The UN’s “Transatlantic organized crime” initiative: Pulling the number 13 out of a rabbit hole

I have demonstrated in multiple places on this blog that OGS is frequently implicated in cases that target the “control of the sex supply,” as international banking nterests and billionaires seek to become the pimps of our daughters; but also that frequent targets are “free agency prostitutes,” and whole industries where profit is derived from children.


OGS is also international; that it utilizes databases illegally, and the this data trickles down to local LEO’s who are devoid of concern for due process of law, but rather, working for internationalist interests for DVIC dollars.

I have also demonstrated that these signal to each other online and off with special “coded language,” and that the with little irony and even blatant lies and conflation, international money and it’s NGO’s seeks to court local populations and then, derive profit from the lucrative “sex trade.”

Here, AGAIN, without irony, we see that these use the number 13, the number of chaos in yet another total lie, and that lie told by an elderly white female. This combination fits a pattern, which is that in the sex trafficking narrative, which is thinly disguised as the “human trafficking” narrative, some seek to control sex itself AS AN INDUSTRY.

Japan to UN: “No, 13% of school students are not doing compensated dating

When Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, the UN’s special rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, told the media that Japan should “ban sexually abusive images of children in manga” at the end of her visit in October, you might think the manga industry would be the ones to get all hot under the collar.

Actually, the strongest reaction seems to have come from the Japanese government itself.

It was another comment Maud de Boer-Buquicchio made that has stoked up trouble.

She drew on unknown statistics to claim that “Some 13% of schoolgirls in Japan are involved in enjo kosei“.

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio  japan school girls enjo kosai 13% thirteen percent compensated dating
Aging and elderly white women derive phenomenal amounts of money from claiming to be concerned about how younger, prettier women use their bodies, and they frequently conflate statistics and mythology to gain control of the “sex supply.”

Enjo kosai, as regular readers will know, is the euphemistically named “compensated dating” where school students go on dates with salarymen they meet online in return for money or treats. Hence you can see very young girls with designer bags on their arms. They earn the cash somewhere.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has demanded the remark be officially withdrawn.

It first asked for a source for the claim.

De Boer-Buquicchio apparently responded that she had not relied on one single source because there is no official statistic (we can’t help imagine why…).

“However, many of my interlocutors referred to it as a worrying trend which can easily lead to sexual exploitation of the minors involved in this lucrative business,” she added.

“In the press conference, I made reference to estimates I had seen in open sources to highlight a phenomenon that must be urgently tackled.”

Open sources means websites like this one?

The foreign ministry says her remarks are “inappropriate” and “regrettable”.

Organized gang stalking makes strange bedfellows- how police are compromised by the “Hegelian dialectic” and “community “policing.”: Or Hegel meets God in the gray area of undue processes of “G-d.”

San Diego Detective Phillip Worts noted in 2001 that “community policing” is in fact and practice, “communist policing.”

GeorgWilhelm Friedrich Hegel, et al versus The Bible, Luke, Mathew, and “divide and conquer”(let me know if you see patterns with these Nazi sounding names-or in cults and sects within policing):

Karl Marx: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways. The point, however, is to change it.”

Luke 12:5151Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division” New International Version Bible citation

Mathew 10:35 King James Bible
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Related Reading: How Hegelian Dialectic destroys individual alterity and thus perpetuates endless war because it wars on individuals, aka “organized gang stalking.”

Policing is literally at a crossroads in western nations, as community policing aka “communist policing” competes with the “G-d model” of policing, with seemingly no middle ground. This is by design of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is a polarizing force in politics, and every other element of our society. So for some “just doin’ mah job,” means getting home in one piece, one day at a time, whereas for others, the goal is constant conflict creation via “community policing,” which is a make-work project, and a Communist model of social control.

So, if there is a problem with police, the FBI, or other agencies that are charged to uphold our secular laws, it is this exact conflict, that hamstrings Christians, while empowering fascists and communists, all of whom are working from within their own version of personal morality “for the greater good” and in our police power institutions. And I have noted that policing is rife with cults, both religious and secular and also some seek to use their police power to proselytize, instead of merely upholding the law.

So- while it may seem odd to some that a secular humanist/atheist/naturist would find myself siding with “God fearing men,” it is not entirely without awareness that each man’s personal faith-and thus individual choices- is challenged by the Hegelian dialectic materialism, which shares features with Martin Buber’s Zionism as well.

The careful reader will note that I have mentioned Israeli control of our SWAT teams, and police chiefs, most of whom think they are working for “God” but who also in fact are duped because they are working for the “othering” power of “Ich, Du” in Buber’s construct, while completely foregoing due process of law, or even respect for the US Constitution, which is the traditional gray area process of law.

Others will note that I am a constant critic of “neverending war.” This state of affairs-wars without end- is as some have noted, designed for that exact purpose, that in the Hegelian dialectic of  constant conflict, there can literally be no solutions, ever. So, this situation of ongoing and forever war, we see, is fully exploited by the DVIC and police chiefs who are faithful not to the Constitution, or to due process rights, but serving another master instead-that of international finance, and the deep trough of capital that flows through it and which carries the price tag of amoral and mercenary policing.

So, here is a snippet from Det. Worts, one of the early canaries in the coal mine of police and free speech rights that foreshadowed our current situation of “time theft” via “gray area policing schemes” that literally use par-judicial kangaroo courts to build data and then use the DVIC, domestic violence courts, family courts, academic hearings, and the many inter-linked and assorted databases for blackmail, and who wage slander campaigns based on dosssiers that have not had the opportunity of refutation in any Constitutional  legal setting; and this which has led to the NSA/CIA/DEA/FBI/local police data theft pipeline:

The home for this new wave of dialectical Marxist thinking became the emerging “science” of socio-psychology. It may come as a surprise to many to discover that virtually all of the pillars of modern psychology were humanistic utopians who believed that there is no God, that mankind can and should be manipulated (for its own good, of course), and that all social problems can be solved by the proper reprogramming of man’s mind. This would lead to an era of peace and prosperity based on diversity, tolerance and unity. Most of their work dealt with the details of human behavior, but their over-arching view was that of transforming society (echo the revolution). Hence, they came to be known as “Transformational Marxists.”

