only Jews are allowed to police “their own.” SO certainly, we must ask who it is that enforces racial barriers, as well as polices speech, and association around these topics.

While association isn’t illegal yet in western countries, in the paradigm of OGS, association becomes a de facto reason whereby police power can entrap and recruit others into the “community policing scheme.” As anyone who has watched the last few decades, change comes very slowly, if at all, and even then, it is mediated by police power, which acts as a gatekeeper between what is “good,” and what is “bad,”- but all of THAT takes place in the many gray area community policing schemes. Good and evil then, are mediated in the internecine battle ground of hidden strife between police power, and “we the people” in a hidden battleground where every day rights and liberties are pphrased-for some, but not all- as “privileges and immunities” or as “necessary compromises.”

Val’s story of being recruited into community policing

” I was back one time, and all of a sudden they swept up on us. We were in a pretty large group, mostly a bunch of guys just hanging out. They put us up on the wall- you know, spread your legs, keep your hands out of your pockets, like that. I had no problem with it really, you get used to it(….) and I complied. Then, after they went through all of our pockets like that the usual stuff(…), they had a job to do (….).”

“So I told them about my service, and he was kind of, you know, surprised, and he took me into his SUV. He was the watch commander- four stripes…and one loop. He asked me why I was hanging around these guys, and I told him what I just told you-because I believe that the only way to make a difference is to come back here, and, you know, show thee guys that there’s something else. He left me his card, and told me to call, you know if you see something and all that. I stilll have his card on my dashboard.”

What Val is describing is the gray area between our Constitutional rights of assembly and rights of association, and the paradox that gray area has produced for exploitation of “the little guy’s” while corporate interests ranging from Peter Thiel’s conspiracy with Google and Palantir, to psychologies reliance on drug comany definitions of mental health. For some, obviously, torture is ok, as lng as it’s the “bad guys” getting water up there nose, or a few “dangerous mentally ill people” popping a few fix-society-by-drugging-you pills when they complain about being “stalked” or “hunted” or otherwise ham stringed and black bagged by gray area policing schemes.

So, for some policing is purely profitable, but for most, the community policing scheme has produced an opposite effect on our society, and on our liberty, that is itself a civil conspiracy by those in power to force the police to become abusers of the Constitution itself.

Due to the lifting of the Constitutional guarantees of rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” via the un-Constitutional gray area policing scheme of organized gang stalking, aka community policing,  and the full blown assault on our rights of privacy, speech, press, assembly, and every single other right that can be inferred from the right of privacy not yet enumerated-we see that a vast encroachment on our rights to “freedom of association” are crimped at the internet switch, or our telephones, and thereafter. So, yes, this can have a disparate effect on select people, not least of which is to with draw from society that “perpetrates” such day to day abuses.

So- I would like to re-examine a main thesis of Dr. Lorraine Sheridan and David V. James, two academics whose lives have been lived in academia-which is a major social disease of our times, and which can lead to an echo chamber effect within researchers who have spent NO time in the real world. In fact, their famous study on OGS interviewed “the internet.” take a moment to let that sink in.  Then, nte that the term “gang stalking” is termed “group stalking” because those who wrote the study are practicing what amounts to a form of “gas lighting.” This happens because of the social disconnect between the modern transhumanists and actual, real people from across the spectrum. And not insignificantly, academics notoriously live and dwel in “ivory towers,” which Emil Durkheim discussed when he coined the term “anomie.”

For my purposes, I will note that ivory towers, and the incredible amounts of MIC and AIPAC money consumed by academics, can nearly eradicate human conscience, and any sense of ethics, much less insight into issues as complex as OGS as the fat of the trough swells their eyes shut. Here below is the definition of “anomie,” and some discussion of it next to a summary of the Sheridan James study-and it MUST be noted that those who are “suffering” OGS are being referred BACK INTO THE POLICING SCHEME by Sheridan and James:

noun: anomie; noun: anomy
  1. lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group.
    “the theory that high-rise architecture leads to anomie in the residents”

And here is the summary of Sheridan and James analyses of OGS as a likely “delusional disorder:”

Group-stalking appears to be delusional in basis, but complainants suffer marked psychological and practical sequelae. This is important in assessment of risk in stalking cases, early referral to psychiatric services and allocation of police resources.

