The UN’s “Transatlantic organized crime” initiative: Pulling the number 13 out of a rabbit hole

I have demonstrated in multiple places on this blog that OGS is frequently implicated in cases that target the “control of the sex supply,” as international banking nterests and billionaires seek to become the pimps of our daughters; but also that frequent targets are “free agency prostitutes,” and whole industries where profit is derived from children.


OGS is also international; that it utilizes databases illegally, and the this data trickles down to local LEO’s who are devoid of concern for due process of law, but rather, working for internationalist interests for DVIC dollars.

I have also demonstrated that these signal to each other online and off with special “coded language,” and that the with little irony and even blatant lies and conflation, international money and it’s NGO’s seeks to court local populations and then, derive profit from the lucrative “sex trade.”

Here, AGAIN, without irony, we see that these use the number 13, the number of chaos in yet another total lie, and that lie told by an elderly white female. This combination fits a pattern, which is that in the sex trafficking narrative, which is thinly disguised as the “human trafficking” narrative, some seek to control sex itself AS AN INDUSTRY.

Japan to UN: “No, 13% of school students are not doing compensated dating

When Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, the UN’s special rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, told the media that Japan should “ban sexually abusive images of children in manga” at the end of her visit in October, you might think the manga industry would be the ones to get all hot under the collar.

Actually, the strongest reaction seems to have come from the Japanese government itself.

It was another comment Maud de Boer-Buquicchio made that has stoked up trouble.

She drew on unknown statistics to claim that “Some 13% of schoolgirls in Japan are involved in enjo kosei“.

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio  japan school girls enjo kosai 13% thirteen percent compensated dating
Aging and elderly white women derive phenomenal amounts of money from claiming to be concerned about how younger, prettier women use their bodies, and they frequently conflate statistics and mythology to gain control of the “sex supply.”

Enjo kosai, as regular readers will know, is the euphemistically named “compensated dating” where school students go on dates with salarymen they meet online in return for money or treats. Hence you can see very young girls with designer bags on their arms. They earn the cash somewhere.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has demanded the remark be officially withdrawn.

It first asked for a source for the claim.

De Boer-Buquicchio apparently responded that she had not relied on one single source because there is no official statistic (we can’t help imagine why…).

“However, many of my interlocutors referred to it as a worrying trend which can easily lead to sexual exploitation of the minors involved in this lucrative business,” she added.

“In the press conference, I made reference to estimates I had seen in open sources to highlight a phenomenon that must be urgently tackled.”

Open sources means websites like this one?

The foreign ministry says her remarks are “inappropriate” and “regrettable”.

Gang stalking and retired law enforcement and LEIU’s

Eleanor White is one of the few who have a internet presence documenting gang stalking, and also, one of the few who has revealed that retired law enforcement agents participate in or otherwise instigate gang stalking.

She is widely discussed in the online TI community, and has several websites that became inactive around 2011, just as others began to document this “phenomenon.” Ms. White claims she was smeared for decades in Canada as a pedophile.

I personally find her work questionable or suspect for two reasons: 1) she is heavily engaged in the “DEW’s” side of the discussion, which largely discredits others in the OGS community that are reporting police abuses and corporate or institutional level harassment, and even repeating words and phrases and entire belief systems that are clearly the products of influence operations aka soft force mind control 2) she always uses the word “raven” in her work, and ravens are synonymous with signals intelligence community-one of the ways that operatives signal to each other online.

You can find many examples online where blackbirds, ravens and more are used to signal, but especially note that in CIA funded domestic control and infiltration programs such as MHCHAOS*-which was operated by the Navy– of the 1960’s, where media mockingbirds and others literally mocked the “truth,” and as some online today, using backdoor access to Twitter’s firehose from the domestic spy and democracy subversion centers called “Fusion Centers”, all of which go by different names, and which make them harder to pin  down- just like a flock of crows itself; birds are indeed a theme in signals intelligence and elsewhere when OGS is mentioned. As such, “birds” are part of military jargon, and “argot” language and integral to OGS.

Related: The Society of Old Crows-retired military and LE signals intelligence uses the blackbird as its mascot.

You can contact them on Twitter @AOCrows if you have any doubt about blackbirds, ravens, swallows, or rats nibbling through the bottom planks of American Democracy

Assoc. of Old Crows

I am not saying that much or most of White’s work is not credible, but there are a few red flags for me, personally. Your interpretation might differ. And I am NOT saying that here experience is entirely poorly described either, as she ws one of those who frequently encouraged others, and also encouraged the use of common terms to describe the experiences of TI’s, most notably advising that the use of the agency created term “gang stalking” was itself a poor descriptor, and a way for those who have the power to manipulate others to force them to use their language via sheep dipping the individual complaint with a poorly chosen term.

It is now well known that retired cops, and other intelligence or investigative  agency old timers are involved in organized gang stalking, as they do the dirty work and act out revenge fantasies for active LEO’s on people who they target. Most cited is that fact that Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU’s) and Fusion Centers handle much of the high level targeting and especially the stalking, but also, that they utilize hidden resources, and exploit previous relationships in government and LE to break the law, and create cases.