One such group was the Fabian Socialists, who took their name from the Roman general, Fabius. Fabius, it will be remembered, was confronted with Hannibal’s invasion of Italy.

Feminism, safe spaces, cry bullies and organized gang stalking: the case of the Rwandan Genocide and ’empowered women.’

The Rwandan Genocide was a “women’s war.”

While much of the research on organized gang stalking indicates a police element run amok as it works with the “community policing scheme” that favors the lop-sided narrative of violence, and then, shelters the worst elements of criminality in the heart of what is left of the American home: woen’s violence. Why is that?

Women’s violence is covert, networked, and slanderous;  dangerous because of the pedadstalization of women BY women and the men they choose as co-conspirators – and also was behind what was called “The Red Guard” under Mao Tze Deng, or called “Red Squads” during the heyday of the FBI using the Ku Klux Klan and other social groups to terrorize “uppity negroes” and more as primarily white wmen wh had extensive power networked then as they do now to on one hand hide their influence, and on the other, to cry wolf, on que whenever they are challenged in their power-and then, their henchmen and wimmin step in to maintain narrative control.

Today, we see a similar element, working with different and ‘more diverse’ groups, to cause domestic terror in the form of the DVICWhat is the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and who pays for it?.  And despite he so-called “rise of the right” we know from history that most Nazi organizers were, or are gay Jewish men like Frank Collin, or quite frequently are FBI informants. So, while you can quit worrying about the Klan, you might want to examine these other lunatic fringes.

Without a doubt, we see that violent women use institutional forces to wage purely psychopathic campaigns. For instance, in the most recent genocide on record, women were instrumental in leading the charge that other women be raped; murdered, dismembered, and more.

Women as Leaders in GenocideWomen as Leaders in Genocide and the similarity between women’s actual violence, and women’s social or cultural violence

ISSN: 1558-8769

Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill

Donna J. Maier

The role of women as perpetrators in the Rwanda Genocide has been documented much more so than that of women in other genocides and crimes against humanity: more than in the holocaust of World War II, than in the massacres of Mayan Guatemala’s Indians in 1982, and more even than in the widespread atrocities that accompanied the break-up of the former Yugoslavia which were virtually concurrent with the Rwanda Genocide. It is not entirely clear why this is the case. Testimonies of women perpetrators and victims were collected in the immediate aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide by various human rights groups, most completely by the United Kingdom based NGO African Rights which published its data within a year of the genocide.[1] More evidence has emerged in the trials of genocidaires at the International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda, and in trials in the national courts of Rwanda,Belgium, and other countries.  These trials include the evidence of female victims, but also have included prosecution of high level women perpetrators which have resulted in guilty verdicts.

In feminist circles, the co-option of social cause, and the essential destruction of any person’s individual narrative by globalist agenda’s takes place in ‘closed settings,’ aka ‘safe spaces’ as some seek to build a following, or enforce a cult mentality via closed door intimidation. The isolation factor cannot be lost on any in the ‘healing professions’ or law enforcement. And cry bullies, a recent scourge of those who practice identity politics-and who were resoundingly ousted from power in the election of 2016-are frequently the precursor to organized gang stalking.

And, OGS is an actual contagion on modern college campuses, as young women and others are brainwashed via hysterical trance formation to mouth words and act out scripts of trauma that seldom resemble the actual events they claim to have endured. Indeed, there are forms of female initiated violence that could use an updated profile on Fakerape.

Related Stories: How one young woman, Emma Sulkowicz virtually begged a young man for anal sex, and then, claimed he was her was a rapist when he didn’t submit to her other perverse means of control(nothing against experimental sex, butt….)

The UVA fakerape hoax was one piece of a larger bunch of asses, magnified around the world, thanks to the now fully discredited liar Sabrina Rubin Erdeley

Eight famous FakeRape’s

UVA fraternity that was defamed and libeled by Sabrina Rubin Erdeley’s fake rape story in Rolling Stone magazine settles for 1.65 million

Gang Stalkers: Minus 1.65 million We the People: plus 1.65 million

So-forget “fakerape” as an issue of merit and begin to see it as a nefarious ploy of those who are likely institutional sociopaths, psychopaths, and degenerates, such as Sabrina Rubin Erdeley and others who practice the lowliest form of activist journalism, called “lying their asses off” or a dollar or two. )

Then, begin to take note that some women are mercilessly gang stalked in academia-in numbers that are likely far greater than “fakerape’s” that are mediated in-you guessed it-as in the Sulkowicz case and the UVA rape hoaxes, these cases are mediated in academic settings and “closed door adjudication hearings” that have no legal standing, but can ruin a young boys academic career by slander.

And all of this in a climate of “safe spaces” where these terrorists and bullies plot their crimes, and then cry foul when they are discovered. And LEO’s for the most part just don’t care- they get paid no matter what. In fact, fake rape and other DVIC plts are helping to drain taxpayers, and break he countries bank.

So, in these cases of organized academic gang stalking, trauma can be presumed, as the stalkers and harassers all deploy a form of “trauma-bonding” that is written about in the literature of torture, and also, is part of the diagnoses of Stockholm Syndrome as we saw with the largest DNA exoneration in American history.

Here is a snapshot of Ms. Sulkowicz rape theater:

In recent months, Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University senior who carries her mattress around campus as a protest against the university’s non-expulsion of her alleged rapist (and an art project for her senior thesis) has been hailed as a heroine in the battle against campus sexual assault.

While Sheridan and James maintain that somehow, group stalking and gang stalking are dissimilar, one glance at the data tells us that it is nearly all the same. However, because they are ensconced in the “fake world” of academia, they seldom see the similarity-or deal with victims of this horrible practice. I myself have known one individual who committed suicide after extensive harassment in her master’s degree program.

From HER online, a discussion about organized gang stalking in academic and institutional settings:

Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting

By Rheyanne Weaver HERWriter

The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there’s the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There’s also the fear that someone is following you. Then there is gang stalking.

