Speaking of “what happens to gang stalking targets?” A story from 2014-16

Speaking of espionage- but really quietly of course, here in public, about mission creep and bleed-over into a dying Constitutional Democracy.

“There not using them that way- they’re using them here…”

Background: Consensual Surveillance is what the DHS, ICE, FBI and even state level agencies call their secret warrantless cellphone surveillance,. They have been monitoring and manipulating the communications of Americans via Cessna airplanes using technology called Stingrays and Hailstorm here in America since before 2006.

My first encounter with this form of warrantless surveillance by air was in 2011 or so when a little yellow Cessna airplane followed me everywhere, for hours, across a mid-western city.  Then, I pulled my phones battery for the first time ever- and the plane disappeared.

Hard link: https://everydayconcerned.net/2015/11/


Low and Slow is the way to go when monitoring American’s speech : off-the-radar, “push-broom” hyper spectral imaging is more than picking up chatter.

The Beechcraft King Air turbo-prop is a beautiful bird. And it’s used to fly domestic surveillance missions in the U.S., and scoop up data about Americans

So- there’s this guy who worked on the electronic navigation and stability systems that are in MRAPs, the spectral imaging and photographic capabilities of FBI spy planes that currently monitor the phones of many Americans without a warrant or even probable cause; and the heavier military grade spectral and thermal imaging systems of CIA, DEA, and USAF surveillance aircraft. He particularly was fond of his work on the Beechcraft King Air line. How could those planes NOT be an engineers favorite- the name alone is so retro and air-crafty.

Related Story: EMARSS aircraft crashes over Iraq– what was it doing?

He said “These things can look down through the roof of your house, and draw a multi-tiered 3D heat map and watch you move through your house in real time.” He really thought highly of those Beechcraft Surveillance planes.


All images courtesy of Beechcraft online: http://beechcraft.txtav.com/en/king-air-c90gtx

I met him at a Japanese restaurant in November of 2014, a tonkatsu ramen and saki place in a strip mall next to a hotel where he was a regular; at least, as much of a regular as a guy who moves around a lot,  working for military contractors and weapons manufacturers.

At the time, I was surprised that he was telling me, a virtual stranger, about domestic surveillance in the U.S. done TO Americans by intelligence agencies, BY the #goodguys at every level. I always thought the #badguys and the #otherguys did that stuff in their countries, to their peoples. Turns out some of those guys are training on those same planes as I write.

And, I would love to tell you more, but it might be illegal to do so, cuz, national security and stuff-you know: the Chinese or the North Koreans- maybe the Syrians or ISIS!! might get a leg up,catch us with our pants down, and tap all our phones, or follow us around with airplanes to get at all of our phone data and stuff.

Also, because we know that main stream journalists are so reputable and all, after President Obama authorized the dispensing of propaganda on the American public in 2011. A main stream media so reputable that they forgot to question the surveillance state as it was being built above my head. There are plainly too many military industrial surveillance state ‘official sources’ to wine and dine for stories- real inside scoops about cute puppies, or a stadium or something. Busy busy busy hungry hungry hungry officials: the #goodguys busy and hungry together.


Anyways, these MRAPs were designed for military use,in theaters of war, but somehow ended up parked next to your local donut shops all across America.

Related Story: Colorado SWAT team completely demolishes man’s home looking for a shoplifter who stole 15 dollars worth of stuff.

Well: once upon a time on a phone long since stolen, I was making a case in the public’s interest about how airplanes are being used domestically to spy on Americans phone calls, and possibly looking through our roofs. I used Gmail and kept notes and contact info there. And, that story literally got scooped out of my Gmail account, then somehow hit the newspapers- in Minnesota.



And this guy- I’ll call him Jack- was a mess. He was hammered- absolutely shitfaced; he was all tore up about missing his aged mother- how he wanted a ghostwriter to tell her story to the world.

“Let me tell you- there are good mothers and then there was her: my mother was the best mother ever- anyone could see it. She was like a saint…” and so he went on about his mother.

