A quick note on statistics: I get about 60 posts read per day. Is organized gang stalking real? If you read only ONE post on this blog, read this one.

I think at this point, I have essentially proven my many thesis points, and I encourage other researchers to study this topic from any angle they wish. And to test and retest my many hypotheses against other evidence-but I especially advise you to separate the OGS dialectic from the “noise” of directed energy weapons, UFO’s aliens and all that other classic USAF/CIA/DEA/FBI counter-intelligence psychobabble.

While to some, it may seem OK to use people in experiments, create great stress and angst with the inducement of trauma and fear through OGS; or target indigent populations, or to harass people with pre-existing mental health conditions; or to abuse whistle blowers, journalists, and common criminals- I remind the reader that due process is sacred, and that so-called national security exceptions aren’t; and while your personal institutional sociopathy may express itself in the “gray area” community policing scheme, I have deliberately and beyond my own better judgement been compelled to the plate to take a swing “for the little guys and gals” who are targeted with OGS  by institutional psychopaths and sociopaths who are enlisted in your/their schemes.

In the time I was writing this, I literally encountered more Rotarians than I ever thought existed. In America, there are somewhere near 130,000 of them- I have encountered five of them out of the blue, and three of them are current or retired police or intelligence. While each particular case of OGS may have a distinctly different cause or tone, I note with empirical evidence that Rotarian’s appear in many online narratives of OGS and real estate is literally the battle ground they appear on[follow that link].

In the half year it took me to write this blog alone, I have encountered over ten persons who call themselves targeted individuals, also “out of the blue,” and I have been approached with three stories that involve national security. My cars have been broken into, and my phones have been stolen.

There was Donald, the Viet Nam era explosives expert, and Bit’s the amazing hacker; Lucie (who is a genuine TI), and of course, who can forget how Sava appeared out of nowhere-from two continents away! To remind me that his sister and I went to college together.

In the last years, I  caught a plainly bizarre”Sataniss” sniffing neighbor climbing around the telephone pole in my alley as my internet was juggled around for about two years. Oh, yeah: he was the block captain.

I met a man- THE man who literally invented ALL of the technology (more or less) that CIA/DEA/FBI spycraft use- and he a Lockheed Martin and other big MIC engineer contractor who invented specifically the exact technology that MRAP’s use for guidance; and he also informed me of how EMARSS systems and other equipment on FBI airplanes works, and how the technology that HASN”T been reported in MSM includes that “they” use 3D “heat maps” to literally look into your home, and build a 3D model of you taking a sh!t.

A SWAT team member and his cohort moved in next door to me and dished gossip very loudly and more- much much more, which I can document, and literally “prove,” including the names of these individuals, which other’s have documented as well.

A whorehouse full of underaged hookers was “busted” blocks from my local sheriffs station; another cop was busted selling guns blocks away from me. ALl of this, and I never once “see/saw/ or said something ” to bring attention to any of it- I never once picked up a phone or dialed a call or sent an email to discuss any of this except to my select witnesses.

I was approached just last week with information from a man claiming he is the son of one the founders of the CIA; and gave a retired wise guy a ride home in my car. I interviewed a retied SWAT commander who knew the difference between costume jewelry and a 25k pigeon blood pendant.

And all of this, above, as a major database breach was foiled because a Fortune 30 company with retired FBI on it’s payroll failed to note the slow data leakage from a controlled area that requires CGIS oversight; and that leak which targeted primarily LEO’s BY other LEO’s, who work in the EXACT due process violating gray area ‘community policing’ scheme’s I have outlined herein. And I can name the city where this subversion is centered- but no one cares anymore about due process, because they are all snout deep in it.

And I never once lifted the phone and asked for any of it- for this is how ‘wiretapped’ a TI’s phone can be. I never contacted any of these people first a they all came to me. Think about that for a minute, and get back to me. Or better yet, please don’t.

So- for the future researchers who might wonder “what is organized gang stalking” and “what is a targeted individual” you can take this above as my testimony, and I can point you to witnesses and other evidence and data who can and will verify that what I say herein is true to the letter. But sometimes, vampires need a kick in the teeth, and hopefully, this blog will do that for others who are being violated like this.