This is the ultimate form of paranoia that turns out to be a well-founded suspicion and mistrust. Gang stalking is when a group of people decide to target an individual and attempt to control aspects of that individual’s life and monitor them 24/7. Generally, this is done without the person actually knowing about this organized stalking group, but if a person does find out, the results and helplessness can be devastating.

According to, “gang stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time.”

Sound sick yet? It gets worse. Targets are chosen for many reasons, including dissenting opinions in politics and the workplace. The overall goal is to break the targets down, from making them just look crazy for suspecting gang stalking to isolating them to ruining their reputation and credibility to forcing them to commit suicide.

People might participate in gang stalking without knowing these horrible consequences. They might gang stalk to be accepted into a group or be forced into gang stalking.

The Brush pass: what is ‘directed conversation’ in the OGS dialectic?

Those refreshing interludes.

“Every time we are sent down to Mexico to train one group in SWAT tactics, we know they’ll be sending us down there in ten years to kill the same guys we are training today.” and “It used to be that the Israeli’s came here to train, and now we go over there.”

–spoken to me by an anonymous retired SWAT lieutenant just this afternoon 08-15-2017

While on  the surface, my writings may seem to some to be provocative-which is what all respectable words SHOULD be-a certain group of ‘umbrella’ organizations and their adherents in and outside of policing and its affiliated brethren and sisterns might feel that my writings herein are “anti-police, or even “anti-government,” based on their political leanings, or payola.

I wish to point out the that nothing is further from the truth as pertains to my intentions, or more important than free speech regarding this topic, and that, unfettered by political compromises, or the silencing that can happen through the great blackmail scheme that we have come to learn is the NSA data collection scheme and its accompanying database abuse; and that due process is the first step and the last step one will ever take in America, and know with great pride that they are fortunate to live here, and interact here, as citizens. This is, I would like to remind my 26 readers from today, a right, and NOT a privilege.

One of the biggest problems facing American’s today is the same problem that is facing policing, which is that of defining the “us” from the “them.” This has and always been a problem in policing of any kind. When speaking of “us versus them,” it is important to look at the roots of this dual and dichotomous narrative, but also ask if “the right people” are the ones being targeted. Then, it is important to know that targeting via database operations has taken on nightmarish proportions for ALL American’s, including police.

So, ironically, I find myself lending voice to another kind of voiceless person, which are those in  policing, government, and other public sectors who themselves are targeted on multiple levels, and then, burdened with the need to keep silent, based on the heirarchy of blindly following orders, speaking when spoken to, keeping secrets, and doing as they are told.All of these can and do produce special, and specific mental disruptions, and certainly do affect mental processes; just as it does to citizens.

Of the OGS denialists, there seems to be a unified version of “these people are all mentally ill,” whereas of those targeted, they are, until recently, fairly silent, and frequently compromised in ways that defy conventional explanations. One such “targeting” took place upon American diplomats, and the US government clearly and decidedly implicated “sound weapons”in a main stream news story carried by the Associated Press.

So, of those who practice OGS, and those who are targeted, few know that police officers, and law enforcement in general are among the most targeted of all “individuals” as this new scheme of database abuse has some of them in it’s sights, as it once had common  criminals, and political targets in it’s vast net. Also in the net are frequently targeted diplomats, foreign service employees, and more. Then, beyond American’s being targeted, there is the fact that their relatives and associates are also targeted.

When I, for one, sit down to contemplate “what is America?” and “what is Democracy,” like most, I come up with the answer that we are world leaders and that the United States Constitution is a document written for everyone-it is written for the alt-left protester and the crybully as much as it is written for the alt-right racists and their affiliated groups who argue over statues in culture wars, rather than statutes which are violated every day by those who have abused citizens via database collection, and as such the Constitution, due process, which should be the focal point of our “American” discussion, has bee subsumed by identity politics of race class and gender wars; and Syria, or Iran is “our” enemy, instead of those who are tearing us apart, and using the Constitution as toilet paper; because regardless of the mess that international finance, and black operations of any and every kind put us in, we are, all still American’s FIRST.

And in that light, policing takes on an especially important role: that of “upholding an oath” to protect American’s, FIRST from enemies “both foreign and domestic.” This oath is not one that includes “well, you know, that American, versus that American is a better American, so we don’t have to protect him or her.” And it certainly does not include overlooking the long term, and frequently harmful targeting that factions of the LE community perpetrate against other factions of the LE community.

I myself have several members of my family who worked and who work in policing. And like all families, I also have many family members targeted-an  uncle just returned from Israel; an uncle who runs an American business that is highly targeted by mobsters and others; a cousin who is a past and current legal counsel for two former sitting presidents. And my own father- a Korea veteran, wore a wire for the FBI in the 1960’s, which certainly explains why I have chosen to write, rather than any other course of action, to peacefully protest the subversion of Democracy via database abuse, and it’s accompanying blackmail schemes.

As such, I have written this blog as a guide, and to encourage others to write their own, based in this as an example. My readership has blossomed, and certainly, the stories they are reading validate each and every thesis herein. My other work can be seen in other places, and I will continue to write as long as I am able, for the word is indeed mightier than the sword, if the hornets nest that I have kicked up here by breaking my own silence is any indicator.

On that note, let me add a few sprinkles of salt and pepper to (((cooking analogy thanks to Libra who hates it when I use his seekrit nym without accreditation)))  the story herein:

  1. I have been approached by no less than 6 people in the last three months who call themselves targeted individuals. One was a hacker,  two were Viet Nam era veterans, one was his ‘running partner’ who mentioned a certain man who was imprisoned for terrorism in 2001 or so;  one was a bag lady, one just a street kid who wished he could hack better. Another was chased out of his neighbrhood because he reads leftist literature, and his kid has autism.Three black, two hispanic. One white. This is more “TI’s” than I have ever met in such a short span of time.
  2. I watched over a period of 8 years as my life became ‘infiltrated’ and coincidence after coincidence piled up, as did compromising situations, situations that directly affected my life and safety, and much more. Finally, I will note that a relative of mine is affiliated with a certain database which contains the identities of every single American or foreigner who has ever passed a background check, or who has been fingerprinted-and this database was the exact one which was also used during the elections in Hugo Chavez’ elections. And as such, I blew the whistle when it was compromised BY those who work IN the exact organizations that are paid to protect that information. There is today, such a collaboration between those who work in corporations, and those who work in law enforcement to undermine us all via database abuse, and the selective leaking of information for political reasons.
  3. Like any whistle blower, journalist, or anyone else who has ever endured OGS, I can say with certainty that I fear for my life and safety, and the lives and safety of my family members. As such, I write this to inform the public at large, and those who have sought to compromise me that you are on notice; and I hope the wheels of government find you, and prosecute you to the fullest extent of  the law.