And he was weeping. Weeping about how his inventions were being mis-used. You see, he works for many of the weapons dealers and arms suppliers that build the bombs and the drones and the MRAPs there in front of your house. He is a military industrial complex engineer.

Here is a project he worked on:


And this doozy which he made note of:


His biggest problem seemed to be that he felt that he had no say in the fact that these tools were being used to target civilians.

“I never gave my consent…they never told me they would be used this way…” and so on. He was horrified when he found out that the multiple agencies were using his toys and tools to target practice on American citizens, here, in America. That the FBI et al were training their pilots and their resources using Americans for practice, without warrants.

There’s this point between men where boundaries become demilitarized- where we drop our guard, and empathize: where we try to comfort another man, which is always awkward. And, where one wonders if the weirdness might be a whole ‘nother level of weird.

Well, the guy stumbled towards me in his stupor, head hanging in his hands- and he was literally slobbering as he gasped one of those horrid sort of drunk guy gasps that precedes horrible crying,  and then sprang at me and was in my arms, where he found a slobbery nook on my shoulder to weep into.

Awkward indeed- blurring boundaries, blurring stories, one minute on about his mother the next, talking about how the technology he designed for  Beechcraft could “look through your ceiling and create a 3D image model” of you as you take a shit in the privacy of your own home. ( Update: here is a story that ran in Popular Science on April 6, 2016, shortly before I wrote this story herein, and shortly after I spoke with a confidential informant: http://www.popsci.com/fbi-planes-used-augmented-reality-to-watch-america)

I said ” Well, these are the kind of tools we need in a war.” He gasped a cry and said “There not using them that way- they’re using them here…” and more weeping.

I couldn’t help but feel my lifelong revulsion to men, and weeping men, but especially- weeping men slobbering snot on my shirt.

But, in some conversations, I guess I overlook my own biases and listen for the story that really matters. And he seemed nice enough, provided an interesting story full of details.

In this case, it was that one detail- that military grade photo-thermal imaging was being used on American citizens.

That seemed important.

Within a day, I bumped into anther guy in the hallway carrying a Stingray sized briefcase- one of those metal kind that you see in the movies. And, the next night, a long black Suburban with no license plates of any kind parked under my motel window. Within three months, the phone where I kept my research and notes about this incident disappeared from my car.

And- the story about how the FBI is using these technologies broke almost immediately after my ability to report it had been erased. This has been the nature of my journalism for over a decade and counting; and why I provide these stories to others now- because control of my personal narrative begins and ends with this strange idea of my personal ‘right to privacy- my right to be left alone.’

But also, it coexists along with the public’s right to know.

A quick note on statistics: I get about 60 posts read per day. Is organized gang stalking real? If you read only ONE post on this blog, read this one.

I think at this point, I have essentially proven my many thesis points, and I encourage other researchers to study this topic from any angle they wish. And to test and retest my many hypotheses against other evidence-but I especially advise you to separate the OGS dialectic from the “noise” of directed energy weapons, UFO’s aliens and all that other classic USAF/CIA/DEA/FBI counter-intelligence psychobabble.

While to some, it may seem OK to use people in experiments, create great stress and angst with the inducement of trauma and fear through OGS; or target indigent populations, or to harass people with pre-existing mental health conditions; or to abuse whistle blowers, journalists, and common criminals- I remind the reader that due process is sacred, and that so-called national security exceptions aren’t; and while your personal institutional sociopathy may express itself in the “gray area” community policing scheme, I have deliberately and beyond my own better judgement been compelled to the plate to take a swing “for the little guys and gals” who are targeted with OGS  by institutional psychopaths and sociopaths who are enlisted in your/their schemes.

In the time I was writing this, I literally encountered more Rotarians than I ever thought existed. In America, there are somewhere near 130,000 of them- I have encountered five of them out of the blue, and three of them are current or retired police or intelligence. While each particular case of OGS may have a distinctly different cause or tone, I note with empirical evidence that Rotarian’s appear in many online narratives of OGS and real estate is literally the battle ground they appear on[follow that link].

In the half year it took me to write this blog alone, I have encountered over ten persons who call themselves targeted individuals, also “out of the blue,” and I have been approached with three stories that involve national security. My cars have been broken into, and my phones have been stolen.

