Feminism, safe spaces, cry bullies and organized gang stalking: the case of the Rwandan Genocide and ’empowered women.’

The Rwandan Genocide was a “women’s war.”

While much of the research on organized gang stalking indicates a police element run amok as it works with the “community policing scheme” that favors the lop-sided narrative of violence, and then, shelters the worst elements of criminality in the heart of what is left of the American home: woen’s violence. Why is that?

Women’s violence is covert, networked, and slanderous;  dangerous because of the pedadstalization of women BY women and the men they choose as co-conspirators – and also was behind what was called “The Red Guard” under Mao Tze Deng, or called “Red Squads” during the heyday of the FBI using the Ku Klux Klan and other social groups to terrorize “uppity negroes” and more as primarily white wmen wh had extensive power networked then as they do now to on one hand hide their influence, and on the other, to cry wolf, on que whenever they are challenged in their power-and then, their henchmen and wimmin step in to maintain narrative control.

Today, we see a similar element, working with different and ‘more diverse’ groups, to cause domestic terror in the form of the DVICWhat is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?.  And despite he so-called “rise of the right” we know from history that most Nazi organizers were, or are gay Jewish men like Frank Collin, or quite frequently are FBI informants. So, while you can quit worrying about the Klan, you might want to examine these other lunatic fringes.

Without a doubt, we see that violent women use institutional forces to wage purely psychopathic campaigns. For instance, in the most recent genocide on record, women were instrumental in leading the charge that other women be raped; murdered, dismembered, and more.

Women as Leaders in GenocideWomen as Leaders in Genocide and the similarity between women’s actual violence, and women’s social or cultural violence

ISSN: 1558-8769

Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill

Donna J. Maier

The role of women as perpetrators in the Rwanda Genocide has been documented much more so than that of women in other genocides and crimes against humanity: more than in the holocaust of World War II, than in the massacres of Mayan Guatemala’s Indians in 1982, and more even than in the widespread atrocities that accompanied the break-up of the former Yugoslavia which were virtually concurrent with the Rwanda Genocide. It is not entirely clear why this is the case. Testimonies of women perpetrators and victims were collected in the immediate aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide by various human rights groups, most completely by the United Kingdom based NGO African Rights which published its data within a year of the genocide.[1] More evidence has emerged in the trials of genocidaires at the International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda, and in trials in the national courts of Rwanda,Belgium, and other countries.  These trials include the evidence of female victims, but also have included prosecution of high level women perpetrators which have resulted in guilty verdicts.

In feminist circles, the co-option of social cause, and the essential destruction of any person’s individual narrative by globalist agenda’s takes place in ‘closed settings,’ aka ‘safe spaces’ as some seek to build a following, or enforce a cult mentality via closed door intimidation. The isolation factor cannot be lost on any in the ‘healing professions’ or law enforcement. And cry bullies, a recent scourge of those who practice identity politics-and who were resoundingly ousted from power in the election of 2016-are frequently the precursor to organized gang stalking.

And, OGS is an actual contagion on modern college campuses, as young women and others are brainwashed via hysterical trance formation to mouth words and act out scripts of trauma that seldom resemble the actual events they claim to have endured. Indeed, there are forms of female initiated violence that could use an updated profile on Fakerape.

Related Stories: How one young woman, Emma Sulkowicz virtually begged a young man for anal sex, and then, claimed he was her was a rapist when he didn’t submit to her other perverse means of control(nothing against experimental sex, butt….)

The UVA fakerape hoax was one piece of a larger bunch of asses, magnified around the world, thanks to the now fully discredited liar Sabrina Rubin Erdeley

Eight famous FakeRape’s

UVA fraternity that was defamed and libeled by Sabrina Rubin Erdeley’s fake rape story in Rolling Stone magazine settles for 1.65 million

Gang Stalkers: Minus 1.65 million We the People: plus 1.65 million

So-forget “fakerape” as an issue of merit and begin to see it as a nefarious ploy of those who are likely institutional sociopaths, psychopaths, and degenerates, such as Sabrina Rubin Erdeley and others who practice the lowliest form of activist journalism, called “lying their asses off” or a dollar or two. )

Then, begin to take note that some women are mercilessly gang stalked in academia-in numbers that are likely far greater than “fakerape’s” that are mediated in-you guessed it-as in the Sulkowicz case and the UVA rape hoaxes, these cases are mediated in academic settings and “closed door adjudication hearings” that have no legal standing, but can ruin a young boys academic career by slander.

