Do Mormon’s have souls? The sordid fact that the CIA torture psychologist was a a Mormon Bishop

In America, “we don’t talk about politics or religion,” which is really like saying the same thing twice, because in nations that are “shepherded” by people who suffer from religious delusions and mythological narratives, the blur is astounding-as is the likelihood that you will encounter institutional psychopaths.

While few are surprised that psychology has a major schizophrenic narrative going as it attempts to rationalize it’s cozy relationship with corporate drug dealers, aka Big Pharma, that other  feature of madness is peeking out: many who work in psychology are themselves master manipulators and institutional sociopaths who hide behind the ultimate “mask of insanity.”

So, again, it is important to detox our minds from the influence operations effects, an when we encounter the terms “no touch torture” and “gang stalking” on the same page, we have to consider that institutional socipaths and organized religion are also nearly one and the same, for telling lies, or presenting myth laced history as fact takes a certain kind of “special person.”

SO without further adieu, I would like to note that one of the two CIA torture psychologists was a Mormon Bishop. That means that 50% of the load that tortured people unconscionably was Mormon.Are you seeing any patterns between that fact and this one?

Are you seeing any patterns yet about claims of “organized gang stalking” or torture, “no touch torture” or institutional sociopathy in the FBI for example? No? Well, keep them blinders on folks-because the ride gets messy when we overlook the fact that the FBI et agency is loaded with these types.

CIA torture Doctor Bruce Jessen is a Mormon Bishop:

An article in the NY Times today talks about more details that have come out about the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques after 9/11 and the men who created them. Turns out that both Dr. John Bruce Jessen and Dr. James Mitchell, the two main architects of the techniques (later condemned as torture and ineffective by the Senate Intelligence Committee) are LDS, and Jessen was made a bishop several years later. This guy not only helped devise the torture techniques, but also carried them out and trained others to do so as well. This included fun and lighthearted games (/s) such as the following:

  • Stuff the prisoner in a tiny box and poke them through holes in the side.
  • Waterboarding (in some cases until prisoners became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising from their mouth, having involuntary stomach and leg spasms, and when they woke up, hysterical pleas for them to stop)
  • Walling (putting the prisoner’s neck in a collar, then using that collar to repeatedly slam them against a wall)
  • Dousing with buckets of ice water while naked and shackled
  • Dangling from the ceiling by the handcuffs for days on end to induce sleep deprivation

He was already a highly controversial public figure well before his calling as a bishop in Spokane WA in 2012. His company made $81 million for their role in developing and implementing these techniques. You can bet he paid tithing on that torture money (thank goodness it didn’t come from the lottery, or the church would have had to reject it!) The stake president who called him was well aware of his involvement but called him an honorable, trustworthy, and humble man and of course defended him (the church is awfully good at defending awful people) saying “the whole story has not been told.” His name was submitted to the First Presidency for approval (as all potential bishops are), and the church spokesman refused to comment on the matter. He was unanimously sustained by his ward as well. He’d also served as bishop for another congregation in the ’80s before all of the torture stuff went down. Luckily he resigned a week later, but holy hell, what poor taste in leadership! And how disturbing that nobody in his ward, stake presidency, or even the first presidency had any qualms about his appointment! I’m breaking out this story next time somebody defends that bishops are by default good people. Bishops don’t deserve to be trusted or respected by default anymore than any random joe shmoe on the street. Some are good, some are bad, and members really need to be critical about who they trust with their spiritual lives and personal matters.

RELATED READING: The son of a federal judge who is ALSO a Mormon kills himself in splashy manner in Las Vegas (the keen reader of my work will note links between my writing on this topic, and Las Vegas, as well as Clark County in general).

So, like I said- and the avid reader of my work will note- this thing of organized gang stalking can go two ways boys and girls. Hey, you there- onlooker’s and lurkers, a question: what could make a guy so depressed that he might kill himself? Hmmm. My guess is “something hidden in darkness.”

