Japan, the UN, enjo kosai, and “organized gang” stalking: how NGO’s, and the UN gang stalk ‘organized crime’|JapanTimes.co.jp

Conspiracy theory becomes frightening reality for Japan: The UN and organized stalking is trans-national, via the The U.N. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.


Ever since the Meiji Period (1868-1912), treaties and other countries have been used to justify laws the Japanese people neither want nor need, so there’s nothing new here. However, in this case there hasn’t been any serious effort to articulate concrete deficiencies in existing laws — such as bad guys who got away because of them — that will be remedied by the new ones.

No, this column will not be about the Hague Convention and international child abduction. Anyway, that has been all sorted out. (OK, that was sarcasm, to be explained another day.) Today I am talking about the U.N. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

Never heard of it? According to the Abe administration, implementing the treaty is important enough to justify creating hundreds of new criminal offenses, most comprising an entirely new category, namely “planning the execution of a serious crime for a terrorist or other organized crime group.” Most writers are using the word “conspiracy,” not just because it describes the new crimes more concisely, but also as this whole endeavor is widely regarded as the repackaging of past government efforts to add conspiracy to law enforcement’s arsenal.

Anyway, the official rationale for what may prove to be this century’s most dramatic expansion of state coercive powers in Japan is that it is required in order for the nation to implement the U.N. Transnational Crime Convention. There is also a side order of “terrorism” and “Olympics” in case that leaves you hungry.

….follow this link to read more! Follow the links- connect the dots!

What many who have been coerced or otherwise squashed into the organized gang staking dialectic are frequently unaware of is the international scope of this criinal syndicate that disguises itself as the United Nations and all of its “do-gooder” non-governmental organizations(NGO) and projects.

Here above we see that the war on Japan is still not over, as globalists use “international law” to change both the culture, and the law of Japan. so, a short look at prostitution versus state sponsored sex trade is in order so that we can understand the terms of the organized gang stalking framework.

I have noted in many places that organized stalking is a secret operation waged by non-governmental organizations (meaning that sometimes, it is NOT the government, but it is NGO’s and UN policy backed stalking instead), and then, working with the “communitarian policing scheme” it is in fact and practice, international billionaires using “progressive” policy initiatives, and illegal or unethical access to local databases, and offshore black operations, and then mind control and influence operations, aka propaganda, and more to target individuals who for whatever reason, stand in the way of their version of “progress.”

Organized Gang Stalking Case Study: “under aged prostitution” the United Nations, and the aging white female

Propaganda is the “kinder more gentle” war, and one of the best recent examples is the so-called “pedogate,” aka “Pizzagate” where international bankers, backing the UN and other “save the children” operations, flooded the world with child pornography and lots of moral panic inducing propaganda about “underaged sex slaves” and teenaged girl prostitutes, and used the internet as a tool, and as a weapon with which to target individuals ad whole societies, as I have demonstrated herein.

This rhetoric is so powerful, it notoriously affects the downfall of politicians, elections, and whole societies. Because of the complexity of this issue, it cannot be addressed in this case study in its entirety, so I will stick to the local case of Japan, and the practice of  enjo kosai, or the compensated dating of high school aged females.

For background, one must first note that Japan is a conquered nation, and then, note who dominates Japan’s “cultural” dialogues now, and to study the following topics which are directly influential in the current discussions about enjo kosai:

Jewish male inferiority complexes, and non-Jewish sex objects, aka”shiksa’s:The Movie “Annie Hall” by director Woody Allen

White Slavery and Osweiczim: the case of Jewish pimps and the sexual trade in non-Jewish ‘white girls’and Jewish women’s reactionary politics

Old White Women and power, control and ‘profit’: controlling the narrative of getting old, and the fear of the cute, young, non-white female

Feminism, international finance and supply and demand to gain “control of the sex supply”: in Christian, post- Catholic fashion, Susan Walsh gets her fingers into young girls minds, claiming that women must use sex as a a bait  and switch operation in order to control men, and get pregnant “we’re up against some pretty big obstacles: our DNA, a 1960s hangover, long odds, the objectification of women in the media, and technology that lets boys act so passive they’re almost invisible.”

The use of the preemptive accusation’s of rapists and pedophile memetics to entrap or label non-compliant men: over-looking women’s pedophilia (literally the “love of children”) and the sexual manipulation of children has left a vacuum that is “filled” by the accusation that men who reject cuckoldry, or control by aging white females in power; or who resist or mock religious teachings (ALL western religions are based in tribal Jewish narratives)-then, of course these men are a “danger to children” and hence pedophiles.

The political use and utility of young female sexuality in Jewish-christian cultures for profit: both the liberal and conservative fringes of western politics derive great profit and political utility out of gate keeping the narratives of young sexuality, because in the internationalist scheme “someone must pay” for “it.”

How the left uses and sells girls who don’t play along with UN or other NGO agenda- the neo-con left names rape victims for profit:

How FBI Director James Comey used the young girl in the Anthony Weiner’s sexting case according the fifteen year old.

The strange (but not uncommon) case of “police families” and Celeste Guap: Passed around between police from seven police departments in the Bay Area since she was 12, and used as a sex partner and prostitute, sometimes having relations  “for a bag of Cheeto’s,”

Organized psychology and the “control of the sex supply” through official sources and pseud-science narratives.

Now: Gang stalking complaints and other harassments frequently involves so-called feminism, which is really “fauxminism” or pseudo-feminism.

And many victims of OGS report that their cases began with false allegations, or in family courts or other “gray area policing schemes” such as college adjudication and administrative hearings, or in he-said she-said domestic violence scenarios that forego due process and instead act as state and NGO defamation; and which have resulted in what we see today with the NSA data theft pipeline, and local police spying on activists from Fusion Centers in the “Hegelian” community policing scheme.

So lastly, here is the basic dialectic that has formed around enjo kosai, which is arguably a Japanese cultural practice, and then, the United Nations “defamation” that some 13% of Japan’s teen girls engage in it, which is the equivalent of saying “13% of your daughters are whores.” Those, I would think, are fighting words, and considering that those words came from non-Japanese people, an insult of the highest order.

Here, the is the UN allegation. Also, without irony, I note that the number 13 has great significance to those in power and who seek access from the outside to Japan’s young girls. I have noted elsewhere on  this blog that this number has significance to many secret societies, but also, specifically to those in social services, policing, and the “save the children” NGO’s who traffic young women under the disguise of “helping them.”

In terms of the absolute and total conquest of a culture, the men are the actual targets of nearly all homicide and genocide, and the ability to breed is the main target. In the softer, “gentler” genocide, the stated goal of globalists is to destroy “patriarchy.” And nothing says “the patriarchy is destroyed” quicker than men who adopt Jewish inferiority complexes and self-loathing, and then, who speak for the UN.

Here is what that looks like in terms of mass media, and especially in this case, academic gang staling tactical propaganda, and the case of gang stalking ‘transnational crime’ and enjo kosai as the target, where we see the fully cuckolded “Asian” male speaking about an issue “local” to Japan.

