Do Mormon’s have souls? The sordid fact that the CIA torture psychologist was a a Mormon Bishop

In America, “we don’t talk about politics or religion,” which is really like saying the same thing twice, because in nations that are “shepherded” by people who suffer from religious delusions and mythological narratives, the blur is astounding-as is the likelihood that you will encounter institutional psychopaths.

While few are surprised that psychology has a major schizophrenic narrative going as it attempts to rationalize it’s cozy relationship with corporate drug dealers, aka Big Pharma, that other  feature of madness is peeking out: many who work in psychology are themselves master manipulators and institutional sociopaths who hide behind the ultimate “mask of insanity.”

So, again, it is important to detox our minds from the influence operations effects, an when we encounter the terms “no touch torture” and “gang stalking” on the same page, we have to consider that institutional socipaths and organized religion are also nearly one and the same, for telling lies, or presenting myth laced history as fact takes a certain kind of “special person.”

SO without further adieu, I would like to note that one of the two CIA torture psychologists was a Mormon Bishop. That means that 50% of the load that tortured people unconscionably was Mormon.Are you seeing any patterns between that fact and this one?

Are you seeing any patterns yet about claims of “organized gang stalking” or torture, “no touch torture” or institutional sociopathy in the FBI for example? No? Well, keep them blinders on folks-because the ride gets messy when we overlook the fact that the FBI et agency is loaded with these types.

CIA torture Doctor Bruce Jessen is a Mormon Bishop:

An article in the NY Times today talks about more details that have come out about the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques after 9/11 and the men who created them. Turns out that both Dr. John Bruce Jessen and Dr. James Mitchell, the two main architects of the techniques (later condemned as torture and ineffective by the Senate Intelligence Committee) are LDS, and Jessen was made a bishop several years later. This guy not only helped devise the torture techniques, but also carried them out and trained others to do so as well. This included fun and lighthearted games (/s) such as the following:

  • Stuff the prisoner in a tiny box and poke them through holes in the side.
  • Waterboarding (in some cases until prisoners became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising from their mouth, having involuntary stomach and leg spasms, and when they woke up, hysterical pleas for them to stop)
  • Walling (putting the prisoner’s neck in a collar, then using that collar to repeatedly slam them against a wall)
  • Dousing with buckets of ice water while naked and shackled
  • Dangling from the ceiling by the handcuffs for days on end to induce sleep deprivation

He was already a highly controversial public figure well before his calling as a bishop in Spokane WA in 2012. His company made $81 million for their role in developing and implementing these techniques. You can bet he paid tithing on that torture money (thank goodness it didn’t come from the lottery, or the church would have had to reject it!) The stake president who called him was well aware of his involvement but called him an honorable, trustworthy, and humble man and of course defended him (the church is awfully good at defending awful people) saying “the whole story has not been told.” His name was submitted to the First Presidency for approval (as all potential bishops are), and the church spokesman refused to comment on the matter. He was unanimously sustained by his ward as well. He’d also served as bishop for another congregation in the ’80s before all of the torture stuff went down. Luckily he resigned a week later, but holy hell, what poor taste in leadership! And how disturbing that nobody in his ward, stake presidency, or even the first presidency had any qualms about his appointment! I’m breaking out this story next time somebody defends that bishops are by default good people. Bishops don’t deserve to be trusted or respected by default anymore than any random joe shmoe on the street. Some are good, some are bad, and members really need to be critical about who they trust with their spiritual lives and personal matters.

RELATED READING: The son of a federal judge who is ALSO a Mormon kills himself in splashy manner in Las Vegas (the keen reader of my work will note links between my writing on this topic, and Las Vegas, as well as Clark County in general).

So, like I said- and the avid reader of my work will note- this thing of organized gang stalking can go two ways boys and girls. Hey, you there- onlooker’s and lurkers, a question: what could make a guy so depressed that he might kill himself? Hmmm. My guess is “something hidden in darkness.”

Suicide at Vegas Mormon temple was federal judge’s son

Published November 21, 2013 6:57 am


Las Vegas • A 26-year-old man who authorities say killed himself in the courtyard of a Mormon temple in Las Vegas was identified Wednesday as the son of a federal appeals court judge.

Scott Greer Bybee of Henderson died in the shooting just before 6:30 p.m. Tuesday while services were being conducted at the temple, police and the Clark County coroner said.

He was the son of 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jay Bybee.

No one else was hurt, Las Vegas police Officer Bill Cassell said.

In a statement circulated by a 9th Circuit colleague, Judge Bybee and his wife Dianna Bybee said their son suffered from depression for many years, and they did all they could as parents to help him, including seeking professional advice and treatment.

“While Jay and Dianna mourn for Scott, and grieve for their own loss, they are grateful that he is finally released from his sufferings,” said the statement circulated by Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. of El Segundo, Calif. “They have faith that he is in a better place.”

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spokeswoman Kristen Howey issued a statement calling the incident tragic and saying the thoughts and prayers of church members were with those involved.

Jay Bybee, 60, was nominated to the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit court by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2003.