Suicide at Vegas Mormon temple was federal judge’s son

Published November 21, 2013 6:57 am


Las Vegas • A 26-year-old man who authorities say killed himself in the courtyard of a Mormon temple in Las Vegas was identified Wednesday as the son of a federal appeals court judge.

Scott Greer Bybee of Henderson died in the shooting just before 6:30 p.m. Tuesday while services were being conducted at the temple, police and the Clark County coroner said.

He was the son of 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jay Bybee.

No one else was hurt, Las Vegas police Officer Bill Cassell said.

In a statement circulated by a 9th Circuit colleague, Judge Bybee and his wife Dianna Bybee said their son suffered from depression for many years, and they did all they could as parents to help him, including seeking professional advice and treatment.

“While Jay and Dianna mourn for Scott, and grieve for their own loss, they are grateful that he is finally released from his sufferings,” said the statement circulated by Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. of El Segundo, Calif. “They have faith that he is in a better place.”

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spokeswoman Kristen Howey issued a statement calling the incident tragic and saying the thoughts and prayers of church members were with those involved.

Jay Bybee, 60, was nominated to the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit court by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2003.

He has been criticized for authoring documents in August 2002, later dubbed torture memos, that gave interrogators wide latitude to use techniques including waterboarding during questioning of terrorism detainees at the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay and at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Organized gang ‘staking,’ high level pedophile rings, Freemasons, and police badges

Many in the online dialectic of organized gang stalking hover around the issue of  false allegations, and slander campaigns, particularly that these are organized pedophile rings that practice OGS in order to kidnap or otherwise get close to having positions of authority over children.

And, one third of police who lose their badges every year, lose them because they are pedophiles:

The probe revealed that 550 officers were decertified for various sexual assaults, including rape. Some were dismissed for sodomy or sexual shakedowns, where victims were forced to perform sexual acts to avoid arrest.

A further 440 officers lost their jobs for other sex-related offenses, such as possessing child pornography, being a peeping Tom, sending sexually charged messages to underage teens or having sex while on duty.

About one-third of the officers lost their jobs for committing sexual offenses with juveniles.

Those who fall prey to police are often young, poor, drug abusing individuals who don’t report their cases to the authorities. Victims included motorists, schoolchildren who were patted down in searches for illegal drugs, or women forced to perform sexual favors to avoid legal troubles. Prison inmates were also forced to have sex with guards.

The real number of sexual offenses could however be much higher, as AP only looked into registered cases where an officer lost their badge because of an offense.

And, these claims have some merit for several other reasons, not least of which is that many claimants to this form of highly organized stalking where vested  interests seek to actually CAUSE mental illness, with children being the targets of any of a number of cults and sects withing these organizations.

Many cases that one can read online are people who lost children to CPS, or cases where low status, low IQ or otherwise impaired persons are targeted with ferocity to the point they are framed into crimes they didn’t commit, such as the case of the Largest DNA Exoneration in American History, of the Beatrice Six, where actual mind control was induced by a cop who was both the primary interrogator of these framed people, but also, was their their psychologist!

Despite their release from prison and a 30 million dollar settlement which will likely bankrupt the town that did this to them, these framed people still have police-induced Stockholm Syndrome. Let that sink in a bit….But in OGS, what is extremely significant, is that a “gang” was created from whole cloth by a cop, and a false conspiracy was manufactured by that cop, working with other institutional forces and practices; and a child was spirited away by these local institutional forces afterwards.

Others victims who have lost children to these vast pedophile networks had been involved with family courts, false allegations, or social services, or other targeted with other police activity such as the inter-generational “Police Family Syndrome” where children like Celeste Guap aka Jasmin Abuslin was used and passed around by police from seven different departments in the San Francisco Bay area, with some of them literally giving her “a bag of cheetos” for sex.