There was Donald, the Viet Nam era explosives expert, and Bit’s the amazing hacker; Lucie (who is a genuine TI), and of course, who can forget how Sava appeared out of nowhere-from two continents away! To remind me that his sister and I went to college together.

In the last years, I  caught a plainly bizarre”Sataniss” sniffing neighbor climbing around the telephone pole in my alley as my internet was juggled around for about two years. Oh, yeah: he was the block captain.

I met a man- THE man who literally invented ALL of the technology (more or less) that CIA/DEA/FBI spycraft use- and he a Lockheed Martin and other big MIC engineer contractor who invented specifically the exact technology that MRAP’s use for guidance; and he also informed me of how EMARSS systems and other equipment on FBI airplanes works, and how the technology that HASN”T been reported in MSM includes that “they” use 3D “heat maps” to literally look into your home, and build a 3D model of you taking a sh!t.

A SWAT team member and his cohort moved in next door to me and dished gossip very loudly and more- much much more, which I can document, and literally “prove,” including the names of these individuals, which other’s have documented as well.

A whorehouse full of underaged hookers was “busted” blocks from my local sheriffs station; another cop was busted selling guns blocks away from me. ALl of this, and I never once “see/saw/ or said something ” to bring attention to any of it- I never once picked up a phone or dialed a call or sent an email to discuss any of this except to my select witnesses.

I was approached just last week with information from a man claiming he is the son of one the founders of the CIA; and gave a retired wise guy a ride home in my car. I interviewed a retied SWAT commander who knew the difference between costume jewelry and a 25k pigeon blood pendant.

And all of this, above, as a major database breach was foiled because a Fortune 30 company with retired FBI on it’s payroll failed to note the slow data leakage from a controlled area that requires CGIS oversight; and that leak which targeted primarily LEO’s BY other LEO’s, who work in the EXACT due process violating gray area ‘community policing’ scheme’s I have outlined herein. And I can name the city where this subversion is centered- but no one cares anymore about due process, because they are all snout deep in it.

And I never once lifted the phone and asked for any of it- for this is how ‘wiretapped’ a TI’s phone can be. I never contacted any of these people first a they all came to me. Think about that for a minute, and get back to me. Or better yet, please don’t.

So- for the future researchers who might wonder “what is organized gang stalking” and “what is a targeted individual” you can take this above as my testimony, and I can point you to witnesses and other evidence and data who can and will verify that what I say herein is true to the letter. But sometimes, vampires need a kick in the teeth, and hopefully, this blog will do that for others who are being violated like this.

Sooo: what did YOU do this week? In that light, I have demonstrated herein – that organized gang stalking is:

1) real, and has non-organic non-delusional basis

2) it is gaining currency as a legitimate complaint, an that Sheridan and James et al are delusional in stating that victims of OGS should be isolated, or cut off the interet, because the use of the internet is a crucial tool with which to raise awareness of OGS

3) that psychologists are actually part of the problem, and frequently co-conspirators in “political/punitive psychology” especially in this matter; and they are somehow very invested (literally, in the monetary sense; and as we see with the CIA torture psychologists Mitchell and Jessen, psychology is an amoral and unethical enterprise at the state level; and in denying OGS to the point where junk science such as the Lorraine Sherridan and David V. James study, as well as the Elizabeth Dietrich study are  deliberate “official source gas lighting,” and very likely intentional fraud that has not demonstrated or otherwise given merit to OGS claims

4) that law enforcement, working in the gray area schemes ranging from outright criminal conduct, to collaboration with outside agencies in criminal conduct (such as Stratfor, or LEIU’s) and as such has a vested interest in keeping it relegated to “delusional complaint” because frequently we see LEO’s are actually perpetrating it, but also, they get paid based on statistics-so the more call to 911 the more work they make. This is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex “at work” making it’s own “work.”

5) that it is most frequently a crime of those who have power directed at those who do not have power, and it relies on this power imbalance to institute itself, and also to erase it’s hidden criminal conduct, such as the case of literally yusing “mind control” on peple who were later exonerated in the  Largest DNA exoneration in American History.

