Copies of Nothing: police psychology and the replication of power through willful ignorance, and bullying.

It is nearly impossible to impute to the reader how disproportionate the telling of the story of “targeted individuals” of organized gang stalking is in terms of power versus those who are powerless; or that the issue of “TI’s” is in fact one of “first they came for the ________, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a (member of the Beatrice Six). But the fact is that beyond interagency collaborationn to subvert the Constitution in the name of “goodguyism,” only the little guys and gals get targeted, while others get “flipped” or otherwise compromised.

So let’s take a look at one of the many illegal database schemes that has been minimized or eradicated from our ability to view this illegality in the press, and where innocent people and Americans were targeted by an intelligence agency that was really a multi-agency Hydra of subversion on American-and international shores.

The DEA and the SOD database: They needed a code word to describe their voyeurism, and then, to discredit those they targeted with clandestine, illegal, iun-Constitutional HUMINT campaigns of coercion and terror.

Let’s first take a look at “police psychological profiles” that are generally stuck somewhere in the toilet, as most of the religiously afflicted are, and then, add the opportunistic and voyeuristic and eugenic nature of feminist jurisprudence through the eyes of Kurt Vonnegut, who was popular with militarist feminists during the rise of the neocon “left” and the DVIC, where we discovered that women’s violence is well financed, and internationalist, because “hungry hungry hungry!“:

From “Breakfast of Champions,” where Vonnegut- a survivor of the fire-bombing of Dresden– critiques “white male power” but forgets to note “white female privilege,”which is perhaps more deadly, if Dresden, or Holodmor are any example .

wide open beavers.jpg

So, voyeurism (the NSA to local LEO data theft pipeline) and photography ( they frequently make threats that they have secret databases with TI’s pictures in them; and agencies are indeed using our televisions and our laptop camera’s to spy on us) is a major them of these neo-fascists and their Hegelian counter parts, and the “TI” is their secret passion, as women’s deviance and violence takes different and creative forms.

If I showed you pictures of “TI’s” you might laugh, or mock them somehow, as many of them appear in mug shots, due to the disproportionate force and fury with which western societies prosecute the poor and the disenfranchised. Many of them, like the now-famous Timothy Trespas, are easily discredited because they “don’t look like “us”.”

Odd, how the bane of aging white feminists everywhere-“lookism” has become the exact tool with which these target and harass people in official source gas lighting, such as the case where the New York Times Mike McPhate conspired with Lorraine Sheridan to cover up this crime in last years article.

I have written about TI’s from a variety of standpoints, but one thing that can be said with certainty is that they are frequently “not” super models or muscle bound ‘heroic’ figures from ancient Greece, though there ARE exceptions. And, like anyone, they ave their faults and flaws.

What makes them different though, is that they are often stripped of the pretenses of power fairly early in life, and have frequently been labeled by those who value power. As such, as Glenn Greenwald has noted, they have “no place to hide,” when operations like the illegal and warrantless  NSA/DEA/CIA/FBI decides to turn their lives into a free for all. so beyond merely being involuntary HUMINT assets, they are also mocked for being so, and with the approval apparently, of “psychology,” despite NONE OF THIS being authorized or even acknowledged in a legal framework anywhere.

I recently spoke with a man who was forced onto a stretcher in a “set up,” to try to create the appearance that he is mentally ill, which is bad enough. But the story gets really sick when he describes how “there was even a photographer present taking closeup pictures of my face as they did this.”

And I spoke with a woman whose neighbors-wonderful progressives in a “progressive” city, framed her as the neighborhood crank as they waged loud parties next door. Her mugshot looks exactly like that. And then, after they got a fifty year restraining order on her (because she told the judge ‘why don’t you just make it ten, twenty or forty years’) they moved away! See how that works- let me know if you start seeing patterns-because seeing patterns can indicate delusional thinking.

So, the claim that communitarian policing is framing people is not unusual, nor is it unprecedented when individuals take a stand against this nefarious bullying. And this is no small claim, nor is it an uncommon one in the “frame jobs” that much of these make-work projects of our current government is involved in.

And the internet abounds with video’s of “authorities” in power citing vague “rules” or even more un-Constitutional “policies” that prohibit photographers from filming them-public servants-at work in public. So, without a doubt, photography-which is NOT a crime- has become a tool with which institutions collaborate to defame those it targets.

In the video below, some from the DEA gets their authoritarian asses handed to them by an individual who knows that “policies” and “rules” are not LAWS, and that-for now- citizens still have the right to film and photograph these cowards who work anonymously from behind the internet switches plotting the destruction of free speech rights, due process of law, and more; that these who invade our privacy with impunity, and from behind the veil of absolutist secrecy are themselves annoyed by cameras.

And,  the citizen knows that people who cite policies and rules are in fact cowards who hide behind authority, and mobsterism, and the psychopathology of institutions that are destroying Democracy with obstructionism in the gray area of law.

And especially, note the license plates, as these federal agents work in a state that has granted official “anonymity”to public “servants.” In order to understand “what is a police state” one must understand the “privileged immunity and institutional anonymity” of these operatives.

And this, below, is what breeds contempt for the public by these same. And it cannot be missed that the photographer is described as being 5’4″ tall, and is standing against men and women who top the scales at body mass and weight. Welcome to feminist jurisprudence and policing! It seems that the “little people” are an extreme threat:


“Fascist DEA Scum bags attempting to Censor 1St Amendment freedom of Press”


But for the most part, many if not all TI’s are the product of inter-generational bullying by institutional forces ranging from neighbors and schoolmates to police to mental health professionals, and the hidden networks of “goodguys and gals” who somehow see nothing wrong with “piling on.”So in order to understand my version and interpretation of “TI’s” and OGS, it requires that I define “what is a coward,”as you and others who research organized gang stalking will note that claims that GS are cowards are quite frequent in the online dialectic of OGS, and in fact a staple comment.

So, it cannot be missed that this individual filming is a 5’4″ sprite, unarmed, and questioning the authority of those who are IN FACT AND IN PRACTICE a huge factor in OGS online dialogues. Nor can it be missed that each of these photographers is practicing their rights against thousands of pounds of human meat that makes it’s living from violence, and that they are all armed.

So, beyond institutional sociopathy, and psychopaths whose sickness finds a welcome home in institutions of power, I personally view TI’s as “not mentally ill” anymore than those who pursue them, and “pile on.” It is instructive to note two things about this “phenomenon” that will help put it in perspective

  1. many of those who are “targeted” are people whose civil rights and due process rights were violated in durations of time that defy imagination and are frequently derived from warrantless surveillance and the “War on Terror.”
  2. Nearly all of them that I have talked to report bullying, and “strange” internet encounters with hidden bad actors

Read together, these form a narrative drawn from the replication of status quo superstitions and outright mythological lies that form the narrative of police and state power psychological basis, but also, plain old bullying by any other name.

So, here below is a link farm to stories about how the DEA (which is inseparable in mission or tactical applications, and methodology from the CIA at this point) used a database to illegally, and un-Constitutionally profile, monitor, perform surveillance and harass American citizens.

And for those of us who walk “unarmed” in the world with the expectation that these “goodguys and their gunz and bomz” won’t shoot us for excercising our rights is in fact and in practice, true bravery, because we KNOW they are murderous, slanderous, malevolent crooks who love to “shine a light” on “we the people” but somehow, cringe when the light gets cast on them-or scurry away like cockroaches-the video above is prima facie proof of that.

Special Operations Division (SOD) database abuse and lawsuits to follow? Who would even know where to look for the proof? I have an idea- ask those crazy peepl in the TI community!

Testilying as security theater and “goodguyism gone wild!”: How DEA agents and all other LEO’s use illegally obtained data to create and then “dry clean or launder” a case, aka “parallel construction-as well as to follow peole around and do plainly bizarre sh!t to their internet connections, telephones, cars, homes, etc, etc….

More on parallel case laundering, dry cleaning alleged crime, and illegal spying

Prosecutors and supervisors cover up the program that covers up illegal spying, of “cover up squared,” layers upon layers of subterfuge and criminality from “the good guys and gals”

The cover up of the cover up of the cover ups, layered in a discrediting narrative, aka “who are targeted individuals?” What happens to targeted individuals?”

Organized stalking and CIA operations manual: what you are experiencing is “counter-intelligence stalking.”

I get a lot of readers from Russia, the Ukraine and elsewhere who seek information about the CIA phone hacking and then, influence operations, propaganda and gang stalking operations.

While much has been written in the last decade about “far right” groups of “organized thugs” who stalk and harass people, it is important to note that the left is doing this today as the right has lost power-due to tactical assault like OGS. And the left has done this before as well- Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany (the blur between Jews who profited from the Holocaust one way or another is striking, as we see some Jews today encouraging racism and stalking), and Mao’s China-in sort, anywhere there was communism, there is OGS,

And targeted individuals were as likely to be high level politicians as they were opposition candidates, or even low level drug dealers with an “in” to the “party circuit” or other social circles. These people who get stalked are what is called “influencers” and while they are the people who suffer the most in OGS, it is really the “larger audience” that is the actual target-the people who the “influencer” can influence. This larger audience is called the “targeted audience” aka the “TA.”

So, one TI can lead agents and agencies to a larger TA-got that? And that is straight out of the CIA operations manual or any of a number of other intelligence agency playbooks-they really are all the same with slight differences that aren’t worth discussing here. This one was from this era, where America lost its grip on industry, and went to a “black cash” budget instead.

And, from high level diplomats to low level drug dealers acrss town from you, OGS is the tactic, various TA’s are the actual targets, whether it is a cop with a vendetta because you banged his wifey who sics the dogs on you in the form of “women’s rights advocates” and the associated “umbrella agencies and NGO’s that get cash for DVIC stalking, or the Russian’s, or the local good guys and their do-gooders who seek to kidnap your child by framing you into a crime, the tactics are IDENTICAL.