Sooo: what did YOU do this week? In that light, I have demonstrated herein – that organized gang stalking is:

1) real, and has non-organic non-delusional basis

2) it is gaining currency as a legitimate complaint, an that Sheridan and James et al are delusional in stating that victims of OGS should be isolated, or cut off the interet, because the use of the internet is a crucial tool with which to raise awareness of OGS

3) that psychologists are actually part of the problem, and frequently co-conspirators in “political/punitive psychology” especially in this matter; and they are somehow very invested (literally, in the monetary sense; and as we see with the CIA torture psychologists Mitchell and Jessen, psychology is an amoral and unethical enterprise at the state level; and in denying OGS to the point where junk science such as the Lorraine Sherridan and David V. James study, as well as the Elizabeth Dietrich study are  deliberate “official source gas lighting,” and very likely intentional fraud that has not demonstrated or otherwise given merit to OGS claims

4) that law enforcement, working in the gray area schemes ranging from outright criminal conduct, to collaboration with outside agencies in criminal conduct (such as Stratfor, or LEIU’s) and as such has a vested interest in keeping it relegated to “delusional complaint” because frequently we see LEO’s are actually perpetrating it, but also, they get paid based on statistics-so the more call to 911 the more work they make. This is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex “at work” making it’s own “work.”

5) that it is most frequently a crime of those who have power directed at those who do not have power, and it relies on this power imbalance to institute itself, and also to erase it’s hidden criminal conduct, such as the case of literally yusing “mind control” on peple who were later exonerated in the  Largest DNA exoneration in American History.

6) that elements of religious sects and cults; academic cults; intelligence agencies, community policing, NGO’s and corporations, Rotary Club, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the Jewish Federations, Asian Law Caucus member’s, AIPAC, Google, Palantir, Media Sonar et al; and private security contractors, real estate developers and all manners of political stalking that ALL use identical tactics and methods of harassment, and also inter-relate to each other in secular settings to plot stalking.

7) that using the original counter-intelligence “pre-loaded” term of “gang stalking” is an appropriate term to describe the highly organized domestic terrorism that OGS is, because it has currency in the online dialectic-and that taking the power away from stalkers by using their own terms is a crucial step to understanding OGS complaints. Also, that the term gang stalking marks a clear turning point in American Democracy where some felt it was alright to bend and break the law to “get gang criminals off the streets” or to destroy due process to “get organized crime,” as we saw in the LEIU’s stated purpose-and that this sliding sce of morality has now reached into the wider culture as police budgets that get ever more fat seek to prove their “value.”

A special note to my special readers: THIS will be my last post here on THIS blog.

DDOs Attacks , internet surveillance from Fusion Centers, and OGS: Read this as if it was YOU that just got hit with a DDOS attack (your fifth in two days), which slowed your own writing down and took you offline until you could reboot

A note to the “special” and “specialist” reader’s who have been following along: due to the fact that my last story about guns, under-aged sexcapades , police cadet’s and the police personality, that post becoming a sort of target itself, it is important to note that I have had more hits to this blog from Thailand, an exceptional amount from the chief Five Eyes Alliance nations looking at “key” posts; and especially from readers who are exceptionally curious about my writing in re: the LAPD.

So I must issue a disclaimer: I have nothng personally against police, nor do I hold a grudge for the many decades wherein certain and specific nameable, identifiably associated police and their affiliated specific shitbags waged blackmail, whisper campaigns, slander, and attempted at times to levy, frame, falsely acuse, or otherwise encourage or facilitate false charges against me (those specific cowards amongst you know who you are specifically, and who your bretheren and sisterns are as well.) It is not my intent to malign police, or the noble profession that it ONCE WAS, nor to tarnish or impugn the badge (well, maybe a little bit.)

But rather, this blog is an appeal to those in the IC who sit behind NSA-Israel trickling down toFusion Center, trickling down to local LEO jobs, treating human beings as target practice; those in the IC who use back-doors like common criminals, and illicit hand-offs of data theft-goods to subvert due process; to those in law enforcement who are tired of sitting their at the donut shop/Starbucks in East LA, as your ride idle’s on, knowing that the game is rigged, that your promotion depends upon complicity, and feeling powerless to do the right thing, even as your buttie across town Tweets you a picture of the latest target to mock, deride, and entrap/stalk/harass.

But I urge you, as I have urged myself and others, to come forwards, and reveal what you know, which is certainly more than I know.