6) that elements of religious sects and cults; academic cults; intelligence agencies, community policing, NGO’s and corporations, Rotary Club, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the Jewish Federations, Asian Law Caucus member’s, AIPAC, Google, Palantir, Media Sonar et al; and private security contractors, real estate developers and all manners of political stalking that ALL use identical tactics and methods of harassment, and also inter-relate to each other in secular settings to plot stalking.

7) that using the original counter-intelligence “pre-loaded” term of “gang stalking” is an appropriate term to describe the highly organized domestic terrorism that OGS is, because it has currency in the online dialectic-and that taking the power away from stalkers by using their own terms is a crucial step to understanding OGS complaints. Also, that the term gang stalking marks a clear turning point in American Democracy where some felt it was alright to bend and break the law to “get gang criminals off the streets” or to destroy due process to “get organized crime,” as we saw in the LEIU’s stated purpose-and that this sliding sce of morality has now reached into the wider culture as police budgets that get ever more fat seek to prove their “value.”

The Brush pass: what is ‘directed conversation’ in the OGS dialectic?

Those refreshing interludes.

“Every time we are sent down to Mexico to train one group in SWAT tactics, we know they’ll be sending us down there in ten years to kill the same guys we are training today.” and “It used to be that the Israeli’s came here to train, and now we go over there.”

–spoken to me by an anonymous retired SWAT lieutenant just this afternoon 08-15-2017

While on  the surface, my writings may seem to some to be provocative-which is what all respectable words SHOULD be-a certain group of ‘umbrella’ organizations and their adherents in and outside of policing and its affiliated brethren and sisterns might feel that my writings herein are “anti-police, or even “anti-government,” based on their political leanings, or payola.

I wish to point out the that nothing is further from the truth as pertains to my intentions, or more important than free speech regarding this topic, and that, unfettered by political compromises, or the silencing that can happen through the great blackmail scheme that we have come to learn is the NSA data collection scheme and its accompanying database abuse; and that due process is the first step and the last step one will ever take in America, and know with great pride that they are fortunate to live here, and interact here, as citizens. This is, I would like to remind my 26 readers from today, a right, and NOT a privilege.

One of the biggest problems facing American’s today is the same problem that is facing policing, which is that of defining the “us” from the “them.” This has and always been a problem in policing of any kind. When speaking of “us versus them,” it is important to look at the roots of this dual and dichotomous narrative, but also ask if “the right people” are the ones being targeted. Then, it is important to know that targeting via database operations has taken on nightmarish proportions for ALL American’s, including police.

So, ironically, I find myself lending voice to another kind of voiceless person, which are those in  policing, government, and other public sectors who themselves are targeted on multiple levels, and then, burdened with the need to keep silent, based on the heirarchy of blindly following orders, speaking when spoken to, keeping secrets, and doing as they are told.All of these can and do produce special, and specific mental disruptions, and certainly do affect mental processes; just as it does to citizens.

Of the OGS denialists, there seems to be a unified version of “these people are all mentally ill,” whereas of those targeted, they are, until recently, fairly silent, and frequently compromised in ways that defy conventional explanations. One such “targeting” took place upon American diplomats, and the US government clearly and decidedly implicated “sound weapons”in a main stream news story carried by the Associated Press.

So, of those who practice OGS, and those who are targeted, few know that police officers, and law enforcement in general are among the most targeted of all “individuals” as this new scheme of database abuse has some of them in it’s sights, as it once had common  criminals, and political targets in it’s vast net. Also in the net are frequently targeted diplomats, foreign service employees, and more. Then, beyond American’s being targeted, there is the fact that their relatives and associates are also targeted.