Lastly, on a refreshing note: I believe to the fullest extent that what I put forwards herein is a valid thesis which can and will be useful to those who are in similar positions. And to those who I might feel mocked, chided, or derided herein, maybe take a look at your own thesis, your own complicity, or your own immorality, and ask yourself why the things I write here are a challenge to you. But I for one, hope that my peaceful dissent and resistance can be seen as exactly that, and for the criminal, civil defense lawyer or other constitutional rights scholar; to those in the healing professions, and those in the wider dialectic find value herein.

Gang stalking in Amherst, MA and community awareness fliers, 1993, and police disinformation: hen house, foxes, big sloppy trough, DVIC, “Joe Biden’s Legacy”

Political Commentary: I still wonder what kind of dirt certain scumbags had on Vice President Joe Biden that cause him to become a total cop-dog muncher. Single man (hookers? Dog porn? Crack?) and those mysteriousy dead relatives-and then his son Beau, finally.

It seems fair though, because the policies that he backed have all but destroyed our once functioning Democracy, and f@cked a lot of kids into the “community policing” scheme of state controlled zombie children. African American children have a 70% chance of NOT having a father around, while Hispanic aand others have a near 40% chance of the same fate.

A constitution, due process- yeah. Hahahahaha, Joe, thanks for sharing the burden with your constituents. HAHAHAHAHA-and sorry ’bout Beau-how’s it feel to lose a kid? Hahhahaha. Or should I say Vawawawawawawwa? Because you inseminated the modern police state, and it’s consort of OGS harassment, the DVIC.

And certainly, nothing beats not having to worry about having a job, or being able to get one without a future employer being handed a dossier’ from mystery stalkers who subvert the letter and the spirit of the law. Ah, the right to work-especially if you get to make  your own work, check your own work, define your own work, and pay yourself for work created?

Yup, that’s what OGS is primarily as police suck the teat’s of federal dollars after the women’s internationale’ sold us all down the river. OGS,  aka “make-work” projects are how police are complicit in destroying democracy, one trumped up charge, one harassment campaign after another in a database. Create a target, and start gunning for it, ay boys and girls? Democracy is full of holes now. Thanks.

End of political commentary.

Here, below, we see another case where the fliers from that encourage neighborhood awareness of the organized gang stalking that is perpetrated by the DVIC and it’s handmaidens in democracy subversion are being demonized yet again by the local police, and instead of raising awareness, they are participating in the official “gas lighting” of those who have been gang stalked. I haven’t checked yet to se how many of those involved or suspected in this particular stalking are Rotarians, or other ‘hero’s’ of the community who are always saving cute kitties on fire, and old ladiesand children, but I am certain it’s near 100%.

Note the reporter’s bland and useless, uninsightful and cowardly reportage-yet anther MIC mockingbird. I suggest you write to her at her email address, and write frequently to raise awareness of OGS. But especially, go over there and read the comments section, which is instructive indeed-a bunch of rational people, discussing DVIC funded harassment, not a mention of electronic weapons, aliens or face orbs. Here is the reporters email,,,,

Flyers detailing concerns about organized stalking are not posted by Amherst police

This flyer was posted on a parking kiosk at Boltwood Parking Garage lot early Monday morning. (Diane Lederman/The Republican)

AMHERST – Orange flyers tacked up on store windows, parking kiosks and other places around town claiming to be a public safety notice are not from town police.

The flyers read “Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking.”

Police do not know who is putting the flyers up and they are not signed by any organization.

“The neighborhood has ongoing ‘gang stalking’ criminal activity,” the flyer begins.

“Known also as ‘organized stalking’ ‘community harassment’ group bullying & ‘counter-intelligence stalking’ this crime consists of illegal surveillance and harassment of targeted individuals,” the flyer reads.

It also states numerous state laws throughout.

But Det. Jamie Reardon said police would post any warnings on the website and send out press releases not post things like this around town.

Similar flyers have been put up in Guilford, Connecticut or in mailboxes and other communities  across the country.

Yeah “what’s hidden in darkness.”Suuuure.

It is this official participation that makes OGS so nefarious- that some will sacrifice YOUR liberty for another slurp at the trough, and THEIR job security (fake terrorists anyone? How about a side dish of the equally mouth watering “domestic terrorists are also domestic abusers!!!”), without raising a finger to represent the Constitution and that includes veteran’s, and stalks them as well.

With special relish (just for CN-Libra who likes to cook) note that “gray area,” slander, and defamation have replaced facts, and law, and due process in these so-called domestic violence/domestic terrorist scenarios, as the Charleston Nazi-guy was likely harassed with OGS for years, similar to Omar Mateen, not to mention the gray area database slander-the he-said/she-said “he was accused of” DV. To these people, an accusation IS a conviction, and OGS i the para-judicial, para-military, para-constitutional punishment.

This all which worked so well in the Stalin era of punitive policing and punitive psychology. Why not just try it here? And let’s ask the experts if it is a “dangerous emergent internet community” that seeks to raise awareness about this insanity-this institutional sociopathy. I would suggest that maybe, they aren’t dangerous enough.

And equality of course-we can’t forget to help tip the world in one direction, so that we all fall off, and all the money rolls into certain pockets-those whose tentacles are wrapped into every dusty 1990’s era orifice and every old, faded, extinguished volcano hole on this planet, as they  hold on together and to each other.

Yeah- ” woman power!” seems to mean “sell the men to enemies, both foreign and domestic, build the prison industrial complex, ” while kneeling for VAWA dollars from the Saudi’s, and slurping down triple dipped cop-dogs as a form of duty to the phallic monolith.