And, whereas once their was doubt that America’s police and intelligence services are waging a domestic war of “us and them” on citizens outside the view of the courts and Congress, slowly we see that the law no longer applies to some, and that due process has been denied to ALL Americans in the NSA/FBI/CIA domestic spying pipeline that provable targets individuals, but also, flagrantly violates the rights of many in their quest to create a narrative.

Related Story: The Electronic Frontier Foundation documents 40,000 flagrant violations of due process by the FBI

So- partially to answer the recurring questions that many TI’s ask, such as  “where do the gang stalkers get the money to target me?” and “but who has the time to target me in such an elaborate scheme of violations?” the answers become more clear-there is no law and no oversight of the agencies that have effectively blackmailed Congress and the courts into submission.

Acting as agents of social control, and outside of the constitutional protections of due process, these cops work in ways that violate the letter and the spirit f the law as they harass, monitor, wiretap, or otherwise work outside of the courts and the law to enact petty revenge, intimidate, bully, or otherwise violate targeted individuals.

As awareness begins to mount on this topic, and many sane and reputable people such as whistle blowers and journalists report being targets of these hidden domestic campaigns, and as damage control has gone into high gear-the internet is becoming a target itself- a target of ‘revisionism’ that seeks to hide the few details that expose who the perpetrators actually are.

Eleanor White is widely said to be a leader of the OGS awareness movement. Although this author has no opinion one way or another on her credibility, I can say that she has at times brought interesting cockroaches out of their hidey holes-as the thin blue line sometimes cracks when she shows up on radio programs or online discussion boards.

Here below is an example of evidence that retired law enforcement agents participate in OGS, but also, as I document, how they are currently scrubbing the internet to hide this fact. And I will note, no other blogger or OGS reporter has documented either of these facts.

Swallows and Ravens: the language of Spies or the language of “people caught in an ideological echo chamber?”

Duckduckgo Search Terms: “Eleanor White had called in to the Richard Syrett show on Mojo Radio, 640 AM”

Original link:

The following text was part of the material that I saved offline last year as I researched this topic:

“Eleanor White had called in to the Richard Syrett show on Mojo Radio, 640 AM, Toronto about organized stalking. A short while later, another caller called in to “explain” to me that what happens is that retired police officers sometimes “make life Hell” for selected people “until certain conditions are met.”

The examples the caller gave were deadbeat dads paying up their child support, or sex offenders moving away. Clearly, the original Ku Klux Klan setup has been extended to include many other “undesirables”.

“Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me, a year after I left the lab, ‘You are in a police net you will never get out of … for the rest of your life.’

Screen captures that document the now-broken links to this web-page (just after I documented this elsewhere online). If one thing is highly targeted, it is the online comments and other “leaks” that reveal this aspect of OGS:

Retired cops gang stalking child support and sex offenders

Note the two classes of persons above who retired law enforcement officers (who took an oath to uphold our Constitution) and others working with them target for harassment “child support debtors and sex offenders.” First they came for the—-.

Now, one piece of evidence is interesting, but other blogs and media formats also document these situations as well, and especially noteworthy are the cases of Jeff Pataky, a blogger who wrote “Bad Phoenix Cops,” or Bob Deis the former Stockton city manager who was gang stalked by the police union, and former marine John Lang, who was found dead in his burning home as firefighters parked blocks away.

The web is full of disinformation, paranoia and other classic official source gas-lighting but the video’s and testimony of  John Lang, a father, a marine, and a police corruption whistle blower, captured some of the most credible video on the web of what these intimidation campaigns look like[link here]. He claims also that the local PD was constantly trying to “pedofy” him just as White claims she was pedofied (this is also a word from the LE jargon).

Here, below is one random comment that also documents this common perception that certain classes of people are targeted outside the law by those who feel they are  above the law-that they have somehow earned the ‘right’ to harass others. Most notably- the  classes of individuals who can be “targeted and harassed” has bloomed from child support owing fathers and sex offenders to seven categories of citizens who are targeted.

First, they came for——–, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a ——–. Then, the category bloomed to seven other classes of people….(see footnote below)

1)child support and unscrupulous collectors, 2)domestic violence anything, 3)people who except plea bargins and “deals,”or suspended sentences instead of saying “not guilty,” 4) any call to 911, 5) insufficient representation by an inadequate attorney who fails to inform you of all the possible consequences and side effects of anything short of not guilty, trial by jury and acquittal/dismissal, 6)any sex offender accusation (even public urination) or worse, 7) beating the police at their own game or having them think you’ve gotten away with something are all good points from which to start when looking for answers

George T Boneyard

I tried to track down the person who commented on that forum but could not find the ‘nym’ “George T. Boneyard” anywhere else on the internet except one web forum similar to Ebay that sells goods. The answer that Boneyard gave, however, encapsulates in a paragraph what can be found in many other blogs and forums online.