When I, for one, sit down to contemplate “what is America?” and “what is Democracy,” like most, I come up with the answer that we are world leaders and that the United States Constitution is a document written for everyone-it is written for the alt-left protester and the crybully as much as it is written for the alt-right racists and their affiliated groups who argue over statues in culture wars, rather than statutes which are violated every day by those who have abused citizens via database collection, and as such the Constitution, due process, which should be the focal point of our “American” discussion, has bee subsumed by identity politics of race class and gender wars; and Syria, or Iran is “our” enemy, instead of those who are tearing us apart, and using the Constitution as toilet paper; because regardless of the mess that international finance, and black operations of any and every kind put us in, we are, all still American’s FIRST.

And in that light, policing takes on an especially important role: that of “upholding an oath” to protect American’s, FIRST from enemies “both foreign and domestic.” This oath is not one that includes “well, you know, that American, versus that American is a better American, so we don’t have to protect him or her.” And it certainly does not include overlooking the long term, and frequently harmful targeting that factions of the LE community perpetrate against other factions of the LE community.

I myself have several members of my family who worked and who work in policing. And like all families, I also have many family members targeted-an  uncle just returned from Israel; an uncle who runs an American business that is highly targeted by mobsters and others; a cousin who is a past and current legal counsel for two former sitting presidents. And my own father- a Korea veteran, wore a wire for the FBI in the 1960’s, which certainly explains why I have chosen to write, rather than any other course of action, to peacefully protest the subversion of Democracy via database abuse, and it’s accompanying blackmail schemes.

As such, I have written this blog as a guide, and to encourage others to write their own, based in this as an example. My readership has blossomed, and certainly, the stories they are reading validate each and every thesis herein. My other work can be seen in other places, and I will continue to write as long as I am able, for the word is indeed mightier than the sword, if the hornets nest that I have kicked up here by breaking my own silence is any indicator.

On that note, let me add a few sprinkles of salt and pepper to (((cooking analogy thanks to Libra who hates it when I use his seekrit nym without accreditation)))  the story herein:

  1. I have been approached by no less than 6 people in the last three months who call themselves targeted individuals. One was a hacker,  two were Viet Nam era veterans, one was his ‘running partner’ who mentioned a certain man who was imprisoned for terrorism in 2001 or so;  one was a bag lady, one just a street kid who wished he could hack better. Another was chased out of his neighbrhood because he reads leftist literature, and his kid has autism.Three black, two hispanic. One white. This is more “TI’s” than I have ever met in such a short span of time.
  2. I watched over a period of 8 years as my life became ‘infiltrated’ and coincidence after coincidence piled up, as did compromising situations, situations that directly affected my life and safety, and much more. Finally, I will note that a relative of mine is affiliated with a certain database which contains the identities of every single American or foreigner who has ever passed a background check, or who has been fingerprinted-and this database was the exact one which was also used during the elections in Hugo Chavez’ elections. And as such, I blew the whistle when it was compromised BY those who work IN the exact organizations that are paid to protect that information. There is today, such a collaboration between those who work in corporations, and those who work in law enforcement to undermine us all via database abuse, and the selective leaking of information for political reasons.
  3. Like any whistle blower, journalist, or anyone else who has ever endured OGS, I can say with certainty that I fear for my life and safety, and the lives and safety of my family members. As such, I write this to inform the public at large, and those who have sought to compromise me that you are on notice; and I hope the wheels of government find you, and prosecute you to the fullest extent of  the law.

Lastly, on a refreshing note: I believe to the fullest extent that what I put forwards herein is a valid thesis which can and will be useful to those who are in similar positions. And to those who I might feel mocked, chided, or derided herein, maybe take a look at your own thesis, your own complicity, or your own immorality, and ask yourself why the things I write here are a challenge to you. But I for one, hope that my peaceful dissent and resistance can be seen as exactly that, and for the criminal, civil defense lawyer or other constitutional rights scholar; to those in the healing professions, and those in the wider dialectic find value herein.

Gang stalking and retired law enforcement and LEIU’s

Eleanor White is one of the few who have a internet presence documenting gang stalking, and also, one of the few who has revealed that retired law enforcement agents participate in or otherwise instigate gang stalking.


She is widely discussed in the online TI community, and has several websites that became inactive around 2011, just as others began to document this “phenomenon.” Ms. White claims she was smeared for decades in Canada as a pedophile.

