Organized stalking and “mind control” and influence operations: manipulating voters.

Epilepsy warning: this post contains a swirling graphic image

While our governments, our corporations, and our intelligence and law enforcement agencies believe it is their right to steal our data, and use it to maniulate and even abuse certain people and to wage influence operations on us, in secret, I believe in fair warning, in anticipation of un-intended consequences, hence my epilepsy warning above. This is the difference between consensual behavior, and non-consensual behavior, and the NSA/CIA/FBI/DEA data theft pipeline had  15 year head start on all of us.

Except, me, maybe.

Any cursory research into organized gang stalking reveals that politics are a major factor in “who gets targeted with OGS.” While there are varying levels of targeting, ranging from simple “influence” operations through the internet, to extreme cases where local politicians and others gang up on individuals to harass, intimidate, or otherwise coerce them, the most common “targeting” that individuals face is through advertising.

As we saw in the caase of “Moonshot CVE” and in the cases of Twitter monitoring activists and feeding the data to law enforcement and other un-named parties, and programs like DataminR and Media Sonar being used concurrently at Fusion Centers, and the local police department, as well as yet un-named intelligence agency level programs, there is a constant blurring of lines between advertisers, governments, political PAC’s corporations, and then, police and intelligence agencies targeting of activists and others in spying or conformity enforcement operations.

WElcome to PsyOps, and mind control, and “influence by constant suggestion.. Or, this:

Image result for swirling black and white gif

So, to put this in common terms, imagine yourself walking down the sidewalk, dodging blots of chewing gum, and the residue of mop water dumped across your path. These are ordinary pedestrian obstacles, and most people expect some of that when out walking.

As you continue on your  path, all of a sudden, a bicyclist heads straight towards you, so fast that they seem as if they might just run you over. What do you do? Of course, you step aside, thinking-“what a rude prick. I had the right of way- and bicycles are supposed to ride on the street!”

You brush it off, and continue on your path. An the obstacles become more and more: the couple walking along is as wide as the sidewalk, and you step off into the grass to let them pass. And then, five teenagers on skateboards; and then, at a crosswalk, people are bumping into you from all directions as if you are not there.

These scenarios above are what is described by TI’s who are being gang stalked, and particularly in the last example, this is what is known as “community mbbing,” and also “street theater.” TI’s write endlessly about this online, but they are also described by others who “suffer delusional disorders.” What’s the main difference? Proof- proof is required to indicate that such is actual, real, and happening to you.

In OGS, proof is hard to get, because of the design of community harassment and community policing, but online, it is easier to prove, now that we know with certainty that it IS happening, it IS targeted, and it IS political. And, as we see above, it IS attempting to influence you, your behavior, and your choices.

Here, below, from Breitbart News, we see targeted individuals as swing voters, but we also see that language and particularly, coded and slanderous language is used to label, and further harass or otherwise cause harm to individuals who don’t toe a party line.

While on the surface, it cannot be missed that this targeted “outreach” is yet another example of Democrat demagoguery, it also cannot be missed that “hetero-normative white people” are being labeled in ways that can and do trigger the Department of Homeland Security “threat matrix” and “bad words” lists, as “white supremacists are on every list as “hate groups”:

NH Dem Party Chair Calls Rural, Disaffected Voters ‘White Supremacists’


This weekend WMUR’s “CloseUp” interviewed the executive director of “Look Ahead America” Matt Braynard, whose new organization is planning outreach to inactive voters in New Hampshire.

Braynard said, “We’ve identified maybe 15,000 inactive voters who we would consider disaffected, patriotic Americans. And potentially 100,000 or more unregistered adults we’re going to reach out to.”

He explained his organization was using “psychometrics,” saying, “Normally it gets applied to likely voters universes for purposes of persuasion. We are applying it towards identifying patriotic Americans who’ve become disaffected and cynical, so we can engage them on issues relevant to them, get them registered, get them educated and turn them out to vote.”

In response, the chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party Ray Buckley said, “The organizing and activating of these extremists, these white supremacists, really could have a detrimental effect on the entire culture of New Hampshire.”