Or, this:


Plus this:

Police badges KLECK - 03_03_17 - B1

and this:

KLECK - 03_03_17 - B4

multiplied by this:

cop car themed high heels

Equals this:


Note these comments from this article especially, and note that the year “1993” is used, specifically to undermine dissent on this topic. Does this sound familiar-are you seeing a pattern yet? No? Well pull your head out of your vahjayjay then, because with women like this commenter bellow, who goes by the name of “Delores Hejazi,” who was a woman who murdered her three children just before the VAWA era-and was likely one of the creative forms of feminist jurisprudence where feminists sought to exonerate YET ANOTHER female psychopath by creating a novel criminal defense, which was just wrong, but also, rightfully, chalenging the powerful MIC narrative’s.

Related Story: Delores Hejazi murdered her three children

IN that era of false equivocation, fathers were slandered as pedophiles while these so-called feminists built the domestic violence industry to what it is today. Women who rape, molest, or use and exploit children are A.O.K. with the MIC/PIC/DVIC “warriors,” but men are “all rapists and pedophiles!”

Yeah-you can bet the deal is done already. “Just doin’ mah job!” and my favorite “I’m not a lawyer, I’m a cop! You’ll have to have a judge look those papers over” and oof course, who can forget- “Shin-zu! I think he said Shin-zu!*”:

According to his website he does nothing wrong because the KKK distributes flyers in just the same way and they are NOT investigated. Way to go. See also where he explains it.

4/1/2016 8:37 AM

It’s probably the veteran from the fight gang stalking website. After his flyers were investigated in Connecticut, he moves on to Massachusetts. I’m just telling because he accuses other websites of being disinfo. Activists have used flyers since 1993 without any result. You better try something new, something that they didn’t expect.


And with the help of Vice president Joe Biden, and his “feed the starving narcissists/psycopaths/violent women and other sociopath’s” programs, and the “protect police with MRAPS and bigger donut’s” programs, aka the NSA total surveillance agenda, we see a generation of narcissistic sociopaths now discouraging dissent at any cost.

But OGS is real indeed, as noted by the commenters at that post. Also special note: these comments on OGS took place in a presidential election year, 2016.

Hate StasiMar 18, 2016

Gangstalking, correctly termed government-sponsored stalking and harassment, is extremely widespread  in the United States. The catalyst for a person to be targeted in this manner, is to be placed on a watch-list.


The primary perpetrators of this crime are the Alphabet Soup agencies, their community assets, and the many government contractors who currently support the “War on Terror.” It appears to be directed by the fusion centers.

Not only is it used as a social and political control technology (to crush dissent), but it is also used as a way for these “pigs at the trough” to enrich themselves through the phony “War on Terror.” Since real enemies/terrorists are very small in number, domestic citizens are labeled as enemies (manufactured/created) to maintain almost unlimited funding.

Indeed, It is a huge cash cow for those involved.

Also, I believe that this program is how the Feds infiltrate all communities across the US. They simply label somebody a suspected terrorist and then spread the word around the community. They control the community by getting them to artificially focus on certain individuals – similar to Hitler’s Germany where the Germans where directed to focus on & hate the Jewish people living among them. A very powerful control technique.

Furthermore, it teaches the American people to reject a free society and start viewing their fellow citizens as enemies. It teaches them to be snitches and informants.

I could go on and on. But suffice it to say that this program is directly responsible for destroying the lives of many innocent people. It is still a secret and many Americans have not heard of it yet, but the word is getting out.

3/18/2016 12:37 PM
[crackle, pop, crackle] “Are you there Bob, it’s me, Margaret. What did he say?”  [radio crackle] “Well, he said something about fliers, hitting a few points….and Joe Biden’s closet. I dunno…something about using shoes as weapons of mass reconstruction, or deconstruction or making sushi out of old volcanoes, something….[radio crackle, Handsel and Gretel, crackle ] But did he use the word “penis?” [crackle] no, I think he said cunts though.[pop, crackle, pop] Well we can’t just kick in his door for a bunch of little cunts-or CAAAAAn we? Or…caaaaaan we…I have a plan….or maybe just put a hold on ‘im? Tell the white coats that he speaks “word salad? The would get the ambulance company $1220 dollars, the 5150 folks will get another $300-1500, and the 911 dispatch center will get about $35 per call-s get the neighbors in on it. We get hero points of course, and Andrea will LOVE us, and give us new shoes!
 MMMM. I’m getting hungry, and hungrier. Do I look fat in these heels?
walk-a-mile-military zpsmxjciqsq-618x383
Always hungry hungry hungry! “Yeah, are you there Bob? It’s me, Margaret. [pop, crackle, pop] Yeah go ahead.[ Snapple, apple, pop] Did you just tell me to give you…?!! Oh never mind! He said something about what a lying fat bunch of con artists we are, and suggested we eat word salad. [snapple, pop, greckles in flocks] Then i would go aheaad with the sushi/volcanoes narrative. That smells like a rotten plot.
Related image
* This is an inside joke between me, and those who were so sloppy, and so obvious, and so patently wrong, criminal, and plainly cowardly in their many attempts at being “right” that I was able to catch them, name them, and now, write about them as participants in OGS.
high heels were created for butchers not women

I get Letters, part Deus ex Machina

Note to any actual TI’s: Feel free to write at the address provided, or my comments section, but understand that I am NOT a psychologist, I am a lay person, and as such will advise you to get help by buying a camera and a tape recorder, and doumenting your experience. Then, if I think you are full of shit, I will tell you so.

I am writing this as my internet connection is under what appears to be a DDOS, but is NOT a DDOS. In fact, somewhere along the internet switches, both my email, and my blog are “on the list,” now. American’s are really keeping lists, just like Zionists and their pet Nazi’s did in the 1930’s.

So, precursory research into what is causing it (over Tor) appears to be a direct attack on the local Tor nodes when my keywords hit “the internet switcharoo,”that special place where redirection takes place, and real Google defaults to NSA/CIA/et ass fake Google. And then, the connection gets cut repeatedly, for reasons that only seasoned hackers would understand.