I personally find her work questionable or suspect for two reasons: 1) she is heavily engaged in the “DEW’s” side of the discussion, which largely discredits others in the OGS community that are reporting police abuses and corporate or institutional level harassment, and even repeating words and phrases and entire belief systems that are clearly the products of influence operations aka soft force mind control 2) she always uses the word “raven” in her work, and ravens are synonymous with signals intelligence community-one of the ways that operatives signal to each other online.

You can find many examples online where blackbirds, ravens and more are used to signal, but especially note that in CIA funded domestic control and infiltration programs such as MHCHAOS*-which was operated by the Navy– of the 1960’s, where media mockingbirds and others literally mocked the “truth,” and as some online today, using backdoor access to Twitter’s firehose from the domestic spy and democracy subversion centers called “Fusion Centers”, all of which go by different names, and which make them harder to pin  down- just like a flock of crows itself; birds are indeed a theme in signals intelligence and elsewhere when OGS is mentioned. As such, “birds” are part of military jargon, and “argot” language and integral to OGS.

Related: The Society of Old Crows-retired military and LE signals intelligence uses the blackbird as its mascot.

You can contact them on Twitter @AOCrows if you have any doubt about blackbirds, ravens, swallows, or rats nibbling through the bottom planks of American Democracy

Assoc. of Old Crows

I am not saying that much or most of White’s work is not credible, but there are a few red flags for me, personally. Your interpretation might differ. And I am NOT saying that here experience is entirely poorly described either, as she ws one of those who frequently encouraged others, and also encouraged the use of common terms to describe the experiences of TI’s, most notably advising that the use of the agency created term “gang stalking” was itself a poor descriptor, and a way for those who have the power to manipulate others to force them to use their language via sheep dipping the individual complaint with a poorly chosen term.

It is now well known that retired cops, and other intelligence or investigative  agency old timers are involved in organized gang stalking, as they do the dirty work and act out revenge fantasies for active LEO’s on people who they target. Most cited is that fact that Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU’s) and Fusion Centers handle much of the high level targeting and especially the stalking, but also, that they utilize hidden resources, and exploit previous relationships in government and LE to break the law, and create cases.

And, whereas once their was doubt that America’s police and intelligence services are waging a domestic war of “us and them” on citizens outside the view of the courts and Congress, slowly we see that the law no longer applies to some, and that due process has been denied to ALL Americans in the NSA/FBI/CIA domestic spying pipeline that provable targets individuals, but also, flagrantly violates the rights of many in their quest to create a narrative.

Related Story: The Electronic Frontier Foundation documents 40,000 flagrant violations of due process by the FBI

So- partially to answer the recurring questions that many TI’s ask, such as  “where do the gang stalkers get the money to target me?” and “but who has the time to target me in such an elaborate scheme of violations?” the answers become more clear-there is no law and no oversight of the agencies that have effectively blackmailed Congress and the courts into submission.

Acting as agents of social control, and outside of the constitutional protections of due process, these cops work in ways that violate the letter and the spirit f the law as they harass, monitor, wiretap, or otherwise work outside of the courts and the law to enact petty revenge, intimidate, bully, or otherwise violate targeted individuals.

As awareness begins to mount on this topic, and many sane and reputable people such as whistle blowers and journalists report being targets of these hidden domestic campaigns, and as damage control has gone into high gear-the internet is becoming a target itself- a target of ‘revisionism’ that seeks to hide the few details that expose who the perpetrators actually are.

Eleanor White is widely said to be a leader of the OGS awareness movement. Although this author has no opinion one way or another on her credibility, I can say that she has at times brought interesting cockroaches out of their hidey holes-as the thin blue line sometimes cracks when she shows up on radio programs or online discussion boards.

Here below is an example of evidence that retired law enforcement agents participate in OGS, but also, as I document, how they are currently scrubbing the internet to hide this fact. And I will note, no other blogger or OGS reporter has documented either of these facts.

Swallows and Ravens: the language of Spies or the language of “people caught in an ideological echo chamber?”

