Organized stalking and CIA operations manual: what you are experiencing is “counter-intelligence stalking.”

I get a lot of readers from Russia, the Ukraine and elsewhere who seek information about the CIA phone hacking and then, influence operations, propaganda and gang stalking operations.

While much has been written in the last decade about “far right” groups of “organized thugs” who stalk and harass people, it is important to note that the left is doing this today as the right has lost power-due to tactical assault like OGS. And the left has done this before as well- Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany (the blur between Jews who profited from the Holocaust one way or another is striking, as we see some Jews today encouraging racism and stalking), and Mao’s China-in sort, anywhere there was communism, there is OGS,

And targeted individuals were as likely to be high level politicians as they were opposition candidates, or even low level drug dealers with an “in” to the “party circuit” or other social circles. These people who get stalked are what is called “influencers” and while they are the people who suffer the most in OGS, it is really the “larger audience” that is the actual target-the people who the “influencer” can influence. This larger audience is called the “targeted audience” aka the “TA.”

So, one TI can lead agents and agencies to a larger TA-got that? And that is straight out of the CIA operations manual or any of a number of other intelligence agency playbooks-they really are all the same with slight differences that aren’t worth discussing here. This one was from this era, where America lost its grip on industry, and went to a “black cash” budget instead.

And, from high level diplomats to low level drug dealers acrss town from you, OGS is the tactic, various TA’s are the actual targets, whether it is a cop with a vendetta because you banged his wifey who sics the dogs on you in the form of “women’s rights advocates” and the associated “umbrella agencies and NGO’s that get cash for DVIC stalking, or the Russian’s, or the local good guys and their do-gooders who seek to kidnap your child by framing you into a crime, the tactics are IDENTICAL.

Here below is a bit about the behind the scenes “influence operation” that is taking place around you:

PREFACE TO: CIA Handbook Psychological Warfare.pdf

Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the “political animal” that Aristotle defined. In effect,the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the”political animal” has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets. Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the “environment” in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population. This book is a manual for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and democratic crusade being waged in Nicaragua by the Freedom Commandos. Welcome!

Reader-Take special note of this :

3. Armed Propaganda

Armed propaganda includes every act carried out, and the good impression that this armed force causes will result in positive attitudes in the population toward that force; and it does not include forced indoctrination. Armed propaganda improves the behavior of the population toward them, and it is not achieved by force.

Hard link here:

So, in most cases of OGS, we encounter the common complaint that “slander campaigns” and “rumors” and “defamation” are taking place. These take place around key individuals to gain their complicity, or to gain their compromise, in order to then gain power over the TA. The link above will explain that to you better, but also, other methods of sabotage that are likely being used against you.


What is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?

The Domestic Violence Industrial Complex is a privacy raping gray area policing scheme, a dismal failure at protecting rights, or children, or anyone else, and it’s a well-oiled tax-dollar sucking vampire.

Martin S. Fiebert of California State University Long Beach has been telling us that all along, but -for some reason-no one wants to note that women’s assaults on their spouses and partners occur more frequently.

Why is that? My guess is this privacy raping, domestic violence waging boondoggle that we now know as a full blown police and surveillance state that targets us all now is very profitable to some people, and not helping We The People one bit. And, sometimes, vampires NEED a kick in the teeth-I know this from personal experience (see my ‘who is the author of ROGS’ section).

Here, below we see a woman murdering her kids, her kids father, and that fathers girlfriend, because-as we have known forever-some women who entrap men in baby scams are themselves psychopaths. And-for some reason- the DVIC has overlooked this since, well, forever. Which bears out one part of my thesis, which is that some in the system are purely profiteering from children, exploiting human relationships, and all of that under the guise and the appearance of “protecting the children.”

So at the end of this particular story below, a story about the oppressed girl next door, Jessica Edens, whose womanly frailty and “patriarchal oppressed” life caused her to murder her kids and two others, we can see wh the real “winners” are:


DVIC: $72 billion or more per year for MRAPs parked in front of Ye Olden Tymes Donut Shoppe, or any Starbucks during break-which occurs all across America at noon, four p.m., 8-8-30 p.m., 10 p.m., etc. Added bonus round: the DVIC lawyers got paid in the custody fight, the cops got paid for the restraining orders, paperwork, associated costs. And the psychologists and other’s at the “Fusion Center” somehow missed this act of “domestic terrorism.”