So, Val, who I talked with this morning, reported an attempt to recruit him into the community policing scheme, by a “gang strike force” and offered the hint that cooperation with this as a “normative” duty of his citizenship was expected. Val is neither delusional, nor is he suffering trauma, because unlike others in his peer group, he had a father, he respects his fathers authority, and that father was also a world traveler. His father, as opposed to many others who got swept into high heels policing, such as this example here, encouraged individuality within “normative” association.
And, he imparted to Val a desire to “get out and see the world,” which he did. In doing so, Val, unlike his peer group, Val learned about the “hierarchy of relationships,” and probably a thing or two about kyriarchical paradigms, though he didn’t elaborate it as such. Instead, he had a grasp on what iis anomie, and he tries to make a difference, realizing that “all things are NOT created equal.”
Here is a bit more about Durkheim’s anomie:
It was popularized by French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his influential book Suicide (1897). Durkheim never uses the term normlessness; rather, he describes anomie as “derangement”, and “an insatiable will”.[3] Durkheim used the term “the malady of the infinite” because desire without limit can never be fulfilled; it only becomes more intense.
Durkheim, who used the concept to speak of the ways in which an individual’s actions are matched, or integrated, with a system of social norms and practices… anomie is a mismatch, not simply the absence of norms.
I have discussed anomie and organized gang stalking in terms of gang stalking being an unethical, illicit and illegal practice that psychology, and policing and the hidden networks of abusive social power that are wielded by “community policing” and NGO’s and other’s who participate in it, and yet because there is an absence of “norms” or even awareness, and worse, that in a society where power is the goal, that “norms” themselves are unhealthy; as do the methods of enforcing them, and that inequitably.
None of these that act as gatekeepers and interpreters of “what is normal” have any insight whatsoever, as I have noted that hose who have written on the topic are part of the official denial of the practice; and those that do are themselves corrupt to the point of being OGS denialists who use power to enforce corruption- that corruption for powers sake IS the norm; and that OGS “symptoms” are anomie that is experienced bu those who cannot in any way participate in our current society.
Academia is ill suited to deal with OGS in any substantive way- and I suggest it is because they are socially disconnected themselves- that they embody the worst that Durkheim could have imagined. And, it is not surprising that  in Durkheim’s anomie, and our current pervasive police and surveillance state, that in:
a society with too much rigidity and little individual discretion could also produce a kind of anomie… Thus, fatalistic suicide arises when a person is too rule-governed
Note that in anomie, suicide is a possible outcome, and in fact was the subject f Durkheim’s analyses- and in the OGS dialectic,  there is nearly a constant drum beat for victims to do exactly that.
This is not incidental- it is an integral component of the eugenic nature inherent to the entire dialectic, and as such, and in the case of Val, who “got out” we see the disparate police power attempting to enlist him in the aid of becoming a rat, rather than an individual attempting to make a difference by merely setting a good example as an accomplished individual. That he is being subtly encouraged to become an informer as a first step into a wider dialectical power base, and thus, recruited into the gray area.
So, of the many things that this one example provides, I cannot tell you if Val was stalked in a database before the event he describes. I cannot tell you if Dataminr, Palantir, Media Sonar, or any of the many other ways that our relationships are tracked and monitored by police and others every day were deployed on him.
But I can tell you with scientific certainty that he was profiled; targeted; and an attempt was made to recruit him to become an informant in his community. And with certainty, I can ell you that this all happened in a highly targeted environment, whose future has been mapped frequently from birth.