The UN’s “Transatlantic organized crime” initiative: Pulling the number 13 out of a rabbit hole

I have demonstrated in multiple places on this blog that OGS is frequently implicated in cases that target the “control of the sex supply,” as international banking nterests and billionaires seek to become the pimps of our daughters; but also that frequent targets are “free agency prostitutes,” and whole industries where profit is derived from children.


OGS is also international; that it utilizes databases illegally, and the this data trickles down to local LEO’s who are devoid of concern for due process of law, but rather, working for internationalist interests for DVIC dollars.

I have also demonstrated that these signal to each other online and off with special “coded language,” and that the with little irony and even blatant lies and conflation, international money and it’s NGO’s seeks to court local populations and then, derive profit from the lucrative “sex trade.”

Here, AGAIN, without irony, we see that these use the number 13, the number of chaos in yet another total lie, and that lie told by an elderly white female. This combination fits a pattern, which is that in the sex trafficking narrative, which is thinly disguised as the “human trafficking” narrative, some seek to control sex itself AS AN INDUSTRY.

Japan to UN: “No, 13% of school students are not doing compensated dating

When Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, the UN’s special rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, told the media that Japan should “ban sexually abusive images of children in manga” at the end of her visit in October, you might think the manga industry would be the ones to get all hot under the collar.

Actually, the strongest reaction seems to have come from the Japanese government itself.

It was another comment Maud de Boer-Buquicchio made that has stoked up trouble.

She drew on unknown statistics to claim that “Some 13% of schoolgirls in Japan are involved in enjo kosei“.

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio  japan school girls enjo kosai 13% thirteen percent compensated dating
Aging and elderly white women derive phenomenal amounts of money from claiming to be concerned about how younger, prettier women use their bodies, and they frequently conflate statistics and mythology to gain control of the “sex supply.”

Enjo kosai, as regular readers will know, is the euphemistically named “compensated dating” where school students go on dates with salarymen they meet online in return for money or treats. Hence you can see very young girls with designer bags on their arms. They earn the cash somewhere.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has demanded the remark be officially withdrawn.

It first asked for a source for the claim.

De Boer-Buquicchio apparently responded that she had not relied on one single source because there is no official statistic (we can’t help imagine why…).

“However, many of my interlocutors referred to it as a worrying trend which can easily lead to sexual exploitation of the minors involved in this lucrative business,” she added.

“In the press conference, I made reference to estimates I had seen in open sources to highlight a phenomenon that must be urgently tackled.”

Open sources means websites like this one?

The foreign ministry says her remarks are “inappropriate” and “regrettable”.

Speaking of “what happens to gang stalking targets?” A story from 2014-16

Speaking of espionage- but really quietly of course, here in public, about mission creep and bleed-over into a dying Constitutional Democracy.

“There not using them that way- they’re using them here…”

Background: Consensual Surveillance is what the DHS, ICE, FBI and even state level agencies call their secret warrantless cellphone surveillance,. They have been monitoring and manipulating the communications of Americans via Cessna airplanes using technology called Stingrays and Hailstorm here in America since before 2006.

My first encounter with this form of warrantless surveillance by air was in 2011 or so when a little yellow Cessna airplane followed me everywhere, for hours, across a mid-western city.  Then, I pulled my phones battery for the first time ever- and the plane disappeared.

Hard link:


Low and Slow is the way to go when monitoring American’s speech : off-the-radar, “push-broom” hyper spectral imaging is more than picking up chatter.

The Beechcraft King Air turbo-prop is a beautiful bird. And it’s used to fly domestic surveillance missions in the U.S., and scoop up data about Americans

So- there’s this guy who worked on the electronic navigation and stability systems that are in MRAPs, the spectral imaging and photographic capabilities of FBI spy planes that currently monitor the phones of many Americans without a warrant or even probable cause; and the heavier military grade spectral and thermal imaging systems of CIA, DEA, and USAF surveillance aircraft. He particularly was fond of his work on the Beechcraft King Air line. How could those planes NOT be an engineers favorite- the name alone is so retro and air-crafty.

Related Story: EMARSS aircraft crashes over Iraq– what was it doing?

He said “These things can look down through the roof of your house, and draw a multi-tiered 3D heat map and watch you move through your house in real time.” He really thought highly of those Beechcraft Surveillance planes.


All images courtesy of Beechcraft online:

I met him at a Japanese restaurant in November of 2014, a tonkatsu ramen and saki place in a strip mall next to a hotel where he was a regular; at least, as much of a regular as a guy who moves around a lot,  working for military contractors and weapons manufacturers.