Here below is a bit about the behind the scenes “influence operation” that is taking place around you:

PREFACE TO: CIA Handbook Psychological Warfare.pdf

Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the “political animal” that Aristotle defined. In effect,the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the”political animal” has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets. Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the “environment” in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population. This book is a manual for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and democratic crusade being waged in Nicaragua by the Freedom Commandos. Welcome!

Reader-Take special note of this :

3. Armed Propaganda

Armed propaganda includes every act carried out, and the good impression that this armed force causes will result in positive attitudes in the population toward that force; and it does not include forced indoctrination. Armed propaganda improves the behavior of the population toward them, and it is not achieved by force.

Hard link here:

So, in most cases of OGS, we encounter the common complaint that “slander campaigns” and “rumors” and “defamation” are taking place. These take place around key individuals to gain their complicity, or to gain their compromise, in order to then gain power over the TA. The link above will explain that to you better, but also, other methods of sabotage that are likely being used against you.


Organized gang stalking makes strange bedfellows- how police are compromised by the “Hegelian dialectic” and “community “policing.”: Or Hegel meets God in the gray area of undue processes of “G-d.”

San Diego Detective Phillip Worts noted in 2001 that “community policing” is in fact and practice, “communist policing.”

GeorgWilhelm Friedrich Hegel, et al versus The Bible, Luke, Mathew, and “divide and conquer”(let me know if you see patterns with these Nazi sounding names-or in cults and sects within policing):

Karl Marx: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways. The point, however, is to change it.”

Luke 12:5151Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division” New International Version Bible citation

Mathew 10:35 King James Bible
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Related Reading: How Hegelian Dialectic destroys individual alterity and thus perpetuates endless war because it wars on individuals, aka “organized gang stalking.”

Policing is literally at a crossroads in western nations, as community policing aka “communist policing” competes with the “G-d model” of policing, with seemingly no middle ground. This is by design of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is a polarizing force in politics, and every other element of our society. So for some “just doin’ mah job,” means getting home in one piece, one day at a time, whereas for others, the goal is constant conflict creation via “community policing,” which is a make-work project, and a Communist model of social control.

So, if there is a problem with police, the FBI, or other agencies that are charged to uphold our secular laws, it is this exact conflict, that hamstrings Christians, while empowering fascists and communists, all of whom are working from within their own version of personal morality “for the greater good” and in our police power institutions. And I have noted that policing is rife with cults, both religious and secular and also some seek to use their police power to proselytize, instead of merely upholding the law.

So- while it may seem odd to some that a secular humanist/atheist/naturist would find myself siding with “God fearing men,” it is not entirely without awareness that each man’s personal faith-and thus individual choices- is challenged by the Hegelian dialectic materialism, which shares features with Martin Buber’s Zionism as well.

The careful reader will note that I have mentioned Israeli control of our SWAT teams, and police chiefs, most of whom think they are working for “God” but who also in fact are duped because they are working for the “othering” power of “Ich, Du” in Buber’s construct, while completely foregoing due process of law, or even respect for the US Constitution, which is the traditional gray area process of law.

Others will note that I am a constant critic of “neverending war.” This state of affairs-wars without end- is as some have noted, designed for that exact purpose, that in the Hegelian dialectic of  constant conflict, there can literally be no solutions, ever. So, this situation of ongoing and forever war, we see, is fully exploited by the DVIC and police chiefs who are faithful not to the Constitution, or to due process rights, but serving another master instead-that of international finance, and the deep trough of capital that flows through it and which carries the price tag of amoral and mercenary policing.

So, here is a snippet from Det. Worts, one of the early canaries in the coal mine of police and free speech rights that foreshadowed our current situation of “time theft” via “gray area policing schemes” that literally use par-judicial kangaroo courts to build data and then use the DVIC, domestic violence courts, family courts, academic hearings, and the many inter-linked and assorted databases for blackmail, and who wage slander campaigns based on dosssiers that have not had the opportunity of refutation in any Constitutional  legal setting; and this which has led to the NSA/CIA/DEA/FBI/local police data theft pipeline:

The home for this new wave of dialectical Marxist thinking became the emerging “science” of socio-psychology. It may come as a surprise to many to discover that virtually all of the pillars of modern psychology were humanistic utopians who believed that there is no God, that mankind can and should be manipulated (for its own good, of course), and that all social problems can be solved by the proper reprogramming of man’s mind. This would lead to an era of peace and prosperity based on diversity, tolerance and unity. Most of their work dealt with the details of human behavior, but their over-arching view was that of transforming society (echo the revolution). Hence, they came to be known as “Transformational Marxists.”

One such group was the Fabian Socialists, who took their name from the Roman general, Fabius. Fabius, it will be remembered, was confronted with Hannibal’s invasion of Italy.

A quick note on statistics: I get about 60 posts read per day. Is organized gang stalking real? If you read only ONE post on this blog, read this one.

I think at this point, I have essentially proven my many thesis points, and I encourage other researchers to study this topic from any angle they wish. And to test and retest my many hypotheses against other evidence-but I especially advise you to separate the OGS dialectic from the “noise” of directed energy weapons, UFO’s aliens and all that other classic USAF/CIA/DEA/FBI counter-intelligence psychobabble.

While to some, it may seem OK to use people in experiments, create great stress and angst with the inducement of trauma and fear through OGS; or target indigent populations, or to harass people with pre-existing mental health conditions; or to abuse whistle blowers, journalists, and common criminals- I remind the reader that due process is sacred, and that so-called national security exceptions aren’t; and while your personal institutional sociopathy may express itself in the “gray area” community policing scheme, I have deliberately and beyond my own better judgement been compelled to the plate to take a swing “for the little guys and gals” who are targeted with OGS  by institutional psychopaths and sociopaths who are enlisted in your/their schemes.

In the time I was writing this, I literally encountered more Rotarians than I ever thought existed. In America, there are somewhere near 130,000 of them- I have encountered five of them out of the blue, and three of them are current or retired police or intelligence. While each particular case of OGS may have a distinctly different cause or tone, I note with empirical evidence that Rotarian’s appear in many online narratives of OGS and real estate is literally the battle ground they appear on[follow that link].

In the half year it took me to write this blog alone, I have encountered over ten persons who call themselves targeted individuals, also “out of the blue,” and I have been approached with three stories that involve national security. My cars have been broken into, and my phones have been stolen.

There was Donald, the Viet Nam era explosives expert, and Bit’s the amazing hacker; Lucie (who is a genuine TI), and of course, who can forget how Sava appeared out of nowhere-from two continents away! To remind me that his sister and I went to college together.

In the last years, I  caught a plainly bizarre”Sataniss” sniffing neighbor climbing around the telephone pole in my alley as my internet was juggled around for about two years. Oh, yeah: he was the block captain.

I met a man- THE man who literally invented ALL of the technology (more or less) that CIA/DEA/FBI spycraft use- and he a Lockheed Martin and other big MIC engineer contractor who invented specifically the exact technology that MRAP’s use for guidance; and he also informed me of how EMARSS systems and other equipment on FBI airplanes works, and how the technology that HASN”T been reported in MSM includes that “they” use 3D “heat maps” to literally look into your home, and build a 3D model of you taking a sh!t.

A SWAT team member and his cohort moved in next door to me and dished gossip very loudly and more- much much more, which I can document, and literally “prove,” including the names of these individuals, which other’s have documented as well.

A whorehouse full of underaged hookers was “busted” blocks from my local sheriffs station; another cop was busted selling guns blocks away from me. ALl of this, and I never once “see/saw/ or said something ” to bring attention to any of it- I never once picked up a phone or dialed a call or sent an email to discuss any of this except to my select witnesses.

I was approached just last week with information from a man claiming he is the son of one the founders of the CIA; and gave a retired wise guy a ride home in my car. I interviewed a retied SWAT commander who knew the difference between costume jewelry and a 25k pigeon blood pendant.

And all of this, above, as a major database breach was foiled because a Fortune 30 company with retired FBI on it’s payroll failed to note the slow data leakage from a controlled area that requires CGIS oversight; and that leak which targeted primarily LEO’s BY other LEO’s, who work in the EXACT due process violating gray area ‘community policing’ scheme’s I have outlined herein. And I can name the city where this subversion is centered- but no one cares anymore about due process, because they are all snout deep in it.

And I never once lifted the phone and asked for any of it- for this is how ‘wiretapped’ a TI’s phone can be. I never contacted any of these people first a they all came to me. Think about that for a minute, and get back to me. Or better yet, please don’t.

So- for the future researchers who might wonder “what is organized gang stalking” and “what is a targeted individual” you can take this above as my testimony, and I can point you to witnesses and other evidence and data who can and will verify that what I say herein is true to the letter. But sometimes, vampires need a kick in the teeth, and hopefully, this blog will do that for others who are being violated like this.

Sooo: what did YOU do this week? In that light, I have demonstrated herein – that organized gang stalking is:

1) real, and has non-organic non-delusional basis

2) it is gaining currency as a legitimate complaint, an that Sheridan and James et al are delusional in stating that victims of OGS should be isolated, or cut off the interet, because the use of the internet is a crucial tool with which to raise awareness of OGS

3) that psychologists are actually part of the problem, and frequently co-conspirators in “political/punitive psychology” especially in this matter; and they are somehow very invested (literally, in the monetary sense; and as we see with the CIA torture psychologists Mitchell and Jessen, psychology is an amoral and unethical enterprise at the state level; and in denying OGS to the point where junk science such as the Lorraine Sherridan and David V. James study, as well as the Elizabeth Dietrich study are  deliberate “official source gas lighting,” and very likely intentional fraud that has not demonstrated or otherwise given merit to OGS claims

4) that law enforcement, working in the gray area schemes ranging from outright criminal conduct, to collaboration with outside agencies in criminal conduct (such as Stratfor, or LEIU’s) and as such has a vested interest in keeping it relegated to “delusional complaint” because frequently we see LEO’s are actually perpetrating it, but also, they get paid based on statistics-so the more call to 911 the more work they make. This is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex “at work” making it’s own “work.”