We The People: minus three more children, one father, and a woman who probably wasn’t a psychopath.

Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) plus one more at plus/minus $40K per bed, per year.

Mom’s Gone Mad:

“On July 13, Jessica Edens stole a .40 caliber handgun from her parents’ house, drove to the apartment complex where her husband lives and shot and killed Meredith Rahme, his coworker and alleged girlfriend. Afterward, she drove off and called her husband once before shooting and killing their 5-year-old daughter, Harper, and her 9-year-old son, Hayden, in the back of her Jeep.

She then called him again to say, “Everyone you love is gone. Do you hear me? I’m about to be gone too” before turning the gun on herself. Police have indicated that she wanted revenge after a bitter custody battle with her husband, and her suicide notes appear to confirm that theory.

RELATED: Text messages reveal the chilling reason why a mom killed her children and herself

In the note left for her husband Benjamin, Edens wrote, “You have caused me more pain [than] I’ve ever been in in my life. You have caused my children pain. I hope you rot one day for what you have done to me and my kids … I hope you live with pain and shame and guilt for the rest of your life.”

The thing about gang stalking though, is that it is largely non-partisan, and wholly fascist. Even feminists get gang stalked. And Jews, and Catholics; Roma gypsies and others.

And in this light, the case of Seana Sperling-a woman who is being gang stalked in the “progressive” state of Oregaon stands out as interesting, as does the well known case of Rachel Orban, who is being gang stalked in Boston MA (and it is important to note that those who raise awareness about gang stalking in Massachusets are villified BY THE POLICE, and stalked as thought criminals, as in this case here).

Here, below, Ms. Sperling-who is one of those many “rape is everywhere” types, claims she is being gang stalked. Possibly it is because she has a Jewish sounding name(….) and possibly it is because she is a Roma gypsy(….). But also, like many white women such as Rachel Dolezal, the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), she is white, and psychologically deluded into believing she is not. Among white females, the phenomenon of being a “shiksa” also carries with it the weight of being whatever other ethnicity competes against it, as the white female is forever in distress.

Then, she goes on to blame the right wing of politics, and indcates that like so many so-called feminist cause based stalkings, derived from the ADL or Jewish Federation and “progressive” type slander campaigns, it could go either way. These organizations are snout-deep in all of the federal dollars that the DVIC slurps up every year, and they are right there at the front of the massive crisis PR industry as well, that continues to manufacture crisis after crisis that only they benefit from, snout deep in the trough.

While Ms. Sperling is quick to accuse the right wing, she misses the opportunity to ask the question “what do Jewish and Progressive groups, and then, he “umbrella” of “human rights” groups that masquerade as do-gooniks do with the money that the Department of Homeland Security grant them every year” as these groups get between 94 and 97 percent of every dollar that the DHS ‘spends’ on dealing with the ever morphing and nebulous ‘security threats’ that theey-for some reason- are always under.

While this is on the surface it seems a necessary and decent use of such black budget funds, it is interesting to note that in the long history of America,  most if not ALL Swastika hoaxes and ‘bomb threats’ are perpetrated BY Jews ON other Jews, and that the famous ACLU case of defending Nazi’s right to free speech was a case that involved one of the many Jewish Nazi’s- Frank Collin, the famous “Nazi” of Skokie Illinois; whereas tens of thousands of other American’s are mercilessly and brutally slandered, maligned, stalked, beaten, or murdered every year. So much like shiksa’s masquerading as the treasured house slaves of the Khazarian’s, we see Frank Collin masquerading as a racist in order to keep the forever-in-crisis narrative alive.

Let me know when and if you start seeing patterns, as ‘irrational’ fears or obsessions with patterns can indicate delusional thinking. And worse, those who take action against others due to these irrational fears are certainly clinical, if not outright sociopathological.

Blood money, blood libel, black budgets, and Seana Sperling’s complaint-she writes about ritual defamation, or Zigeunernacht, the “Night of the Gypsies”? You decide.