Cuckoldry and the sockpuppets of international finance: Here below, the “Asian man” (in this case a Korean) speaks as if an old white woman has her hand up his butt, and an old self-loathing Jew has invaded his brain like a cricket, and together, they use his mouth as an orifice to fill with UN policy in order to further conquer and dominate Japan for its own “stakeholders” inerests- that the Asian male has been pre-vetted fo low testosterone, and high suggestibility:

Sex, Schoolgirls, and the Japanese Pop Culture Empire

For the past three months, I have had the pleasure and honor of volunteering at a Tokyo-based NGO called Lighthouse: Center for Human Trafficking Victims, where I have been primarily assisting with their public relations and advocacy work. Founded by Shihoko Fujiwara, who has been a powerful advocate for human trafficking survivors in Japan and abroad, Lighthouse was originally designed to assist migrant survivors of forced labor. But they have moved on to focus on an issue closer to everyday Japanese life. Walk down the main avenue in Akihabara, the mecca of Japanese pop culture in Tokyo, on any weeknight and you will see dozens upon dozens of young girls, dressed in their infamous “sailor-suit” schoolgirl uniforms, asking whether you are interested to, for a fee, have a chat with them, or take them around town for a walk. A compensated date, or enjo kosai, between a minor and her male client may end with a night of child prostitution. Walk across the scramble crossing in Shibuya, a busy commercial district for young people, and you may be accosted to join a model photo shoot. That photo shoot may become a filming session for a pornography video.

In Japan, it is normal for high school and college-aged students to work part-time jobs to earn money on the side. I myself recently got a job working at a convenience store on campus. When marketed as an easy, high-prestige, and high-paying job, modeling or compensated dating appeal to youth who live in a culture of consumerism and/or grow up in relative poverty. Shame, embarrassment, and the threat of legal action from the companies can coerce these survivors of child prostitution and pornography into silence. Each week, Lighthouse receives calls from these survivors, and it provides confidential counseling and assistance over the phone, through text messaging, and in person.

What I found most tragic was the complacency that stakeholders in Japanese pop culture have towards the widespread sexual commodification and objectification of young children. Most bookstores and convenience stores have a wide selection of pornography magazines or the euphemistically-named shashinshu, photo books of sexually objectified singers, actors, and “idols” that any customer can just flip open and read. Most weekly newsmagazines also contain a few pages of porn.


The Brush pass: what is ‘directed conversation’ in the OGS dialectic?

Those refreshing interludes.

“Every time we are sent down to Mexico to train one group in SWAT tactics, we know they’ll be sending us down there in ten years to kill the same guys we are training today.” and “It used to be that the Israeli’s came here to train, and now we go over there.”

–spoken to me by an anonymous retired SWAT lieutenant just this afternoon 08-15-2017

While on  the surface, my writings may seem to some to be provocative-which is what all respectable words SHOULD be-a certain group of ‘umbrella’ organizations and their adherents in and outside of policing and its affiliated brethren and sisterns might feel that my writings herein are “anti-police, or even “anti-government,” based on their political leanings, or payola.

I wish to point out the that nothing is further from the truth as pertains to my intentions, or more important than free speech regarding this topic, and that, unfettered by political compromises, or the silencing that can happen through the great blackmail scheme that we have come to learn is the NSA data collection scheme and its accompanying database abuse; and that due process is the first step and the last step one will ever take in America, and know with great pride that they are fortunate to live here, and interact here, as citizens. This is, I would like to remind my 26 readers from today, a right, and NOT a privilege.

One of the biggest problems facing American’s today is the same problem that is facing policing, which is that of defining the “us” from the “them.” This has and always been a problem in policing of any kind. When speaking of “us versus them,” it is important to look at the roots of this dual and dichotomous narrative, but also ask if “the right people” are the ones being targeted. Then, it is important to know that targeting via database operations has taken on nightmarish proportions for ALL American’s, including police.

So, ironically, I find myself lending voice to another kind of voiceless person, which are those in  policing, government, and other public sectors who themselves are targeted on multiple levels, and then, burdened with the need to keep silent, based on the heirarchy of blindly following orders, speaking when spoken to, keeping secrets, and doing as they are told.All of these can and do produce special, and specific mental disruptions, and certainly do affect mental processes; just as it does to citizens.

Of the OGS denialists, there seems to be a unified version of “these people are all mentally ill,” whereas of those targeted, they are, until recently, fairly silent, and frequently compromised in ways that defy conventional explanations. One such “targeting” took place upon American diplomats, and the US government clearly and decidedly implicated “sound weapons”in a main stream news story carried by the Associated Press.

So, of those who practice OGS, and those who are targeted, few know that police officers, and law enforcement in general are among the most targeted of all “individuals” as this new scheme of database abuse has some of them in it’s sights, as it once had common  criminals, and political targets in it’s vast net. Also in the net are frequently targeted diplomats, foreign service employees, and more. Then, beyond American’s being targeted, there is the fact that their relatives and associates are also targeted.

When I, for one, sit down to contemplate “what is America?” and “what is Democracy,” like most, I come up with the answer that we are world leaders and that the United States Constitution is a document written for everyone-it is written for the alt-left protester and the crybully as much as it is written for the alt-right racists and their affiliated groups who argue over statues in culture wars, rather than statutes which are violated every day by those who have abused citizens via database collection, and as such the Constitution, due process, which should be the focal point of our “American” discussion, has bee subsumed by identity politics of race class and gender wars; and Syria, or Iran is “our” enemy, instead of those who are tearing us apart, and using the Constitution as toilet paper; because regardless of the mess that international finance, and black operations of any and every kind put us in, we are, all still American’s FIRST.

And in that light, policing takes on an especially important role: that of “upholding an oath” to protect American’s, FIRST from enemies “both foreign and domestic.” This oath is not one that includes “well, you know, that American, versus that American is a better American, so we don’t have to protect him or her.” And it certainly does not include overlooking the long term, and frequently harmful targeting that factions of the LE community perpetrate against other factions of the LE community.

I myself have several members of my family who worked and who work in policing. And like all families, I also have many family members targeted-an  uncle just returned from Israel; an uncle who runs an American business that is highly targeted by mobsters and others; a cousin who is a past and current legal counsel for two former sitting presidents. And my own father- a Korea veteran, wore a wire for the FBI in the 1960’s, which certainly explains why I have chosen to write, rather than any other course of action, to peacefully protest the subversion of Democracy via database abuse, and it’s accompanying blackmail schemes.

As such, I have written this blog as a guide, and to encourage others to write their own, based in this as an example. My readership has blossomed, and certainly, the stories they are reading validate each and every thesis herein. My other work can be seen in other places, and I will continue to write as long as I am able, for the word is indeed mightier than the sword, if the hornets nest that I have kicked up here by breaking my own silence is any indicator.