And on that note, I am as aware now s I was at all times that my life is in jeopardy, as is your own, but also, I have survived multiple shootings of various kinds, and outlived the worst of slander’s by multiple groups and org’s informed by coward’s and cowardly databases, and even more cowardly Taser attacks. In other words- take a breath bro’s and sistern’s-and do the right thing.

In the time since I stopped writing this blog, I have met multiple United States Veteran’s-some of them explosives experts who are stalked for their knowledge, by unknown asaillants (and it is not PTSD in the clinical sense that they are describing to me); some of them wiremen who refuse to climb pole outside a targets house, and refusing to pull wires that enhance illegal operations directed at American citizens; and I have met other targets, some of them just bootlegs-but all of them stalked into silence.

Too, I have met homeless or “houseless”hackers, electronics specialists, and more, all of whom claim one or another form of OGS, or targeting by “the good guys.” Some of them even resembled the profile of the victim’s of being drummed out of the ranks, as did Gavin Long, who was framed with dishonorable discharge and hording women’s underwear….

But OGS is a real thing, and perverse, archaic, ethnic, religious tribal, and social manipulation of sexuality, relationships, and hence the future of these men is more than just a barracks joke. If anything, it’s an indicator that the ASVAB selects for sexual deviants and sheeple who have sex hang-ups: and that those then become the arbiters and gate-keepers of “our” society. Or, as you know it “the norm.”

A short list of their complaints from this week alone:

  1. tail lights knocked out time and time again-this is s symbolic thing. Also, Philando Castile also endured many tail lights knocked out before he was murdered in front of a four year old child, by an Israelified encounter while in the drivers seat of his car.
  2. mysterious encounters with people with surveilance gear; stranger false arrests
  3. gas-lighting of various kinds rangingfrom things oved around their yards to outright vandalism
  4. relationships ruined, and then, isolation
  5. their medical claims and records being burned in mysterious arsons, or by theft from storage lockers and desk tops.
  6. Paper work lost at the VA multiple times, blocking claims of disability.
  7. Being followed by property developers or their hird security details that seek to drive them from their homes, or lock them up on 51-50 holds-long enough fr any agency to sneak into their homes and do any of the above.

And, most nefariously, I have met AGAIN the simple fact that when I try to publish this blog, it comes under attack-the entire system freezes, and locks up. The blog becomes “un-publishable.” And that, just after I tried to link to this update about the connection between corruption of police cadets, hidden practices in police dpartments all across America, and how looking in my windows, or into my Windows 10; or looking the other way at official endemic and systemic  corruption is not the solution.

No matter how many of my blogs “you” pop, another and another will spring up. Like Whack-a-mole. The first time I was shot, in cold blood, I didn’t quite know why-and that, as I awoke, literally, on Friday the 13th. Make of it what you will.

But every 13 thereafter? You only empowered ths story, and every one that has and will come after it. I have met the Gollum, and the Gollum is mine. Be careful you are on the right side of this story.

Related Stories, and Five Eyes-the New Axis of Evil, and Peter Theil. Or “How the Fourth Reich and the Zionists became BFF”

Who is spying on YOUR neighborhood? https://www.aclu.org/whos-spying-your-neighborhood-map

More on Fusion Centers: https://www.aclu.org/other/more-about-fusion-centers


Abbreviations of FVEY government agencies

Abbr Agency Country
ASD Australian Signals Directorate Australia
CIA Central Intelligence Agency United States
CSE Communications Security Establishment Canada
CSIS Canadian Security Intelligence Service Canada
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation United States
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters United Kingdom
GCSB Government Communications Security Bureau New Zealand
MI5 The Security Service United Kingdom
MI6 Secret Intelligence Service United Kingdom
NSA National Security Agency United States

Five Eyes Spying links: https://www.techdirt.com/search-g.php?num=20&q=Five+Eyes+&search=Search

Peter Thiel and Palantir spying on your children’s children’s children: https://theintercept.com/2017/02/22/how-peter-thiels-palantir-helped-the-nsa-spy-on-the-whole-world/

Five Eyes meets in New Zealand-Peter Thiel’s new “home”: https://www.rt.com/viral/385722-five-eyes-spying-alliance/

The Five Eyes Alliance is selling you cheap: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/is-the-five-eyes-alliance-conspiring-to-spy-on-you/277190/

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg isn’t a good neighbor-and you invited him underneath your windowsill inthe first place: http://www.inquisitr.com/2712367/facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-is-not-a-good-neighbor/