Without irony, this author notes that in anthropological studies of apes, such as chimpanzees, we frequently see “alpha males” killing, mauling, or raping fatherless apes to death; or uniting i fury to destroy and dismember other male chimps who appear on the perimeter of “their” territory.

These stories in both anthropology and in the human world are so bizarre that they generally defy logic or even description, and so, ordinary people targeted with this literal psychopathology have few resources with which to describe their circumstances, much less use “ordinary” terms. Policing is just that off the chain these days-or: has it always been that way?

The F.B.I. released the official symbols associated with child sex trafficking that recently have been brought to the forefront again to help locate and bust these demented criminals. We all know that human sex trafficking as well as pedophilia rings have been in operation for a very long time. Here is the official F.B.I. intelligence bulletin describing the symbols and logos used by pedophile networks…

And then:

These symbols have manifested everywhere throughout society – and only those in ‘the club’ knew what they meant, but now – the information has been verified and leaked to the mainstream public in the worldwide scandal of #PizzaGate. Do you really want to know why this investigation has not even started to begin to gain traction on the local P.D. level? Take a look at where these pedophile sex symbols were recently uncovered….

….follow this link to read more-connect the dots [or, in this case, the pyramids that circle inward, like a dog chasing its tail]!

Triangles are also a theme in some of the online narratives as well. I estimate that the triangle- or the ‘upside down’ triangle appears in some 2-5% of online narratives. Then- there is the issue of badges that have the universal symbol of “man boy love” emblazoned on them:

Police badges KLECK - 03_03_17 - B1


Adding to this is the fact that Infragard, LEIU’s and any of a number of agencies work behind the scenes and at te internet switch, or in court rooms and other ‘key’ positions to track, monitor and to literally CREATE easily discredited boogiemen via “pedofication” that they can then rush in and “capture!” Such was likely the case with John Lang, Fresno activist, and many others. As we see time and time again, the endemic corruption of American police is out of control, and these operate with total impunity, as Lang captured on film, and described on social media( a Google search reveals some 1.2 MILLION mentions of John Lang’s story)

So, for me at least, having witnessed everything that I write about, it is no stretch of imagination to note that complaints of “weird people on the internet talking about DEW’s” and occultist stuff and symbols that carry coded meanings and other total crap that has dual meanings, coded meanings, and cross-dialectical meanings; and certainly falls within the jargon and argot language of policing and policing tactics and methods, which not-coincidentally are designed to be obscured and occulted from common parlance.

Lastly, it cannot be missed how frequently the theme of pedophiles and police is-explored in the MSM. As we saw in the opening season of Quantico, we see in nearly every other MSM portrayal or discussion of this issue the eradication of characters in LEO’s that are hiding their tendencies. In Quantico for instance, the Mormon was at once  framed as a pedophile, and then instantly killed off as a character:

SPOILER ALERT: Here’s the Mormon subplot in ABC’s ‘Quantico’

Published September 28, 2015 7:39 am
This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

ABC debuted its series “Quantico” on Sunday night, and there was more for Mormons to be unhappy about than just the LDS character shown wearing nothing than his “Mormon underwear.”

If you haven’t seen the episode, this is a MAJOR SPOILER ALERT. If you don’t want to know what happened, stop reading NOW.

As written by creator/executive producer Joshua Safran, the Mormon character — Eric Packer (Brian J. Smith) — is a liar, a hypocrite, a child molestor and, perhaps, a murderer. He is yet another in a long line of outwardly religious characters — of Mormon characters — who is not what he pretends to be.

It’s happened so often that it’s a hackneyed cliché.

In this case, it’s worse than the usual cliché, however. Turns out the secret that Packer has been hiding is that, while on his LDS mission, he got a 14-year-old girl pregnant. And she died when he took her to get an illegal abortion.


The series revolves around a group of FBI recruits as they arrive at the training facility in Quantico, Va. Each recruit is assigned to do a background check on another recruit to uncover a secret that has been deliberately omitted from their file.