On that note, let me add a few sprinkles of salt and pepper to (((cooking analogy thanks to Libra who hates it when I use his seekrit nym without accreditation)))  the story herein:

  1. I have been approached by no less than 6 people in the last three months who call themselves targeted individuals. One was a hacker,  two were Viet Nam era veterans, one was his ‘running partner’ who mentioned a certain man who was imprisoned for terrorism in 2001 or so;  one was a bag lady, one just a street kid who wished he could hack better. Another was chased out of his neighbrhood because he reads leftist literature, and his kid has autism.Three black, two hispanic. One white. This is more “TI’s” than I have ever met in such a short span of time.
  2. I watched over a period of 8 years as my life became ‘infiltrated’ and coincidence after coincidence piled up, as did compromising situations, situations that directly affected my life and safety, and much more. Finally, I will note that a relative of mine is affiliated with a certain database which contains the identities of every single American or foreigner who has ever passed a background check, or who has been fingerprinted-and this database was the exact one which was also used during the elections in Hugo Chavez’ elections. And as such, I blew the whistle when it was compromised BY those who work IN the exact organizations that are paid to protect that information. There is today, such a collaboration between those who work in corporations, and those who work in law enforcement to undermine us all via database abuse, and the selective leaking of information for political reasons.
  3. Like any whistle blower, journalist, or anyone else who has ever endured OGS, I can say with certainty that I fear for my life and safety, and the lives and safety of my family members. As such, I write this to inform the public at large, and those who have sought to compromise me that you are on notice; and I hope the wheels of government find you, and prosecute you to the fullest extent of  the law.

Lastly, on a refreshing note: I believe to the fullest extent that what I put forwards herein is a valid thesis which can and will be useful to those who are in similar positions. And to those who I might feel mocked, chided, or derided herein, maybe take a look at your own thesis, your own complicity, or your own immorality, and ask yourself why the things I write here are a challenge to you. But I for one, hope that my peaceful dissent and resistance can be seen as exactly that, and for the criminal, civil defense lawyer or other constitutional rights scholar; to those in the healing professions, and those in the wider dialectic find value herein.

Eleanor White tries to change the terms of the OGS argument for the better, and others contemplate civil lawsuits against OGS

What is Organized gang stalking and why Eleanor White did not like the term

My focus, and I urge all targets to adopt this focus, is on how to speak and write to UNAWARE members of the public, which most quickly and easily helps them understand what this crime is all about.–Eleanor White

Eleanor White was a crusader who raised awareness of OGS, and as such, she tried like many to change the terms of the argument, starting with what many consider to be a loaded term- “gang stalking,” which discredits those who have encountered this nefarious practice.

If you are a researcher of organized gang stalking, a therapist, or psychologist or a civil or criminal defense lawyer charged with the care or representation of TI’s, take note that Eleanor White’s work is rapidly being scrubbed from the web.

But as a term of an influence operation, it is very descriptive of those who stalk gangs-in the “jargon” or the “argot” language of policing, it is in fact and practice a valid term. Search this blog for “NSA data theft pipeline” or “CalGang database which demonstrate how databases are used to track and entrap “gang members” from birth.

And maybe read up on how the LEIU’s stated purpose of breaking the law in order to create cases became a national and now international practice back in the 1970’s as their stated goal was to chase “organized crime.”

Here below is the discussion about the term gang stalking, from Eleanor White:



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Law of Parties

“One of the few prosecutors I talked to who accepted the “reality” of my situation called it participatory stalking which probably is a better term because the individuals involved are participating in a stalking at someone’s request. There is always one person who “targets” the victim. In some states where they have what’s called the “Law of Parties” the “participants” can also be charged as a “party to the crime.”

It’s a matter of semantics. In a general sense I use the word cause stalking to indicate someone being targeted because of their involvement in something that results in their being targeted by a group who are motivated by political and/or religious positions and I use the word gang stalking to indicate someone being targeted, as noted above, simply to discredit them and their complaint against someone. And they do act similarly to the way a gang acts. It is a form of bullying behavior in both instances. The “participants” are bullies. Which is why they so willingly participate. But both are participatory stalking simply on the basis of the participation.

One member has posted about her psychosis. She was not psychotic to begin with. She became psychotic as a result of the post traumatic stress and has won half the battle by acknowledging it. The cause of the psychosis is something psychologists and psychiatrists overlook when “treating” a stalking victim. They also do not “know it.”

Eleanor White says:

“Participatory” stalking carries the danger that some may interpret that as what is called “stalking by proxy.” Stalking by proxy is the usual single stalker, who is the sole source of the criminal activity, enlisting the help of others.

That’s not what organized stalking is. Organized stalking is carried on by an international network of stalking groups in each community. These groups, according to David Lawson and my own observations, think they are “helping police” keep someone “dangerous” under control.”

My focus, and I urge all targets to adopt this focus, is on how to speak and write to UNAWARE members of the public, which most quickly and easily helps them understand what this crime is all about. This includes carefully reflecting on how unware people assimilate information that is negative, information they’d rather not hear about. That’s our greatest need.

“Gang” stalking utterly fails at that.”

Chazzy later notes:

I have to add that some people do know the reality. And simply are afraid of speaking out. Some organizations that deal with domestic abuse/violence have spoken out about the problem of law enforcement “looking the other way” when the situation involves a law enforcement officer. But they are quickly silenced. But reality is reality. And if law enforcement “looks the other way” with its own it is reasonable to assume that many of these officers who are abusers themselves are going to “look the other way” with other abusers. The same dynamic is at work with regard to stalking victims in many cases. The officer doesn’t see a problem and decides they will be the prosecutor and make the call themselves instead of allowing a prosecutor to. One reason why so few cases are prosecuted may be that so few cases are actually taken to a prosecutor. It is a problem that has begun to affect all victims.

One other reality is that the “professions” including law and medicine do attract sociopaths who in many cases simply are looking for a “position of authority” that in essence allows them to view themselves above the law. They seek out positions of authority that allow them to abuse that authority in order to be able to abuse others. The “code of honor” is at work in all the “professions” not just law enforcement.

The bottom line is stalking victims are left to fend for themselves. Part of the “fending” is accepting that those we turn to in most cases turn their backs to us.”

Eleanor later replies:

Click to access osatv.pdf

… you will see that local community members are co-opted by spreading vicious lies about the target, often that the target is a child molester. Anyone with half a brain can see that immediately, so it’s not a problem to explain why community members participate.

I’ve had people call me, a senior lady, a pedophile to my face, and spit on the sidewalk in front of me. A colleague in another city in this province was a successful mainstream media reporter. She also is a senior and has brutal harassment everywhere she goes by people who believe she is a child molester.

The problem is, most targets are so flustered by their experience that they forget to mention that important motivation.

You can hold the opinion that organized stalking is “gang” stalking but clearly you are not a target. Commonly known gangs, youth, ethnic, biker, Mafia, are NOT carrying out organized stalking. If you say they are, you are not painting an accurate picture and are making it more difficult for OS targets to achieve justice.

As I explained, the stalkers are community members from every walk of life who have been told they are “helping police keep dangerous criminals under control.”