Alright. I wasn’t trying to lie, but inadvertently told  a ‘falsehood.’ I said that this here would be my last post n this topic at this blog, but I can’t help myself-I must write one more post, because it seems that beyond the usual blog stalkers and other hero’s who lurk here, I have attracted the “save the hookers’ lobbyists (saving the hookers is a multi-billion dollar, international industry, via the DVIC and international bankers with dual citizenship who want to create “one world.” Only problem is, here is there over-arching philosophy:

The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.

Sally Gearhart Miller, misanthrope, misandrist, eugenicist lesbian feminist, and international banker sanitary napkin

So when you contemplate the inhumanity of the Prison Industrial Complex, endless wars that murder endless men women and children, depleted uranium sprinkled all over the oil fields(and their pet people in the ME), and especially, the next time one of these shitbags tells you that “men are responsible for violence” ask yourself “what kind of animals could conceive of such  inhumane institutions,” well, there’s your answer-a bunch of nasty, murderous misanthropes, man haters, rabid lesbians, self-loathing Jews, and all of their little Jesus’es with guns; and other trans-humanists who kneel before international bankers and do things with them that they would scoff at any  woman doing for, with, or to a man who is not of their ilk.

I get letters, part Deus ex Machina

Today’s inbox had this, from someone who claims they are being gang stalked.This charming writer is sweet flower named “Lilly.” Here is the first line of “her/its/their” letter(and Lilly-if you ARE an actual TI, a real person and not one of these scumbags that I write about herein, please take this with a grain of salt):

” I have been a TI for 10 years. The last 3 have been EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE.”

See anything interesting there in the data? No? Note the the “secret” of most of these moronic harassments-the number 13. THIRTEEN! Oooooh nooooes! I get the Thirteens a lot from these types.

On first glance, it appears that this person is in jeopardy, a damn sell in dis’ dress, appealing to my good will, and that they are suffering great losses, and emotional trauma. They say as much-read on:

“My 90 yr. old mother and I own our home. We had a beautiful home on 4 amazing acres. Mother put her savings onto its purchase as it was to be her last home. She has moved. I am here trying to ready it for sale but cannot keep up with the destruction.

We have had our trees poisoned and removed. 100’s of beautiful trees. Our home has been destroyed. ( I would elaborate but it is so bizarre it is still hard to say out loud.) Our things gone and switched out for look alike junk. They are now filling in our pond. They dump piles and piles of leaves and debris all over. If I rake it is back the next day. They move our fences and plants.

I cannot believe I write this freely as it took years to convince myself it is real. Two days ago I heard one of the involved neighbors talking on his cell telling another all about our home. How it would be available soon and another couple walked by discussing whether it was a convenient place to live. I have told no one our plans. The phone person ended his talk with, ” Yeah, we got her. She is a target. ”

My bank is now involved and I am at a loss as to my options. I did hear two men at my gate in the dark one night 2 years ago. The conversation was;

” So what’s the deal? ”
” I don’t know. He just said she needed to be homeless for awhile. ”
“Is she good looking? ”
” He didn’t say. Only that she has a good body. ”

I guess looks are important to scum who gang stalking for money. My direct neighbors and others on the road have joined in. I know the man who runs this ” branch “. He pays the Sheriffs. He is responsible and is the one who trashed my reputation.

I THOUGHT he was a good friend. I am NOT his first rodeo.

We have been treated so very badly by law enforcement. I am so at a loss as to why ANY American would do this to another.

There is SO much more. I cannot give in. I want to make a difference. I want people to know and understand. My own family has fallen for the lies and do not believe me. Except for mother who has now lost her savings and, as such, the funds for a care home.

I am not sure why I write this. Just venting I guess. I have no one else. I try to keep it to a minimum around others. We live in a world of Ostrich.

Thanks for your site. I am posting it all over the area. Maybe some will look it up. Know it’s real. Know I am not a ” Crazy, drug user, alcoholic who is a vindictive ex-girlfriend of the initial stalker. ” People LOVE gossip. Especially, it seems, involving single women.

Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

Why aren’t people getting together on this? I had no idea where to go and am great full I found you.


Special Note for my special reader  “*”: this is a very nice metaphor of how international bankers, corrupt politicians, and complicit law enforcement, over a period of approximately 104 years, have drained the life out of America, and nearly killed our Constitution, by purchasing American police cheaper than a dose of clap in Tel Aviv. Next time, though, use a real email.  I mean, sure, it could be, like, a real story and all, buuuuut: It helps your credibility, and makes you look less like “one of THEM” when you drop the numerology, and use authentic identifying data, which might answer your question above about ‘why don’t they just get together’ on this.

  • the email does not appear, anywhere on the entire internet, except here, now, and in my email. Most interestingly, the “contact” page of this blog was the most popular post of this month, along with the usual posts about FBI gang stalking Mormons, and posts about the disingenuous or fraudulent studies and research (psychology is a pseudo-science) by people like Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, or Elizabeth Dietrick, and the man-slave Dr. David V. James that came before my own herein.
  • Keep those letters coming! But don’t think I will waste my time responding. And the day lily of course, is symbolic flower, but also, used as a totem of those who kidnap children.
  • The number ’93 has special significance that indicates the writer is possibly directly related to a certain group of scumbags that has harassed this author in the past, but also, in the annals of shitty legislation, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was passed in 1993. And I have always wondered exactly why does VAWA sound exactly like WAWAWAWAWAAAAAA…


Because I have been a target of these people for a very long time; and also because, in the readers language-“this ain’t my first rodeo,” I note that this particular reader/writer like many before them, deliberately provided a false email, which is another typical scenario in organized gang stalking. And, they also wrote from dear old Kansas, or thereabouts, according to their IP data.

The letters fall into several general categories:
1) religious/cult people who try to save me, or recruit me.
2) people affiliated with law enforcement who use the letter exchange as a tool of “webterrogation” – a means to interrogate me, and my narrative
3) people from mind control/blackmail/disinformation sects and cults.
4) people from one or another vested interest such as the DVIC, the PIC, or the IC that I write bout herein.
5) occasionally-very rarely-letters from actual victims of organized gang stalking

While my most extensive exchange with any one writer was with a man-a trust fundian– who works with several non-profit organizations that are race and gender based-the exact organizations and agencies outlined herein-that man, a former Federal Defense attorney who no longer practices defense of the people- and who also actively rescues dogs instead. And curiously, he has multiple connections to people who actually and “mysteriously” came in and out of my life, and my apartment many years ago-when I wasn’t there. You can figure out the significance of that yourself.