5) that it is most frequently a crime of those who have power directed at those who do not have power, and it relies on this power imbalance to institute itself, and also to erase it’s hidden criminal conduct, such as the case of literally yusing “mind control” on peple who were later exonerated in the  Largest DNA exoneration in American History.

6) that elements of religious sects and cults; academic cults; intelligence agencies, community policing, NGO’s and corporations, Rotary Club, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the Jewish Federations, Asian Law Caucus member’s, AIPAC, Google, Palantir, Media Sonar et al; and private security contractors, real estate developers and all manners of political stalking that ALL use identical tactics and methods of harassment, and also inter-relate to each other in secular settings to plot stalking.

7) that using the original counter-intelligence “pre-loaded” term of “gang stalking” is an appropriate term to describe the highly organized domestic terrorism that OGS is, because it has currency in the online dialectic-and that taking the power away from stalkers by using their own terms is a crucial step to understanding OGS complaints. Also, that the term gang stalking marks a clear turning point in American Democracy where some felt it was alright to bend and break the law to “get gang criminals off the streets” or to destroy due process to “get organized crime,” as we saw in the LEIU’s stated purpose-and that this sliding sce of morality has now reached into the wider culture as police budgets that get ever more fat seek to prove their “value.”

Feminism, safe spaces, cry bullies and organized gang stalking: the case of the Rwandan Genocide and ’empowered women.’

The Rwandan Genocide was a “women’s war.”

While much of the research on organized gang stalking indicates a police element run amok as it works with the “community policing scheme” that favors the lop-sided narrative of violence, and then, shelters the worst elements of criminality in the heart of what is left of the American home: woen’s violence. Why is that?

Women’s violence is covert, networked, and slanderous;  dangerous because of the pedadstalization of women BY women and the men they choose as co-conspirators – and also was behind what was called “The Red Guard” under Mao Tze Deng, or called “Red Squads” during the heyday of the FBI using the Ku Klux Klan and other social groups to terrorize “uppity negroes” and more as primarily white wmen wh had extensive power networked then as they do now to on one hand hide their influence, and on the other, to cry wolf, on que whenever they are challenged in their power-and then, their henchmen and wimmin step in to maintain narrative control.

Today, we see a similar element, working with different and ‘more diverse’ groups, to cause domestic terror in the form of the DVICWhat is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?.  And despite he so-called “rise of the right” we know from history that most Nazi organizers were, or are gay Jewish men like Frank Collin, or quite frequently are FBI informants. So, while you can quit worrying about the Klan, you might want to examine these other lunatic fringes.

Without a doubt, we see that violent women use institutional forces to wage purely psychopathic campaigns. For instance, in the most recent genocide on record, women were instrumental in leading the charge that other women be raped; murdered, dismembered, and more.

Women as Leaders in GenocideWomen as Leaders in Genocide and the similarity between women’s actual violence, and women’s social or cultural violence

ISSN: 1558-8769

Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill

Donna J. Maier

The role of women as perpetrators in the Rwanda Genocide has been documented much more so than that of women in other genocides and crimes against humanity: more than in the holocaust of World War II, than in the massacres of Mayan Guatemala’s Indians in 1982, and more even than in the widespread atrocities that accompanied the break-up of the former Yugoslavia which were virtually concurrent with the Rwanda Genocide. It is not entirely clear why this is the case. Testimonies of women perpetrators and victims were collected in the immediate aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide by various human rights groups, most completely by the United Kingdom based NGO African Rights which published its data within a year of the genocide.[1] More evidence has emerged in the trials of genocidaires at the International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda, and in trials in the national courts of Rwanda,Belgium, and other countries.  These trials include the evidence of female victims, but also have included prosecution of high level women perpetrators which have resulted in guilty verdicts.

In feminist circles, the co-option of social cause, and the essential destruction of any person’s individual narrative by globalist agenda’s takes place in ‘closed settings,’ aka ‘safe spaces’ as some seek to build a following, or enforce a cult mentality via closed door intimidation. The isolation factor cannot be lost on any in the ‘healing professions’ or law enforcement. And cry bullies, a recent scourge of those who practice identity politics-and who were resoundingly ousted from power in the election of 2016-are frequently the precursor to organized gang stalking.

And, OGS is an actual contagion on modern college campuses, as young women and others are brainwashed via hysterical trance formation to mouth words and act out scripts of trauma that seldom resemble the actual events they claim to have endured. Indeed, there are forms of female initiated violence that could use an updated profile on Fakerape.

Related Stories: How one young woman, Emma Sulkowicz virtually begged a young man for anal sex, and then, claimed he was her was a rapist when he didn’t submit to her other perverse means of control(nothing against experimental sex, butt….)

The UVA fakerape hoax was one piece of a larger bunch of asses, magnified around the world, thanks to the now fully discredited liar Sabrina Rubin Erdeley

Eight famous FakeRape’s

UVA fraternity that was defamed and libeled by Sabrina Rubin Erdeley’s fake rape story in Rolling Stone magazine settles for 1.65 million

Gang Stalkers: Minus 1.65 million We the People: plus 1.65 million

So-forget “fakerape” as an issue of merit and begin to see it as a nefarious ploy of those who are likely institutional sociopaths, psychopaths, and degenerates, such as Sabrina Rubin Erdeley and others who practice the lowliest form of activist journalism, called “lying their asses off” or a dollar or two. )

Then, begin to take note that some women are mercilessly gang stalked in academia-in numbers that are likely far greater than “fakerape’s” that are mediated in-you guessed it-as in the Sulkowicz case and the UVA rape hoaxes, these cases are mediated in academic settings and “closed door adjudication hearings” that have no legal standing, but can ruin a young boys academic career by slander.

And all of this in a climate of “safe spaces” where these terrorists and bullies plot their crimes, and then cry foul when they are discovered. And LEO’s for the most part just don’t care- they get paid no matter what. In fact, fake rape and other DVIC plts are helping to drain taxpayers, and break he countries bank.

So, in these cases of organized academic gang stalking, trauma can be presumed, as the stalkers and harassers all deploy a form of “trauma-bonding” that is written about in the literature of torture, and also, is part of the diagnoses of Stockholm Syndrome as we saw with the largest DNA exoneration in American history.

Here is a snapshot of Ms. Sulkowicz rape theater:

In recent months, Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University senior who carries her mattress around campus as a protest against the university’s non-expulsion of her alleged rapist (and an art project for her senior thesis) has been hailed as a heroine in the battle against campus sexual assault.

While Sheridan and James maintain that somehow, group stalking and gang stalking are dissimilar, one glance at the data tells us that it is nearly all the same. However, because they are ensconced in the “fake world” of academia, they seldom see the similarity-or deal with victims of this horrible practice. I myself have known one individual who committed suicide after extensive harassment in her master’s degree program.

From HER online, a discussion about organized gang stalking in academic and institutional settings:

Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting

By Rheyanne Weaver HERWriter

The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there’s the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There’s also the fear that someone is following you. Then there is gang stalking.

This is the ultimate form of paranoia that turns out to be a well-founded suspicion and mistrust. Gang stalking is when a group of people decide to target an individual and attempt to control aspects of that individual’s life and monitor them 24/7. Generally, this is done without the person actually knowing about this organized stalking group, but if a person does find out, the results and helplessness can be devastating.

According to, “gang stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time.”

Sound sick yet? It gets worse. Targets are chosen for many reasons, including dissenting opinions in politics and the workplace. The overall goal is to break the targets down, from making them just look crazy for suspecting gang stalking to isolating them to ruining their reputation and credibility to forcing them to commit suicide.

People might participate in gang stalking without knowing these horrible consequences. They might gang stalk to be accepted into a group or be forced into gang stalking.

Organized gang stalking, real estate developers, and compromised, retired LEO’s conspire in the crime of “red lining,” in an organized manner-and some current LEO’s drool as they wait for their chance to get rich.

But who PAYS for organized gang stalking? Who finances organized gang stalking??! Who are gang stalkers?

“many of them are treasonous Americans who have sold their country out for a paycheck, and they can be ruthless”

I live in a city that sits by a city, next to a city that hosts a Chinese Laundry. But it isn’t the “usual” Chinese laundry, you know-the one with the sign in Chinese and pigeon writing that says ‘Dairy Dirty Laundry Special: 2 suit coats for 2 dollar,’ and then the smiling “Chinaman” or his wife laboring away in sweatshop conditions so the “suits” keep coming back. No- in my city, which has the unique moniker of “Mistress City” because the Chinese billionaires who skip China without paying their taxes all “hole up” near me.

Related Story: Chinese laundry Raymond Chen busted for reinforcing negative ethnic stereotypes.

And of course, this creates cozy arrangements of all kinds, as 18 year old girls in Lamborghini’s, cute $400 mini skirts, and  Gucci shoes also provide the local LEO’s and other “good guys and gals” with eye candy, entertainment, and ‘whatever else 18 year old hotties do.”

And, they provide “jobs.” (are you seeing any patterns yet about “make work projects?” No? Any patterns about whistle blowers or journalists? No then why don’t you poke both of your eyes out then, and let the rest of us do the heavy lifting. Nothing to see here…moooOOOOOoove along now….)

Meet Los Angeles suburb “Mistress City-the Chinese Beverly Hills” 

I am certain there ARE days when being a cop take on plainly Kafkaesque proportions, sort of like the day when someone says “sure- when  Pigs Fly!” and then, “look-there goes a flying pig-in high heels nonetheless!” And, minding the wealth of Chinese billionaires who robbed their own government must certainly be one of those days.