Caleb Haas (Graham Rogers) has to investigate Packer. And Haas is sort of an idiot, expressing surprise that a Mormon has been recruited by the FBI; calling Packer both “Joseph Smith” and “Romney”; and making polygamy cracks.

You know, more hackneyed clichés.

Haas is no more competent at investigating Packer than he is at anything else. But he convinces Packer that he has learned his secret.

“You should’ve stayed in Salt Lake, boy,” Haas says.

Gang stalking, Mormons, and the FBI

Many online narratives about gang stalking reference Mormon’s, and many blog comments also. While at face value most gang stalking blogs are likely cover operations and recruitment centers for FBI or other agency informants, they are also sometimes actual narratives of people who are being targeted in these pseudo-investigations.

UPDATE 07-20-2017: This is the singular most popular post on this blog, and gets at least three hits per day. If the author is found buried in the hot, dark Utah Deserete,’sprawled out like some Masonic symbol or on a guilded plate, or is found in some other compromising scenario-don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And: to all of those who named themselves in the linked post- “how does it feel to have YOUR OpSec compromised?” Welcome to Targetland. Shoe’s on the other foot now. “We the People,” and all that.

The FBI and the CIA have a long history recruiting Mormon’s for various reasons, and here below is a link to some commentary on Reddit, one of the back channels where these dialogues take place, and some evidence that this is the case:

CIA, FBI, NSA recruitment of Mormons (self.exmormon)

submitted 1 year ago by brainwashednomore

I’ve been to a career fair at BYU and I saw a gentleman there from my ward on the East Coast when I was a child that I knew worked in the Intelligence Community (IC). He was in the military recruiting room of the fair, but he was in a suit and wasn’t recruiting for the armed services. I also had a neighbor growing up that almost got blown up on a secret assignment in Libya I believe. He skipped dessert at the main floor restaurant in his hotel, and went on a walk outside and passed a guy heading into the hotel with a backpack, and 30 seconds later the restaurant went boom. It was all over the news, and his wife knew where he was on assignment, and this was before cell phones so she was freaking out and kind of spilled the beans. We lived in proximity to Ft Meade in MD (NSA HQ).

I think it’s also Mormon legend in general that the IC prefers to hire Mormons because they are clean cut, and live clean lives and that makes it easier for them to pass a background investigation for high level security clearances. Has anyone else heard this?



[–]AllByMyZelphI dig burial mounds 55 points 1 year ago

Mormons know how to keep a sacred.

[–][deleted] 21 points 1 year ago

More specifically, they’re used to being a part of a hierarchy with a shady history and not looking into that stuff too much, seeing deeper analysis of something which presents itself with a smiling face as heretical, and fleeing with arms flailing from any hint of progressive values where civil rights are concerned. And yeah, they tend to give a very clean-cut impression and don’t tend to get into the sort of trouble which embarrasses the agency from a PR perspective.

EDIT: Oh, and whether it’s true or not this is more than just something Mormons believe. I’ve heard jokes (including one in Inherent Vice) about government agents being disproportionately Mormon.

[–][deleted] 8 points 1 year ago

Also, they know how to obey regardless of what is right.

[–]The_Last_YYou want religion, do you?[🍰] 4 points 1 year ago

Also a lot of them have experience living in shitty conditions for extended periods of time, following rigid schedules and speak a second language. Thanks mission.

[–]Stuboysrevenge(wish that damn dog had caught him!) 4 points 1 year ago

You got to it before I could. Unquestioned obedience to authority. Being able to deal with moral relativity (IE. Nephi committing murder) and justifying things for a”higher ” cause. Just to name a few…

[–]FearlessFixxerEvil Apostate/Regular Dude…depends on who you ask 22 points 1 year ago

My father is retired from the CIA.