The Vilification Industry and the Surveillance State, by Seana Sperling


Being under surveillance and the slander that accompanies these lists, can wreak havoc with your career and your life as I have found out. If you apply for a job, the watch team will contact the prospective employer claiming you are under investigation for something, and you will not hear back. If the prospective employer does an Internet search of your name and finds a false Police Report or false Police Record they will not call back. If you go for an eye exam, go for a haircut, the snitch groups will call them up, thus you will be treated badly.

I found a false Police Record under my name on This website claims to have “Real Records,” but is a con. I have no record and I am not a criminal, terrorist, pervert or whatever. I clicked on my name and at the top of the page that opened read: “CAUTION: This background report is very graphic. We do not censor our reports. We trust you to use this information responsibly. Please do not abuse this tool, or we could be forced to take it offline. The content of the report might shock you, so please prepare for the unexpected.” I paid the $9.95 to see what I was being accused of this time. There was no record. I contacted the site and threatened litigation and they took the slander down the next day. I called City Hall Records and said I was finding things online about some sort of Police Record and they confirmed that they had nothing negative about me.

Award winning Author, Gloria Naylor writes about this type of vilification and organized bullying in her fictionalized memoir 1996. What begins with a simple dispute with a neighbor escalates into a DEA investigation and gullible citizens are manipulated into stalking and harassing Naylor everywhere she goes. She writes of how friends turned on her and were actually aiding the bullies


Organized Gang Stalking case study: Real Estate, Rotary Club’s and

Bulletin: I have decided to continue to write at this blog on occasion, as day after day validates that OGS is a very real thing, and actual victims of this have written to me to share their stories (I have not published the accounts of those who I believe to be actual victims without their permission) involving all of the groups and tactics outlined herein.

Related: of the two studies that “examine” gang stalking, two studies that “examine” gang stalking, both have recommended that those who claim it be isolated, shunned, silenced, and/or declared “mentally ill.” And here is how one “community newspaper” has “framed”the narrative of OGS victims fighting back using the First Amendment- the irony meter explodes every time it meets OGS denialists and free speech rights. Especially note who the “badguys” are to that community, and to others who deny OGS:

The flier that was distributed ” praises “patriots” such as Daniel Ellsberg, who released the “Pentagon papers” in 1971; Edward Snowden, who recently exposed thousands of intelligence documents; and Frank Serpico, a former New York City police officer who blew the whistle on police corruption in the late 1960s and early ’70s.

And equally important to note is that these posts here, here, here and here have become integral to this narrative, and can be tested and retested against my many hypotheses.

While I have not experienced rape, or death threats, minor car burglaries, floating bubbles on my security camera’s, GPS signals emanating from my car(as tested with a LM-8 bug sweeper, which is one of the best pocket sized BS I have ever used), or actual daily stalking for nearly a year, it is important to note that this blog, and associated writings have been around for nearly a year as well. Do you see a correlations? Any causation/correlation errors? Any proofs of hypotheses?

While legitimate researchers of organized gang stalking would find my thesis validated time and time again, cultists, secret societies, religious fanatics who hide in secular culture, and organized gangs of statist’s and institutional psychopaths will find no such correlations. Academic fraud’s will most certainly find a lack of correlation here as well.

But to continue my thesis: Here is yet another correlation straight from the coveted anus of the Sacred Cow that is Main Stream Media (MSM). It is YET ANOTHER correlation between claims of “organized gang stalking” and “real estate,“which comes to me from

In this case of “the Guilford CT Gang Stalkers,” we see once again that real estate related organized stalking, OGS and policing mix together in the toxic brew of secret, occulted, hidden and obscured un-Constitutional harassment, and we also find a real estate developer, who also “coincidentally” is Rotary Club member. I must point out that in the general literature of psychology, coincidence is often mistaken as a feature of delusional thinking. However, any historian, sociologist, or propagandist instantly recognizes the correlation between real estate red lining and coincidence, or KKK activity and coincidence, but also how it is a well known feature of cult activity and religious superstitions. Atheists, secular humanists and rationalists-and many Libertarians for some reason- seldom are obstructed by these last two major hurdles that psychology-by some coincidence-cannot seem to overcome.