But in the case of Arcadia, CA and several of the surrounding cities-it’s been “one of those several decades stretching into a century.” It seems that, as long as the money laundering was being done by Afghani’s through car dealerships, or through Armenian’s, or Iranians who fled under the Shah-all of whom at least “are not the Chinese!” then things were alright. Then along came the Lamborghini girls of Arcadia:

Most of the property in Arcadia, California, is being snapped up by Asian – mostly Chinese – millionaires and billionaires.

The city is now popularly known as the “Chinese Beverly Hills.”

“Prices in Arcadia are up more than 39 percent from their peak in 2007 before the housing downturn. The city, now 60 percent Asian, has become more expensive than Calabasas, the suburban enclave that is home to Justin Bieber and the Kardashians,” the LA Times reports.

“In the last year alone, more than 90 houses have sold for more than $2.5 million in Arcadia, a city of 56,000 that sits just east of Pasadena at the base of the San Gabriel Mountain.”

In fact, for buyers from mainland China, Arcadia offers excellent schools, large lots with lenient building codes, and a place to park their money beyond the reach of the Chinese government.

But it’s not all that the city offers. According to a report by Vocativ, Arcadia is also known as the “Mistress City” of California.

The developer has gone to great lengths to cultivate, and indeed, house, mainly at his own expense, former Secret Servicemen, FBI Agents and Texas Rangers.

Without irony, Arcadia is a racetrack town, and real estate there gets built on “EB-5” money, which is the official way to say “pay to play” in America for foreign business persons, who rob Peter or Pan to pay Perszi. And all of the illicit cash that walks across American borders via the blind-eye of the bankers ends up in one or another federal laundering scheme that buys property across America, just like the example above.

Related Story:  Guo Wengui, a billionaire investor who has fled China and moved to New York warns “25,000 Chinese spies are all over America!”

Guo said “According to Guo, many of them are treasonous Americans who have sold their country out for a paycheck, and they can be ruthless.

Hmm. Based on my awareness of ‘what is a spy’ I would surmise that, um, their are a few in local governments around me- and certainly a helluva alot more than 25k. But Guo himself is likely just another bankster created Raven.

Then, there’s the I-35 money laundering corridor where ” a battle is raging for Interstate 35″ (which also stops Pedro the dishwasher and  Frida the grandmother, and rob them of their cash in the so that Officer Friendly and his LEIU collaborators NEVER get caught laundering real estate ).

And there’s the nearly depleted Jersey Shores and the New York burroughs that have real estate at the center of much police corruption. You might remember I wrote about this connection here, where a mobster was targeted, and disappeared, and then, a precinct captain took ownership of his real estate or this other case where we see-and this is a recurring theme-we see the Rotary Club’s implicated again and again in OGS.

And of course- OF COURSE! There’s California. ALL OF IT, to the dustiest desert rock is being swept up in bargain basement real estate deals where OGS is implicated time and again as a factor in driving low income, low social status, or disenfranchisd people out of their homes.

So this story below-I will deviate a bit into another story about retired cops, FBI agents, Texas rangers and other’s from the “hidden secret police” of America are implicated as acting in concert with property developers to cause real estate defaults, foreclosures, and more-in the  sick, twisted, organized crime fashion that “mobster’s” and their knuckle crackers were once said to employ.

But hey these are the “goodguys” doing it, Sowhatsamatta? It ain’t organized crime when we gots da’ cops in our pockets! Whattayouawiseguy?

From medawarscornflakes (one of the better written OGS blogs online), “Bringing Dirty Tricks Home from Moscow,” a story of retired American LEO’s going over to the dark side, one of many examples of “America’s Hidden Secret Police (this link is a .pdf file to the original 1976 article of the same name)” ‘suspected of’ stalking and harassing a woman in order to drive her out of her real estate holdings; until she was diagnosed with lymphoma:

Some of the harassment which “VOCCT” suffers from, will be familiar to almost anyone who’s found themselves in the way of a crooked property developer: tailgating, “brighting” and other forms of aggressive driving directed at them every time they drive to work, try and run essential errands, or simply visit family and friends. Constant intrusion onto the property and daily vandalism, too, will be family to those whose property is coveted by a developer, or whose homes happen to overlook the preferred pitch of the local drugs pusher. It’s just that there’s very big money at stake for this developer (less so for VOCCT, who merely aspires to live a blameless life in her own home) and he has, over his whole adult life, accumulated contacts, henchmen and favours, which he and his sons are now cashing in to make this everyday harassment as intense as it possibly could be. And then there is the extra special thing, the enhanced harassment only available to a crook who has ex Secret Servicemen, FBI Agents and even Texas Rangers, in his pocket.
When Medawar first made contact with VOCCT, she and her adult daughter were most worried by the fact that people they met in Fredericksburg, would pointedly refer to things they had done in conditions of strict privacy, such as the bathroom, or quiet, private conversations they had had in their kitchen. They believed that not only were the people harassing them extensively bugging the house, but that illegal video surveillance had been embedded in the structure of the house -and that choice images and footage from this was being made available to their neighbours and staff at businesses they frequented. Some of the individuals who appeared to have seen bathroom footage were clearly inclined towards sexual predation as well as voyeurism, and this added real fear of sexual violence to humiliation and embarrassment. (Anyone who has studied methods by which the KGB and STASI used to harass dissidents, will recognize this trick. And they will recognize one or two more before this article is done.)
Medawar provided VOCCT with a straightforward RF detector (which cost about £89 at the time) intended mainly for locating bugs and hidden cameras. It is essentially a low gain receiver, and the gain can be turned even lower, so that it only normally responds when it is within a couple of feet of a radio frequency transmitter, such as a bug, wireless webcam, or a more professional video bug. By then turning the gain down, the source can be located to within inches. This device allowed VOCCT to provide Medawar with a set of architect’s plans of her house, with little coloured dots to show RF sources all over the house. Not only were these very numerous, with several in each bath or shower room, but there was an absolute Babel of transmission modes, transmission bands and other characteristics, suggesting that several technological generations of illegal surveillance devices were present, and still active, all over the house and its outbuildings. There also turned out to be covertly-performed structural modifications in the loft and elsewhere, apparently intended to allow intruders access to the loft from the porch roof, and from the loft to other spaces between rooms and behind fixtures, all over the upper floor.
At the same time, it became apparent that a crawl space into the basement had been engineered to allow intruders free rein there, below the ground floor and its fixtures, blank spaces and piping runs, too. But the most pertinent point in this instance is this: in late 2010 and early 2011, it was possible to pick all of these point RF sources out from the background: they did not trigger the detector unless it was fairly close and the gain turned up.
In the past couple of months, VOCCT has complained of failing health as well as intensified harassment, at home and everywhere she goes to earn her living or run errands. She also discovered a discarded instruction leaflet for some high-power Radio-related equipment on her land.
Medawar advised her to see if she could use her detector to trace any new radio signal to a possible point of origin. At which point, VOCCT discovered that the radio frequency environment inside her house and indeed throughout the surrounding property, had changed from lots of discrete, locatable low to medium power point sources, to an all-pervasive, very high amplitude field of radio frequency signals, which didn’t seem to decline in strength on any side of the house, or, indeed, on any side of the pasture associated with it. This is very unusual indeed….
The developer has gone to great lengths to cultivate, and indeed, house, mainly at his own expense, former Secret Servicemen, FBI Agents and Texas Rangers.
Update: 31st of July 2017  The author of VOCCT, subject of the radio harassment detailed above, is currently being treated for lymphoma, just like the Ambassador, following a diagnosis earlier this year.
The diligent researcher of organized gang stalking would do well to examine the EXTENSIVE connections between retired police, police corruption, real estate, and claims of “sound harassment,” that also accompany areas where money laundering takes place, such as we see in these several documented cases, over several decades, and across several continents.
And certainly, considering the real estate “hot spots” that are frequently cited, the case of James McClynas of Florida-and his extensive and brutal harassment by that counties sheriff- indicate SOMETHING is happening, and this ‘something’ involves high level, highly organized corruption and then, “official source gas-lighting.”


U.S. to continue investigating money laundering by foreign real estate buyers

Last year, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network said it was “concerned about illicit money” being used to buy luxury real estate in Manhattan and Miami-Dade County, and planned to launch an investigation into the unknown buyers who used shell companies to hide their identities.

Those results led FinCEN to expand the investigation beyond those two areas, adding all of New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and several other areas.

The extended investigation was due to end this month, but FinCEN announced Thursday that it is extending the investigation by another 180 days after finding compelling evidence that warrants further investigation.

Psychiatry’s BIG “we are junk science” problem and artificial intelligence

Few doubt that psychiatry and psychology are fraught with junk science, or are as fields of study, politically motivated tools of corporate, secular and even sometimes, cultic religious  interests. Indeed, considering the non-secular and perverse narcisssim of Sigmund Freud-himself fueled by cocaine- and his nephew, the great Public Relation’s hypnotist Edward Bernay’s, we see that much of the last century and even today, these fields are little more than ahistorical political sociology with drugs and PR applied to, or around, and directed at the individual experience as a tool of silencing or criminalization of speech, and speakers- much like police science itself.

And all of that, mediated by the gate keeping of narrative that policing -and in the case of OGS especially-the hidden mechanism’s of social control that exert themselves when “mind control”and influence operations via narrative distortion and co-option takes place “at the gate,” which is the person who will claim OGS victimization( I am currently seeking an interview with a several times convicted felon who cliams that he is enduring an attempt to force him to confess to an unsolved child homicide from the 1990’s. He resides in a city that operated a “black site,” where victims were tortured and abused into false confessions.)