As I explained, any reference to “gang” stalking with unaware people throws the conversation way off on an irrelevant side track, burning up all the available attention span.

If you insist on calling this “gang” stalking, I hope you will minimize your use of that term as it does not help our cause.

We all need to EDUCATE THE PUBLIC about the reality of organized stalking, and do so regardless of whether the perps see it as a “reaction” or not. If we don’t educate the public, the nightmare of organized stalking will never end.

(A good step in that direction would be to find a way to force the National Center for Victims of Crime to stop treating OS as mental illness, and include it in their educational materials.)

I’m sad to report that the relatively small number of targets who do speak out choose absolutely the very worst things to say and write. This is such a huge problem I don’t see any way it will be solved in my lifetime. Targets do not care at all about how their words are received by the public – all they want to do is rant and shout about their pain.

Now that is perfectly natural, and it is NOT the “fault” of the very human OS targets. But this natural and blameless behaviour is keeping the perps in business.

To see examples of different activism material and my credibility ratings, visit:


To see a booklet of the things I have learned (the hard way) over my 15 years as an activist, visit:

Click to access osih.pdf

Eleanor White

Talking with unaware people throws the conversation way off on an irrelevant side track, burning up all the available attention span.

If you insist on calling this “gang” stalking, I hope you will minimize your use of that term as it does not help our cause.



Gang stalking in Amherst, MA and community awareness fliers, 1993, and police disinformation: hen house, foxes, big sloppy trough, DVIC, “Joe Biden’s Legacy”

Political Commentary: I still wonder what kind of dirt certain scumbags had on Vice President Joe Biden that cause him to become a total cop-dog muncher. Single man (hookers? Dog porn? Crack?) and those mysteriousy dead relatives-and then his son Beau, finally.

It seems fair though, because the policies that he backed have all but destroyed our once functioning Democracy, and f@cked a lot of kids into the “community policing” scheme of state controlled zombie children. African American children have a 70% chance of NOT having a father around, while Hispanic aand others have a near 40% chance of the same fate.

A constitution, due process- yeah. Hahahahaha, Joe, thanks for sharing the burden with your constituents. HAHAHAHAHA-and sorry ’bout Beau-how’s it feel to lose a kid? Hahhahaha. Or should I say Vawawawawawawwa? Because you inseminated the modern police state, and it’s consort of OGS harassment, the DVIC.

And certainly, nothing beats not having to worry about having a job, or being able to get one without a future employer being handed a dossier’ from mystery stalkers who subvert the letter and the spirit of the law. Ah, the right to work-especially if you get to make  your own work, check your own work, define your own work, and pay yourself for work created?

Yup, that’s what OGS is primarily as police suck the teat’s of federal dollars after the women’s internationale’ sold us all down the river. OGS,  aka “make-work” projects are how police are complicit in destroying democracy, one trumped up charge, one harassment campaign after another in a database. Create a target, and start gunning for it, ay boys and girls? Democracy is full of holes now. Thanks.

End of political commentary.

Here, below, we see another case where the fliers from fightgangstalking.com that encourage neighborhood awareness of the organized gang stalking that is perpetrated by the DVIC and it’s handmaidens in democracy subversion are being demonized yet again by the local police, and instead of raising awareness, they are participating in the official “gas lighting” of those who have been gang stalked. I haven’t checked yet to se how many of those involved or suspected in this particular stalking are Rotarians, or other ‘hero’s’ of the community who are always saving cute kitties on fire, and old ladiesand children, but I am certain it’s near 100%.

Note the reporter’s bland and useless, uninsightful and cowardly reportage-yet anther MIC mockingbird. I suggest you write to her at her email address, and write frequently to raise awareness of OGS. But especially, go over there and read the comments section, which is instructive indeed-a bunch of rational people, discussing DVIC funded harassment, not a mention of electronic weapons, aliens or face orbs. Here is the reporters email dlederman@repub.com, dlederman@repub.com, dlederman@repub.com, dlederman@repub.com, dlederman@repub.com

Flyers detailing concerns about organized stalking are not posted by Amherst police

This flyer was posted on a parking kiosk at Boltwood Parking Garage lot early Monday morning. (Diane Lederman/The Republican)

AMHERST – Orange flyers tacked up on store windows, parking kiosks and other places around town claiming to be a public safety notice are not from town police.

The flyers read “Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking.”

Police do not know who is putting the flyers up and they are not signed by any organization.

“The neighborhood has ongoing ‘gang stalking’ criminal activity,” the flyer begins.

“Known also as ‘organized stalking’ ‘community harassment’ group bullying & ‘counter-intelligence stalking’ this crime consists of illegal surveillance and harassment of targeted individuals,” the flyer reads.

It also states numerous state laws throughout.

But Det. Jamie Reardon said police would post any warnings on the website and send out press releases not post things like this around town.

Similar flyers have been put up in Guilford, Connecticut or in mailboxes and other communities  across the country.

Yeah “what’s hidden in darkness.”Suuuure.

It is this official participation that makes OGS so nefarious- that some will sacrifice YOUR liberty for another slurp at the trough, and THEIR job security (fake terrorists anyone? How about a side dish of the equally mouth watering “domestic terrorists are also domestic abusers!!!”), without raising a finger to represent the Constitution and that includes veteran’s, and stalks them as well.

With special relish (just for CN-Libra who likes to cook) note that “gray area,” slander, and defamation have replaced facts, and law, and due process in these so-called domestic violence/domestic terrorist scenarios, as the Charleston Nazi-guy was likely harassed with OGS for years, similar to Omar Mateen, not to mention the gray area database slander-the he-said/she-said “he was accused of” DV. To these people, an accusation IS a conviction, and OGS i the para-judicial, para-military, para-constitutional punishment.

This all which worked so well in the Stalin era of punitive policing and punitive psychology. Why not just try it here? And let’s ask the experts if it is a “dangerous emergent internet community” that seeks to raise awareness about this insanity-this institutional sociopathy. I would suggest that maybe, they aren’t dangerous enough.

And equality of course-we can’t forget to help tip the world in one direction, so that we all fall off, and all the money rolls into certain pockets-those whose tentacles are wrapped into every dusty 1990’s era orifice and every old, faded, extinguished volcano hole on this planet, as they  hold on together and to each other.

Yeah- ” woman power!” seems to mean “sell the men to enemies, both foreign and domestic, build the prison industrial complex, ” while kneeling for VAWA dollars from the Saudi’s, and slurping down triple dipped cop-dogs as a form of duty to the phallic monolith.

Or, this:


Plus this:

Police badges KLECK - 03_03_17 - B1

and this:

KLECK - 03_03_17 - B4

multiplied by this:

cop car themed high heels

Equals this:


Note these comments from this article especially, and note that the year “1993” is used, specifically to undermine dissent on this topic. Does this sound familiar-are you seeing a pattern yet? No? Well pull your head out of your vahjayjay then, because with women like this commenter bellow, who goes by the name of “Delores Hejazi,” who was a woman who murdered her three children just before the VAWA era-and was likely one of the creative forms of feminist jurisprudence where feminists sought to exonerate YET ANOTHER female psychopath by creating a novel criminal defense, which was just wrong, but also, rightfully, chalenging the powerful MIC narrative’s.