About 12 years ago, I was part of a conversation between him and a guy who was really high up (and mormon too)….

he said that the CIA was starting to really cut back on Mormon recruitment. He said they still hire mormons but they were not pursuing them as agressivly as in the past.

He said the reason was because they were running into serious problems where the mormons would not do certain things they needed to while undercover, like drink alcohol.

This is all abviously anectdotal so take it for what it is worth

[–]repmack 1 point 1 year ago

I’d imagine most CA agents wouldn’t need to drink on the job.

[–]FearlessFixxerEvil Apostate/Regular Dude…depends on who you ask 1 point 1 year ago

I can’t say how common it is…that is what this guy said.

I would imagine there might be scenerios where they might need to blend in.

If you would like to read a great book on undercover work, check out Under and Alone. It is the story of the first undercover law enforcement agent to ever become a fully patched member of a motorcycle gang. Let’s just say, a mormon could not have made it happen….

[–]The_Last_YYou want religion, do you?[🍰] 1 point 1 year ago

A lot of missions can fall under lying for the Lord, but some lines Mormons aren’t going to cross without a voice telling them to cut off that head.

[–]repmack 1 point 1 year ago

My point is not that those jobs aren’t done, but most cia jobs aren’t undercover field work. More likely is they wanted to go drinking with co workers and know that Mormons are no fun.

[–]FearlessFixxerEvil Apostate/Regular Dude…depends on who you ask 1 point 1 year ago

I realize that most jobs are not undercover but that was the context of the conversation i was a part of.

[–][deleted] 21 points 1 year ago

Yes. I have 3 family members in IC. Also, I think they are also easy to mold into IC culture because they have been molded their entire life in Mormonism. It’s an easy transition to fall in line and follow their leaders.


Related Stories:

The Whistling and Whistling Brigades of Nauvoo: an early form of “gangs” stalking “outsiders.” to maintain social control, and keep a lid on their secrets

Reddit hosts a honeynet for Ex-Mormons, and many Jack’s report intensive stalking after they leave the LDL.

LDS Family abandons son in the Desert after he refuses to go on his Mission. But there’s still hope: maybe these guys will ‘recruit’ him now.

ExMormon: a mainstay for those who left the religion

The Mormon Mafia and Howard Hughes



Organized stalking and cults

Cults are known to use gang stalking tactics to enforce doctrine, and to persecute those who try to escape the grasp of false religion. Notoriously, the Church of Scientology is frequently cited in gang stalking articles and dialogues , and the movie “Going Clear” is based on this but many cults, sects, and other religions do it, because they have secrets to keep, and their version of social order to preserve and perpetuate.

Meet the bizarre Scientology stalking squad from Gawker media

Other cult, sect, and religious organized stalking:

Free Mason’s Silent Dagger, Fair Gaming, and organized stalking

Mormon’s in the FBI

Mormon’s and Whistling and Whittling Club of Nauvoo.

Jewish organized gang stalking

Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci code”and Catholic Opus Dei sect-was the book stolen from another author?

Gang stalking in cliquish suburban communities

Keep in mind that most gang stalking, organized stalking, and other forms of group stalking are government agents and agencies. But also, that these sects and cults WORK in these agencies, and are heavily recruited by them as well. That is enough to scare any rational person.

Then, keep in mind that these cultists are using huge databases to cull the world-and American herd of those who do not follow false religion. Here, we see that the IRS directly mines the databases tat the NSA and the FBI give them access to.

In the study of the ‘what is organized stalking’ category, any researcher will find that there are frequent references to making people homeless, and also, sometimes actual conversations where asset forfeiture is threatened. One blog, which has since been take down, talked directly about having an entire store full of merchandise seized.

A common occurrence in all of t gang stalking dialectic is that those who write about their experience with this hidden form of “law enforcement privileged” narrative is that the government takes these blogs offline after they make an arrest, which is against the interests of the public’s right to know, and against the interests of judges, and others who should be made aware of this practice.