Duckduckgo Search Terms: “Eleanor White had called in to the Richard Syrett show on Mojo Radio, 640 AM”

Original link: http://www.gangstalkingwiki.com/www.MultiStalkerVictims.org/default.htm

The following text was part of the material that I saved offline last year as I researched this topic:

“Eleanor White had called in to the Richard Syrett show on Mojo Radio, 640 AM, Toronto about organized stalking. A short while later, another caller called in to “explain” to me that what happens is that retired police officers sometimes “make life Hell” for selected people “until certain conditions are met.”

The examples the caller gave were deadbeat dads paying up their child support, or sex offenders moving away. Clearly, the original Ku Klux Klan setup has been extended to include many other “undesirables”.

“Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me, a year after I left the lab, ‘You are in a police net you will never get out of … for the rest of your life.’ http://www.gangstalkingwiki.com/www.MultiStalkerVictims.org/default.htm

Screen captures that document the now-broken links to this web-page (just after I documented this elsewhere online). If one thing is highly targeted, it is the online comments and other “leaks” that reveal this aspect of OGS:

Retired cops gang stalking child support and sex offenders

Note the two classes of persons above who retired law enforcement officers (who took an oath to uphold our Constitution) and others working with them target for harassment “child support debtors and sex offenders.” First they came for the—-.

Now, one piece of evidence is interesting, but other blogs and media formats also document these situations as well, and especially noteworthy are the cases of Jeff Pataky, a blogger who wrote “Bad Phoenix Cops,” or Bob Deis the former Stockton city manager who was gang stalked by the police union, and former marine John Lang, who was found dead in his burning home as firefighters parked blocks away.

The web is full of disinformation, paranoia and other classic official source gas-lighting but the video’s and testimony of  John Lang, a father, a marine, and a police corruption whistle blower, captured some of the most credible video on the web of what these intimidation campaigns look like[link here]. He claims also that the local PD was constantly trying to “pedofy” him just as White claims she was pedofied (this is also a word from the LE jargon).

Here, below is one random comment that also documents this common perception that certain classes of people are targeted outside the law by those who feel they are  above the law-that they have somehow earned the ‘right’ to harass others. Most notably- the  classes of individuals who can be “targeted and harassed” has bloomed from child support owing fathers and sex offenders to seven categories of citizens who are targeted.

First, they came for——–, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a ——–. Then, the category bloomed to seven other classes of people….(see footnote below)

1)child support and unscrupulous collectors, 2)domestic violence anything, 3)people who except plea bargins and “deals,”or suspended sentences instead of saying “not guilty,” 4) any call to 911, 5) insufficient representation by an inadequate attorney who fails to inform you of all the possible consequences and side effects of anything short of not guilty, trial by jury and acquittal/dismissal, 6)any sex offender accusation (even public urination) or worse, 7) beating the police at their own game or having them think you’ve gotten away with something are all good points from which to start when looking for answers

George T Boneyard

I tried to track down the person who commented on that forum but could not find the ‘nym’ “George T. Boneyard” anywhere else on the internet except one web forum similar to Ebay that sells goods. The answer that Boneyard gave, however, encapsulates in a paragraph what can be found in many other blogs and forums online.

And, without irony, I note that this comment appeared on Techdirt.com, which is both an excellent website, but also, one of the very few that has ever attempted to shine light on OGS. The article was covering how an accidental click on a weblink brought a person into the wonderful world of hidden and secret, pervasive and horrific investigation and harassment.

And that man, Jeffrey Kantor, was one of the very few who have ever attempted to document this “phenomenon” of police, fire, security industry, and military OGS.

From the article (but follow the link-it is an excellent read):

“In October of 2009, Kantor used the search engine Google to try to find, ‘How do I build a radio-controlled airplane,'” he states in his complaint. “He ran this search a couple weeks before the birthday of his son with the thought of building one together as a birthday present. After typing, ‘how do I build a radio controlled’, Google auto-completed his search to, ‘how do I build a radio controlled bomb.'”