In the aricle above, note the use of the word “psychometrics” which literally means ” the measure of psychological effects in order to cause persuasion.” This is not insignificant, as we see that “influence” is the goal, and that “psychology” is applied as a tool.

In relatively harmless incidents such as this, we must ask ourselves if “influence operations” are harmful, and most likely come up with the answer that they are mildly intrusive, but not necessarily “causing harm.”

However, in these cases, when we add the fact that the data used is derived from the “profiles” that our own ISP’s have sold to outside organizations; and that these profiles are shared and re-sold across gvernment, private industry, political PAC’s, the Five Eyes Alliance, and even in the case of Israel, that our profiles are literally given to a theocratic, apartheid nation state that has not signed any nuclear treaty or even officially disclosed that it is a nuclear power the story of harm versus “no harm” becomes a question that few are willing  to ask out loud; being used against their and it becomes a question where the individual this targeted must make a stand, or simply succumb to being used against their free will in such a manner.

So, this issue of “supremacy” becomes for some of us, a crucial and key point wherein we must ask “whose white supremacy” is being targeted and whose white supremacy is not (most Israeli’s and other supremacist Jews still encourage their daughters to marry only white men). And certainly, other theocratic, nationalistic, racial, and psychological  supremacy becomes part of each persons targeting as well. So-whose decisions are we actually making when we are under chronic and constant “influence operations”?

Regardless of the answer, there is one other level of questionable targeting: the fact that beyond advertisers profiling us, we also have intelligence agencies profiling us, and then, targeting us as well, individually n levels that only nazi maad scientists were able to conceive of in decades past.

Because the past is the present is the future with intelligence agencies, we know with certainty that other, more nefarious and unethical targeting takes place, and that this takes place in secret, without our informed consent- that this entire internet entrapment scheme that has made everyone a target, has now morphed into a wider scheme of political targeting on the ‘consumer’ level; and that despite the consumer’s awareness that it is them, being consumed first, and targeted advertising only after that.

So beyond the citizens rights to protest or even to withdraw from these big data schemes, or the use of our data to make us targets, multiple levels of targeting are taking place at all times, and our decisions are under constant and chronic attack.

Organized gang stalking makes strange bedfellows- how police are compromised by the “Hegelian dialectic” and “community “policing.”: Or Hegel meets God in the gray area of undue processes of “G-d.”

San Diego Detective Phillip Worts noted in 2001 that “community policing” is in fact and practice, “communist policing.”

GeorgWilhelm Friedrich Hegel, et al versus The Bible, Luke, Mathew, and “divide and conquer”(let me know if you see patterns with these Nazi sounding names-or in cults and sects within policing):

Karl Marx: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways. The point, however, is to change it.”

Luke 12:5151Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division” New International Version Bible citation

Mathew 10:35 King James Bible
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Related Reading: How Hegelian Dialectic destroys individual alterity and thus perpetuates endless war because it wars on individuals, aka “organized gang stalking.”

Policing is literally at a crossroads in western nations, as community policing aka “communist policing” competes with the “G-d model” of policing, with seemingly no middle ground. This is by design of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is a polarizing force in politics, and every other element of our society. So for some “just doin’ mah job,” means getting home in one piece, one day at a time, whereas for others, the goal is constant conflict creation via “community policing,” which is a make-work project, and a Communist model of social control.

So, if there is a problem with police, the FBI, or other agencies that are charged to uphold our secular laws, it is this exact conflict, that hamstrings Christians, while empowering fascists and communists, all of whom are working from within their own version of personal morality “for the greater good” and in our police power institutions. And I have noted that policing is rife with cults, both religious and secular and also some seek to use their police power to proselytize, instead of merely upholding the law.

So- while it may seem odd to some that a secular humanist/atheist/naturist would find myself siding with “God fearing men,” it is not entirely without awareness that each man’s personal faith-and thus individual choices- is challenged by the Hegelian dialectic materialism, which shares features with Martin Buber’s Zionism as well.