He has been criticized for authoring documents in August 2002, later dubbed torture memos, that gave interrogators wide latitude to use techniques including waterboarding during questioning of terrorism detainees at the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay and at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Feminism, safe spaces, cry bullies and organized gang stalking: the case of the Rwandan Genocide and ’empowered women.’

The Rwandan Genocide was a “women’s war.”

While much of the research on organized gang stalking indicates a police element run amok as it works with the “community policing scheme” that favors the lop-sided narrative of violence, and then, shelters the worst elements of criminality in the heart of what is left of the American home: woen’s violence. Why is that?

Women’s violence is covert, networked, and slanderous;  dangerous because of the pedadstalization of women BY women and the men they choose as co-conspirators – and also was behind what was called “The Red Guard” under Mao Tze Deng, or called “Red Squads” during the heyday of the FBI using the Ku Klux Klan and other social groups to terrorize “uppity negroes” and more as primarily white wmen wh had extensive power networked then as they do now to on one hand hide their influence, and on the other, to cry wolf, on que whenever they are challenged in their power-and then, their henchmen and wimmin step in to maintain narrative control.

Today, we see a similar element, working with different and ‘more diverse’ groups, to cause domestic terror in the form of the DVICWhat is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?.  And despite he so-called “rise of the right” we know from history that most Nazi organizers were, or are gay Jewish men like Frank Collin, or quite frequently are FBI informants. So, while you can quit worrying about the Klan, you might want to examine these other lunatic fringes.

Without a doubt, we see that violent women use institutional forces to wage purely psychopathic campaigns. For instance, in the most recent genocide on record, women were instrumental in leading the charge that other women be raped; murdered, dismembered, and more.

Women as Leaders in GenocideWomen as Leaders in Genocide and the similarity between women’s actual violence, and women’s social or cultural violence

ISSN: 1558-8769

Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill

Donna J. Maier

The role of women as perpetrators in the Rwanda Genocide has been documented much more so than that of women in other genocides and crimes against humanity: more than in the holocaust of World War II, than in the massacres of Mayan Guatemala’s Indians in 1982, and more even than in the widespread atrocities that accompanied the break-up of the former Yugoslavia which were virtually concurrent with the Rwanda Genocide. It is not entirely clear why this is the case. Testimonies of women perpetrators and victims were collected in the immediate aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide by various human rights groups, most completely by the United Kingdom based NGO African Rights which published its data within a year of the genocide.[1] More evidence has emerged in the trials of genocidaires at the International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda, and in trials in the national courts of Rwanda,Belgium, and other countries.  These trials include the evidence of female victims, but also have included prosecution of high level women perpetrators which have resulted in guilty verdicts.

In feminist circles, the co-option of social cause, and the essential destruction of any person’s individual narrative by globalist agenda’s takes place in ‘closed settings,’ aka ‘safe spaces’ as some seek to build a following, or enforce a cult mentality via closed door intimidation. The isolation factor cannot be lost on any in the ‘healing professions’ or law enforcement. And cry bullies, a recent scourge of those who practice identity politics-and who were resoundingly ousted from power in the election of 2016-are frequently the precursor to organized gang stalking.

And, OGS is an actual contagion on modern college campuses, as young women and others are brainwashed via hysterical trance formation to mouth words and act out scripts of trauma that seldom resemble the actual events they claim to have endured. Indeed, there are forms of female initiated violence that could use an updated profile on Fakerape.

Related Stories: How one young woman, Emma Sulkowicz virtually begged a young man for anal sex, and then, claimed he was her was a rapist when he didn’t submit to her other perverse means of control(nothing against experimental sex, butt….)

The UVA fakerape hoax was one piece of a larger bunch of asses, magnified around the world, thanks to the now fully discredited liar Sabrina Rubin Erdeley

Eight famous FakeRape’s

UVA fraternity that was defamed and libeled by Sabrina Rubin Erdeley’s fake rape story in Rolling Stone magazine settles for 1.65 million

Gang Stalkers: Minus 1.65 million We the People: plus 1.65 million

So-forget “fakerape” as an issue of merit and begin to see it as a nefarious ploy of those who are likely institutional sociopaths, psychopaths, and degenerates, such as Sabrina Rubin Erdeley and others who practice the lowliest form of activist journalism, called “lying their asses off” or a dollar or two. )

Then, begin to take note that some women are mercilessly gang stalked in academia-in numbers that are likely far greater than “fakerape’s” that are mediated in-you guessed it-as in the Sulkowicz case and the UVA rape hoaxes, these cases are mediated in academic settings and “closed door adjudication hearings” that have no legal standing, but can ruin a young boys academic career by slander.

And all of this in a climate of “safe spaces” where these terrorists and bullies plot their crimes, and then cry foul when they are discovered. And LEO’s for the most part just don’t care- they get paid no matter what. In fact, fake rape and other DVIC plts are helping to drain taxpayers, and break he countries bank.