In the case of minigh dimol, aka waterinch, we have one persons online testimony to the farce that rehab clinics and their associated echo chamber of psychiatry and psychology attempting to control narrative in a systematic assassination of “the individual” for the direct benefit of the industrial complex of Big Pharma. This destruction of narrative is not a new phenomenon, as psychology has long grappled with knowledge that, in order to be even one drop better than sociology or Svengali science, they would need that extra “something,” to validate their own narrative-that they are a science.Police power functions this way, but so to does junk science which is a lie that travels the world a thousand times before the truth wakes up.

While psychiatry does have a certain political utility, and sometimes, works to envelope the stories of the poor and the disadvantaged in rationalizations that otherwise would not have protection in the wider society, the simple fact is that psychology is little more than sociology with official prescriptions from Big Pharma dope dealers.

And there is very little irony lost on “criminals” and  “drug addicts” and others who encounter legal settings in the form of court rooms, custody hearings,  or other legal attempts to “bypass their humanity and their narrative” aka “transhumanism,” and put in it’s place another thing that has more “utility for the greater good”: aka systemic gate l keeping and control of individual narrative.

Many is the man or woman who has been arrested and dragged into court over the last century as a deviant and a criminal, only to be told that they need to get off of “Mary Juana” or some other club drug such as MDMA as we saw in te case of minigh dimol, and get ON Prozac, or some other drug-of-the-month-club drug that Big Pharma is using to experiment on people.

Never mind the many notorious failures of prescription drugs, or how they are polluting the seas, and never mind that these drugs are themselves time and time again shown to be little better than Mary Juana at controlling the body politic of self-prescribers and “dual diagnoses” people for whom Mary has always worked just fine, and for whom Jim Beam does just the trick, better than any pill of the month. Most studies conclude that Mary and Jim don’t poison the oceans, or the people that use them with discretion.

And it is at the juncture where artificial intelligence meets the internet where we see what a monstrosity “predictive software” like Peter Thiel’s Palantir databases and their manipulative features that can be programmed to form situations of influence and custodial control operations; and DataMinr technology which is programmed to monitor “thought’s” and infer “actions” in real time, like Media Sonar-which was and is used by Fusion Center operatives to control, contain, monitor and influence activists until Twitter cut them off, and Moonshot CVE that is used by advertisers and corporate interests AS WELL AS the many LEO’s around the world that have foregone the “protect and serve” model of policing in favor of a “seize it all, exploit it all, capitalize on it all ” model of policing, to LITERALLY target SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS and their “ideologies,” as much as they target actual real estate.

And psychology is truly in on it at every level, thick as thieves and fat as rats, and we know this based on the cases of Jessen and Mitchell, the angel of death Joseph Mengele, MKULTRA’s Scottish knight in academic armor DE Cameron, and now Lorraine Sheridan and David V. James and Elizabeth Dietrich that seek to overlay the pseudo-science of psychology over the suffering of targeted individuals of organized gang stalking.

This political abuse of psychology begins when we look at the key component of “schizophrenic narrative,” which has historically been a trouble zone for psychologists, especially in the heyday of CIA psychiatry where D.E. Cameron, first in Europe, and later at the notorious McGill University human torture and experimentation facility in Canada.  So, Cameron and others like the CIA’s official poisoner, the LSD doctor Sidney Gottlieb first diagnosed an entire nation (Germany) with mental illness, and that illness was, apparently, “the patriarchy,” aka “the warrior class,” and then, used children in experiments of all kinds-because in lieu of father’s now decapitated, the children of “the future” were then and are now in their sights.

As transhumanist types like Sheridan and James; and their progenitors Mengele and Gottlieb and especially Cameron, an heir kindred Mitchell and Jessen, for whom removing the “human” from the “experience” is a main goal, as they seek to replace, alter, medicate or otherwise mediate around the lived, human experience that exists in an individual mind; or to create it as a “hive” to be exploited by artificial intelligence in the case of Thiel and his intelligence cult, we see the field of robotics struggling with a unique problem: the problem that psychiatry has always managed to side step, which is the “human soul,” which is based in longevity of memory, and human experience that is sorted out and mediated through human filters within the brain that are stilll entirely unknown, and under-explored-precisely because psychiatry has been medicating AROUND this unknown.

Here below, wehave a study that encapsulates this problem in robotics- the problem of memory, longevity, and lived experience coalescing to form a “whole,”  from Phoebe Sengers:


Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents

Phoebe Sengers

From: Leonardo
Volume 35, Number 4, August 2002
pp. 427-431

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents

Phoebe Sengers (bio)


Artificial-agent technology has become commonplace in technical research from computer graphics to interface design and in popular culture through the Web and computer games. On the one hand, the population of the Web and our PCs with characters who reflect us can be seen as a humanization of a previously purely mechanical interface. On the other hand, the mechanization of subjectivity carries the danger of simply reducing the human to the machine. The author argues that predominant artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to modeling agents are based on an erasure of subjectivity analogous to that which appears when people are subjected to institutionalization. The result is agent behavior that is fragmented, depersonalized, lifeless and incomprehensible. Approaching the problem using a hybrid of critical theory and AI agent technology, the author argues that agent behavior should be narratively understandable; she presents a new agent architecture that structures behavior to be comprehensible as narrative.

The premise of this work is that there is something deeply missing from artificial intelligence (AI) or, more specifically, from the currently dominant ways of building artificial agents. This uncomfortable intuition has been with me for a long time, although for most of that time I was not able to articulate it clearly. Artificial agents seem to be lacking a primeval awareness, a coherence of action over time, something one might, for lack of a better metaphor, term “soul.”

Roboticist Rodney Brooks expressed this worry eloquently:

Perhaps it is the case that all the approaches to building intelligent systems are just completely off-base, and are doomed to fail. . . . [C]ertainly it is the case that all biological systems . . . [b]ehave in a way which just simply seems life-like in a way that our robots never do.

Perhaps we have all missed some organizing principle of biological systems, or some general truth about them. Perhaps there is a way of looking at biological systems which will illuminate an inherent necessity in some aspect of the interactions of their parts that is completely missing from our artificial systems. . . . [P]erhaps we are currently missing the juice of life [1].

Here, I argue that the “juice” that we are missing is narrative. The divide-and-conquer methodologies currently used to design artificial agents result in fragmented, depersonalized behavior, which mimics the fragmentation and depersonalization of schizophrenia seen in institutional psychiatry. Anti-psychiatry and narrative psychology suggest that the fundamental problem for both schizophrenic patients and agents is that observers have difficulty understanding them narratively. This motivates my work on a narrative agent architecture, the Expressivator, which structures agent behavior to support narrative, thereby enabling the creation of agents that are intentionally comprehensible.

The Problem

Building complex, integrated artificial agents is one of the dreams of AI. Classically, complex agents are constructed by identifying functional components—natural-language processing, vision, planning, etc.—designing and building each separately and then integrating them into an agent. More recently, some practitioners have argued that the various components of an agent strongly constrain one another and that the complex functionalities of classical AI cannot be easily coordinated into a whole system. Instead, behavior-based AI proposes that the agent be split up, not into disparate cognitive functionalities, but into “behaviors,” such as foraging, sleeping and hunting. Each of these behaviors would integrate all of the agent’s functions for that behavior.

Even such approaches, however, have not been entirely successful in building agents that integrate a wide range of behaviors. Rod Brooks, for example, has stated that one of the challenges of the field is to find a way to build an agent that can integrate many behaviors (he defines “many” as more than a dozen) [2]. Programmers can create robust, subtle, effective and expressive behaviors, but the agent’s overall behavior tends to fall apart gradually as more behaviors are combined. For small numbers of behaviors, this disintegration can be managed by the programmer, but as more behaviors are combined their interactions become so complex that they become at least time-consuming and at worst impossible to manage.


What do Mannix, converted mobsters, and Italian deli’s have in common? Good Morning Viet Naaaaaam! But stop busting my coglione’s Superman!

Of all he things that Israeli’s have on their exceptionally fat plates I shouldn’t be one of them, but I frequently am. Maybe that’s because the famous “father of propaganda- and the cosmopolitant Jewish “shepherd of the American sheepies,” Edward Bernay’s,  LOOOOOVED bacon, or maybe because police states LOVE pork. You can decide for yourself, by following the fooollowing, foooollowing link:

Related Link: How Edward Bernay’s got American’s to eat more pig meat.

And, as one of my many thesis points is that “targeted individuals” are frequently harassed in America by the Mossad, or “Israeli art students,” (who are nearly as odious as Mormon Missionaries, or Asian Law Caucus lawyers with Jewish Federation handlers) or any of a number of other completely whacked out Zionists and their associated Christian type cultists.

If you have been following along, you will note that I am highly critical of the suspect and highly dubious relationship that US intelligence agencies have with Israel, where ALL American’s data is sent to be sifted through, and can be, and definitely IS used for political, or other blackmail operations. So, again and again, the avid reader here will note that my “suspicions” are confirmed and affirmed in a variety of ways, but also, that this can be scientifically replicated, and you yourself can test the many hypotheses herein.

Here, have a look at who is peeking in here today:


Hmmmm. Makes me hungry for REAL food. Maybe something from Ferrara’s New York. Mmmm- sfogliatelle sounds good anytime! But Holy Cannoli!– who can beat Ferrara’s?  And, I advise you to take a look at Ferrara’s and maybe buy some cannoli’s. And while you’re in New York, I hear that Katz’s could use a little more business. Pastrami on rye for me, Reuben.

But the avid reader and organized gang stalking researcher will quickly recognize both argot and para-language at work herein, as well as a form of vernacular that is ethnic, particularized, and specific. And the advertiser, the propagandist, and the psychologist will continue to focus on cannoli.

Sfogliatelle- delicious flake pastries with cheese and fruit inside

So, what did you do for breakfast today? I myself had coffee, and then, talked with a few folks about a mobster who converted to Christianity (lol) and who-for some reason no longer fears getting whacked by the mob. Why IS that? Hmmm, if Jesus is any guide….