Each writer attempts to proselytize one thing or another in subtle ways, and frequently, I am hacked, or otherwise experience various web harassment, or various nefarious activity that takes over my web connections, delays my postings (as noted above), or otherwise costs me time and effort, shortly after corresponding with these writers.

Now: to further analyze the writer of today’s letter, I will provide the whole text, and I will point any current or future reader to it as a parable, written by a budding writer of dubious provenance.

Because so much gang stalking activity is actually funded by multi-million dollar industries that position themselves in the political sphere and also in the legal framework as NGO’s, and then attempt to constrain, control, limit or disrupt free speech expressed online, one must infer that the writer was having a slow day, or that I am whacking the nail on the head so hard that I am making a difference to those who need it-actual TI’s..

But because the profits of the DVIC are directly correlated with conflation and confabulation (aka lying their asses off in order to maintain high salaries, and higher social costs)), and crisis management with ties to politics, we can read this letter as a parable wherein the writer attempts to persuade me through cajolery, flattery, and co-option of my own linguistic traits, numerology, and mystical symbols.

There are organizations and institutions that derive trillions of dollars per year from the religious based politic of “saving the women and their children” which is actually a form of Judaic proselytization and in that a business model that has worked for centuries, for some people who derive massive profits from this form of slavery.

1)The UN- a decidedly political body
2)Multiple anti-prostitution/prohibitionist/moralitypimps/ alternative slavers/NGO’s all of whom derive profits from women in prostitution one way or another by pimping the narrative of women as red riding hood
3)Federal and Local police of many nations
4)the DVIC lobbyists and their AIPAC affiliates
5)The women and children’s lobby, and it’s associated child kidnapping rings which are a trillion dollar annual industry in America alone.

The “western” way of life is predicated on a social order where Judaic, Talmudic, and then secondarily, servile Biblical narrative and it’s adherents which  mediate each and every social interaction and political cause. Without exception, all western laws are based in these religious, tribal, and mythological texts and interpretations of those texts.

Central to the narration is the idea that people are like sheep, to be led by the shepherds-that people are, for some, a literal herd.You might have heard ” Be the shepherd, not the sheep.” This idiom is a derivative of Biblical teachings[…]

With that in mind, two things are plain: 1) one group of people- a small group in comparison to the herd-envisions itself as wiser, more capable, and more human than other groups. You can look about the world and ask yourself who these people are, as they exist at all levels of western society, and many groups compete to prove that they are in fact the shepherds, not the sheeple.

2) for those who these shepherds choose to ‘create’ or to ‘tend to’ or to ‘nurture’ or otherwise herd, lead and mislead accordingly-to be raised, shorn, profited from, and eventually devoured as meat for sustenance, we see that group two is mostly an undesireable category to be in. But for some, it feels safe, for most of their lives. Surely, the last coupe minutes don’t feel quite as safe though; and all of the gelding, sheep dipping and shoring along the way can’t possibly be anything but traumatic. And this, at the hands of the good shepherds of course.

Often we hear about globalists and their intent to create “one world government,” which is often relegated to conspiracy “theory.” Yet in fact, and in practice there exists a group of extremely wealthy individuals who do hold dual citizenship, and dual loyalty to nations and religion as well, and for whom the world is ripe for the sheeping. You can figure out who these are, and then, understand OGS from that perspective. As such, these people stir up a herd in one area, in order to run them off cliffs in another, while profiting from each act, and benefiting from each slaughter.

In this case, I suspect the letter writer to be one of those “save the prostitutes-and their children, of course” types outlined [here, here, and here] that have neatly created a social order whereby their actions with children are unchecked, and unmnitored, and  is, once again, being used by protecting the multi-billion dollar industry from another angle, while destroying families, the safety of locality, and harming actual sex workers by taking globalist dollars instead of doing an honest days work like the rest of the girls out there who believe that endless war, and those who profit from it ON BOTH SIDES AT THE SAME TIME, are the problem, not the solution.

For any who have read this far, here is my response to pooor lil’ Lilly:


If all that you say is true, and you are NOT involved in something ilegal or otherwise dubious, then

1)BUY A SET OF SECURITY CAMERA’S, and begin to keep a journal. Anyone can get a cheap camera, and mount it themselves.
2) Buy it with cash, so they cannot track your purchase.
3)In your journal, take names, license plate numbers, and record conversations. Make note of unusual happenings, and
4) especially-this is important- look around YOUR WORLD and ask yourself “who can I trust?” and “Who will listen to me, and help me?”

These will prove to be your best allies in this fight.

Also, there are many small, hidden camera devices that you can buy as well, and carry in your pocket. Also, anyone can buy a “tape recorder” and place it in VOX mode in a hidden location.

Then, sit back and watch what happens. You must build evidence before you can take any legal action, but with evidence-and especially names and faces of these people, you can build a case, and even psychiatrists will look at and listen to solid evidence.

Avoid the “TI self help groups” as most of them are government agents, sadistic cops and their related “friends and family” of Masonic/Rotary club/Lions/Save the Children types, or mind control cults.

In your case (all cases are different) the bank is involved, and an old lady who is easy to pick on. THs theme is as old as crime itself. And you are her naive daughter/grand daughter, which is a common theme. Banks are literally stalking people out of their homes. And yes, the police are heavily involved in this scheme, and get paid no matter what happens. They are NOT to be trusted, as are most private investigators. Your best option then, is to become the detective yourself.

After 9-11, America was taken over by a hidden well organized gang of criminals, aka “bankster’s” and the police are their paid armies-police do NOT care about the people, which is why we see young men and old ladies being beaten and murdered around the country. These police are taught to have no conscience, and no morality other than a bizarre form of “Christian”mentality which is guided by Israeli zionism. These people are selected for the profession BECAUSE they are murderers, not because they are moral. Especially, take a look at my piece about police badges-they have te universal symbol of child rape on them.

