The UN’s “Transatlantic organized crime” initiative: Pulling the number 13 out of a rabbit hole

I have demonstrated in multiple places on this blog that OGS is frequently implicated in cases that target the “control of the sex supply,” as international banking nterests and billionaires seek to become the pimps of our daughters; but also that frequent targets are “free agency prostitutes,” and whole industries where profit is derived from children.


OGS is also international; that it utilizes databases illegally, and the this data trickles down to local LEO’s who are devoid of concern for due process of law, but rather, working for internationalist interests for DVIC dollars.

I have also demonstrated that these signal to each other online and off with special “coded language,” and that the with little irony and even blatant lies and conflation, international money and it’s NGO’s seeks to court local populations and then, derive profit from the lucrative “sex trade.”

Here, AGAIN, without irony, we see that these use the number 13, the number of chaos in yet another total lie, and that lie told by an elderly white female. This combination fits a pattern, which is that in the sex trafficking narrative, which is thinly disguised as the “human trafficking” narrative, some seek to control sex itself AS AN INDUSTRY.

Japan to UN: “No, 13% of school students are not doing compensated dating

When Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, the UN’s special rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, told the media that Japan should “ban sexually abusive images of children in manga” at the end of her visit in October, you might think the manga industry would be the ones to get all hot under the collar.

Actually, the strongest reaction seems to have come from the Japanese government itself.

It was another comment Maud de Boer-Buquicchio made that has stoked up trouble.

She drew on unknown statistics to claim that “Some 13% of schoolgirls in Japan are involved in enjo kosei“.

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio  japan school girls enjo kosai 13% thirteen percent compensated dating
Aging and elderly white women derive phenomenal amounts of money from claiming to be concerned about how younger, prettier women use their bodies, and they frequently conflate statistics and mythology to gain control of the “sex supply.”

Enjo kosai, as regular readers will know, is the euphemistically named “compensated dating” where school students go on dates with salarymen they meet online in return for money or treats. Hence you can see very young girls with designer bags on their arms. They earn the cash somewhere.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has demanded the remark be officially withdrawn.

It first asked for a source for the claim.

De Boer-Buquicchio apparently responded that she had not relied on one single source because there is no official statistic (we can’t help imagine why…).

“However, many of my interlocutors referred to it as a worrying trend which can easily lead to sexual exploitation of the minors involved in this lucrative business,” she added.

“In the press conference, I made reference to estimates I had seen in open sources to highlight a phenomenon that must be urgently tackled.”

Open sources means websites like this one?

The foreign ministry says her remarks are “inappropriate” and “regrettable”.

Every Cop Involved in the Arrest of This Utah Nurse for Refusing to (Illegally) Draw a Patient’s Blood Needs to Be Fired |

Americans fail to notice that this is happening all over the country, every day, every hour, as “insiders” in policing and other institutions, with special immunity and guns, cut deals with American’s to subvert civil liberty. The best example is the FBI’s Infragard, and those who are involved in “community policing.”

Remember when you said nothing as “gangs” and others were harassed without due process?Now, they are coming for you, as even white women are not beyond the reach of creepy bullying, rapist like behavior by “the good guys.”

This is what it looks like when a cop tries to intimidate a speaker out of upholding their rights-which are in fact ALL OF OUR RIGHTS.

Every Cop Involved in the Arrest of This Utah Nurse for Refusing to (Illegally) Draw a Patient’s Blood Needs to Be Fired (UPDATED)

The Supreme Court decision forbidding unwarranted blood collection is a year old.

Shall we ease into our Labor Day weekend with an absolutely repulsive video of a police detective abusing his authority against a completely innocent person for no real justifiable reason? Oh, why not?

Behold, Salt Lake City Police Det. Jeff Payne arresting Nurse Alex Wubbels in July for refusing to violate an unconscious—comatose, actually—man’s rights by drawing his blood for the police without any sort of warrant whatsoever:

What Payne did here is patently, inescapably wrong in just about every possible way. Just one year ago the Supreme Court ruled that police must get a warrant or consent in order to draw a person’s blood. It’s utterly inconceivable that Payne, who is a trained phlebotomist with the police, did not know this. According to coverage from the Salt Lake Tribune, Payne acknowledged that he didn’t have probable cause to get a warrant, but nevertheless insisted he had the authority to demand Wubbels draw blood.