And all of this in a climate of “safe spaces” where these terrorists and bullies plot their crimes, and then cry foul when they are discovered. And LEO’s for the most part just don’t care- they get paid no matter what. In fact, fake rape and other DVIC plts are helping to drain taxpayers, and break he countries bank.

So, in these cases of organized academic gang stalking, trauma can be presumed, as the stalkers and harassers all deploy a form of “trauma-bonding” that is written about in the literature of torture, and also, is part of the diagnoses of Stockholm Syndrome as we saw with the largest DNA exoneration in American history.

Here is a snapshot of Ms. Sulkowicz rape theater:

In recent months, Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University senior who carries her mattress around campus as a protest against the university’s non-expulsion of her alleged rapist (and an art project for her senior thesis) has been hailed as a heroine in the battle against campus sexual assault.

While Sheridan and James maintain that somehow, group stalking and gang stalking are dissimilar, one glance at the data tells us that it is nearly all the same. However, because they are ensconced in the “fake world” of academia, they seldom see the similarity-or deal with victims of this horrible practice. I myself have known one individual who committed suicide after extensive harassment in her master’s degree program.

From HER online, a discussion about organized gang stalking in academic and institutional settings:

Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting

By Rheyanne Weaver HERWriter

The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there’s the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There’s also the fear that someone is following you. Then there is gang stalking.

This is the ultimate form of paranoia that turns out to be a well-founded suspicion and mistrust. Gang stalking is when a group of people decide to target an individual and attempt to control aspects of that individual’s life and monitor them 24/7. Generally, this is done without the person actually knowing about this organized stalking group, but if a person does find out, the results and helplessness can be devastating.

According to gangstalkingworld.com, “gang stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time.”

Sound sick yet? It gets worse. Targets are chosen for many reasons, including dissenting opinions in politics and the workplace. The overall goal is to break the targets down, from making them just look crazy for suspecting gang stalking to isolating them to ruining their reputation and credibility to forcing them to commit suicide.

People might participate in gang stalking without knowing these horrible consequences. They might gang stalk to be accepted into a group or be forced into gang stalking.

What is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?

The Domestic Violence Industrial Complex is a privacy raping gray area policing scheme, a dismal failure at protecting rights, or children, or anyone else, and it’s a well-oiled tax-dollar sucking vampire.

Martin S. Fiebert of California State University Long Beach has been telling us that all along, but -for some reason-no one wants to note that women’s assaults on their spouses and partners occur more frequently.

Why is that? My guess is this privacy raping, domestic violence waging boondoggle that we now know as a full blown police and surveillance state that targets us all now is very profitable to some people, and not helping We The People one bit. And, sometimes, vampires NEED a kick in the teeth-I know this from personal experience (see my ‘who is the author of ROGS’ section).

Here, below we see a woman murdering her kids, her kids father, and that fathers girlfriend, because-as we have known forever-some women who entrap men in baby scams are themselves psychopaths. And-for some reason- the DVIC has overlooked this since, well, forever. Which bears out one part of my thesis, which is that some in the system are purely profiteering from children, exploiting human relationships, and all of that under the guise and the appearance of “protecting the children.”

So at the end of this particular story below, a story about the oppressed girl next door, Jessica Edens, whose womanly frailty and “patriarchal oppressed” life caused her to murder her kids and two others, we can see wh the real “winners” are:


DVIC: $72 billion or more per year for MRAPs parked in front of Ye Olden Tymes Donut Shoppe, or any Starbucks during break-which occurs all across America at noon, four p.m., 8-8-30 p.m., 10 p.m., etc. Added bonus round: the DVIC lawyers got paid in the custody fight, the cops got paid for the restraining orders, paperwork, associated costs. And the psychologists and other’s at the “Fusion Center” somehow missed this act of “domestic terrorism.”

We The People: minus three more children, one father, and a woman who probably wasn’t a psychopath.

Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) plus one more at plus/minus $40K per bed, per year.

Mom’s Gone Mad:

“On July 13, Jessica Edens stole a .40 caliber handgun from her parents’ house, drove to the apartment complex where her husband lives and shot and killed Meredith Rahme, his coworker and alleged girlfriend. Afterward, she drove off and called her husband once before shooting and killing their 5-year-old daughter, Harper, and her 9-year-old son, Hayden, in the back of her Jeep.

She then called him again to say, “Everyone you love is gone. Do you hear me? I’m about to be gone too” before turning the gun on herself. Police have indicated that she wanted revenge after a bitter custody battle with her husband, and her suicide notes appear to confirm that theory.