At the time, I was surprised that he was telling me, a virtual stranger, about domestic surveillance in the U.S. done TO Americans by intelligence agencies, BY the #goodguys at every level. I always thought the #badguys and the #otherguys did that stuff in their countries, to their peoples. Turns out some of those guys are training on those same planes as I write.

And, I would love to tell you more, but it might be illegal to do so, cuz, national security and stuff-you know: the Chinese or the North Koreans- maybe the Syrians or ISIS!! might get a leg up,catch us with our pants down, and tap all our phones, or follow us around with airplanes to get at all of our phone data and stuff.

Also, because we know that main stream journalists are so reputable and all, after President Obama authorized the dispensing of propaganda on the American public in 2011. A main stream media so reputable that they forgot to question the surveillance state as it was being built above my head. There are plainly too many military industrial surveillance state ‘official sources’ to wine and dine for stories- real inside scoops about cute puppies, or a stadium or something. Busy busy busy hungry hungry hungry officials: the #goodguys busy and hungry together.


Anyways, these MRAPs were designed for military use,in theaters of war, but somehow ended up parked next to your local donut shops all across America.

Related Story: Colorado SWAT team completely demolishes man’s home looking for a shoplifter who stole 15 dollars worth of stuff.

Well: once upon a time on a phone long since stolen, I was making a case in the public’s interest about how airplanes are being used domestically to spy on Americans phone calls, and possibly looking through our roofs. I used Gmail and kept notes and contact info there. And, that story literally got scooped out of my Gmail account, then somehow hit the newspapers- in Minnesota.



And this guy- I’ll call him Jack- was a mess. He was hammered- absolutely shitfaced; he was all tore up about missing his aged mother- how he wanted a ghostwriter to tell her story to the world.

“Let me tell you- there are good mothers and then there was her: my mother was the best mother ever- anyone could see it. She was like a saint…” and so he went on about his mother.

And he was weeping. Weeping about how his inventions were being mis-used. You see, he works for many of the weapons dealers and arms suppliers that build the bombs and the drones and the MRAPs there in front of your house. He is a military industrial complex engineer.

Here is a project he worked on:

And this doozy which he made note of:

His biggest problem seemed to be that he felt that he had no say in the fact that these tools were being used to target civilians.

“I never gave my consent…they never told me they would be used this way…” and so on. He was horrified when he found out that the multiple agencies were using his toys and tools to target practice on American citizens, here, in America. That the FBI et al were training their pilots and their resources using Americans for practice, without warrants.

There’s this point between men where boundaries become demilitarized- where we drop our guard, and empathize: where we try to comfort another man, which is always awkward. And, where one wonders if the weirdness might be a whole ‘nother level of weird.

Well, the guy stumbled towards me in his stupor, head hanging in his hands- and he was literally slobbering as he gasped one of those horrid sort of drunk guy gasps that precedes horrible crying,  and then sprang at me and was in my arms, where he found a slobbery nook on my shoulder to weep into.

Awkward indeed- blurring boundaries, blurring stories, one minute on about his mother the next, talking about how the technology he designed for  Beechcraft could “look through your ceiling and create a 3D image model” of you as you take a shit in the privacy of your own home. ( Update: here is a story that ran in Popular Science on April 6, 2016, shortly before I wrote this story herein, and shortly after I spoke with a confidential informant:

I said ” Well, these are the kind of tools we need in a war.” He gasped a cry and said “There not using them that way- they’re using them here…” and more weeping.

I couldn’t help but feel my lifelong revulsion to men, and weeping men, but especially- weeping men slobbering snot on my shirt.

But, in some conversations, I guess I overlook my own biases and listen for the story that really matters. And he seemed nice enough, provided an interesting story full of details.

In this case, it was that one detail- that military grade photo-thermal imaging was being used on American citizens.

That seemed important.

Within a day, I bumped into anther guy in the hallway carrying a Stingray sized briefcase- one of those metal kind that you see in the movies. And, the next night, a long black Suburban with no license plates of any kind parked under my motel window. Within three months, the phone where I kept my research and notes about this incident disappeared from my car.

And- the story about how the FBI is using these technologies broke almost immediately after my ability to report it had been erased. This has been the nature of my journalism for over a decade and counting; and why I provide these stories to others now- because control of my personal narrative begins and ends with this strange idea of my personal ‘right to privacy- my right to be left alone.’

But also, it coexists along with the public’s right to know.