Related Story: Delores Hejazi murdered her three children

IN that era of false equivocation, fathers were slandered as pedophiles while these so-called feminists built the domestic violence industry to what it is today. Women who rape, molest, or use and exploit children are A.O.K. with the MIC/PIC/DVIC “warriors,” but men are “all rapists and pedophiles!”

Yeah-you can bet the deal is done already. “Just doin’ mah job!” and my favorite “I’m not a lawyer, I’m a cop! You’ll have to have a judge look those papers over” and oof course, who can forget- “Shin-zu! I think he said Shin-zu!*”:

According to his website he does nothing wrong because the KKK distributes flyers in just the same way and they are NOT investigated. Way to go. See also http://fightgangstalking.com/tactics-for-fighting-back/ where he explains it.

4/1/2016 8:37 AM

It’s probably the veteran from the fight gang stalking website. After his flyers were investigated in Connecticut, he moves on to Massachusetts. I’m just telling because he accuses other websites of being disinfo. Activists have used flyers since 1993 without any result. You better try something new, something that they didn’t expect.


And with the help of Vice president Joe Biden, and his “feed the starving narcissists/psycopaths/violent women and other sociopath’s” programs, and the “protect police with MRAPS and bigger donut’s” programs, aka the NSA total surveillance agenda, we see a generation of narcissistic sociopaths now discouraging dissent at any cost.

But OGS is real indeed, as noted by the commenters at that post. Also special note: these comments on OGS took place in a presidential election year, 2016.

Hate StasiMar 18, 2016

Gangstalking, correctly termed government-sponsored stalking and harassment, is extremely widespread  in the United States. The catalyst for a person to be targeted in this manner, is to be placed on a watch-list.


The primary perpetrators of this crime are the Alphabet Soup agencies, their community assets, and the many government contractors who currently support the “War on Terror.” It appears to be directed by the fusion centers.

Not only is it used as a social and political control technology (to crush dissent), but it is also used as a way for these “pigs at the trough” to enrich themselves through the phony “War on Terror.” Since real enemies/terrorists are very small in number, domestic citizens are labeled as enemies (manufactured/created) to maintain almost unlimited funding.

Indeed, It is a huge cash cow for those involved.

Also, I believe that this program is how the Feds infiltrate all communities across the US. They simply label somebody a suspected terrorist and then spread the word around the community. They control the community by getting them to artificially focus on certain individuals – similar to Hitler’s Germany where the Germans where directed to focus on & hate the Jewish people living among them. A very powerful control technique.

Furthermore, it teaches the American people to reject a free society and start viewing their fellow citizens as enemies. It teaches them to be snitches and informants.

I could go on and on. But suffice it to say that this program is directly responsible for destroying the lives of many innocent people. It is still a secret and many Americans have not heard of it yet, but the word is getting out.

3/18/2016 12:37 PM
[crackle, pop, crackle] “Are you there Bob, it’s me, Margaret. What did he say?”  [radio crackle] “Well, he said something about fliers, hitting a few points….and Joe Biden’s closet. I dunno…something about using shoes as weapons of mass reconstruction, or deconstruction or making sushi out of old volcanoes, something….[radio crackle, Handsel and Gretel, crackle ] But did he use the word “penis?” [crackle] no, I think he said cunts though.[pop, crackle, pop] Well we can’t just kick in his door for a bunch of little cunts-or CAAAAAn we? Or…caaaaaan we…I have a plan….or maybe just put a hold on ‘im? Tell the white coats that he speaks “word salad? The would get the ambulance company $1220 dollars, the 5150 folks will get another $300-1500, and the 911 dispatch center will get about $35 per call-s get the neighbors in on it. We get hero points of course, and Andrea will LOVE us, and give us new shoes!
 MMMM. I’m getting hungry, and hungrier. Do I look fat in these heels?
walk-a-mile-military zpsmxjciqsq-618x383
Always hungry hungry hungry! “Yeah, are you there Bob? It’s me, Margaret. [pop, crackle, pop] Yeah go ahead.[ Snapple, apple, pop] Did you just tell me to give you…?!! Oh never mind! He said something about what a lying fat bunch of con artists we are, and suggested we eat word salad. [snapple, pop, greckles in flocks] Then i would go aheaad with the sushi/volcanoes narrative. That smells like a rotten plot.
Related image
* This is an inside joke between me, and those who were so sloppy, and so obvious, and so patently wrong, criminal, and plainly cowardly in their many attempts at being “right” that I was able to catch them, name them, and now, write about them as participants in OGS.
high heels were created for butchers not women

Organized gang stalking and linguistics: targeted individuals are often victims of linguistic manipulation, aka, soft force mind control

Any blog, anywhere on the topic of OGS is derived from within a wider dialectic of gang stalking, and then, contains individual narrative, influenced by the language and terminology of others within the dialectic. As such, linguistic analyses infers that the Sapir-Whorf hypotheses, and linguistic relativity of strong and weak language applies.

“The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers’ world view or cognition. Popularly known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions. The strong version says that language determines thought, and that linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categories, whereas the weak version says that linguistic categories and usage only influence thought and decisions”

from Wikipedia “linguistic relativity”

I have already demonstrated that the OGS dialectic is a mind control and influence operation full of information, disinformation, and misinformation (and here, and here, and here, and here) on some-or on many levels. Also, I have demonstrated that it has real world consequences, and that law enforcement is not doing its job to stop those who encourage the dialectic, and who profit from it; and that law enforcement is quite frequently involved directly, and indirectly.

But more than any one proof is the general flow of the data, as we discover that the dialectic itself is purely and easily understood as language in action to influence, confirm, interrogate, or otherwise manipulate individuals who, for whatever reason, find themselves trapped-entrapped-within the dialectic, which is itself a form of neuro linguistic programming (NLP).

While most targeted individuals do not or cannot answer or state openly or apparently the six w’s of journalistic inquiry -who directed them to the dialectic? What happened just before you were directed or redirected into this dialogue? Where did this happen?when did this happen? Why did you get brought into this abusive dialectic? How did you become aware of the dialectic?-the evidence is clear that memetics and influence via language are at work, and that certain people are involved, and many others are, statistically, not even aware that such a dialectic -that of organized gang stalking-exists. Any researcher, lawyer, psychologist or other concerned researcher should be aware of the need to ask these questions.

But what does exist a solid fact, or set of facts as regards the language and terms of OGS: that the structure of a language affects its speakers’ world view or cognition. This is undeniable, and there exists evidence of this fact in every log ever written about OGS.

Then, when you add influence operations, pseudo-legal “investigations” by LEO’s and LEIU members across the internet-which is used malevolently as both a tool of investigation, aka “webterrogation,” and also as a purely vindictive and petty tool of harassment by bullies in official places- we se a new picture emerge: that the root of the problem is that the internet backbone is full of cancerous, state sponsored and illegal activity, directed at targeted persons, groups, and their ideas; and that the Panopticon that has been designed by bad actors in high places has been abused-which we also know with plentiful evidence.