Related Story: How the worlds most famous coincidence-the relationship between psychologist, Sigmund Freud and his nephew, the world’s greatest propagandist Edward Bernay’s literally mind-controlled much of the last century.

As I have noted and written about before this is ALSO directly correlated and substantiated in many cases of  OGS. Note especially that the local police are actively working to discredit “whoever” it is that is distributing fliers about OGS that they obtained from the website mentioned above.

Without irony (if this is still possible at this point), also note the following: a whistle blower is being called “anti-government,” and this likely due to the DHS thought and word policing aka the “terrorist threat matrix” which targets pure first ammendment activity by design; and that whistle blower is being “framed” as a threat, rather than as a concerned citizen. Are you seeing any more correlations, kids? Yeah?

Well that’s interesting. Those who derive their income from carefully phrasing what is or isn’t; who is or who isn’t a “threat” can’t seem to find correlations! And even refutation is perceived as a threat. Seeing a pattern there, with the “silencing” and “isolating narrative? No? Then look a little harder. Maybe take a look at the DHS “badwerdz” list.

Guilford Police Investigate Anti-Government Fliers In Mailboxes

July 04, 2014|By DANIELA ALTIMARI,, The Hartford Courant

GUILFORD — Police are investigating anti-government fliers left in hundreds of mailboxes throughout town over the past two months.

The fliers refer to “gang stalking” and direct recipients to a website that likens U.S. intelligence agencies to the Stasi, the former East Germany’s secret police agency.

“This neighborhood has an ongoing ‘gang stalking’ operation involving covert surveillance and harassment of targeted individuals,” the flier reads.

The website,, professes to expose “the use of illegal counterintelligence tactics against American citizens by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies and private security-intelligence contractors.”

It praises “patriots” such as Daniel Ellsberg, who released the “Pentagon papers” in 1971; Edward Snowden, who recently exposed thousands of intelligence documents; and Frank Serpico, a former New York City police officer who blew the whistle on police corruption in the late 1960s and early ’70s.

Guilford police Det. Martina Jakober said Friday that versions of the fliers began appearing in mailboxes about two months ago, prompting complaints.

Among those filing a complaint was Tony Fappiano, a local real estate agent and a member of the town’s board of ethics. The flier suggests that Fappiano is the “gang-stalking” coordinator and instructs those concerned about the operation to contact him.

The flier also suggests that Guilford police department may have sanctioned the alleged “gang stalking.”

Jakober said neither Fappiano nor the Guilford police is involved in any such surveillance or stalking operation.

Fappiano, who has served on a number of municipal panels, said on Friday that he has no idea why he was mentioned in the flier.

“I’m in business 41 years in this town. … I’m a former member of the economic development commission. Why somebody is targeting me is beyond me,” Fappiano said. “I had nothing to do with it and I look forward to meeting the coward that started this.”

Jakober is investigating whether the fliers constitute harassment. Also, by law, only stamped and metered mail may be placed in a mailbox, so the placement of the fliers in residents’ mailboxes is a violation.

Anyone with information about the fliers is asked to call the Guilford Police Department at 203-453-8061 or the anonymous tip line at 203-453-8240.

Any legitimate researcher of OGS will also connect immediately with other parts of my thesis-that “homelessness” or the threat of it is also a constant here as well.

Did Edward Bernay’s REALLY die, or was he absorbed into the Panopticon?

So if there were “gang stalking BINGO,” such as the case of the argest DNA exoneration in history which vindicated six people who were LITERALLY mind controlled so badly that they STILL have Stockholme Syndrome-but sued the pants off of that city and won 30 MILLION DOLLARS, then this would be a good second place candidate for having B-I-N-G——O.K.

Let’s recap, kids:

  1. real estate
  2. police running disinformation
  3. free speech-speaking up about your targeted harassment is demonized
  4. an individual claimant is villified
  5. isolation is suggested as a cure
  6. Rotary Club/secret societies involved
  7. us-versus-them, goodguy’s-badguy’s binary
  8. homelessness is an under current
  9. information/influence operations in local media
  10. lot’s of mysterious “well who knows fer sure?” and “can you prove it?” and “This guy’s a threat, likely delusional!” and so on
  11. in group, out group inter-relations
  12. hidden/occulted relationships working behind the scenes against an individual
  13. hmmmmm. What might 13 be? Oh Yeah! Disinformation spread through official channels…no wait, um……

Disclaimer: I make no opinion or otherwise make a statement about the individuals involved in this case, but rather, document these as indisputable facts, and actual proof of how “gang stalking” exists in the narrative of modern culture, and how it is interwoven between the powerful, and how it hamstrings the powerless.