So, in these cases of organized academic gang stalking, trauma can be presumed, as the stalkers and harassers all deploy a form of “trauma-bonding” that is written about in the literature of torture, and also, is part of the diagnoses of Stockholm Syndrome as we saw with the largest DNA exoneration in American history.

Here is a snapshot of Ms. Sulkowicz rape theater:

In recent months, Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University senior who carries her mattress around campus as a protest against the university’s non-expulsion of her alleged rapist (and an art project for her senior thesis) has been hailed as a heroine in the battle against campus sexual assault.

While Sheridan and James maintain that somehow, group stalking and gang stalking are dissimilar, one glance at the data tells us that it is nearly all the same. However, because they are ensconced in the “fake world” of academia, they seldom see the similarity-or deal with victims of this horrible practice. I myself have known one individual who committed suicide after extensive harassment in her master’s degree program.

From HER online, a discussion about organized gang stalking in academic and institutional settings:

Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting

By Rheyanne Weaver HERWriter

The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there’s the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There’s also the fear that someone is following you. Then there is gang stalking.

This is the ultimate form of paranoia that turns out to be a well-founded suspicion and mistrust. Gang stalking is when a group of people decide to target an individual and attempt to control aspects of that individual’s life and monitor them 24/7. Generally, this is done without the person actually knowing about this organized stalking group, but if a person does find out, the results and helplessness can be devastating.

According to, “gang stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time.”

Sound sick yet? It gets worse. Targets are chosen for many reasons, including dissenting opinions in politics and the workplace. The overall goal is to break the targets down, from making them just look crazy for suspecting gang stalking to isolating them to ruining their reputation and credibility to forcing them to commit suicide.

People might participate in gang stalking without knowing these horrible consequences. They might gang stalk to be accepted into a group or be forced into gang stalking.

Organized Gang Stalking case study: Real Estate, Rotary Club’s and

Bulletin: I have decided to continue to write at this blog on occasion, as day after day validates that OGS is a very real thing, and actual victims of this have written to me to share their stories (I have not published the accounts of those who I believe to be actual victims without their permission) involving all of the groups and tactics outlined herein.

Related: of the two studies that “examine” gang stalking, two studies that “examine” gang stalking, both have recommended that those who claim it be isolated, shunned, silenced, and/or declared “mentally ill.” And here is how one “community newspaper” has “framed”the narrative of OGS victims fighting back using the First Amendment- the irony meter explodes every time it meets OGS denialists and free speech rights. Especially note who the “badguys” are to that community, and to others who deny OGS:

The flier that was distributed ” praises “patriots” such as Daniel Ellsberg, who released the “Pentagon papers” in 1971; Edward Snowden, who recently exposed thousands of intelligence documents; and Frank Serpico, a former New York City police officer who blew the whistle on police corruption in the late 1960s and early ’70s.

And equally important to note is that these posts here, here, here and here have become integral to this narrative, and can be tested and retested against my many hypotheses.

While I have not experienced rape, or death threats, minor car burglaries, floating bubbles on my security camera’s, GPS signals emanating from my car(as tested with a LM-8 bug sweeper, which is one of the best pocket sized BS I have ever used), or actual daily stalking for nearly a year, it is important to note that this blog, and associated writings have been around for nearly a year as well. Do you see a correlations? Any causation/correlation errors? Any proofs of hypotheses?

While legitimate researchers of organized gang stalking would find my thesis validated time and time again, cultists, secret societies, religious fanatics who hide in secular culture, and organized gangs of statist’s and institutional psychopaths will find no such correlations. Academic fraud’s will most certainly find a lack of correlation here as well.

But to continue my thesis: Here is yet another correlation straight from the coveted anus of the Sacred Cow that is Main Stream Media (MSM). It is YET ANOTHER correlation between claims of “organized gang stalking” and “real estate,“which comes to me from

In this case of “the Guilford CT Gang Stalkers,” we see once again that real estate related organized stalking, OGS and policing mix together in the toxic brew of secret, occulted, hidden and obscured un-Constitutional harassment, and we also find a real estate developer, who also “coincidentally” is Rotary Club member. I must point out that in the general literature of psychology, coincidence is often mistaken as a feature of delusional thinking. However, any historian, sociologist, or propagandist instantly recognizes the correlation between real estate red lining and coincidence, or KKK activity and coincidence, but also how it is a well known feature of cult activity and religious superstitions. Atheists, secular humanists and rationalists-and many Libertarians for some reason- seldom are obstructed by these last two major hurdles that psychology-by some coincidence-cannot seem to overcome.

Related Story: How the worlds most famous coincidence-the relationship between psychologist, Sigmund Freud and his nephew, the world’s greatest propagandist Edward Bernay’s literally mind-controlled much of the last century.

As I have noted and written about before this is ALSO directly correlated and substantiated in many cases of  OGS. Note especially that the local police are actively working to discredit “whoever” it is that is distributing fliers about OGS that they obtained from the website mentioned above.