But Payne did not have the authority to demand the blood draw and Wubbels was not “interfering” with a police investigation as they insisted at the time. Unsurprisingly, she was released later at the hospital and was not charged with any crime.

In fact, the claim that this blood draw was part of an “investigation” at all adds another layer of revulsion to Payne’s behavior. The unconscious man Payne wanted blood from was not suspected of any crime and had done nothing wrong. He was, in fact, a victim of a crime.

The patient, William Gray of Idaho, was driving a semi truck in Northern Utah when he was struck head-on by a man who veered into oncoming traffic on a highway in Wellsville on July 27. That driver, who died in the crash, was fleeing from the police in a high-speed chase. Utah Highway Patrol officers were responding to calls about an erratic driver, and the man, Marco Torres, 26, led police on a chase rather than get pulled over and detained.

So Gray’s terrible injuries were a consequence of a police chase that he had absolutely nothing to do with. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. According to the coverage of the arrest, Payne said that he wanted to draw blood from Gray to check for drugs in order to “protect” him in some fashion, not to punish him, and that he was ordered to go collect his blood by police in Logan. It is not made clear in any coverage what exactly the police would protecting him from by drawing his blood without his consent while he was unconscious. Payne also said it was his watch commander, Lt. James Tracy, who told him to arrest Wubbels if she refused to draw blood.

Payne has been suspended from the police’s blood draw program but remains on duty. He needs to be shown the door. It doesn’t matter if he was just following orders, he should have known he didn’t have the authority. For that matter, Wubbels herself was just following orders. She served the hospital, which had strict guidelines for drawing blood that the police were attempting to bully her into ignoring.

Tracy needs to be shown the door, too. We don’t see Tracy in the video acting the way Payne did, but it’s very clear from the Tribune‘s coverage that the lieutenant did also insist that he had the authority to force Wubbels to draw blood, even though he most assuredly did not.

In fact, here’s a longer video from Deseret News that shows toward the end what appears to be Tracy being a condescending jerk to Wubbels while she’s being detained, even though he’s completely in the wrong:

SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: The Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office has launched an independent criminal investigation of the incident. The mayor and police chief have apologized to Wubbels for her treatment. Payne and an unnamed officer have been placed on administrative leave during the investigation.

The CIA hack and cell phone surveillance: gang stalking and cell phones

Targeted individuals often claim that their cell phones are being used as tracking devices, and that intelligence agencies are using them for target practice and experimentation. Now, we know that part of that is true: A disgruntled CIA contractor is alleged to have dumped a list of all the tools that the CIA has been using to spy on us via our cell phones for the last decades. But don’t just point the finger at the CIA, because then, you WILL sound crazy, and Dr.’s Sheridan and James might get a whack at your mind, mind mind!

UPDATE: This post is becoming one of the most popular on this blog. While I experienced “cell phone mirroring” as early as 2010, and “offline computer situation rooms” as early as 2001, you may have just discovered this vast plot against constitutional liberty. Read on, and use my ‘search this blog’ section to find posts relevant to your own OGS.

And the fact is that ALL 17 intelligence agencies in the United States have turned on American citizens, using us for target practice of varying shades of “illegal and unconstitutional” so, they have lot’s of Company (there’s a joke in there, somewhere, about Corporations. Wait-oh never mind.). Your country is also doing these same things to you and your countrymen.