The careful reader will note that I have mentioned Israeli control of our SWAT teams, and police chiefs, most of whom think they are working for “God” but who also in fact are duped because they are working for the “othering” power of “Ich, Du” in Buber’s construct, while completely foregoing due process of law, or even respect for the US Constitution, which is the traditional gray area process of law.

Others will note that I am a constant critic of “neverending war.” This state of affairs-wars without end- is as some have noted, designed for that exact purpose, that in the Hegelian dialectic of  constant conflict, there can literally be no solutions, ever. So, this situation of ongoing and forever war, we see, is fully exploited by the DVIC and police chiefs who are faithful not to the Constitution, or to due process rights, but serving another master instead-that of international finance, and the deep trough of capital that flows through it and which carries the price tag of amoral and mercenary policing.

So, here is a snippet from Det. Worts, one of the early canaries in the coal mine of police and free speech rights that foreshadowed our current situation of “time theft” via “gray area policing schemes” that literally use par-judicial kangaroo courts to build data and then use the DVIC, domestic violence courts, family courts, academic hearings, and the many inter-linked and assorted databases for blackmail, and who wage slander campaigns based on dosssiers that have not had the opportunity of refutation in any Constitutional  legal setting; and this which has led to the NSA/CIA/DEA/FBI/local police data theft pipeline:

The home for this new wave of dialectical Marxist thinking became the emerging “science” of socio-psychology. It may come as a surprise to many to discover that virtually all of the pillars of modern psychology were humanistic utopians who believed that there is no God, that mankind can and should be manipulated (for its own good, of course), and that all social problems can be solved by the proper reprogramming of man’s mind. This would lead to an era of peace and prosperity based on diversity, tolerance and unity. Most of their work dealt with the details of human behavior, but their over-arching view was that of transforming society (echo the revolution). Hence, they came to be known as “Transformational Marxists.”

One such group was the Fabian Socialists, who took their name from the Roman general, Fabius. Fabius, it will be remembered, was confronted with Hannibal’s invasion of Italy.

Organized gang stalking and Countering Violent Extremism programs: how”Disruption”programs work-a privacy and due process raping boondoggle, and security theater cash cow.

The goal of all of this privacy rape, and due process subversion by the NSA/CIA/FBI/LEO data theft? Who knows, and  whatever-cuz’ it’s “for the children.” And ANYTHING that is for the children is big money in a totalitarian or surveillance state. The ones who aren’t bombed overseas-aka “the remnants of” the “children”-those that are left after the DVIC and the MIC with ts affiliated “industries” has “their way with them,” first. Pre-natal supremacy over ‘the children’ and the MIC is a one way street.

Soft force eugenics and child abuse: how the DVIC and the MIC maintain religious, and narrative supremacy over future generations. Meet the Countering Violent Extremism programs which are really ideological restraints on privacy, rights of assembly, and rights of free expression, coupled with violations of the equal protection clause of the United States Constitution.

Imagine you are a peace activist, or NOT a member of one or another sect/cult/order/denomination of a Jewish-christian religion; or you’re an atheist/humanist/whistle blower/ activist-even a ‘petty criminal’ who smokes pot-and one day, you find that you seem to bump into the same faces all over town-that ‘faces’ re following you. That’s odd, you think: that 6’2″ tall guy in the brown Eddie Bauer loafers, classic Dickey’s slacks, and the close cropped, fawny Germanic brown hair that matches his shoes,and who drives an oversized big red Ford pickup-he was everywhere I was today: whipping into the parking lot at Target, or sweeping into the restaurant that serves the “ethnic food,”and trying to bury his angular 6’2” frame into a booth. Odd, you think- how a guy that big can hide himself behind an 18″ tall menu….

Naw, you think- must be my imagination. The 18″ menu format, I mean.

And then, for weeks, this pattern repeats itself, sometimes with the tall guy, sometimes with others, usually white but frequently erudite and well dressed 6’3″ brown and black people (also, often with dreadlocks and blue suits; or pert Persian women in sensible flats, with cameras in hand, asking to take your picture at peace marches, or anti-apartheid meetings). The squat, weight-lifter framed black woman with the bad weave, and the sensible backpack and recognizable mid-western accent coupled inevitably with the tall brown shoed flatfoot; the Asian man who is a modern Charlie Chan, but with real Asian heritage and ethnicity, showing up on buses, coffee shops, AA meetings maybe (I have that on reliable sources, I promise…).