Without irony (if this is still possible at this point), also note the following: a whistle blower is being called “anti-government,” and this likely due to the DHS thought and word policing aka the “terrorist threat matrix” which targets pure first ammendment activity by design; and that whistle blower is being “framed” as a threat, rather than as a concerned citizen. Are you seeing any more correlations, kids? Yeah?

Well that’s interesting. Those who derive their income from carefully phrasing what is or isn’t; who is or who isn’t a “threat” can’t seem to find correlations! And even refutation is perceived as a threat. Seeing a pattern there, with the “silencing” and “isolating narrative? No? Then look a little harder. Maybe take a look at the DHS “badwerdz” list.

Guilford Police Investigate Anti-Government Fliers In Mailboxes

July 04, 2014|By DANIELA ALTIMARI,, The Hartford Courant

GUILFORD — Police are investigating anti-government fliers left in hundreds of mailboxes throughout town over the past two months.

The fliers refer to “gang stalking” and direct recipients to a website that likens U.S. intelligence agencies to the Stasi, the former East Germany’s secret police agency.

“This neighborhood has an ongoing ‘gang stalking’ operation involving covert surveillance and harassment of targeted individuals,” the flier reads.

The website,, professes to expose “the use of illegal counterintelligence tactics against American citizens by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies and private security-intelligence contractors.”

It praises “patriots” such as Daniel Ellsberg, who released the “Pentagon papers” in 1971; Edward Snowden, who recently exposed thousands of intelligence documents; and Frank Serpico, a former New York City police officer who blew the whistle on police corruption in the late 1960s and early ’70s.

Guilford police Det. Martina Jakober said Friday that versions of the fliers began appearing in mailboxes about two months ago, prompting complaints.

Among those filing a complaint was Tony Fappiano, a local real estate agent and a member of the town’s board of ethics. The flier suggests that Fappiano is the “gang-stalking” coordinator and instructs those concerned about the operation to contact him.

The flier also suggests that Guilford police department may have sanctioned the alleged “gang stalking.”

Jakober said neither Fappiano nor the Guilford police is involved in any such surveillance or stalking operation.

Fappiano, who has served on a number of municipal panels, said on Friday that he has no idea why he was mentioned in the flier.

“I’m in business 41 years in this town. … I’m a former member of the economic development commission. Why somebody is targeting me is beyond me,” Fappiano said. “I had nothing to do with it and I look forward to meeting the coward that started this.”

Jakober is investigating whether the fliers constitute harassment. Also, by law, only stamped and metered mail may be placed in a mailbox, so the placement of the fliers in residents’ mailboxes is a violation.

Anyone with information about the fliers is asked to call the Guilford Police Department at 203-453-8061 or the anonymous tip line at 203-453-8240.

Any legitimate researcher of OGS will also connect immediately with other parts of my thesis-that “homelessness” or the threat of it is also a constant here as well.

Did Edward Bernay’s REALLY die, or was he absorbed into the Panopticon?

So if there were “gang stalking BINGO,” such as the case of the argest DNA exoneration in history which vindicated six people who were LITERALLY mind controlled so badly that they STILL have Stockholme Syndrome-but sued the pants off of that city and won 30 MILLION DOLLARS, then this would be a good second place candidate for having B-I-N-G——O.K.

Let’s recap, kids:

  1. real estate
  2. police running disinformation
  3. free speech-speaking up about your targeted harassment is demonized
  4. an individual claimant is villified
  5. isolation is suggested as a cure
  6. Rotary Club/secret societies involved
  7. us-versus-them, goodguy’s-badguy’s binary
  8. homelessness is an under current
  9. information/influence operations in local media
  10. lot’s of mysterious “well who knows fer sure?” and “can you prove it?” and “This guy’s a threat, likely delusional!” and so on
  11. in group, out group inter-relations
  12. hidden/occulted relationships working behind the scenes against an individual
  13. hmmmmm. What might 13 be? Oh Yeah! Disinformation spread through official channels…no wait, um……

Disclaimer: I make no opinion or otherwise make a statement about the individuals involved in this case, but rather, document these as indisputable facts, and actual proof of how “gang stalking” exists in the narrative of modern culture, and how it is interwoven between the powerful, and how it hamstrings the powerless.

Here below is the realtor mentioned in the article-note the associations that I have discussed above, and especially-again, without irony-note that he sits on the local “ethics commission” too!:

Anthony Fappiano [linked in here]

Owner, Shoreline Real Estate Company

Greater New York City Area
Real Estate
  1. Shoreline Real Estate Company
  1. Guilford Ethics Commission,
  2. Ct Assoc of Realtors-Legislative Committee,
  3. Guilford CT Rotary Club
  1. Univ of Connecticut

Organized gang ‘staking,’ high level pedophile rings, Freemasons, and police badges

Many in the online dialectic of organized gang stalking hover around the issue of  false allegations, and slander campaigns, particularly that these are organized pedophile rings that practice OGS in order to kidnap or otherwise get close to having positions of authority over children.

And, one third of police who lose their badges every year, lose them because they are pedophiles:

The probe revealed that 550 officers were decertified for various sexual assaults, including rape. Some were dismissed for sodomy or sexual shakedowns, where victims were forced to perform sexual acts to avoid arrest.