Here below is the realtor mentioned in the article-note the associations that I have discussed above, and especially-again, without irony-note that he sits on the local “ethics commission” too!:

Anthony Fappiano [linked in here]

Owner, Shoreline Real Estate Company

Greater New York City Area
Real Estate
  1. Shoreline Real Estate Company
  1. Guilford Ethics Commission,
  2. Ct Assoc of Realtors-Legislative Committee,
  3. Guilford CT Rotary Club
  1. Univ of Connecticut

Organized gang stalking and monitoring and BOLO

Many people who claim they are targeted individuals say that they are tracked wherever they go. In law enforcement and security industries, there is something called a BOLO alert, and BOLO stands for “Be On The Look Out” for someone.

Modern technology in use and practice today has enabled this exact form of targeting of individual, and all LEO’s use these technologies in real time to track and monitor people across cities, states, and state lines, but also, you will see in the writings of targeted individuals that there is a subtle and pervasive attempt to create hopelessness in the target, as the claims sometimes state that ” they can track you wherever you go,”and “it will never stop,” and so on.

All of that is true, as we know today that Homeland Security has massive databases, and dossiers’ on every American. And, the CIA financed the Palantir database system as well as Google, and both of these track people in real time.

Other programs tat are in use every minute, every hour on every American includes cell phone surveillance, and social media monitoring. Wile many say “well, I have noting to worry about, and noting to hide,” I would like to point you to this story here, about how the Nazi Third Reich used IBM pre-computers to track individuals, and used punch cards to round up those who became its victims.

I would also like to state tat at this time, I am currently seeking documents and street camera video footage from a large western city known for gambling, wherein I was “gang stalked” most likely because a BOLO had been issued. As with most scientific claims, there must be scientific evidence, and video footage is pretty good evidence. As noted elsewhere, I have been compiling a lot of actual, falsifiable and often court room worthy evidence that in fact, organized gang stalking is a real thing.

To the researcher, I ask that you simply note that similar things have happened elsewhere, under different names and historical periods, but in my case, do your own research, and test mine against whatever other evidence you wish. I am sure that my claim- that I was followed multiple times, across a city, and security guards and police volunteers positioned themselves directly at my back, on video, in multiple places over a three day period, at odd times, last August. These volunteers wear distinctive yellow shirts, and use bicycles up and down the main boulevard, and are easily identifiable on camera.

I also had security guards, the guys in yellow shirts, and a large, friendly Hispanic man named “Leo” and a crew of what appeared to be four undercover cops/citizen volunteers outside my hotel room door, and a hacker along with them in a hoodie. While many claims of targeted individuals are easily testable, few do test the claims, because most are thougt to be mentally ill. In my case, I have studied the things I say above  and I was only aware of these types of stalkings, because I have studied it for periods of years, going back to 2003, and now know ow to document it. Your methods may differ, but mine are designed to old up in court, and in sociological research studies as well.

But perhaps most importantly, is that the researcher be aware that there is a vast network of agents and agencies who seek to discredit those who claim that this is a ‘real’ thing versus a mental illness, and multiple agencies work together to minimize te view that what they are doing is anything but legal, or Constitutional. In my case, you can decide for yourself.

Organized stalking and intelligence agencies: Dr. Reidar Visser stalked across continents, then ‘disappears.’

Perhaps the average or casual researcher of gang stalking will miss the real and actual cases because all of the noise being created by fake media, misinformation blogs, and easily discredited intelligence agency funded psyops.

But from what I can tell ( and you are welcome to argue the point) Dr. Reidar Visser, a Middle Eastern studies PhD., claims he has been stalked across the world numerous times, and that local police cooperate with international police to track him.

