A special note to my special readers: THIS will be my last post here on THIS blog.

DDOs Attacks , internet surveillance from Fusion Centers, and OGS: Read this as if it was YOU that just got hit with a DDOS attack (your fifth in two days), which slowed your own writing down and took you offline until you could reboot

A note to the “special” and “specialist” reader’s who have been following along: due to the fact that my last story about guns, under-aged sexcapades , police cadet’s and the police personality, that post becoming a sort of target itself, it is important to note that I have had more hits to this blog from Thailand, an exceptional amount from the chief Five Eyes Alliance nations looking at “key” posts; and especially from readers who are exceptionally curious about my writing in re: the LAPD.

So I must issue a disclaimer: I have nothng personally against police, nor do I hold a grudge for the many decades wherein certain and specific nameable, identifiably associated police and their affiliated specific shitbags waged blackmail, whisper campaigns, slander, and attempted at times to levy, frame, falsely acuse, or otherwise encourage or facilitate false charges against me (those specific cowards amongst you know who you are specifically, and who your bretheren and sisterns are as well.) It is not my intent to malign police, or the noble profession that it ONCE WAS, nor to tarnish or impugn the badge (well, maybe a little bit.)

But rather, this blog is an appeal to those in the IC who sit behind NSA-Israel trickling down toFusion Center, trickling down to local LEO jobs, treating human beings as target practice; those in the IC who use back-doors like common criminals, and illicit hand-offs of data theft-goods to subvert due process; to those in law enforcement who are tired of sitting their at the donut shop/Starbucks in East LA, as your ride idle’s on, knowing that the game is rigged, that your promotion depends upon complicity, and feeling powerless to do the right thing, even as your buttie across town Tweets you a picture of the latest target to mock, deride, and entrap/stalk/harass.

But I urge you, as I have urged myself and others, to come forwards, and reveal what you know, which is certainly more than I know.

And on that note, I am as aware now s I was at all times that my life is in jeopardy, as is your own, but also, I have survived multiple shootings of various kinds, and outlived the worst of slander’s by multiple groups and org’s informed by coward’s and cowardly databases, and even more cowardly Taser attacks. In other words- take a breath bro’s and sistern’s-and do the right thing.

In the time since I stopped writing this blog, I have met multiple United States Veteran’s-some of them explosives experts who are stalked for their knowledge, by unknown asaillants (and it is not PTSD in the clinical sense that they are describing to me); some of them wiremen who refuse to climb pole outside a targets house, and refusing to pull wires that enhance illegal operations directed at American citizens; and I have met other targets, some of them just bootlegs-but all of them stalked into silence.

Too, I have met homeless or “houseless”hackers, electronics specialists, and more, all of whom claim one or another form of OGS, or targeting by “the good guys.” Some of them even resembled the profile of the victim’s of being drummed out of the ranks, as did Gavin Long, who was framed with dishonorable discharge and hording women’s underwear….

But OGS is a real thing, and perverse, archaic, ethnic, religious tribal, and social manipulation of sexuality, relationships, and hence the future of these men is more than just a barracks joke. If anything, it’s an indicator that the ASVAB selects for sexual deviants and sheeple who have sex hang-ups: and that those then become the arbiters and gate-keepers of “our” society. Or, as you know it “the norm.”

A short list of their complaints from this week alone:

  1. tail lights knocked out time and time again-this is s symbolic thing. Also, Philando Castile also endured many tail lights knocked out before he was murdered in front of a four year old child, by an Israelified encounter while in the drivers seat of his car.
  2. mysterious encounters with people with surveilance gear; stranger false arrests
  3. gas-lighting of various kinds rangingfrom things oved around their yards to outright vandalism
  4. relationships ruined, and then, isolation
  5. their medical claims and records being burned in mysterious arsons, or by theft from storage lockers and desk tops.
  6. Paper work lost at the VA multiple times, blocking claims of disability.
  7. Being followed by property developers or their hird security details that seek to drive them from their homes, or lock them up on 51-50 holds-long enough fr any agency to sneak into their homes and do any of the above.

And, most nefariously, I have met AGAIN the simple fact that when I try to publish this blog, it comes under attack-the entire system freezes, and locks up. The blog becomes “un-publishable.” And that, just after I tried to link to this update about the connection between corruption of police cadets, hidden practices in police dpartments all across America, and how looking in my windows, or into my Windows 10; or looking the other way at official endemic and systemic  corruption is not the solution.

No matter how many of my blogs “you” pop, another and another will spring up. Like Whack-a-mole. The first time I was shot, in cold blood, I didn’t quite know why-and that, as I awoke, literally, on Friday the 13th. Make of it what you will.

But every 13 thereafter? You only empowered ths story, and every one that has and will come after it. I have met the Gollum, and the Gollum is mine. Be careful you are on the right side of this story.

Related Stories, and Five Eyes-the New Axis of Evil, and Peter Theil. Or “How the Fourth Reich and the Zionists became BFF”

Who is spying on YOUR neighborhood? https://www.aclu.org/whos-spying-your-neighborhood-map

More on Fusion Centers: https://www.aclu.org/other/more-about-fusion-centers


Abbreviations of FVEY government agencies

Abbr Agency Country
ASD Australian Signals Directorate Australia
CIA Central Intelligence Agency United States
CSE Communications Security Establishment Canada
CSIS Canadian Security Intelligence Service Canada
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation United States
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters United Kingdom
GCSB Government Communications Security Bureau New Zealand
MI5 The Security Service United Kingdom
MI6 Secret Intelligence Service United Kingdom
NSA National Security Agency United States

Five Eyes Spying links: https://www.techdirt.com/search-g.php?num=20&q=Five+Eyes+&search=Search

Peter Thiel and Palantir spying on your children’s children’s children: https://theintercept.com/2017/02/22/how-peter-thiels-palantir-helped-the-nsa-spy-on-the-whole-world/

Five Eyes meets in New Zealand-Peter Thiel’s new “home”: https://www.rt.com/viral/385722-five-eyes-spying-alliance/

The Five Eyes Alliance is selling you cheap: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/is-the-five-eyes-alliance-conspiring-to-spy-on-you/277190/

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg isn’t a good neighbor-and you invited him underneath your windowsill inthe first place: http://www.inquisitr.com/2712367/facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-is-not-a-good-neighbor/