A further 440 officers lost their jobs for other sex-related offenses, such as possessing child pornography, being a peeping Tom, sending sexually charged messages to underage teens or having sex while on duty.

About one-third of the officers lost their jobs for committing sexual offenses with juveniles.

Those who fall prey to police are often young, poor, drug abusing individuals who don’t report their cases to the authorities. Victims included motorists, schoolchildren who were patted down in searches for illegal drugs, or women forced to perform sexual favors to avoid legal troubles. Prison inmates were also forced to have sex with guards.

The real number of sexual offenses could however be much higher, as AP only looked into registered cases where an officer lost their badge because of an offense.

And, these claims have some merit for several other reasons, not least of which is that many claimants to this form of highly organized stalking where vested  interests seek to actually CAUSE mental illness, with children being the targets of any of a number of cults and sects withing these organizations.

Many cases that one can read online are people who lost children to CPS, or cases where low status, low IQ or otherwise impaired persons are targeted with ferocity to the point they are framed into crimes they didn’t commit, such as the case of the Largest DNA Exoneration in American History, of the Beatrice Six, where actual mind control was induced by a cop who was both the primary interrogator of these framed people, but also, was their their psychologist!

Despite their release from prison and a 30 million dollar settlement which will likely bankrupt the town that did this to them, these framed people still have police-induced Stockholm Syndrome. Let that sink in a bit….But in OGS, what is extremely significant, is that a “gang” was created from whole cloth by a cop, and a false conspiracy was manufactured by that cop, working with other institutional forces and practices; and a child was spirited away by these local institutional forces afterwards.

Others victims who have lost children to these vast pedophile networks had been involved with family courts, false allegations, or social services, or other targeted with other police activity such as the inter-generational “Police Family Syndrome” where children like Celeste Guap aka Jasmin Abuslin was used and passed around by police from seven different departments in the San Francisco Bay area, with some of them literally giving her “a bag of cheetos” for sex.

Without irony, this author notes that in anthropological studies of apes, such as chimpanzees, we frequently see “alpha males” killing, mauling, or raping fatherless apes to death; or uniting i fury to destroy and dismember other male chimps who appear on the perimeter of “their” territory.

These stories in both anthropology and in the human world are so bizarre that they generally defy logic or even description, and so, ordinary people targeted with this literal psychopathology have few resources with which to describe their circumstances, much less use “ordinary” terms. Policing is just that off the chain these days-or: has it always been that way?

The F.B.I. released the official symbols associated with child sex trafficking that recently have been brought to the forefront again to help locate and bust these demented criminals. We all know that human sex trafficking as well as pedophilia rings have been in operation for a very long time. Here is the official F.B.I. intelligence bulletin describing the symbols and logos used by pedophile networks…

And then:

These symbols have manifested everywhere throughout society – and only those in ‘the club’ knew what they meant, but now – the information has been verified and leaked to the mainstream public in the worldwide scandal of #PizzaGate. Do you really want to know why this investigation has not even started to begin to gain traction on the local P.D. level? Take a look at where these pedophile sex symbols were recently uncovered….

….follow this link to read more-connect the dots [or, in this case, the pyramids that circle inward, like a dog chasing its tail]!

Triangles are also a theme in some of the online narratives as well. I estimate that the triangle- or the ‘upside down’ triangle appears in some 2-5% of online narratives. Then- there is the issue of badges that have the universal symbol of “man boy love” emblazoned on them:

Police badges KLECK - 03_03_17 - B1


Adding to this is the fact that Infragard, LEIU’s and any of a number of agencies work behind the scenes and at te internet switch, or in court rooms and other ‘key’ positions to track, monitor and to literally CREATE easily discredited boogiemen via “pedofication” that they can then rush in and “capture!” Such was likely the case with John Lang, Fresno activist, and many others. As we see time and time again, the endemic corruption of American police is out of control, and these operate with total impunity, as Lang captured on film, and described on social media( a Google search reveals some 1.2 MILLION mentions of John Lang’s story)

So, for me at least, having witnessed everything that I write about, it is no stretch of imagination to note that complaints of “weird people on the internet talking about DEW’s” and occultist stuff and symbols that carry coded meanings and other total crap that has dual meanings, coded meanings, and cross-dialectical meanings; and certainly falls within the jargon and argot language of policing and policing tactics and methods, which not-coincidentally are designed to be obscured and occulted from common parlance.

Lastly, it cannot be missed how frequently the theme of pedophiles and police is-explored in the MSM. As we saw in the opening season of Quantico, we see in nearly every other MSM portrayal or discussion of this issue the eradication of characters in LEO’s that are hiding their tendencies. In Quantico for instance, the Mormon was at once  framed as a pedophile, and then instantly killed off as a character:

SPOILER ALERT: Here’s the Mormon subplot in ABC’s ‘Quantico’

Published September 28, 2015 7:39 am
This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

ABC debuted its series “Quantico” on Sunday night, and there was more for Mormons to be unhappy about than just the LDS character shown wearing nothing than his “Mormon underwear.”