Have a look at Reider Visser, targeted individual, who wrote a blog called and also from 2005 until 2015, when he suddenly stopped writing (which is a common pattern with bloggers on this topic). Then, this appeared online, which claims he now resides in Asia, though I could not find that fact or verify it:

After having suffered in silence for many years now, I wanted to write up some general and academic thoughts on the extrajudicial punishment operation that I have been exposed to since 2011.
In the most general terms possible, my diagnosis of so-called modern Western civilisation following years of harassment is that we do not have a “rule of law society”. By this I mean two things. One, the rule of law is not guaranteed institutionally. Second, the rule of law is not enshrined in culture, to the point where culture could act as a counterforce in the event that institutions should fail. With these two combined shortcomings, Western ” democratic” credentials aside, there is very little in the way of checks and balances in place if and when a government elects to trespass on the fundamental principles of habeas corpus, equality before the law and the presumption of innocense.

There is one other case which I have found were a man- a lawyer and former Clearwater County Florida attorney,  claims massive harassment by police and FBI agents, after he dated the sheriffs ex-wife in Pinellas County Florida. e eventually moved to Thailand ( where the CIA maintains massive operations, and where severaal of the torture black sites were/are located) but I won’t link to it because every time I write about that ( I have written about that at several other blogs) my internet becomes a popcorn machine of hacking, and email invasions; and last time I wrote about this topic, one of my other blogs was defaced and defamed as a “ufo conspiracy theory blog.”

I ask you, the reader, to verify if anything in this blog or any other is anything but verifiable, falsifiable, and scientifically accurate, and I could care ess about UFO’s or any other ‘conspiracy.” I deal here, with what is real, and can be verified.

Here below, is an excerpt of his work at Gulf Analysis:

Legality and Constitutionality Questions in Iraq’s Reform Push

Posted by Reidar Visser on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 21:50

A few quick points regarding the sudden reform push by Iraq prime minister Haydar al-Abadi, representing the first significant constitutional developments during a term so far characterised above all by the war against ISIS.

-Proper legal procedure was not followed when the vice presidents were voted out of office by parliament on 11 August: According to the law on presidential deputies, the initiative for relieving them of duty should have gone through the president, not the prime minister.

-In accordance with the law on presidential deputies, the Iraqi parliament is in any case under a legal obligation to elect a new presidential deputy within 15 days from the post became vacant.

-The Iraqi vice presidential position is a position stipulated and hence protected by the constitution. A cabinet that chooses to ignore this could in theory also send parliament on an indeterminate vacation. Whereas it was a good decision to get rid of two superfluous VP posts that were created only to care for the egos of certain bloc leaders, to abolish the VP position altogether seems distinctly unconstitutional.

-Also exactly like in July 2011, no proper constitutional procedure was followed during the downsizing of the cabinet from 33 to 22 ministries. As per the Iraqi constitution, each of the ministers relieved of duty should have been subjected to an individual vote (and discussion) in parliament. Again, the decision in itself is laudable but the procedure that was followed is not.

-An interesting aspect of the recent reform measures concern the attack on ethno-sectarian and party quota-sharing arrangements (muhasasa). Such attacks have been part and parcel of political correct rhetoric in Iraq ever since the emergence of new democratic institutions, but only under Abadi’s recent reforms has it been taken seriously – to the point where Kurds, in particular, are worried that it will mean majoritarianism and informal Shia dominance in practice. It should be stressed that this aspect of the reform IS constitutional. Ethno-sectarian proportional representation is only an explicit constitutional requirement as far as the armed forces, the parliament, and a one-off, now defunct, committee for reviewing the constitution are concerned. It has nonetheless become a de facto organising principle at almost every level of Iraqi government.

-The Iraqi government should be given credit for allowing public protest and persevering with reform, even as it faces an existential external threat in the shape of ISIS. The Kurdish regional government could in this case learn something from Baghdad: External threats are in themselves not an argument for setting democracy to one side. However, if the Iraqi government opts to cheat on legal procedure, its reforms are likely to be stillborn. Not least with respect to the importance of getting the judiciary on board for reform – it is in itself highly in need of an overhaul – it would be wise to stick to instruments and arrangements that are clearly within the constitutional and legal limits.