The enemy of organized gang stalkers is an unique suspect: “individualism.” How Heng Choon Chan, and Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, are schtupping us with Hegellian phalluses.

So, up until now, we have seen many many examples of how gang stalking is related to policing, and community policing, aka “communitarian” policing, and how there are racial, class, gendered elements that conspire to phrase “the other” as mentally ill, rather than as persons needing protection that is guaranteed to them by due process rights, but which is more often than not denied to TI’s in ‘official source gas lighting’ campaigns, as may TI’s report this exact fact.

And, we have seen how the MSM has so far played along with this odd and dishonest narrative, literally framing the dialectic as that of dangerous crazy people versus “everyone else.” So it cannot be overlooked that this is an extension of psychology as a pseudo science, directly and LITERALLY related to Edward Bernay’s and “mind control.”

So now we must take a look at the type of material that Dr. Lorraine Sheridan and David V. James, as well as other DVIC profiteers use to “organize” their version of a society. And the key here, it will be noted, is that these same are at war with “individuals.”

Here, from Heng Choon Chan and Lorraine Sheridan, we see another clear indicator that “individuality” is an issue, as many “targeted individuals” will tell you, but also, that these researchers are deliberately pairing the individual against the collective-and remember, that in the Hegelian Dialectic, constant conflict is a purely profitable model for some individuals, at the expense of many others who are targeted by them. In the case I am about to introduce, we see a comparison between a communist countries perceptions of stalking contrasted (conflicted) with western individualist perceptions.

And before I introduce the link between stalking and attacks on individuality-and many of those attacks BY the exact academics that believe in the collective-I would first like to point the reader to Sheridan’s following online, which clearly indicates two things: 1) she is closely affiliated with police and the DVIC, as well as the many newly emerged groups of organized gang stalkers that I have implicated elsewhere on this blog, and 2) her work in prisons is nearly as inhumane and antithetical to the lived experience of an actual target of organized stalking, Dr. Moss David Posner, who died as a TI while advocating for  prisoners rights.

Then, I would like to point the researcher to the fact that much of Sheridan and James-et al’s work-indeed the entire dialectic of who or what is stalking or stalkers  is also very closely centered on police and police perception management, and “influence:”Are police under the influence of influence operations by pseudo-science and psychology?

And here we see the “conflict” begin:

Copies of Nothing: police psychology and the replication of power through willful ignorance, and bullying.

It is nearly impossible to impute to the reader how disproportionate the telling of the story of “targeted individuals” of organized gang stalking is in terms of power versus those who are powerless; or that the issue of “TI’s” is in fact one of “first they came for the ________, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a (member of the Beatrice Six). But the fact is that beyond interagency collaborationn to subvert the Constitution in the name of “goodguyism,” only the little guys and gals get targeted, while others get “flipped” or otherwise compromised.

So let’s take a look at one of the many illegal database schemes that has been minimized or eradicated from our ability to view this illegality in the press, and where innocent people and Americans were targeted by an intelligence agency that was really a multi-agency Hydra of subversion on American-and international shores.

The DEA and the SOD database: They needed a code word to describe their voyeurism, and then, to discredit those they targeted with clandestine, illegal, iun-Constitutional HUMINT campaigns of coercion and terror.

Let’s first take a look at “police psychological profiles” that are generally stuck somewhere in the toilet, as most of the religiously afflicted are, and then, add the opportunistic and voyeuristic and eugenic nature of feminist jurisprudence through the eyes of Kurt Vonnegut, who was popular with militarist feminists during the rise of the neocon “left” and the DVIC, where we discovered that women’s violence is well financed, and internationalist, because “hungry hungry hungry!“:

From “Breakfast of Champions,” where Vonnegut- a survivor of the fire-bombing of Dresden– critiques “white male power” but forgets to note “white female privilege,”which is perhaps more deadly, if Dresden, or Holodmor are any example .

wide open beavers.jpg

So, voyeurism (the NSA to local LEO data theft pipeline) and photography ( they frequently make threats that they have secret databases with TI’s pictures in them; and agencies are indeed using our televisions and our laptop camera’s to spy on us) is a major them of these neo-fascists and their Hegelian counter parts, and the “TI” is their secret passion, as women’s deviance and violence takes different and creative forms.

If I showed you pictures of “TI’s” you might laugh, or mock them somehow, as many of them appear in mug shots, due to the disproportionate force and fury with which western societies prosecute the poor and the disenfranchised. Many of them, like the now-famous Timothy Trespas, are easily discredited because they “don’t look like “us”.”