If you haven’t seen the episode, this is a MAJOR SPOILER ALERT. If you don’t want to know what happened, stop reading NOW.

As written by creator/executive producer Joshua Safran, the Mormon character — Eric Packer (Brian J. Smith) — is a liar, a hypocrite, a child molestor and, perhaps, a murderer. He is yet another in a long line of outwardly religious characters — of Mormon characters — who is not what he pretends to be.

It’s happened so often that it’s a hackneyed cliché.

In this case, it’s worse than the usual cliché, however. Turns out the secret that Packer has been hiding is that, while on his LDS mission, he got a 14-year-old girl pregnant. And she died when he took her to get an illegal abortion.


The series revolves around a group of FBI recruits as they arrive at the training facility in Quantico, Va. Each recruit is assigned to do a background check on another recruit to uncover a secret that has been deliberately omitted from their file.

Caleb Haas (Graham Rogers) has to investigate Packer. And Haas is sort of an idiot, expressing surprise that a Mormon has been recruited by the FBI; calling Packer both “Joseph Smith” and “Romney”; and making polygamy cracks.

You know, more hackneyed clichés.

Haas is no more competent at investigating Packer than he is at anything else. But he convinces Packer that he has learned his secret.

“You should’ve stayed in Salt Lake, boy,” Haas says.

Separating gang stalking claims from electronic weapons harassment reporting: a necessary step to understanding the dialectic, and reports of mind control.

The single most prominent feature of the research that exists in regards to organized gang stalking is that those who claim to be researching it seldom if ever actually speak to those who claim they are targeted.  Let that sink in a bit….

Then, have a look at a study that concludes that targeted individuals are dangerous co-opters and interlopers on the supremacy of the psychological narrative of the DSM-V:

Diagnosis of Delusions on the Internet:

Bell V, Maiden C, Munoz-Solomando A, Reddy V. (2006) ‘Mind control’ experiences on the internet: implications for the psychiatric diagnosis of delusions.

While this disconnect between psychologists and those they seek to diagnose anonymously is a feature in every study on the subject thus far, it is also clear that there is evidence of a vast, well funded network of intelligence agents and agencies that on one hand, literally target individuals (most notoriously the UK’s “dirty tricks” division, JTRIG), with influence operations, and then, seeks to discredit targeted individuals, it is crucial to psychologists and criminal defense lawyers, as well as social workers and others in the healing professions to understand that no all victims claim that they are harassed with electronic weapons, and that not all those who report electronic harassment, noise campaigns, or other modern media deployments aimed at destroying them or their privacy are delusional.

But in the extant research on this topic, we see that few-if any- of those who have weighed in to this dialectic are willing, or able to separate the many cases of law enforcement, or DHS, or FBI harassment from the intelligence cults, or religious harassment that some targeted individuals endure.

In that light, I suggest that it is mportant when encountering these individual victims that any psychologist, or criminal defense lawyer who represents targeted individuals examine the basis of the claims, and look carefully for signs of actual harassment early in the encounter. Also, be aware that the discrediting narrative is very well financed (the DHS and intelligence agency budget was 71 billion in 2016), and that many NSA whistle blowers, actual victims of abuse by police and fire departments, and others report similar symptoms, and similar experiences as targeted individuals.

Here below is one of the few studies online that attempts to understand the ‘phenomenon’ from a perspective of the DSM-V criterion, where we bump into a similar situation as was apparent at the height of the Nixon years, where the horrific illegality and  lawlessness of the CIA’s mind control cover-ups, worked hand in hand with FBI COINTELPRO and a know-nothing MSM to obfuscate actual insight into the scope of these problems-annd the easiest solution was to blame the victims, or in the case of Bell, Ready, and Munoz Solomando, paint them as deviant co-opters of technology:

It is particularly noteworthy that a potentially disabled and disenfranchised group have co-opted available technology

-Bell V, Maiden C, Munoz-Solomando A, Reddy V. (2006)

This is literally the Martha Mitchell effect in action, and in practice as psychologists seek now, as they did then, to discredit actual victims, and squash them into a pill box. While there is little to no doubt that psychopaths, psychotics and delusionals and others are involved in the community (notoriously, the leaders of the so-called TI support group FFCHS has been implicated in 3 mass shooter events), there is also a much larger portion of this community that is “under the influence” of something, and that something has a name: influence operations working with Crisis PR agents and psychology to lend authority to an otherwise debunked narrative.