So, if one chose to, one could analyse the structure of the dialectic is itself for evidence that OGS is a real, and directed, and valid potential complaint, rather than a hoarde of mentally ill folks who sabotage legitimate mechanisms of communication for nefarious purposes, when in fact, it is state, and institutional, and academic, and professional actors that are this exact disease ridden apathetic and complicit group, as this blog attempts to document and demonstrate.

The evidence I direct the reader to herein should be an ample and well endowed starting point for any researcher, sociologist, psychologist, criminal or civil rights defense attorney to have a secure starting point for any case that involves claims of OGS. As such, I invite you to test or retest my evidence, and come up with your own hypotheses, but what I have herein is fairly hard to refute, and each refutation opens a door to a new line of inquiry, which has so far been missing from the discussion.

But clearly, it is not merely a dialogue of the mentally ill talking to others who are mentally ill, unless we are willing to engage in the fact based discussion about institutional sociopathy, and narcissistic abuse by those in power directed at those who do not have power.

And as we see in example after example that some, who have power, often working in institutions or governments who are very well financed are targeting and directing others-who are generally low status or low intellect individuals into this abusive dialectic, and keeping them enmeshed in occulted and unclear, and often nefarious scenarios within the Panopticon that our internet has, in fact and practice, become. In that light, we can see that the internet is in fact and also in ractice, oe of the largest and most potentially dubious forms of electronic abuse ever, being used to cause harm or to force ‘normalization’ upon unwitting subjects.

Organized gang ‘staking,’ high level pedophile rings, Freemasons, and police badges

Many in the online dialectic of organized gang stalking hover around the issue of  false allegations, and slander campaigns, particularly that these are organized pedophile rings that practice OGS in order to kidnap or otherwise get close to having positions of authority over children.

And, one third of police who lose their badges every year, lose them because they are pedophiles:

The probe revealed that 550 officers were decertified for various sexual assaults, including rape. Some were dismissed for sodomy or sexual shakedowns, where victims were forced to perform sexual acts to avoid arrest.

A further 440 officers lost their jobs for other sex-related offenses, such as possessing child pornography, being a peeping Tom, sending sexually charged messages to underage teens or having sex while on duty.

About one-third of the officers lost their jobs for committing sexual offenses with juveniles.

Those who fall prey to police are often young, poor, drug abusing individuals who don’t report their cases to the authorities. Victims included motorists, schoolchildren who were patted down in searches for illegal drugs, or women forced to perform sexual favors to avoid legal troubles. Prison inmates were also forced to have sex with guards.

The real number of sexual offenses could however be much higher, as AP only looked into registered cases where an officer lost their badge because of an offense.

And, these claims have some merit for several other reasons, not least of which is that many claimants to this form of highly organized stalking where vested  interests seek to actually CAUSE mental illness, with children being the targets of any of a number of cults and sects withing these organizations.

Many cases that one can read online are people who lost children to CPS, or cases where low status, low IQ or otherwise impaired persons are targeted with ferocity to the point they are framed into crimes they didn’t commit, such as the case of the Largest DNA Exoneration in American History, of the Beatrice Six, where actual mind control was induced by a cop who was both the primary interrogator of these framed people, but also, was their their psychologist!

Despite their release from prison and a 30 million dollar settlement which will likely bankrupt the town that did this to them, these framed people still have police-induced Stockholm Syndrome. Let that sink in a bit….But in OGS, what is extremely significant, is that a “gang” was created from whole cloth by a cop, and a false conspiracy was manufactured by that cop, working with other institutional forces and practices; and a child was spirited away by these local institutional forces afterwards.

Others victims who have lost children to these vast pedophile networks had been involved with family courts, false allegations, or social services, or other targeted with other police activity such as the inter-generational “Police Family Syndrome” where children like Celeste Guap aka Jasmin Abuslin was used and passed around by police from seven different departments in the San Francisco Bay area, with some of them literally giving her “a bag of cheetos” for sex.

Without irony, this author notes that in anthropological studies of apes, such as chimpanzees, we frequently see “alpha males” killing, mauling, or raping fatherless apes to death; or uniting i fury to destroy and dismember other male chimps who appear on the perimeter of “their” territory.

These stories in both anthropology and in the human world are so bizarre that they generally defy logic or even description, and so, ordinary people targeted with this literal psychopathology have few resources with which to describe their circumstances, much less use “ordinary” terms. Policing is just that off the chain these days-or: has it always been that way?

The F.B.I. released the official symbols associated with child sex trafficking that recently have been brought to the forefront again to help locate and bust these demented criminals. We all know that human sex trafficking as well as pedophilia rings have been in operation for a very long time. Here is the official F.B.I. intelligence bulletin describing the symbols and logos used by pedophile networks…

And then:

These symbols have manifested everywhere throughout society – and only those in ‘the club’ knew what they meant, but now – the information has been verified and leaked to the mainstream public in the worldwide scandal of #PizzaGate. Do you really want to know why this investigation has not even started to begin to gain traction on the local P.D. level? Take a look at where these pedophile sex symbols were recently uncovered….

….follow this link to read more-connect the dots [or, in this case, the pyramids that circle inward, like a dog chasing its tail]!

Triangles are also a theme in some of the online narratives as well. I estimate that the triangle- or the ‘upside down’ triangle appears in some 2-5% of online narratives. Then- there is the issue of badges that have the universal symbol of “man boy love” emblazoned on them:

Police badges KLECK - 03_03_17 - B1


Adding to this is the fact that Infragard, LEIU’s and any of a number of agencies work behind the scenes and at te internet switch, or in court rooms and other ‘key’ positions to track, monitor and to literally CREATE easily discredited boogiemen via “pedofication” that they can then rush in and “capture!” Such was likely the case with John Lang, Fresno activist, and many others. As we see time and time again, the endemic corruption of American police is out of control, and these operate with total impunity, as Lang captured on film, and described on social media( a Google search reveals some 1.2 MILLION mentions of John Lang’s story)

So, for me at least, having witnessed everything that I write about, it is no stretch of imagination to note that complaints of “weird people on the internet talking about DEW’s” and occultist stuff and symbols that carry coded meanings and other total crap that has dual meanings, coded meanings, and cross-dialectical meanings; and certainly falls within the jargon and argot language of policing and policing tactics and methods, which not-coincidentally are designed to be obscured and occulted from common parlance.

Lastly, it cannot be missed how frequently the theme of pedophiles and police is-explored in the MSM. As we saw in the opening season of Quantico, we see in nearly every other MSM portrayal or discussion of this issue the eradication of characters in LEO’s that are hiding their tendencies. In Quantico for instance, the Mormon was at once  framed as a pedophile, and then instantly killed off as a character:

SPOILER ALERT: Here’s the Mormon subplot in ABC’s ‘Quantico’

Published September 28, 2015 7:39 am
This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

ABC debuted its series “Quantico” on Sunday night, and there was more for Mormons to be unhappy about than just the LDS character shown wearing nothing than his “Mormon underwear.”