Odd, how the bane of aging white feminists everywhere-“lookism” has become the exact tool with which these target and harass people in official source gas lighting, such as the case where the New York Times Mike McPhate conspired with Lorraine Sheridan to cover up this crime in last years article.

I have written about TI’s from a variety of standpoints, but one thing that can be said with certainty is that they are frequently “not” super models or muscle bound ‘heroic’ figures from ancient Greece, though there ARE exceptions. And, like anyone, they ave their faults and flaws.

What makes them different though, is that they are often stripped of the pretenses of power fairly early in life, and have frequently been labeled by those who value power. As such, as Glenn Greenwald has noted, they have “no place to hide,” when operations like the illegal and warrantless  NSA/DEA/CIA/FBI decides to turn their lives into a free for all. so beyond merely being involuntary HUMINT assets, they are also mocked for being so, and with the approval apparently, of “psychology,” despite NONE OF THIS being authorized or even acknowledged in a legal framework anywhere.

I recently spoke with a man who was forced onto a stretcher in a “set up,” to try to create the appearance that he is mentally ill, which is bad enough. But the story gets really sick when he describes how “there was even a photographer present taking closeup pictures of my face as they did this.”

And I spoke with a woman whose neighbors-wonderful progressives in a “progressive” city, framed her as the neighborhood crank as they waged loud parties next door. Her mugshot looks exactly like that. And then, after they got a fifty year restraining order on her (because she told the judge ‘why don’t you just make it ten, twenty or forty years’) they moved away! See how that works- let me know if you start seeing patterns-because seeing patterns can indicate delusional thinking.

So, the claim that communitarian policing is framing people is not unusual, nor is it unprecedented when individuals take a stand against this nefarious bullying. And this is no small claim, nor is it an uncommon one in the “frame jobs” that much of these make-work projects of our current government is involved in.

And the internet abounds with video’s of “authorities” in power citing vague “rules” or even more un-Constitutional “policies” that prohibit photographers from filming them-public servants-at work in public. So, without a doubt, photography-which is NOT a crime- has become a tool with which institutions collaborate to defame those it targets.

In the video below, some from the DEA gets their authoritarian asses handed to them by an individual who knows that “policies” and “rules” are not LAWS, and that-for now- citizens still have the right to film and photograph these cowards who work anonymously from behind the internet switches plotting the destruction of free speech rights, due process of law, and more; that these who invade our privacy with impunity, and from behind the veil of absolutist secrecy are themselves annoyed by cameras.

And,  the citizen knows that people who cite policies and rules are in fact cowards who hide behind authority, and mobsterism, and the psychopathology of institutions that are destroying Democracy with obstructionism in the gray area of law.

And especially, note the license plates, as these federal agents work in a state that has granted official “anonymity”to public “servants.” In order to understand “what is a police state” one must understand the “privileged immunity and institutional anonymity” of these operatives.

And this, below, is what breeds contempt for the public by these same. And it cannot be missed that the photographer is described as being 5’4″ tall, and is standing against men and women who top the scales at body mass and weight. Welcome to feminist jurisprudence and policing! It seems that the “little people” are an extreme threat:


“Fascist DEA Scum bags attempting to Censor 1St Amendment freedom of Press”


But for the most part, many if not all TI’s are the product of inter-generational bullying by institutional forces ranging from neighbors and schoolmates to police to mental health professionals, and the hidden networks of “goodguys and gals” who somehow see nothing wrong with “piling on.”So in order to understand my version and interpretation of “TI’s” and OGS, it requires that I define “what is a coward,”as you and others who research organized gang stalking will note that claims that GS are cowards are quite frequent in the online dialectic of OGS, and in fact a staple comment.

So, it cannot be missed that this individual filming is a 5’4″ sprite, unarmed, and questioning the authority of those who are IN FACT AND IN PRACTICE a huge factor in OGS online dialogues. Nor can it be missed that each of these photographers is practicing their rights against thousands of pounds of human meat that makes it’s living from violence, and that they are all armed.