You see, these days, electronic tools and toys, entrapments and entrainments of electronic surveillance and propaganda tactics that were once directed at millionaires and mobsters, third world dictators and Contra’s are now directed at ordinary common people who buy houses next to the fire chief, or who seek to trim the budget; or smoke a joint here and there, or who forgot to pay their vehicle tax. This is partially due to the fact  that all of the agencies are crawling with corruption, and blackmailing each other, in the Spirit f the LEIU’s, who, bar none, perform more black bag jobs around America than any CIA agent ever did. (psssst: Don’t tell anyone, but this story here about how retired LEO’s work with current LEO’s and intel gencies to perform assasinations and black bag jobs is one of America’s best kept seekrits)

And many wonder how it is that they could write something online, and then, shortly thereafter, have a squad car pull up outside their house.

hazing 4.png

This is enabled by the highly integrated, un-constitutional mechanism of OGS and the tracking in real time of targeted communications of targeted individuals, and coordinated with massive database abuse and fraud on the courts at the local, national, and international level.

Any researcher of OGS can verify that at least, it is true, that indeed 17 intelligence agencies ARE following targets, and doing many other nefarious things as well. Here, below, from the Intercept, is the case of the CIA software that mirrors your cell phone, and uses it to perform MIM attacks on YOURSELF; and here is a full list of the tools that these agencies use to target journalists, whistle blowers, the neighborhood crank, wankers, dole dippers and a few potheads the same as if they are all terrorists, with download links from Wikileaks). But be careful….honeynets and limited hang outs go two ways.


A concerted effort by the CIA produced a library of software attacks to crack into Android smartphones and Apple iPhones, including some that could take full control of the devices, according to documents in a trove of files released by WikiLeaks Tuesday.

The attacks allow for varying levels of access — many powerful enough to allow the attacker to remotely take over the “kernel,” the heart of the operating system that controls the operation of the phone, or at least to have so-called “root” access, meaning extensive control over files and software processes on a device. These types of techniques would give access to information like geolocation, communications, contacts, and more. They would most likely be useful for targeted hacking, rather than mass surveillance. Indeed, one document describes a process by which a specific unit within the CIA “develops software exploits and implants for high priority target cellphones for intelligence collection.”

The WikiLeaks documents also include detailed charts concerning specific attacks the CIA can apparently perform on different types of cellphones and operating systems, including recent versions of iOS and Android — in addition to attacks the CIA has borrowed from other, public sources of malware. Some of the exploits, in addition to those purportedly developed by the CIA, were discovered and released by cybersecurity companies, hacker groups, and independent researchers, and purchased, downloaded, or otherwise acquired by the CIA, in some cases through other members of the intelligence community, including the FBI, NSA, and the NSA’s British counterpart GCHQ , the documents indicate.

One borrowed attack, Shamoon, is a notorious computer virus capable of stealing data and then completely destroying hardware. Persistence, a tool found by the CIA, allows the agency control over the device whenever it boots up again. Another acquired attack, SwampMonkey, allows CIA to get root privileges on undisclosed Android devices.

“This is a very impressive list,” tweeted former GCHQ analyst Matt Tait, noting that at least some of the attacks appeared to still be viable.

Matt Green, cryptographer at Johns Hopkins University, agreed the leak was “impressive,” but concluded there weren’t many “technically surprising” hacks. This lack of originality may have stemmed from a desire on the part of the agency to avoid detection, judging from one document contained in the trove, in which apparent CIA personnel discuss an NSA hacking toolkit known as Equation Group and its public exposure. It was also previously known that the CIA was targeting smartphones; drawing on top-secret documents, The Intercept in 2015 reported on an agency campaign to crack into the iPhone and other Apple products.

In addition to the CIA’s efforts, an FBI hacking division, the Remote Operations Unit, has also been working to discover exploits in iPhones, one of the WikiLeaks documents, the iOS hacking chart, indicates. Last February, while investigating the perpetrator of a mass shooting in San Bernardino, the FBI attempted argued in court that Apple was obligated to give the FBI access to its phones by producing a weakened version of the device’s operating system. If the WikiLeaks documents are authentic, it would appear FBI and other elements of the intelligence community are already deeply involved in discovering their own way into iPhones. The compromise of the documents also calls into question government assurances in the San Bernardino case that any exploit developed by Apple to allow the FBI access to the killer’s phone would never be exposed to criminals or nation states….

….follow the links-connect the dots!