If you haven’t seen the episode, this is a MAJOR SPOILER ALERT. If you don’t want to know what happened, stop reading NOW.

As written by creator/executive producer Joshua Safran, the Mormon character — Eric Packer (Brian J. Smith) — is a liar, a hypocrite, a child molestor and, perhaps, a murderer. He is yet another in a long line of outwardly religious characters — of Mormon characters — who is not what he pretends to be.

It’s happened so often that it’s a hackneyed cliché.

In this case, it’s worse than the usual cliché, however. Turns out the secret that Packer has been hiding is that, while on his LDS mission, he got a 14-year-old girl pregnant. And she died when he took her to get an illegal abortion.


The series revolves around a group of FBI recruits as they arrive at the training facility in Quantico, Va. Each recruit is assigned to do a background check on another recruit to uncover a secret that has been deliberately omitted from their file.

Caleb Haas (Graham Rogers) has to investigate Packer. And Haas is sort of an idiot, expressing surprise that a Mormon has been recruited by the FBI; calling Packer both “Joseph Smith” and “Romney”; and making polygamy cracks.

You know, more hackneyed clichés.

Haas is no more competent at investigating Packer than he is at anything else. But he convinces Packer that he has learned his secret.

“You should’ve stayed in Salt Lake, boy,” Haas says.

Gang stalking and retired law enforcement and LEIU’s

Eleanor White is one of the few who have a internet presence documenting gang stalking, and also, one of the few who has revealed that retired law enforcement agents participate in or otherwise instigate gang stalking.


She is widely discussed in the online TI community, and has several websites that became inactive around 2011, just as others began to document this “phenomenon.” Ms. White claims she was smeared for decades in Canada as a pedophile.

I personally find her work questionable or suspect for two reasons: 1) she is heavily engaged in the “DEW’s” side of the discussion, which largely discredits others in the OGS community that are reporting police abuses and corporate or institutional level harassment, and even repeating words and phrases and entire belief systems that are clearly the products of influence operations aka soft force mind control 2) she always uses the word “raven” in her work, and ravens are synonymous with signals intelligence community-one of the ways that operatives signal to each other online.

You can find many examples online where blackbirds, ravens and more are used to signal, but especially note that in CIA funded domestic control and infiltration programs such as MHCHAOS*-which was operated by the Navy– of the 1960’s, where media mockingbirds and others literally mocked the “truth,” and as some online today, using backdoor access to Twitter’s firehose from the domestic spy and democracy subversion centers called “Fusion Centers”, all of which go by different names, and which make them harder to pin  down- just like a flock of crows itself; birds are indeed a theme in signals intelligence and elsewhere when OGS is mentioned. As such, “birds” are part of military jargon, and “argot” language and integral to OGS.

Related: The Society of Old Crows-retired military and LE signals intelligence uses the blackbird as its mascot.

You can contact them on Twitter @AOCrows if you have any doubt about blackbirds, ravens, swallows, or rats nibbling through the bottom planks of American Democracy

Assoc. of Old Crows

I am not saying that much or most of White’s work is not credible, but there are a few red flags for me, personally. Your interpretation might differ. And I am NOT saying that here experience is entirely poorly described either, as she ws one of those who frequently encouraged others, and also encouraged the use of common terms to describe the experiences of TI’s, most notably advising that the use of the agency created term “gang stalking” was itself a poor descriptor, and a way for those who have the power to manipulate others to force them to use their language via sheep dipping the individual complaint with a poorly chosen term.

It is now well known that retired cops, and other intelligence or investigative  agency old timers are involved in organized gang stalking, as they do the dirty work and act out revenge fantasies for active LEO’s on people who they target. Most cited is that fact that Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU’s) and Fusion Centers handle much of the high level targeting and especially the stalking, but also, that they utilize hidden resources, and exploit previous relationships in government and LE to break the law, and create cases.

And, whereas once their was doubt that America’s police and intelligence services are waging a domestic war of “us and them” on citizens outside the view of the courts and Congress, slowly we see that the law no longer applies to some, and that due process has been denied to ALL Americans in the NSA/FBI/CIA domestic spying pipeline that provable targets individuals, but also, flagrantly violates the rights of many in their quest to create a narrative.

Related Story: The Electronic Frontier Foundation documents 40,000 flagrant violations of due process by the FBI

So- partially to answer the recurring questions that many TI’s ask, such as  “where do the gang stalkers get the money to target me?” and “but who has the time to target me in such an elaborate scheme of violations?” the answers become more clear-there is no law and no oversight of the agencies that have effectively blackmailed Congress and the courts into submission.

Acting as agents of social control, and outside of the constitutional protections of due process, these cops work in ways that violate the letter and the spirit f the law as they harass, monitor, wiretap, or otherwise work outside of the courts and the law to enact petty revenge, intimidate, bully, or otherwise violate targeted individuals.

As awareness begins to mount on this topic, and many sane and reputable people such as whistle blowers and journalists report being targets of these hidden domestic campaigns, and as damage control has gone into high gear-the internet is becoming a target itself- a target of ‘revisionism’ that seeks to hide the few details that expose who the perpetrators actually are.

Eleanor White is widely said to be a leader of the OGS awareness movement. Although this author has no opinion one way or another on her credibility, I can say that she has at times brought interesting cockroaches out of their hidey holes-as the thin blue line sometimes cracks when she shows up on radio programs or online discussion boards.

Here below is an example of evidence that retired law enforcement agents participate in OGS, but also, as I document, how they are currently scrubbing the internet to hide this fact. And I will note, no other blogger or OGS reporter has documented either of these facts.

Swallows and Ravens: the language of Spies or the language of “people caught in an ideological echo chamber?”

Duckduckgo Search Terms: “Eleanor White had called in to the Richard Syrett show on Mojo Radio, 640 AM”

Original link: http://www.gangstalkingwiki.com/www.MultiStalkerVictims.org/default.htm

The following text was part of the material that I saved offline last year as I researched this topic:

“Eleanor White had called in to the Richard Syrett show on Mojo Radio, 640 AM, Toronto about organized stalking. A short while later, another caller called in to “explain” to me that what happens is that retired police officers sometimes “make life Hell” for selected people “until certain conditions are met.”

The examples the caller gave were deadbeat dads paying up their child support, or sex offenders moving away. Clearly, the original Ku Klux Klan setup has been extended to include many other “undesirables”.

“Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me, a year after I left the lab, ‘You are in a police net you will never get out of … for the rest of your life.’ http://www.gangstalkingwiki.com/www.MultiStalkerVictims.org/default.htm

Screen captures that document the now-broken links to this web-page (just after I documented this elsewhere online). If one thing is highly targeted, it is the online comments and other “leaks” that reveal this aspect of OGS:

Retired cops gang stalking child support and sex offenders

Note the two classes of persons above who retired law enforcement officers (who took an oath to uphold our Constitution) and others working with them target for harassment “child support debtors and sex offenders.” First they came for the—-.