I dished dirt about Wild Bill Donovan, G. Gordon Liddy, and a few other names, but my favorite story from my listening post today was the story of “who whacked Superman,” aka George Reeves in the heyday of Hollywood stars schtupping the wives of those in power, and sometimes, getting caught with their pants down. You see, the “suicide” of George Reeves has always been a sketchy story, but that would be a whole novel, so I will leave it alone for now.

Now, to he reader or the researcher of “organized gang stalking,” note that my sources this morning were restaurateurs, retired lawyers and Viet Nam era military intelligence officers. This is not insignificant, because I am highly critical of the current state of affairs where America has been moled entirely from within, and how, due to the NSA/FBI/DHS/CIA data theft pipeline, even American’s are in on it at the highest levels, and how this has contributed to the destruction of Democracy.

SO, fake news to you, dear reader, is anathema to me, a trained journalist, precisely because I am not a rat, a mole, or an easily corrupted or easily blackmailed writer. In fact, I have endured YEARS of threats and harassment, and the last people I will call about it are American police who train in Israel, or take bribery this way.

So who do you call when you can’t call the good guys who leave you to twist and burn? I called Superman, and look who popped in. No, not him, those “other guys.”

So, while it might be fashionable for some to deny that OGS is a “real thing,” or that OGS is a “delusional disorder,” it might be worthy to re-read my many thesis points. You see, there are some of us who are old enough, or who are wise enough, and even those who are actually American enough to remember things like our liberties that others from the Desert Slave Tribes believe are mere “freedoms,” as opposed to “not-freedom,” aka “slavery.

So, without further adieu, here is a snapshot of one of the claims that is frequently cited in the online dialectic of “organized” gang stalking-the claim that it is “the mob” behind it, or that there is a collaboration between the mob and OGS. Anyone worth salt will instantly understand that this connection is deep, and very old-that religions ALL are affiliated with mobs of all kinds.In fact we see that there is no longer ANY line between organized crime and government, or organized crime and intelligence agencies, much less any line at all between some in the LE community who are also part of organized crime.

So- who do YOU call when those other guys target YOU? I called Superman, and look what popped in this morning, and who popped up in our conversation over coffee: The Former mob boss of the Colombo crime family in New York,

Michael Franzese, speaks on Seeing Himself in Goodfellas

And now, as he is truly a “God” father:

Michael Franzese grew up as the son of the notorious Underboss of New York’s violent and feared Colombo crime family. At his most affluent, he generated an estimated $5 to $8 million per week from legal and illegal businesses. It was a life filled with power, luxury…and deadly violence.

Just a few years ago, mafia boss, Michael Franzese was named one of the biggest money earners the mob had seen since Al Capone, by Vanity Fair. At the age of 35, Fortune Magazine listed him as number 18 on its list of the “Fifty Most Wealthy and Powerful Mafia Bosses”, just 5 behind John Gotti. Avoiding traditional mob domains, Michael masterminded brilliant scams on the edge of the legitimate business world. From auto dealerships and union kickbacks, to financial services and the sports and entertainment industries, to a multi-billion dollar gasoline tax scheme, he earned millions in cash every week at his peak. Not surprisingly, Michael quickly became the target of Manhattan’s famed federal prosecutor, Rudy Guiliani.

F@ck. I hope I don’t get popped for writing about this-but note that I am protecting my sources, which to some of us, still means something, while to others of “them” are selling America cheaper than a pile of condoms in a Tel Aviv whorehouse.

Organized religion, organized crime, and organized groups of underworldly types who have all been “stalked.”


I dunno- how’s about you decide? But that’s three main points of my thesis right there a real trifecta. Oh- and about Mannix- I was talking about that old TV show, of course. Yeah, this one:



So, while the famous researchers and the psychologists can’t seem to find connections between OGS and seem to believe that it is a delusional disorder or that the electronics that are referenced are what “the internet” says they are, some of us know that he OGS dialectic is a platter of cannoli, after some osso buco with lamb shanks,  not word salad per se;  that others would shank us if we talk to loud about it. Because at its core, OGS is a linguistics puzzle.

But you can decide for yourselves what it is, and cross-check it against my evidence. Most importantly, approaching any dialectic from the standpoint of the pseudo-science of psychology is fairly useless, and can only produce bad results. Linguistics, sociological perspective, and perhaps some actual “history” as opposed to “revisionism laced with mystery money,” can perhaps provide a better answer.

Do you hear that Mike McPhate, you psycho-babbling fruitcake? Try journalism sometime, instead of milking the DVIC teats and those who have them dangling on YOUR plate- it works to get “to the bottom of things.”

But these kids today- coglione’s are one of their favorite meals. And those mad scientists with their internet pols think it’s OK to rompere i coglioni a qualcuno with junk science. Maybe that’s because they are on the Big Pharma payroll, instead of honorably running dope, or milking the tax dollar teat like the rest of the wiseguys.

Good Read: the short Wikipedia analyses of the “suicide” of George Reeves, in Los Angeles:

Statements made by the witnesses to the police and to the press essentially agree. Neither Leonore Lemmon nor other guests who were at the scene made any apology for their delay in calling the police after hearing the fatal gunshot that killed Reeves; the shock of the death, the lateness of the hour, and their state of intoxication were given as reasons for the delay. Police said that all of the witnesses present were extremely inebriated and that coherent stories were very difficult to obtain from them.

In contemporary news articles, Lemmon attributed Reeves’ alleged suicide to depression caused by his “failed career” and inability to find more work. The report made by the Los Angeles Police states, “[Reeves was]… depressed because he couldn’t get the sort of parts he wanted.” Newspapers and wire-service reports quoted LAPD Sergeant V.A. Peterson as saying: “Miss Lemmon blurted, ‘He’s probably going to go shoot himself.’ A noise was heard upstairs. She continued, ‘He’s opening a drawer to get the gun.’ A shot was heard. ‘See there—I told you so!'”‘[29]


The Chinese teachers and the MDMA drug: Minigh dimol/ waterinch, psychology, and drug experiments, SWAT, Cigarettes and Suffragettes, and gang stalking

The Chinese teachers and the MDMA drug: Minigh dimol/ waterinch, psychology, and drug experiments, and gang stalking, with commentary from a SWAT officer

minigh dimol: Evidence is quite conclusive, though no one seems to care or take notice. Organised psychological harassment, ongoing, equates to psychological violence, and all involved in such violence are guilty of criminal harassment, whether they see it that way or not.

Discussions about organized gang stalking have political undertones. Much like the ‘War on Drugs,’ the current moral panic’s and the ‘War on Terrorism’ reveal the stresses at the seams of our democracy, as some will do ANYTHING for DVIC dollars, while other’s resist such ‘blood money’ and the accompanying lies and half truths-what blood libel’s one must speak in order to get more of it.

And still other’s recognize the militarized bleed-over that has likely affected those who claim OGS spilled all over America like the guts of a 10,000 deer hung on America’s tree limb. What is called “mission creep,” and it’s effects on “we the people” as police and corporate interests, database abusers, and politicized organizations ranging from AIPAC to other NGO’s (many of which are also coincidentally embezzling or otherwise selectively mis-managing funds) to psychology work and the healing professions, with crisis PR manufacturers ready to create the appearance of an America under attack by anyone BUT them.

It is these hidden black operations that need to see the light of day, because OGS is certainly one indicator of a social disease, not necessarily mental health. And certainly, as we watch the failed “War on Terror” casting an ever widening net to now encompass “domestic violence” which is and always has been a one way narrative, the Ich Du is showing some bloat.

As noted by a retired SWAT Lieutenant, a highly decorated officer, and wounded warrior who saw service all across the globe as exactly the black operator that I criticize here,  here, here and elsewhere, ” Anyone above me is a politican-they’re not even real cops. They’re a different clss of people-they are making political decisions, not using common sense.

Maybe there are occasions where MRAP’s are actually needed. Watts, riots and that sort of thing. But these small towns-and their police are ill equipped to even operate those things, much less have a need for them. It’s ridiculous. “

In the case of Lucie, aka “Miranda” I presented a tenuous link from unethical human exprimentation that was financed by US drug industries in Guatemala in the 1940-50’s, to a homeless street person who had lost “millions” by her own account due to unethical and amoral punitive psychology. I make no claims of this being an entirely accurate assessment, but rather, as a sociological sketch of one person’s story derived from a well known era of government and corporate psychological harassment and abuse of discredited or easily discreditable victims, and that the homeless are notoriously targeted from many interests groups ranging from real estate developers and other’s who seek to profit in real estate, to those who pass them around in the ‘helping’ industries, rather than root out the social problem that “causes” them.  As such it is a derivative analogy of one person who for all practical purposes and who fits the categories of advanced sequalae described by OGS TI’s; and only that. But mental health is not the WHOLE story-not even close.

One man’s online testimony about OGS has the absolute ring of truth to it, not least of which is that he documents times and dates of “onset” and specific drug use; and those directly from the notes of psychologists and inpatient treatment, and he presents a case that OGS being neither an imaginary thing, a delusion, or necessarily psychosis, and also points the finger directly at a mis-diagnosis that becomes a lie repeated in the “echo chamber” of drug rehab’s and treatment centers and the various “on message” care providers.  Here is the hard link to one of his/her many websites that chronicle the use of the party drug MDMA, which is arguably the “new LSD”: written November 19, 2006

While the CIA is widely discussed as having perpetrated drug experiments, little focus is on what might be a modern version of these experiments that takes place across international jurisdictions and across cultures and countries. But the American layperson is most prone to blame the CIA, FBI or other domestic agencies because that is what our propaganda system has on one hand encouraged, and on the other discouraged when it comes to OGS.