‘Mind control’ experiences on the internet: Implications for the psychiatric diagnosis of delusions
Diagnosis of Delusions on the Internet:

Bell V, Maiden C, Munoz-Solomando A, Reddy V. (2006) ‘Mind control’ experiences on the
internet: implications for the psychiatric diagnosis of delusions.
, 39(2), 87-91.
The DSM criteria for a delusion indicate that it should not include any beliefs held by
a person’s ‘culture or subculture’. The internet has many examples of people reporting ‘mind control experiences’ (MCEs) on self-published web pages, many of which suggest a community based around such beliefs and experiences. It was hypothesised that some of these reports are likely to reflect delusional beliefs and the hyperlinks between web reports were likely to show evidence of social structure, demonstrating the ‘culture or subculture’ exemption to be increasingly redundant in light of new technology.
Sampling and Methods:
Texts from web sites reporting MCEs (n = 10), experience of cancer (n =
10), depression (n = 10) and being stalked (n = 10) were identified, and were blind-rated by three independent psychiatrists for the presence of delusions. Hyperlinks from web sites reporting MCEs were used to create a network structure; this was compared with a size-matched, randomly generated network and known social networks from the literature using social network analysis.
The sampled web-published accounts of MCEs are highly likely to be influenced by
delusional beliefs. Social network analysis suggests there is significant evidence of an online community based around these beliefs. The fact that individuals can form a community based on the content of a potentially delusional belief present a paradox for the DSM diagnostic criteria for a delusion, and suggests the need to revise and revisit the original operational definition in the light of these new technological developments.
It is particularly noteworthy that a potentially disabled and disenfranchised group have co-opted available technology to create a complex, dynamic and information-rich community that serves to support and inform similarly-affected people within the confines of a world view driven by potentially psychotic symptoms. This is a striking example of a support network completely removed from the traditional medico-legal support networks of the state and even the grassroots support networks run by mental health services user groups. In particular it demonstrates that the internet may enable complex support mechanisms without reference to a view of reality held by the authorities or even the mainstream of opinion. Whether this sort of support network works well for all, if any individuals, remains to be seen.
In conclusion, the presence of a complex and evolving online community based around the content of potentially psychotic experience challenges mainstream psychiatric understanding and diagnostic criteria for how a delusion is defined. This paper also presents the first application of internet-based social network analysis to clinical research, which the authors hope will be a useful tool in furthering medical research.

Gang stalking by the numbers, and gang stalking counter-narrative

As I write this, 3/1/2017, a Google search returns nearly 5 million results for the search term gang stalking:


And, there are some 1.5 million blogs specifically about “gang stalking blog,” which does not include the search term for organized stalking, cause stalking, multi stalking, or other forms of gang stalking blogs:

gang stalking blog   Google Search.png

The numbers above are just a peek in the cupboard and a glimpse into the scope of these operations. It is not in dispute that the numbers of claims are growing, nor is it in dispute that there are narratives and counter-narratives involved. What seems to be in dispute by the few academics who have studied this social control mechanism is whether or not it is organic mental illness, or a counter-narrative that implicates the Martha Mitchell effect, where people who reveal corruption and abuse are labeled as crazy, or diagnosed as schizophrenics.

When one studies information, misinformation and disinformation as well as state functions of population control, a general rule is that theoretically valuable social interests are protected by product and idea placement in the interests of the state. In the case above, notice the placement of the article widely discredited by actual TI’s-the New York Times article by Mike McPhate, which cites an internet poll by Dr. Lorraine Sheridan as evidence that gang stalking claims are a ‘mental illness.’

Interestingly, this link is not the actual NYT link, but rather that the link is from Motherboard, which caters to intellectuals and geeks, rather than the status quo.

This in and of itself is noteworthy, because the issue of claims of gang stalking by ‘official sources’ including Sheridan, are that it is on the increase-meaning that if such claims are indicative of mental illness, much of which has organic biological causes-then why the uptick in claims? This can only be explained by the fact that the cause is NOT organic-that it is in fact a reaction formation to a social condition, a set of particular and articulable stresses and circumstances, or some other explanation.

But what is NOT in doubt, is that there is a huge influence operation afoot running counter-narrative  as regards these claims.

Lastly, actual academic research is hard t find on this topic, most likely because like many social issues related to oppression and policing, there simply isn’t any money available in academia to study the issue, as academia is largely subsidized by special interests and the state itself.

Here are the three academic’s I have found who address this topic, and all of them share the trait of downplaying or minimizing it, and diagnosing it as a mental illness. It is important to note as well that the CIA and others funded mind control and torture research through academic institutions similarly situated.

The studies I have found, are all from within the liberal-progressive mindset, and two out of three are women with what could be called feminist approaches to psychology, and the implied marriage these have to police institutions, both of which are themselves heavily infused with aspects of cults. The third that I cite is Dr. Michael Wood, who I wrote about here.

The other two studies:

1) Complaints of group-stalking (‘gang-stalking’): an exploratory study of their nature and impact on complainants
Pages 601-623 | Received 16 Dec 2014, Accepted 06 May 2015, Published online: 16 Jun 2015

2) One of the most pernicious attempts I have seen online to discredit the narrative of targeted individuals is that of Elizabeth Dietrich, who believes that the best way to deal with the “mentally ill” who are isolated due to gang stalking, is to cut them off from communication with each other, which is itself a form of punitive psychology.

This is not insignificant, as then, the claims of TI’s and claims of isolation by institutional elements are validated in the gang stalking narrative. Dietrich’s thesis ironically proves my thesis, and the thesis of any who make the claim they are TI’s.