Lastly, you noted that you are pretty and so on. One other common theme of gang stalking is young cops or other perverts stalking a woman to “impress her” with their power. Sometimes this leads to rape, and prostitution, and far less frequently, marriage via intimidation. If this is your case, you can get help from another group of actual stalkers, which are the “women’s” shelters and advocates, who also practice organized stalking.

But nothing is MORE IMPORTANT THAN GETTING PHOTOGRAPHIC and FILMED EVIDENCE. If you have that, I might be able to refer you to the proper resources.

The last thing I would like to tell you is this-sometimes we(you, me, others) are actually suffering from mental illness, but cannot see it. This is why you MUST try to get photographic evidence, because it can tell you if you are imagining it or not.

Not you “first rodeo,”eh? Then hop on a horse and ride out of Dodge, bcause things get rockier from here unless you take measures. And the best measure you can take is to document it.

And here below, for the curious, is another piece of recent correspondence from another TI who has been stalked by church people, and black fraternity pimpologists, and the DVIC, all of whom derive hundreds of millions in profits from single mothers who take the quote about men being 10% of the breeding population seriously:

This paragraph above  refers to a comment that has been deleted by this blogs author, at the request of a TI who wrote to discuss how the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and the billions of dollars that have been made available to law enforcement and others to create narrative of “good menz-v- badmenz” have also created incentive for these same goodmenz and wimminz in the goodpeeples organizations to commit crimes “in darkness,” following the feminist models of eugenics and gendered fascism that we know today as “feminist jurisprudence” which is a misnomer. More easily described as Fabian “fascist prudery” and totalitarian control with violence as their first option.

This blog asks: Where did all the real women go? Oh-never mind.

Ottawa police officers’ walk in heels a misstep, some cops say (with ...

Although Nikki Craft, a feminist, was the first to propose that men be gang stalked*, it has since become a wider phenomenon, as many affiliated groups exploit the DVIC narrative for great profits. And, certainly, many of them then get laid, a lot, by feminists. By angry mean people who are just like they are: too stupid to care about the Constitution, and too fat to get off their asses to maintain it.

Then, when this author logged in to make the requested change, the browser was hit with a sploit, and the router where the author was logged in was crashed, and this crash, witnessed by multiple parties. In no way do I attempt to infer that the commenter who requested that I maintain the privacy of their anonymous comment is or was responsible for this activity.

Maybe it was a leprechaun in Ireland, maybe it was some pimple faced prick in Tennessee, or MEPCON, but to the reader or researcher, one might note that this scenario described above is an extremely common type of “social engineering exploit.”

Speaking of socially engineered expoits-exactly when did “women’srights” become synonymous with  “police state?”

Oh. Never mind, again. And, speaking of pigs:

Canadian MGTOW: Andrea Dworkin: Femifascist of the week

  • Nikki Craft was arrested some 17times for making messes (erhem) in porn shops, and never did more than a day in jail, whereas men fill the prisons some 2.3-4 million per year, because “good men” wear high heels, and will do ANYTHING for a shopping spree in the MIC closets.Hey, Nikki-did your brain fall out, or is that a pile of girl goo all overthe f@cking place these days?


OSI informers and Air Force and gang stalking: it’s a real operation

OSI informers and gang stalking and USAF

UPDATE: This post gets almost as many hits per day as the post about CIA/FBI/etc recruitment of Mormons. Apparently, those who stalk “We the People,” are very interested when they get outed as “real.” How nice it feels to track, trap and trace the people who are doing that to “We the People.” Ahhh. Mm–Mmmm good.

The third/fourth most popular posts here are about equal as per the feminist gang stalkers for Domestic Violence Industrial Complex dollars, and the internet “study” by Dr. Lorraine Sheridan and the farce that is Fusion Center subversion of all of our privacy/due process at the switch.

To any civil attorney or criminal defense lawyer, psychologist, or other researcher of Organized Gang Stalking looking in, this is verifiable prima facie evidence that speech is targeted at the site of the speaker, and thereafter.

Targeted individuals and those who seek to debunk “perps” often and frequently claim that one online group, OSInformers, is a disinformation outfit composed of perps who stalk targeted individuals. Also, the claim is that these perps are very well funded, and that mass shooters are often connected to them, or that this is a psychological operation.

And, those who claim this would be right, and the claim has scientific merit, because, in fact, the United States Air Force has a program full of informants called-unsurprisingly- OSI Informant Program. Of the many hits that are generated by this search term below, there are slickly produced video’s, and thousands of comments, but especially, and nefariously, are the Talkshoe podcasts where targeted individuals are mocked, derided, and humiliated. And all of this, because the various U.S. military services are in fact, spying on Americans.

From the ACLU, a case in the courts exposes civilians to un-warranted, non-incidental surveillance-what other programs might they be running off-shore?

Google Search: OSI informers-About 101,000 results


OSI and gang stalking

Air Force Informant Program

AFOSI’s Cornerstone is to vigorously solve crime; protect secrets; warn of threats; exploit intelligence opportunities; operate in cyber.[5] AFOSI investigates a wide variety of serious offenses – espionage, terrorism, crimes against property, violence against people, larceny, computer hacking, acquisition fraud, drug use and distribution, financial misdeeds, military desertion, corruption of the contracting process, and any other illegal activity that undermines the mission of the U.S. Air Force or the Department of Defense.

In December 2013, The Colorado Springs Gazette[10] reported that the OSI was operating a Confidential Informant Program at the Air Force Academy which recruited cadets to gather information about other rule breakers and criminals. The program left the recruits to take responsibility for both the initial incident that got them into trouble and any subsequent rule-breaking behavior resulting from the directions of OSI agents. One of the cadets who participated said “…it was effective. We got 15 convictions of drugs, two convictions of sexual assault. We were making a difference. It was motivating, especially with the sexual assaults. You could see the victims have a sense of peace.”[11]

In response, The Air Force Academy Superintendent will now have oversight of the program at the Academy. Though she will be aware of the operations, the Office of Special Investigations will still have command and control of the program.[12]