That’s odd, you think- this has been happening for weeks! Months! YEARS!! And you become a bit ‘paranoid’ and a bit on edge, looking over your shoulder all the time, because those same faces show up frequently; sometimes across the states.

Related Story: The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU CVE link roundup

About then, when you notice, and especially, when you begin to document it in some form-it stops-day after day goes by and you don’t see the tall guy, or the middle eastern or the Kenyan man following you; and the late middle aged shrew with the strange comments in the grocery store about ” I know what you READ!” disappears too. A week or two or a month goes by, and then new things happen: you come home, and the lock on your door is somehow different-usually it is more loose-but now it’s harder to get your key into(this can go both ways, as each lock smith, or lock picking set is different); or there are strange marks on your door jamb (sometimes a three pronged tool is used, other times what appears to be a wide, flat screwdriver).

And the internet, of course- you try to log in to Gmail, and as if you are being transferred to a computer across the world-twice-as it takes between seven and twenty seconds just to log in-EVERY TIME, whereas in the past several years, it was a matter of one to three seconds. You notice that you Gmail address has been switched from San Francisco to Irland, or he UK-odd, that you would take the time to notice that-you probably are losing it.

Strange, you think, I haven’t changed ISP’s, or used a new computer, nor have I changed any settings on ANYTHING. And certainly, I don’t live in Kansas, anymore. And certainly, those brand new wireless AP’s that spring up outside your house with kewl names like “MAdame PSycho,” and “Not the FBI Surveillance Van,” or “TAO2” are all in your head. Sure-that’s an option too.

Hmmm. And the pop-ups and advertisements on your computer will take on a life of their own, as for years upon years, you got ESPN, Manchester United schedules,  and “subscribe now!” popups every time you are on the computer reading news for free, or maybe an occasional ad for the “Penis Pump,” or free Viagra samples(no-really that wasn’t my case, I swear) but you now get pop-ups asking you about tinitus, and advertisements for middle eastern vacations-ads in Arabic. Maybe you get the weird pop-up about gun shows in Texas(“deep discounts for LEO’s who buy in bulk!”), as your IP registers in Nebraska….

And, the phone of course- your phone now has the ability to occasionally talk back to you- about what you did yesterday, or an hour ago (and this will happen only once or twice, just so that you cannot begin to document it.)

This is on the surface one of two things: you are going totally and completely bonkers-nuts to the meat grinder mad-you are deteriorating as if your mind has been taken over by ‘something else” that somehow knows who YOU are, and WHERE you are at all times, even if you’ve never owned a gun in your life, or used a penis pump (well-who HASN’T used one of those?!!).

You become pre-occupied with little strange happenings like your garbage being tipped over in your alley, or the long scraping marks left on the siding of your house by a ladder-maybe in your paranoid mind, you connect those random events: the ladder marks to your now debilitated security cameras whose cables had been disconnected RIGHT WHERE THOSE LADDER MARKS scrape your siding, and ding your white aluminum window trim with deep scars and gray marks.

Maybe the little camera left behind in your sons bedroom is a sign of something evil-who knows, right? It’s your word against the deep state, and all of it’s military/LEO/psychologist/MIC/PIC/religionist/occultists-who-work-in-government. And who are you, really? It’s for the Children (hitler youth), after all!

Or, maybe the reports from your neighbors about how they saw other strange fat white men jumping your fences, or signalling to each other from your alley to the street, or using strange hand signals just as they hopped into cabs that JUST HAPPENED TO BE WAITING THERE in front of your house strikes you as “odd” reports from a good and trusted neighbor.

Suuure. Maybe your going crazy-along with your neighbors, who ALL report these things to you. And some of whom are suddenly building fences, or installing their own security lights and cameras.

Yup-you’re nuts, prolly. Orrr mebbe….