Publication Date 2015


Online social networks-Psychological aspects, Cyberstalking-Psychological aspects, Delusions, Interpersonal relations, Theoretical, Emergent internet trends, Social contagion, Emergent norm theory, Relational theory, Delusional disorder


This study examines emerging concerns about small online social communities that purport to support their members, but which in actuality exacerbate mental health issues. Here, the author focuses on one such community that has gone unstudied: The Gang Stalking community. Here, individuals who seem to suffer from Delusional Disorder come together and discuss their experiences of being stalked by a multitude of people in concert with the sole aim of creating terror in their lives.


Organized gang stalking and conspiracy theory psychology

Meet Dr. Michael Wood, who writes  thoughtful academic analyses about conspiracy theories. In a sea of conspiracy theorists and government disinformation agents, Dr. Wood is a rare, and respectable opinion as regards the “what is” of organized gang stalking. But he is incorrect in relegating it to the realm of mental illness, as much of the actual research demonstrates that organized stalking occurs and is under-reported, but also, because law enforcement collaborates with other institutions to perpetrate it, it remains hidden (here, here, here, here, and here).

Dr Michael Wood, Lecturer in Psychology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr Michael Wood
+44 (0)1962 826390

The University of Winchester
Sparkford Road
Winchester SO22 4NR

Like Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, who has been widely discredited in the online community of targeted individuals, Dr. Wood seems to suffer from bouts of academia, and spells of full spectrum propaganda absorption but once you get past that, he seems to be one of the few rational minds out there who has addressed this topic of research, and he is clearly NOT one of the many CIA, NSA or other alphabet affiliated misinformation specialists with a “Dr.” before their name such as Dr. Robert Duncan, et al, who are as much informative as they are dangerous in the dialectic of gang stalking, as they are actively involved with mind control.


From Dr. Wood’s blog (which analyzes conspiracy theories from the perspective of a psychology lecturer).

The psychology of gang stalking, and the difference between conspiracy theory and delusion

If you’ve spent enough time on the Internet (or read the New York Times yesterday), you might have come across the phenomenon of gang stalking – the alleged stalking of particular individuals by organized groups. It might seem like gang stalking is a sort of conspiracy theory, and that we can maybe understand it in the same way that we think about things like the 9/11 Truth Movement and beliefs in UFO coverups. I’m not sure about this. There are some pretty major psychological differences between the two. It’s probably not helpful to conflate run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories, which are not considered to be an indicator of psychopathology, with gang stalking, which is widely considered to be the product of delusional thinking.

….follow the link to learn more.

Dr. Wood is a rare breath of fresh air in the smog that most gang stalking blogs are, and he has a solid background to interpret the data. However, as I stated above, he is also an academic with limited world experience, and as  a psychologist, he is clinically trained to avoid the schizophrenic narrative, and the pitfalls of personal narratives, which I have always found to be one of the most interesting failings of psychology, because as much as it is expedient to put people into categories and boxes with labels, schizophrenia is one of the most mis-diagnosed of all mental illnesses.

Then, there is the Martha Mitchell effect, whereby people who describe real life experiences to psychiatrists get diagnosed as nutters, when in fact, they are often whistle blowers, and others with counter-narratives that challenge the powerful. Martha  Mitchell famously told her shrink that the Nixon White House was corrupt, then, she was mis-diagnosed, and some have speculated that she was a victim of punitive psychology.

In the case of Dr. Wood’s analyses, he falls short as most of these pundits and bloggers do, because he simply does not appear to have had a life outside of academia long enough to get a glimpse of the real world.

And most interestingly, his work linked above, came out around the same time as the United States government and the British liberals were attacking “fake news,” and decrying all of the conspiracy theories that harmed their pet causes- “All men are rapists-but Bill Clinton is NOT a RAPIST!; while promulgating conspiracy theories of their own ( It was the RUSSIANS! They raped all dese’ emails and dese elections!).

There was a huge push in June of 2016 to discredit those who were experiencing an increase in political gang stalking, sponsored by neocon liberals and academics. In his work he cites one of the most widely discredited narratives ever written about organized gang stalking: the Mike McPhate hit piece that cites Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, a psychological specialist whose work indicates that she sees male sexuality as deviant, and the article which carries one of the most pathetic propaganda poster children for gang stalking ever-Timothy Trespas.

All in all, it’s hard to tell if Dr. Woods politics have clouded his vision, or if his academic training has clouded his ability to discern propaganda from real cases of real people who have been staked and abused. And I am not saying his politics are anything radical or even that I can define, but I can say with certainty that academia leans left, and also has the selective blinders of the AIPAC and other Israel forever war lobbies clouding their vision.

But my best guess is that his approach is the wrong one-for now, and Martha Mitchell is in full effect, and like it or not, academia is a huge cult.And certainly, academia is immune to the concept of “do no harm,” as pertains to propaganda.

On a bright note, he is quite well published, and his opinions appear open to dialogue. I suggest you follow the link above and read more.