Now, one piece of evidence is interesting, but other blogs and media formats also document these situations as well, and especially noteworthy are the cases of Jeff Pataky, a blogger who wrote “Bad Phoenix Cops,” or Bob Deis the former Stockton city manager who was gang stalked by the police union, and former marine John Lang, who was found dead in his burning home as firefighters parked blocks away.

The web is full of disinformation, paranoia and other classic official source gas-lighting but the video’s and testimony of  John Lang, a father, a marine, and a police corruption whistle blower, captured some of the most credible video on the web of what these intimidation campaigns look like[link here]. He claims also that the local PD was constantly trying to “pedofy” him just as White claims she was pedofied (this is also a word from the LE jargon).

Here, below is one random comment that also documents this common perception that certain classes of people are targeted outside the law by those who feel they are  above the law-that they have somehow earned the ‘right’ to harass others. Most notably- the  classes of individuals who can be “targeted and harassed” has bloomed from child support owing fathers and sex offenders to seven categories of citizens who are targeted.

First, they came for——–, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a ——–. Then, the category bloomed to seven other classes of people….(see footnote below)

1)child support and unscrupulous collectors, 2)domestic violence anything, 3)people who except plea bargins and “deals,”or suspended sentences instead of saying “not guilty,” 4) any call to 911, 5) insufficient representation by an inadequate attorney who fails to inform you of all the possible consequences and side effects of anything short of not guilty, trial by jury and acquittal/dismissal, 6)any sex offender accusation (even public urination) or worse, 7) beating the police at their own game or having them think you’ve gotten away with something are all good points from which to start when looking for answers

George T Boneyard

I tried to track down the person who commented on that forum but could not find the ‘nym’ “George T. Boneyard” anywhere else on the internet except one web forum similar to Ebay that sells goods. The answer that Boneyard gave, however, encapsulates in a paragraph what can be found in many other blogs and forums online.

And, without irony, I note that this comment appeared on Techdirt.com, which is both an excellent website, but also, one of the very few that has ever attempted to shine light on OGS. The article was covering how an accidental click on a weblink brought a person into the wonderful world of hidden and secret, pervasive and horrific investigation and harassment.

And that man, Jeffrey Kantor, was one of the very few who have ever attempted to document this “phenomenon” of police, fire, security industry, and military OGS.

From the article (but follow the link-it is an excellent read):

“In October of 2009, Kantor used the search engine Google to try to find, ‘How do I build a radio-controlled airplane,'” he states in his complaint. “He ran this search a couple weeks before the birthday of his son with the thought of building one together as a birthday present. After typing, ‘how do I build a radio controlled’, Google auto-completed his search to, ‘how do I build a radio controlled bomb.'”

From that point on, Kantor alleges coworkers, supervisors and government investigators all began “group stalking” him. Investigators used the good cop/bad cop approach, with the “bad cop” allegedly deploying anti-Semitic remarks frequently. In addition, his coworkers at Appian (a government contractor) would make remarks about regular people committing murder-suicides (whenever Kantor expressed anger) or how normal people just dropped dead of hypertension (whenever Kantor remained calm while being harassed).

Kantor also claims he was intensely surveilled by the government from that point forward.

He claims government officials monitored his book purchases and home computer, and implied that everything he did was being monitored…

Kantor [also] claims the stalking spilled over into his personal life when the government secretly attached a GPS antenna to his car to track him.

Kantor alleges this harassment continued long after he lost his job at Appian (who he’s currently suing as well). The claims of stalking, harassment and surveillance fill a great deal of the 33-page filing. His suit also claims that personal information obtained through “FISA warrants” was routinely used against him (and repeated back to him) by a number of people — the so-called “group stalking” or “gang stalking.”

Most importantly, Kantor’s lawsuit came at a time BEFORE we knew with certainty that Fusion Centers are actively disrupting our communications; and just around the time when Edward Snowden revealed this Democracy destroying plot by the deep state.

So, a therapist, psychologist, or other care provider, legal counsel, or judge or jury member should be instructed that such appearances of mental illness that indict the nebulous “the government” is in fact a much wider, much better organized entrapment and harassment scheme.


*While the 1960’s might well have defeated the sex biased military draft, where Dr. Moss David Posner became a target, those efforts did not defeat the full militarization of democratic processes, or the total takeover of the individual citizens right to dissent. In fact today what we see as “targeted individuals” are in fact an extenuation of the CIA’s “executive assassination” programs that were hinted at by Seymour Hersh, but instead, they target activists and potential influencers of public discourse, such as an avowed targeted individual, Gavin Long aka Cosmo Setepenra, and the Ferguson MO activists who continue to be found shot dead in burning cars in mysterious “suicides.”

MHCHAOS was the program where the CIA had fully inserted itself into American domestic policy and democratic processes, participating in the subversion of American Constitutional rights of due process, and violating it’s charter. Common leaflet printers and major activists were targeted and all military agencies began the wok together on American soil, against democracy. Most are familiar with the FBI’s COINTELPRO, but few are aware that the US has not been an actual democracy since this era.

Operation MH/CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the late1960s and early 1970s. Operation MH/CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the late1960s and early 1970s. MH/CHAOS: The CIA’s Campaign Against the Radical New Left and the Black Panthers is an insider’s account of the CIA’s Counterintelligence Staff’s Special Operations Group first charged by Presidents Lyndon Johnson and later by Richard Nixon to find foreign intelligence, terrorist, organizations or government contacts, controlling or influencing Anti-Vietnam War activists or American black extremists protesting, bombing and carrying out other anti-government, unlawful or illegal activities in the United States. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms, by chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober. The program’s goal was to unmask possible foreign influences on the student antiwar movement. The “MH” designation signified that the program had a worldwide area of operations.”

Without irony, this author notes that the NSA/CIA/DHS/FBI and 13 other agencies are currently combing through the data of ALL American citizens alike, looking for evidence of crimes or blackmail material that can be leveraged against votes, and more, in an operation that makes the CIA’s 1960’s social experiment look like a gnat compared to today’s dying Athena.

Footnote: I spoke on te phone with a single mother of two grown children the other day, 08-16-2017. She is a homeowner who had applied for SSI, and who had been gang stalked for years by her block captains in a slander campaign in Coon Rapids, MN.

Her harassment included claims that she was “crazy” and “violent” and more, frequently after cmplaining about her neighbors loud parties;  and false arrests and eventually a fifty year restraining order-but no criminal conviction. As such, we see the new targets have bloomed to eight, as single mothers were once inviolable bastions of American virtue.

The couple who acted as block captains in the fashion of Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany, or Mao’s China, who I shall not yet name, harassed her for years with noise and more, and exacerbated her community to the point where she was demonized, and police encouraged repeated calls to her home.

Without irony, the couple who moved in next door to her has now moved out, and also, divorced or separated. She however, still has the 50 year restraining order, despite never having laid a hand on anyone.