And, without irony, I note that this comment appeared on, which is both an excellent website, but also, one of the very few that has ever attempted to shine light on OGS. The article was covering how an accidental click on a weblink brought a person into the wonderful world of hidden and secret, pervasive and horrific investigation and harassment.

And that man, Jeffrey Kantor, was one of the very few who have ever attempted to document this “phenomenon” of police, fire, security industry, and military OGS.

From the article (but follow the link-it is an excellent read):

“In October of 2009, Kantor used the search engine Google to try to find, ‘How do I build a radio-controlled airplane,'” he states in his complaint. “He ran this search a couple weeks before the birthday of his son with the thought of building one together as a birthday present. After typing, ‘how do I build a radio controlled’, Google auto-completed his search to, ‘how do I build a radio controlled bomb.'”

From that point on, Kantor alleges coworkers, supervisors and government investigators all began “group stalking” him. Investigators used the good cop/bad cop approach, with the “bad cop” allegedly deploying anti-Semitic remarks frequently. In addition, his coworkers at Appian (a government contractor) would make remarks about regular people committing murder-suicides (whenever Kantor expressed anger) or how normal people just dropped dead of hypertension (whenever Kantor remained calm while being harassed).

Kantor also claims he was intensely surveilled by the government from that point forward.

He claims government officials monitored his book purchases and home computer, and implied that everything he did was being monitored…

Kantor [also] claims the stalking spilled over into his personal life when the government secretly attached a GPS antenna to his car to track him.

Kantor alleges this harassment continued long after he lost his job at Appian (who he’s currently suing as well). The claims of stalking, harassment and surveillance fill a great deal of the 33-page filing. His suit also claims that personal information obtained through “FISA warrants” was routinely used against him (and repeated back to him) by a number of people — the so-called “group stalking” or “gang stalking.”

Most importantly, Kantor’s lawsuit came at a time BEFORE we knew with certainty that Fusion Centers are actively disrupting our communications; and just around the time when Edward Snowden revealed this Democracy destroying plot by the deep state.

So, a therapist, psychologist, or other care provider, legal counsel, or judge or jury member should be instructed that such appearances of mental illness that indict the nebulous “the government” is in fact a much wider, much better organized entrapment and harassment scheme.


*While the 1960’s might well have defeated the sex biased military draft, where Dr. Moss David Posner became a target, those efforts did not defeat the full militarization of democratic processes, or the total takeover of the individual citizens right to dissent. In fact today what we see as “targeted individuals” are in fact an extenuation of the CIA’s “executive assassination” programs that were hinted at by Seymour Hersh, but instead, they target activists and potential influencers of public discourse, such as an avowed targeted individual, Gavin Long aka Cosmo Setepenra, and the Ferguson MO activists who continue to be found shot dead in burning cars in mysterious “suicides.”

MHCHAOS was the program where the CIA had fully inserted itself into American domestic policy and democratic processes, participating in the subversion of American Constitutional rights of due process, and violating it’s charter. Common leaflet printers and major activists were targeted and all military agencies began the wok together on American soil, against democracy. Most are familiar with the FBI’s COINTELPRO, but few are aware that the US has not been an actual democracy since this era.

Operation MH/CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the late1960s and early 1970s. Operation MH/CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in the late1960s and early 1970s. MH/CHAOS: The CIA’s Campaign Against the Radical New Left and the Black Panthers is an insider’s account of the CIA’s Counterintelligence Staff’s Special Operations Group first charged by Presidents Lyndon Johnson and later by Richard Nixon to find foreign intelligence, terrorist, organizations or government contacts, controlling or influencing Anti-Vietnam War activists or American black extremists protesting, bombing and carrying out other anti-government, unlawful or illegal activities in the United States. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms, by chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober. The program’s goal was to unmask possible foreign influences on the student antiwar movement. The “MH” designation signified that the program had a worldwide area of operations.”

Without irony, this author notes that the NSA/CIA/DHS/FBI and 13 other agencies are currently combing through the data of ALL American citizens alike, looking for evidence of crimes or blackmail material that can be leveraged against votes, and more, in an operation that makes the CIA’s 1960’s social experiment look like a gnat compared to today’s dying Athena.

Footnote: I spoke on te phone with a single mother of two grown children the other day, 08-16-2017. She is a homeowner who had applied for SSI, and who had been gang stalked for years by her block captains in a slander campaign in Coon Rapids, MN.

Her harassment included claims that she was “crazy” and “violent” and more, frequently after cmplaining about her neighbors loud parties;  and false arrests and eventually a fifty year restraining order-but no criminal conviction. As such, we see the new targets have bloomed to eight, as single mothers were once inviolable bastions of American virtue.

The couple who acted as block captains in the fashion of Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany, or Mao’s China, who I shall not yet name, harassed her for years with noise and more, and exacerbated her community to the point where she was demonized, and police encouraged repeated calls to her home.

Without irony, the couple who moved in next door to her has now moved out, and also, divorced or separated. She however, still has the 50 year restraining order, despite never having laid a hand on anyone.