So, beyond institutional sociopathy, and psychopaths whose sickness finds a welcome home in institutions of power, I personally view TI’s as “not mentally ill” anymore than those who pursue them, and “pile on.” It is instructive to note two things about this “phenomenon” that will help put it in perspective

  1. many of those who are “targeted” are people whose civil rights and due process rights were violated in durations of time that defy imagination and are frequently derived from warrantless surveillance and the “War on Terror.”
  2. Nearly all of them that I have talked to report bullying, and “strange” internet encounters with hidden bad actors

Read together, these form a narrative drawn from the replication of status quo superstitions and outright mythological lies that form the narrative of police and state power psychological basis, but also, plain old bullying by any other name.

So, here below is a link farm to stories about how the DEA (which is inseparable in mission or tactical applications, and methodology from the CIA at this point) used a database to illegally, and un-Constitutionally profile, monitor, perform surveillance and harass American citizens.

And for those of us who walk “unarmed” in the world with the expectation that these “goodguys and their gunz and bomz” won’t shoot us for excercising our rights is in fact and in practice, true bravery, because we KNOW they are murderous, slanderous, malevolent crooks who love to “shine a light” on “we the people” but somehow, cringe when the light gets cast on them-or scurry away like cockroaches-the video above is prima facie proof of that.

Special Operations Division (SOD) database abuse and lawsuits to follow? Who would even know where to look for the proof? I have an idea- ask those crazy peepl in the TI community!

Testilying as security theater and “goodguyism gone wild!”: How DEA agents and all other LEO’s use illegally obtained data to create and then “dry clean or launder” a case, aka “parallel construction-as well as to follow peole around and do plainly bizarre sh!t to their internet connections, telephones, cars, homes, etc, etc….

More on parallel case laundering, dry cleaning alleged crime, and illegal spying

Prosecutors and supervisors cover up the program that covers up illegal spying, of “cover up squared,” layers upon layers of subterfuge and criminality from “the good guys and gals”

The cover up of the cover up of the cover ups, layered in a discrediting narrative, aka “who are targeted individuals?” What happens to targeted individuals?”

Organized stalking and CIA operations manual: what you are experiencing is “counter-intelligence stalking.”

I get a lot of readers from Russia, the Ukraine and elsewhere who seek information about the CIA phone hacking and then, influence operations, propaganda and gang stalking operations.

While much has been written in the last decade about “far right” groups of “organized thugs” who stalk and harass people, it is important to note that the left is doing this today as the right has lost power-due to tactical assault like OGS. And the left has done this before as well- Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany (the blur between Jews who profited from the Holocaust one way or another is striking, as we see some Jews today encouraging racism and stalking), and Mao’s China-in sort, anywhere there was communism, there is OGS,

And targeted individuals were as likely to be high level politicians as they were opposition candidates, or even low level drug dealers with an “in” to the “party circuit” or other social circles. These people who get stalked are what is called “influencers” and while they are the people who suffer the most in OGS, it is really the “larger audience” that is the actual target-the people who the “influencer” can influence. This larger audience is called the “targeted audience” aka the “TA.”

So, one TI can lead agents and agencies to a larger TA-got that? And that is straight out of the CIA operations manual or any of a number of other intelligence agency playbooks-they really are all the same with slight differences that aren’t worth discussing here. This one was from this era, where America lost its grip on industry, and went to a “black cash” budget instead.

And, from high level diplomats to low level drug dealers acrss town from you, OGS is the tactic, various TA’s are the actual targets, whether it is a cop with a vendetta because you banged his wifey who sics the dogs on you in the form of “women’s rights advocates” and the associated “umbrella agencies and NGO’s that get cash for DVIC stalking, or the Russian’s, or the local good guys and their do-gooders who seek to kidnap your child by framing you into a crime, the tactics are IDENTICAL.

Here below is a bit about the behind the scenes “influence operation” that is taking place around you:

PREFACE TO: CIA Handbook Psychological Warfare.pdf

Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the “political animal” that Aristotle defined. In effect,the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the”political animal” has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets. Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the “environment” in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population. This book is a manual for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and democratic crusade being waged in Nicaragua by the Freedom Commandos. Welcome!

Reader-Take special note of this :

3. Armed Propaganda

Armed propaganda includes every act carried out, and the good impression that this armed force causes will result in positive attitudes in the population toward that force; and it does not include forced indoctrination. Armed propaganda improves the behavior of the population toward them, and it is not achieved by force.

Hard link here:

So, in most cases of OGS, we encounter the common complaint that “slander campaigns” and “rumors” and “defamation” are taking place. These take place around key individuals to gain their complicity, or to gain their compromise, in order to then gain power over the TA. The link above will explain that to you better, but also, other methods of sabotage that are likely being used against you.