And it cannot be forgotten how Nancy Reagan’s War on Drugs affected the other side of the political aisle of morality policing-namely that Mothers Against Drunk Driving coincided with rape hysteria and bad guys (men, primarily, for some reason) are everywhere; the boogieman manufacturing and “Take Back the Night” rallies, which really just created women as cheerleaders for the modern DVIC, using the exact tactical and strategic marketing and the social shepherding to “manipulate the breeding stock with flattery and safety” formula that Edward Bernays used to sell cigarettes as “Torches of Freedom” to the same class of primarily European, middle class white females.

Related Reading: the easily manipulated American woman: Cigarettes and Suffragettes, and America’s most famous  Pimp of Propaganda

One must also remember that America’s GDP isn’t measured by actual productivity, but rather the appearance of it, because we produce very little, so “products” in America are drunk driving arrests, sex offender statistics, domestic violence creation, prison beds filled nearly at random and frequently in advance as “gangster babies” are targeted literally from birth and stalked in databases from day 1.

And that PR “placements” of these ideas have replaced an actual economy, and keeping everyone who benefits from these industries, down to local police and the affiliated DVIC industries, such as social workers, psychologists, and drug rehabs ‘on message”and saying the same thing at all times, to keep DVIC dollars flowing, aka “official source gas-lighting” and CVE collusion AGAINST the mental health of clients entrusted to them. This is in stark contrast to the 1960’s when actual products were manufactured here, and men were conscripted for the draft. The DVIC incentivizes false claims and one sided story telling via Martin Buber’s zionist framework of othering and “us versus them,” rather than creating insight into cause and effect related research; much less enlists the truth of those who are for all practical purposes the people who were spoken of when it was written “first they came for___________, and I said nothing, for I was not a __________.”

Then, as we saw in the election of 2016, foreign intelligence agencies ranging from Russia to Israel, corporate spying, and likely more, are operating on American soil, and in American politics, enjoying the impunity that a special class of citizen’s also enjoy here-the political class*; that it could be argued, America is under siege, or that those who sit at the gate employing the “gatekeepers mechanism” willingly allowing the subversion of our citizens.

Adding to this potential and actual proven abuse are other American intelligence agencies, or even private contractors such as the firms like Stratfor, or CIA funded fronts that hire surveillance role players to stalk American’s and others as target practice are also clearly spying ON American’s and more.

While many celebrities such as writer Ken Kesey, The Grateful Dead, Timothy Leary, and others participated in these experiments of the 1960’s and even acted as nearly positive public relations, and made few dollars talking about it. But it seems that the dialogue of drug experiments and the general public is somehow stuck in the 60’s, and today, in American Studies programs and Pop Culture, much of which is so fused with women’s studies programs and multi-culti classes that the Marxist blur of indoctrination, propaganda, and history is complete; and we see many teachers, and especially those who ‘work’ in the DVIC-all of whom were propagandized a certain and specfic way-  adulating this era as well.

But what are the modern version’s of “The ElectricKool Aid Acid Test,”and is psychology and psychiatry as much a part of this ‘junk science’ that produces ‘junk economy’ as it was then? Because listening to James Mitchell-one of the CIA’s torture psychiatrists justify his participation-his hands on water boarding of detainees- is just sickening, and illustrates EXACTLY how deep the OGS denialist collusion-with-psychology rabbit hole goes. I mean, these guys got 81 million to design scientifically sound, but ethically bankrupt torture, just so Dick Cheney could catch a woodie again. I mean-who cares if your name is forever cemented in infamy-81 million will buy lots of return trips to Tel Aviv, where Russian hookers are cheaper than blow up dolls (this last phrase was for the guys at the Fusion Center.)

One case stands out in the online community of OGS victims as one man’s quest to overcome what most of us would call intense and life-crippling stigma from a couple of ‘bad night’s on the town’ in his time as a language teacher in China, which was later diagnosed as a mental disorder accompanied by delusions. While some might say he is mentally ill, o otherwise infer this or that-it cannot be forgotten that secret LSD experiments created lifelong informants and HUMINT out of whole cloth as well:

The case of minigh dimol aka ‘waterinch’ is all over “the internet”and his claim that on  several occasion’s, which he can date and virtually timestamp, of the “rapid onset” of his OGS “symptoms,and delusions” which he had NEVER had before meeting specific, nameable people in a foreign country and doing MDHA.”

Minigh dimol is extremely well spoken, and devotes a large part of their commentary to trying to explain the “psychosis” from a different viewpoint than labeling it mental illness. Most importantly-and this cannot be overlooked from a historical perspective, or from the stand point of sociology-it is noted that the way this person was introduced to MDMA is exactly how many were introduced to LSD at the height of the MKULTRA era:

“The terror stalking campaign involving the writer of this text is campaign that begins in the central region of Hunan Province China, a place called Shaoyang, were the target was a teacher. A torturous protracted nightly noise campaign disrupts his sleep for more than a year, and while he has on going discussions with the schools administration concerning the harassers, nothing is done.

After leaving his teaching postition at Shaoyang University, he relocates to the southern city of Guangzhou, the fourth largest city in Mainland China, for a year of language study, and though the torturous noise harassments seem a far away and in the past, his life is slowly visited by a series of mishaps, misfortunes, and an unexplained injury.

By the end of his year of study, supposed friends he had met in the second half of the year, have set a stage on which we see the target become entangled through set ups, thefts that include his laptop and other expensive items, all leading to the eventual onslaught of an intense gang stalking campaign, one that carefully causes him to feel that he under investigation for suspicions regarding the death of his parents, or is being set up to look as if he had murdered his parents, committed rape and other sorted and grotesque act.It is not until months later, after being in the US for a nearly five months, that he discovers that all he has experienced is part of a phenomena called terror stalking (also multistalking/gang stalking).

A simple search on the internet using the words ‘secret harassment’ enlightens him to the facts concerning the sick reality brought onto him by organized criminals who are bent on exercising a sadistic psychopathic practice, for reasons that are not understood by the victim. Learning from accounts of other victims, who in the initial stages of terror stalking, endure countless noise harassments, he is brought back in mind to Shaoyang University and his own encounter with such a form of harassment.

The unfortunate reality is that these exercises in the destruction of innocent peoples lives are happening to individuals in many countries of the world today, especially here in the United States and Canada.

The effects of terror stalking will undoubtedly cause the victim of this horrific crime to appear mentally unstable, for the tactics of psychological harassment, demoralization and dehumanization are so subtle and 100% tailored for the targeted individual, so that a target’s accounts of gang stalking, when heard by others, seems surreal, strange and unbelievable.

One of the contentions many people have said in response to my accounts what has happened of this seemingly protracted harassment and insidious activity, is that in the months between October and January of last year, I had engaged in the use of MDMA, with other foreigners in Guangzhou, China, most of them English teachers and foreign teachers. The use was limited to weekends only, and such weekend use was not consistent for the entire three to four month period, and tapered off by mid January. My association with these foreign teachers seems to have led to the set ups, and gaslighting which took place in mid February. It is clear in my mind that these foreign teachers lured me into weekend parties, so that when the terror stalking began, I could be labeled with substance abuse psychosis. This is often the protocal for terror stalking, to cause a victim to fall into vulnerable situations before the stalking.

I have been diagnosed with substance abuse psychosis in a number of institutions, simply because I have recollected out loud to others the event that took place in China in February of 2006. I might add that the serious assault using chemicals, fumes, and laced items of consumption would not have been ideal unless the victim, myself, had aquired a history, however short, or using MDMA. It lends much to having accounts of such covert harassment be labeled as substance abuse psychosis. All of the diagnosis of such have had no medical verification, and could very well be contested in court.

Substance abuse psychosis is typically due to extended periods of binge use, in people who are chronic longtime users, who use other drugs as well, and who also have unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles. Below is collected facts sited from DEA and research websites specific to MDMA psychosis. It states that such a psychosis due to MDMA is rarely seen, though may appear in persons who have had a history of mental illness, prior to using the MDMA. This victim of psychological harassment has never been diagnosed with any mental illness during his entire life, nor does such illnesses run in his family.

dimol has a large web presence, and the story is documented in many places on the web. If you follow the link above, you will find more links to dimol’s personal narrative and testimonial about OGS.

* the political class is not a new topic, nor is it imagined that they operate with scurrilous immunity, and impunity. In fact, CA, which leads national trends in politics and fashion, has had an ever-growing list of “untouchables” since they enacted the”cover our asses, not yours,” and “we can carry arms as per the second amendment, even as we stand against your own rights to do so,” policies of granting rights to anonymity, and the right to be “left alone” to those who work in government, policing, politics, and public sector unions. Beyond this being an affront to both the state constitution and the federal constitution as well, it is plainly unethical by any standard, and is one place we see that what are rights for some, are phrased as ‘privileges’ for others, as was the case in pre-Constitutional America.

In a recent conversation with a retired SWAT Lieutenant who had set up SWAT styled units across the world at the height of the drug wars, he noted that “everyone above a certain level of policing is a politician. They’re not even real cops. They make decisions based on politics,” and not even on what is or isn’t uniquely and Constitutinally American.

So, when examining topics as wide ranging and opinionated on “what is a police state” or “what is thee Domestic Violence Industrial Complex” it is valuable to note that those who have been shot or shot at, fash banged or otherwise seen combat, and those who have literally been on the front lines have a distinctly different viewpoint even of ‘what is a cop,’ than thse who work behind closed doors writing laws that are designed to protect them from insight, oversight, or even dissenting opinions.

Gang stalking in Amherst, MA and community awareness fliers, 1993, and police disinformation: hen house, foxes, big sloppy trough, DVIC, “Joe Biden’s Legacy”

Political Commentary: I still wonder what kind of dirt certain scumbags had on Vice President Joe Biden that cause him to become a total cop-dog muncher. Single man (hookers? Dog porn? Crack?) and those mysteriousy dead relatives-and then his son Beau, finally.