Maybe another option that is a little less crazy perhaps: you are being covertly and totally f@cked with by one of any number of sources ranging from LEO’s to military operations, to strange cultists or organized gangs of pedophiles* that most often are run from within the official cover of state agencies and their affiliated “good guys” and girls (here is one possible case of that. And read through this blog to help understand who else it might be.)

But in many of the early cases-stemming back to around 2001-these were often covert intimidation/recruitment/entrapment/coercion/conformity/manipulation schemes that loosely fall under the category of “countering violent extremism” programs run by any of a number of unethical operators ranging from LEO’s, task forces, and intelligence agencies to private contractors.

And, the one key feature they all have in common has a plausible connection: agents and agencies that practice fraud upon the courts, and fraud upon the Constitution via massive, unchecked database abuse, and surveillance via electronic media such as computers, cell phones, and even televisions. You have been selected, and targeted for intelligence collection (HUMINT), informant recruitment (they want to use you as a rat), or possibly, you have been deemed a criminal, without due process of law,  due to the use of unauthorized access to your computer and Google searches, and, because that access was illegal, and parallel construction not warranted in your case (there’s a joke in there somewhere about warrants) “they” have chosen to use you as a moving target for all their new military grade electronic toys and weapons.

Related Stories: Have a look at the bizarre world of parallel construction from practice of LEO’s breaking the law, and violating the Constitution, and then doing plastic surgery to put a new face on “criminality.”


Welcome to the shadowy, sketchy, often bizarre (and incredibly well financed) world of CVE programs!

“Countering violent extremism programs have been identified by the government as a top national security priority, but the public knows appallingly little about them,” says Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s National Security Project. “We’re suing because government agencies have repeatedly failed to provide us information that we’ve requested about the nature of their CVE initiatives.”

In a briefing paper released with its lawsuit, the ACLU said that CVE programs often target “people for monitoring based on their beliefs or ideologies,” thus potentially criminalizing speech protected under the First Amendment. It also highlighted past abuses of CVE programs, including instances in which young people who refused to take part were characterized as radicals and where community leaders were told they would have to identity and discuss cases of specific youths with law enforcement.

The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment for this story, citing pending litigation. The Department of Justice did not respond to request for comment.

Government-led CVE efforts in the United States are inspired in large part by programs rolled out in past years in the United Kingdom. Broadly speaking, CVE programs seek to expand counterterrorism efforts beyond law enforcement to involve other government workers, like teachers and social workers, as well as community leaders outside of government, like clergy. They can involve propaganda and other communication strategies as well as monitoring and questioning.

Those programs have been deeply controversial in the UK, where civil society activists have blamed them for exacerbating ethnic tensions within British society while failing to meaningfully fight extremism. In recent months, the U.K. government has also rolled out anti-radicalization programs in schools, which have led to instances in which Muslim schoolchildren have been stigmatized by teachers as potential terrorists.”

*One recurrent theme in almost ALL OGS blogs is that those who are targeted are also slandered with a variety of “labels” ranging from drug dealer/user/ to prostitute to “pedophile”. But the reality is that state organizations, police, psychologists, lawyers, the courts, CPS, foster care, social work, and many other subsidiary organizations are a multi-billion dollar per year domestic industry, subsidized by the Jewish-christian ideological state to get children funneled into the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC) by hook or by crook (be the shepherd, not the sheeple and all that.)

Each child that is successfully stolen or otherwise diverted into this “system” is a cash cow (cash sheep?) returning dividends to those who are part of this system. For instance-foster parents can rake in between 800-1800 per month, depending on the state, per child. And any child that becomes involved with CPS ca returns some 70k or so per year to those who participate in this business.

Not surprisingly, Myron May, a man who claimed he was gang stalked, was the product of the multi-million dollar Christian foster care factories that are dotted across America-and no researcher of OGS has yet made this connection between him, and this systematic profiteering off of children as commodities.

Disclaimer: I make no claims herein specifically or intentionally relating to the financing of the Taunton Foster care community, and intend this example as one of many where children are used as cultural capital as well as actual capital.