From that point on, Kantor alleges coworkers, supervisors and government investigators all began “group stalking” him. Investigators used the good cop/bad cop approach, with the “bad cop” allegedly deploying anti-Semitic remarks frequently. In addition, his coworkers at Appian (a government contractor) would make remarks about regular people committing murder-suicides (whenever Kantor expressed anger) or how normal people just dropped dead of hypertension (whenever Kantor remained calm while being harassed).

Kantor also claims he was intensely surveilled by the government from that point forward.

He claims government officials monitored his book purchases and home computer, and implied that everything he did was being monitored…

Kantor [also] claims the stalking spilled over into his personal life when the government secretly attached a GPS antenna to his car to track him.

Kantor alleges this harassment continued long after he lost his job at Appian (who he’s currently suing as well). The claims of stalking, harassment and surveillance fill a great deal of the 33-page filing. His suit also claims that personal information obtained through “FISA warrants” was routinely used against him (and repeated back to him) by a number of people — the so-called “group stalking” or “gang stalking.”

Most importantly, Kantor’s lawsuit came at a time BEFORE we knew with certainty that Fusion Centers are actively disrupting our communications; and just around the time when Edward Snowden revealed this Democracy destroying plot by the deep state.

So, a therapist, psychologist, or other care provider, legal counsel, or judge or jury member should be instructed that such appearances of mental illness that indict the nebulous “the government” is in fact a much wider, much better organized entrapment and harassment scheme.


*While the 1960’s might well have defeated the sex biased military draft, where Dr. Moss David Posner became a target, those efforts did not defeat the full militarization of democratic processes, or the total takeover of the individual citizens right to dissent. In fact today what we see as “targeted individuals” are in fact an extenuation of the CIA’s “executive assassination” programs that were hinted at by Seymour Hersh, but instead, they target activists and potential influencers of public discourse, such as an avowed targeted individual, Gavin Long aka Cosmo Setepenra, and the Ferguson MO activists who continue to be found shot dead in burning cars in mysterious “suicides.”

MHCHAOS was the program where the CIA had fully inserted itself into American domestic policy and democratic processes, participating in the subversion of American Constitutional rights of due process, and violating it’s charter. Common leaflet printers and major activists were targeted and all military agencies began the wok together on American soil, against democracy. Most are familiar with the FBI’s COINTELPRO, but few are aware that the US has not been an actual democracy since this era.

Operation MH/CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the late1960s and early 1970s. Operation MH/CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the late1960s and early 1970s. MH/CHAOS: The CIA’s Campaign Against the Radical New Left and the Black Panthers is an insider’s account of the CIA’s Counterintelligence Staff’s Special Operations Group first charged by Presidents Lyndon Johnson and later by Richard Nixon to find foreign intelligence, terrorist, organizations or government contacts, controlling or influencing Anti-Vietnam War activists or American black extremists protesting, bombing and carrying out other anti-government, unlawful or illegal activities in the United States. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms, by chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober. The program’s goal was to unmask possible foreign influences on the student antiwar movement. The “MH” designation signified that the program had a worldwide area of operations.”

Without irony, this author notes that the NSA/CIA/DHS/FBI and 13 other agencies are currently combing through the data of ALL American citizens alike, looking for evidence of crimes or blackmail material that can be leveraged against votes, and more, in an operation that makes the CIA’s 1960’s social experiment look like a gnat compared to today’s dying Athena.

Footnote: I spoke on te phone with a single mother of two grown children the other day, 08-16-2017. She is a homeowner who had applied for SSI, and who had been gang stalked for years by her block captains in a slander campaign in Coon Rapids, MN.

Her harassment included claims that she was “crazy” and “violent” and more, frequently after cmplaining about her neighbors loud parties;  and false arrests and eventually a fifty year restraining order-but no criminal conviction. As such, we see the new targets have bloomed to eight, as single mothers were once inviolable bastions of American virtue.

The couple who acted as block captains in the fashion of Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany, or Mao’s China, who I shall not yet name, harassed her for years with noise and more, and exacerbated her community to the point where she was demonized, and police encouraged repeated calls to her home.

Without irony, the couple who moved in next door to her has now moved out, and also, divorced or separated. She however, still has the 50 year restraining order, despite never having laid a hand on anyone.