It seems fair though, because the policies that he backed have all but destroyed our once functioning Democracy, and f@cked a lot of kids into the “community policing” scheme of state controlled zombie children. African American children have a 70% chance of NOT having a father around, while Hispanic aand others have a near 40% chance of the same fate.

A constitution, due process- yeah. Hahahahaha, Joe, thanks for sharing the burden with your constituents. HAHAHAHAHA-and sorry ’bout Beau-how’s it feel to lose a kid? Hahhahaha. Or should I say Vawawawawawawwa? Because you inseminated the modern police state, and it’s consort of OGS harassment, the DVIC.

And certainly, nothing beats not having to worry about having a job, or being able to get one without a future employer being handed a dossier’ from mystery stalkers who subvert the letter and the spirit of the law. Ah, the right to work-especially if you get to make  your own work, check your own work, define your own work, and pay yourself for work created?

Yup, that’s what OGS is primarily as police suck the teat’s of federal dollars after the women’s internationale’ sold us all down the river. OGS,  aka “make-work” projects are how police are complicit in destroying democracy, one trumped up charge, one harassment campaign after another in a database. Create a target, and start gunning for it, ay boys and girls? Democracy is full of holes now. Thanks.

End of political commentary.

Here, below, we see another case where the fliers from that encourage neighborhood awareness of the organized gang stalking that is perpetrated by the DVIC and it’s handmaidens in democracy subversion are being demonized yet again by the local police, and instead of raising awareness, they are participating in the official “gas lighting” of those who have been gang stalked. I haven’t checked yet to se how many of those involved or suspected in this particular stalking are Rotarians, or other ‘hero’s’ of the community who are always saving cute kitties on fire, and old ladiesand children, but I am certain it’s near 100%.

Note the reporter’s bland and useless, uninsightful and cowardly reportage-yet anther MIC mockingbird. I suggest you write to her at her email address, and write frequently to raise awareness of OGS. But especially, go over there and read the comments section, which is instructive indeed-a bunch of rational people, discussing DVIC funded harassment, not a mention of electronic weapons, aliens or face orbs. Here is the reporters email,,,,

Flyers detailing concerns about organized stalking are not posted by Amherst police

This flyer was posted on a parking kiosk at Boltwood Parking Garage lot early Monday morning. (Diane Lederman/The Republican)

AMHERST – Orange flyers tacked up on store windows, parking kiosks and other places around town claiming to be a public safety notice are not from town police.

The flyers read “Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking.”

Police do not know who is putting the flyers up and they are not signed by any organization.

“The neighborhood has ongoing ‘gang stalking’ criminal activity,” the flyer begins.

“Known also as ‘organized stalking’ ‘community harassment’ group bullying & ‘counter-intelligence stalking’ this crime consists of illegal surveillance and harassment of targeted individuals,” the flyer reads.

It also states numerous state laws throughout.

But Det. Jamie Reardon said police would post any warnings on the website and send out press releases not post things like this around town.

Similar flyers have been put up in Guilford, Connecticut or in mailboxes and other communities  across the country.

Yeah “what’s hidden in darkness.”Suuuure.

It is this official participation that makes OGS so nefarious- that some will sacrifice YOUR liberty for another slurp at the trough, and THEIR job security (fake terrorists anyone? How about a side dish of the equally mouth watering “domestic terrorists are also domestic abusers!!!”), without raising a finger to represent the Constitution and that includes veteran’s, and stalks them as well.

With special relish (just for CN-Libra who likes to cook) note that “gray area,” slander, and defamation have replaced facts, and law, and due process in these so-called domestic violence/domestic terrorist scenarios, as the Charleston Nazi-guy was likely harassed with OGS for years, similar to Omar Mateen, not to mention the gray area database slander-the he-said/she-said “he was accused of” DV. To these people, an accusation IS a conviction, and OGS i the para-judicial, para-military, para-constitutional punishment.

This all which worked so well in the Stalin era of punitive policing and punitive psychology. Why not just try it here? And let’s ask the experts if it is a “dangerous emergent internet community” that seeks to raise awareness about this insanity-this institutional sociopathy. I would suggest that maybe, they aren’t dangerous enough.

And equality of course-we can’t forget to help tip the world in one direction, so that we all fall off, and all the money rolls into certain pockets-those whose tentacles are wrapped into every dusty 1990’s era orifice and every old, faded, extinguished volcano hole on this planet, as they  hold on together and to each other.

Yeah- ” woman power!” seems to mean “sell the men to enemies, both foreign and domestic, build the prison industrial complex, ” while kneeling for VAWA dollars from the Saudi’s, and slurping down triple dipped cop-dogs as a form of duty to the phallic monolith.

Or, this:


Plus this:

Police badges KLECK - 03_03_17 - B1

and this:

KLECK - 03_03_17 - B4

multiplied by this:

cop car themed high heels

Equals this:


Note these comments from this article especially, and note that the year “1993” is used, specifically to undermine dissent on this topic. Does this sound familiar-are you seeing a pattern yet? No? Well pull your head out of your vahjayjay then, because with women like this commenter bellow, who goes by the name of “Delores Hejazi,” who was a woman who murdered her three children just before the VAWA era-and was likely one of the creative forms of feminist jurisprudence where feminists sought to exonerate YET ANOTHER female psychopath by creating a novel criminal defense, which was just wrong, but also, rightfully, chalenging the powerful MIC narrative’s.

Related Story: Delores Hejazi murdered her three children

IN that era of false equivocation, fathers were slandered as pedophiles while these so-called feminists built the domestic violence industry to what it is today. Women who rape, molest, or use and exploit children are A.O.K. with the MIC/PIC/DVIC “warriors,” but men are “all rapists and pedophiles!”

Yeah-you can bet the deal is done already. “Just doin’ mah job!” and my favorite “I’m not a lawyer, I’m a cop! You’ll have to have a judge look those papers over” and oof course, who can forget- “Shin-zu! I think he said Shin-zu!*”:

According to his website he does nothing wrong because the KKK distributes flyers in just the same way and they are NOT investigated. Way to go. See also where he explains it.

4/1/2016 8:37 AM

It’s probably the veteran from the fight gang stalking website. After his flyers were investigated in Connecticut, he moves on to Massachusetts. I’m just telling because he accuses other websites of being disinfo. Activists have used flyers since 1993 without any result. You better try something new, something that they didn’t expect.


And with the help of Vice president Joe Biden, and his “feed the starving narcissists/psycopaths/violent women and other sociopath’s” programs, and the “protect police with MRAPS and bigger donut’s” programs, aka the NSA total surveillance agenda, we see a generation of narcissistic sociopaths now discouraging dissent at any cost.

But OGS is real indeed, as noted by the commenters at that post. Also special note: these comments on OGS took place in a presidential election year, 2016.

Hate StasiMar 18, 2016

Gangstalking, correctly termed government-sponsored stalking and harassment, is extremely widespread  in the United States. The catalyst for a person to be targeted in this manner, is to be placed on a watch-list.


The primary perpetrators of this crime are the Alphabet Soup agencies, their community assets, and the many government contractors who currently support the “War on Terror.” It appears to be directed by the fusion centers.

Not only is it used as a social and political control technology (to crush dissent), but it is also used as a way for these “pigs at the trough” to enrich themselves through the phony “War on Terror.” Since real enemies/terrorists are very small in number, domestic citizens are labeled as enemies (manufactured/created) to maintain almost unlimited funding.

Indeed, It is a huge cash cow for those involved.

Also, I believe that this program is how the Feds infiltrate all communities across the US. They simply label somebody a suspected terrorist and then spread the word around the community. They control the community by getting them to artificially focus on certain individuals – similar to Hitler’s Germany where the Germans where directed to focus on & hate the Jewish people living among them. A very powerful control technique.

Furthermore, it teaches the American people to reject a free society and start viewing their fellow citizens as enemies. It teaches them to be snitches and informants.

I could go on and on. But suffice it to say that this program is directly responsible for destroying the lives of many innocent people. It is still a secret and many Americans have not heard of it yet, but the word is getting out.

3/18/2016 12:37 PM
[crackle, pop, crackle] “Are you there Bob, it’s me, Margaret. What did he say?”  [radio crackle] “Well, he said something about fliers, hitting a few points….and Joe Biden’s closet. I dunno…something about using shoes as weapons of mass reconstruction, or deconstruction or making sushi out of old volcanoes, something….[radio crackle, Handsel and Gretel, crackle ] But did he use the word “penis?” [crackle] no, I think he said cunts though.[pop, crackle, pop] Well we can’t just kick in his door for a bunch of little cunts-or CAAAAAn we? Or…caaaaaan we…I have a plan….or maybe just put a hold on ‘im? Tell the white coats that he speaks “word salad? The would get the ambulance company $1220 dollars, the 5150 folks will get another $300-1500, and the 911 dispatch center will get about $35 per call-s get the neighbors in on it. We get hero points of course, and Andrea will LOVE us, and give us new shoes!
 MMMM. I’m getting hungry, and hungrier. Do I look fat in these heels?
walk-a-mile-military zpsmxjciqsq-618x383
Always hungry hungry hungry! “Yeah, are you there Bob? It’s me, Margaret. [pop, crackle, pop] Yeah go ahead.[ Snapple, apple, pop] Did you just tell me to give you…?!! Oh never mind! He said something about what a lying fat bunch of con artists we are, and suggested we eat word salad. [snapple, pop, greckles in flocks] Then i would go aheaad with the sushi/volcanoes narrative. That smells like a rotten plot.
Related image
* This is an inside joke between me, and those who were so sloppy, and so obvious, and so patently wrong, criminal, and plainly cowardly in their many attempts at being “right” that I was able to catch them, name them, and now, write about them as participants in OGS.
high heels were created for butchers not women