The enemy of organized gang stalkers is an unique suspect: “individualism.” How Heng Choon Chan, and Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, are schtupping us with Hegellian phalluses.

So, up until now, we have seen many many examples of how gang stalking is related to policing, and community policing, aka “communitarian” policing, and how there are racial, class, gendered elements that conspire to phrase “the other” as mentally ill, rather than as persons needing protection that is guaranteed to them by due process rights, but which is more often than not denied to TI’s in ‘official source gas lighting’ campaigns, as may TI’s report this exact fact.

And, we have seen how the MSM has so far played along with this odd and dishonest narrative, literally framing the dialectic as that of dangerous crazy people versus “everyone else.” So it cannot be overlooked that this is an extension of psychology as a pseudo science, directly and LITERALLY related to Edward Bernay’s and “mind control.”

So now we must take a look at the type of material that Dr. Lorraine Sheridan and David V. James, as well as other DVIC profiteers use to “organize” their version of a society. And the key here, it will be noted, is that these same are at war with “individuals.”

Here, from Heng Choon Chan and Lorraine Sheridan, we see another clear indicator that “individuality” is an issue, as many “targeted individuals” will tell you, but also, that these researchers are deliberately pairing the individual against the collective-and remember, that in the Hegelian Dialectic, constant conflict is a purely profitable model for some individuals, at the expense of many others who are targeted by them. In the case I am about to introduce, we see a comparison between a communist countries perceptions of stalking contrasted (conflicted) with western individualist perceptions.

And before I introduce the link between stalking and attacks on individuality-and many of those attacks BY the exact academics that believe in the collective-I would first like to point the reader to Sheridan’s following online, which clearly indicates two things: 1) she is closely affiliated with police and the DVIC, as well as the many newly emerged groups of organized gang stalkers that I have implicated elsewhere on this blog, and 2) her work in prisons is nearly as inhumane and antithetical to the lived experience of an actual target of organized stalking, Dr. Moss David Posner, who died as a TI while advocating for  prisoners rights.

Then, I would like to point the researcher to the fact that much of Sheridan and James-et al’s work-indeed the entire dialectic of who or what is stalking or stalkers  is also very closely centered on police and police perception management, and “influence:”Are police under the influence of influence operations by pseudo-science and psychology?

And here we see the “conflict” begin:

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