RELATED: Text messages reveal the chilling reason why a mom killed her children and herself

In the note left for her husband Benjamin, Edens wrote, “You have caused me more pain [than] I’ve ever been in in my life. You have caused my children pain. I hope you rot one day for what you have done to me and my kids … I hope you live with pain and shame and guilt for the rest of your life.”

The thing about gang stalking though, is that it is largely non-partisan, and wholly fascist. Even feminists get gang stalked. And Jews, and Catholics; Roma gypsies and others.

And in this light, the case of Seana Sperling-a woman who is being gang stalked in the “progressive” state of Oregaon stands out as interesting, as does the well known case of Rachel Orban, who is being gang stalked in Boston MA (and it is important to note that those who raise awareness about gang stalking in Massachusets are villified BY THE POLICE, and stalked as thought criminals, as in this case here).

Here, below, Ms. Sperling-who is one of those many “rape is everywhere” types, claims she is being gang stalked. Possibly it is because she has a Jewish sounding name(….) and possibly it is because she is a Roma gypsy(….). But also, like many white women such as Rachel Dolezal, the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), she is white, and psychologically deluded into believing she is not. Among white females, the phenomenon of being a “shiksa” also carries with it the weight of being whatever other ethnicity competes against it, as the white female is forever in distress.

Then, she goes on to blame the right wing of politics, and indcates that like so many so-called feminist cause based stalkings, derived from the ADL or Jewish Federation and “progressive” type slander campaigns, it could go either way. These organizations are snout-deep in all of the federal dollars that the DVIC slurps up every year, and they are right there at the front of the massive crisis PR industry as well, that continues to manufacture crisis after crisis that only they benefit from, snout deep in the trough.

While Ms. Sperling is quick to accuse the right wing, she misses the opportunity to ask the question “what do Jewish and Progressive groups, and then, he “umbrella” of “human rights” groups that masquerade as do-gooniks do with the money that the Department of Homeland Security grant them every year” as these groups get between 94 and 97 percent of every dollar that the DHS ‘spends’ on dealing with the ever morphing and nebulous ‘security threats’ that theey-for some reason- are always under.

While this is on the surface it seems a necessary and decent use of such black budget funds, it is interesting to note that in the long history of America,  most if not ALL Swastika hoaxes and ‘bomb threats’ are perpetrated BY Jews ON other Jews, and that the famous ACLU case of defending Nazi’s right to free speech was a case that involved one of the many Jewish Nazi’s- Frank Collin, the famous “Nazi” of Skokie Illinois; whereas tens of thousands of other American’s are mercilessly and brutally slandered, maligned, stalked, beaten, or murdered every year. So much like shiksa’s masquerading as the treasured house slaves of the Khazarian’s, we see Frank Collin masquerading as a racist in order to keep the forever-in-crisis narrative alive.

Let me know when and if you start seeing patterns, as ‘irrational’ fears or obsessions with patterns can indicate delusional thinking. And worse, those who take action against others due to these irrational fears are certainly clinical, if not outright sociopathological.

Blood money, blood libel, black budgets, and Seana Sperling’s complaint-she writes about ritual defamation, or Zigeunernacht, the “Night of the Gypsies”? You decide.

The Vilification Industry and the Surveillance State, by Seana Sperling


Being under surveillance and the slander that accompanies these lists, can wreak havoc with your career and your life as I have found out. If you apply for a job, the watch team will contact the prospective employer claiming you are under investigation for something, and you will not hear back. If the prospective employer does an Internet search of your name and finds a false Police Report or false Police Record they will not call back. If you go for an eye exam, go for a haircut, the snitch groups will call them up, thus you will be treated badly.

I found a false Police Record under my name on http://www.instantcheckmate.com. This website claims to have “Real Records,” but is a con. I have no record and I am not a criminal, terrorist, pervert or whatever. I clicked on my name and at the top of the page that opened read: “CAUTION: This background report is very graphic. We do not censor our reports. We trust you to use this information responsibly. Please do not abuse this tool, or we could be forced to take it offline. The content of the report might shock you, so please prepare for the unexpected.” I paid the $9.95 to see what I was being accused of this time. There was no record. I contacted the site and threatened litigation and they took the slander down the next day. I called City Hall Records and said I was finding things online about some sort of Police Record and they confirmed that they had nothing negative about me.

Award winning Author, Gloria Naylor writes about this type of vilification and organized bullying in her fictionalized memoir 1996. What begins with a simple dispute with a neighbor escalates into a DEA investigation and gullible citizens are manipulated into stalking and harassing Naylor everywhere she goes. She writes of how friends turned on her and were actually aiding the bullies