I get Letters, part Deus ex Machina

Note to any actual TI’s: Feel free to write at the address provided, or my comments section, but understand that I am NOT a psychologist, I am a lay person, and as such will advise you to get help by buying a camera and a tape recorder, and doumenting your experience. Then, if I think you are full of shit, I will tell you so.

I am writing this as my internet connection is under what appears to be a DDOS, but is NOT a DDOS. In fact, somewhere along the internet switches, both my email, and my blog are “on the list,” now. American’s are really keeping lists, just like Zionists and their pet Nazi’s did in the 1930’s.

So, precursory research into what is causing it (over Tor) appears to be a direct attack on the local Tor nodes when my keywords hit “the internet switcharoo,”that special place where redirection takes place, and real Google defaults to NSA/CIA/et ass fake Google. And then, the connection gets cut repeatedly, for reasons that only seasoned hackers would understand.


Alright. I wasn’t trying to lie, but inadvertently told  a ‘falsehood.’ I said that this here would be my last post n this topic at this blog, but I can’t help myself-I must write one more post, because it seems that beyond the usual blog stalkers and other hero’s who lurk here, I have attracted the “save the hookers’ lobbyists (saving the hookers is a multi-billion dollar, international industry, via the DVIC and international bankers with dual citizenship who want to create “one world.” Only problem is, here is there over-arching philosophy:

The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.

Sally Gearhart Miller, misanthrope, misandrist, eugenicist lesbian feminist, and international banker sanitary napkin

So when you contemplate the inhumanity of the Prison Industrial Complex, endless wars that murder endless men women and children, depleted uranium sprinkled all over the oil fields(and their pet people in the ME), and especially, the next time one of these shitbags tells you that “men are responsible for violence” ask yourself “what kind of animals could conceive of such  inhumane institutions,” well, there’s your answer-a bunch of nasty, murderous misanthropes, man haters, rabid lesbians, self-loathing Jews, and all of their little Jesus’es with guns; and other trans-humanists who kneel before international bankers and do things with them that they would scoff at any  woman doing for, with, or to a man who is not of their ilk.

I get letters, part Deus ex Machina

Today’s inbox had this, from someone who claims they are being gang stalked.This charming writer is sweet flower named “Lilly.” Here is the first line of “her/its/their” letter(and Lilly-if you ARE an actual TI, a real person and not one of these scumbags that I write about herein, please take this with a grain of salt):

” I have been a TI for 10 years. The last 3 have been EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE.”

See anything interesting there in the data? No? Note the the “secret” of most of these moronic harassments-the number 13. THIRTEEN! Oooooh nooooes! I get the Thirteens a lot from these types.

On first glance, it appears that this person is in jeopardy, a damn sell in dis’ dress, appealing to my good will, and that they are suffering great losses, and emotional trauma. They say as much-read on:

“My 90 yr. old mother and I own our home. We had a beautiful home on 4 amazing acres. Mother put her savings onto its purchase as it was to be her last home. She has moved. I am here trying to ready it for sale but cannot keep up with the destruction.

We have had our trees poisoned and removed. 100’s of beautiful trees. Our home has been destroyed. ( I would elaborate but it is so bizarre it is still hard to say out loud.) Our things gone and switched out for look alike junk. They are now filling in our pond. They dump piles and piles of leaves and debris all over. If I rake it is back the next day. They move our fences and plants.

I cannot believe I write this freely as it took years to convince myself it is real. Two days ago I heard one of the involved neighbors talking on his cell telling another all about our home. How it would be available soon and another couple walked by discussing whether it was a convenient place to live. I have told no one our plans. The phone person ended his talk with, ” Yeah, we got her. She is a target. ”

My bank is now involved and I am at a loss as to my options. I did hear two men at my gate in the dark one night 2 years ago. The conversation was;

” So what’s the deal? ”
” I don’t know. He just said she needed to be homeless for awhile. ”
“Is she good looking? ”
” He didn’t say. Only that she has a good body. ”

I guess looks are important to scum who gang stalking for money. My direct neighbors and others on the road have joined in. I know the man who runs this ” branch “. He pays the Sheriffs. He is responsible and is the one who trashed my reputation.

I THOUGHT he was a good friend. I am NOT his first rodeo.

We have been treated so very badly by law enforcement. I am so at a loss as to why ANY American would do this to another.

There is SO much more. I cannot give in. I want to make a difference. I want people to know and understand. My own family has fallen for the lies and do not believe me. Except for mother who has now lost her savings and, as such, the funds for a care home.

I am not sure why I write this. Just venting I guess. I have no one else. I try to keep it to a minimum around others. We live in a world of Ostrich.

Thanks for your site. I am posting it all over the area. Maybe some will look it up. Know it’s real. Know I am not a ” Crazy, drug user, alcoholic who is a vindictive ex-girlfriend of the initial stalker. ” People LOVE gossip. Especially, it seems, involving single women.

Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

Why aren’t people getting together on this? I had no idea where to go and am great full I found you.


Special Note for my special reader  “daylilly93@yahoo.com*”: this is a very nice metaphor of how international bankers, corrupt politicians, and complicit law enforcement, over a period of approximately 104 years, have drained the life out of America, and nearly killed our Constitution, by purchasing American police cheaper than a dose of clap in Tel Aviv. Next time, though, use a real email.  I mean, sure, it could be, like, a real story and all, buuuuut: It helps your credibility, and makes you look less like “one of THEM” when you drop the numerology, and use authentic identifying data, which might answer your question above about ‘why don’t they just get together’ on this.

  • the email daylilly93@yahoo.com does not appear, anywhere on the entire internet, except here, now, and in my email. Most interestingly, the “contact” page of this blog was the most popular post of this month, along with the usual posts about FBI gang stalking Mormons, and posts about the disingenuous or fraudulent studies and research (psychology is a pseudo-science) by people like Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, or Elizabeth Dietrick, and the man-slave Dr. David V. James that came before my own herein.
  • Keep those letters coming! But don’t think I will waste my time responding. And the day lily of course, is symbolic flower, but also, used as a totem of those who kidnap children.
  • The number ’93 has special significance that indicates the writer is possibly directly related to a certain group of scumbags that has harassed this author in the past, but also, in the annals of shitty legislation, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was passed in 1993. And I have always wondered exactly why does VAWA sound exactly like WAWAWAWAWAAAAAA…


Because I have been a target of these people for a very long time; and also because, in the readers language-“this ain’t my first rodeo,” I note that this particular reader/writer like many before them, deliberately provided a false email, which is another typical scenario in organized gang stalking. And, they also wrote from dear old Kansas, or thereabouts, according to their IP data.

The letters fall into several general categories:
1) religious/cult people who try to save me, or recruit me.
2) people affiliated with law enforcement who use the letter exchange as a tool of “webterrogation” – a means to interrogate me, and my narrative
3) people from mind control/blackmail/disinformation sects and cults.
4) people from one or another vested interest such as the DVIC, the PIC, or the IC that I write bout herein.
5) occasionally-very rarely-letters from actual victims of organized gang stalking

While my most extensive exchange with any one writer was with a man-a trust fundian– who works with several non-profit organizations that are race and gender based-the exact organizations and agencies outlined herein-that man, a former Federal Defense attorney who no longer practices defense of the people- and who also actively rescues dogs instead. And curiously, he has multiple connections to people who actually and “mysteriously” came in and out of my life, and my apartment many years ago-when I wasn’t there. You can figure out the significance of that yourself.

Each writer attempts to proselytize one thing or another in subtle ways, and frequently, I am hacked, or otherwise experience various web harassment, or various nefarious activity that takes over my web connections, delays my postings (as noted above), or otherwise costs me time and effort, shortly after corresponding with these writers.

Now: to further analyze the writer of today’s letter, I will provide the whole text, and I will point any current or future reader to it as a parable, written by a budding writer of dubious provenance.

Because so much gang stalking activity is actually funded by multi-million dollar industries that position themselves in the political sphere and also in the legal framework as NGO’s, and then attempt to constrain, control, limit or disrupt free speech expressed online, one must infer that the writer was having a slow day, or that I am whacking the nail on the head so hard that I am making a difference to those who need it-actual TI’s..

But because the profits of the DVIC are directly correlated with conflation and confabulation (aka lying their asses off in order to maintain high salaries, and higher social costs)), and crisis management with ties to politics, we can read this letter as a parable wherein the writer attempts to persuade me through cajolery, flattery, and co-option of my own linguistic traits, numerology, and mystical symbols.

There are organizations and institutions that derive trillions of dollars per year from the religious based politic of “saving the women and their children” which is actually a form of Judaic proselytization and in that a business model that has worked for centuries, for some people who derive massive profits from this form of slavery.

1)The UN- a decidedly political body
2)Multiple anti-prostitution/prohibitionist/moralitypimps/ alternative slavers/NGO’s all of whom derive profits from women in prostitution one way or another by pimping the narrative of women as red riding hood
3)Federal and Local police of many nations
4)the DVIC lobbyists and their AIPAC affiliates
5)The women and children’s lobby, and it’s associated child kidnapping rings which are a trillion dollar annual industry in America alone.

The “western” way of life is predicated on a social order where Judaic, Talmudic, and then secondarily, servile Biblical narrative and it’s adherents which  mediate each and every social interaction and political cause. Without exception, all western laws are based in these religious, tribal, and mythological texts and interpretations of those texts.

Central to the narration is the idea that people are like sheep, to be led by the shepherds-that people are, for some, a literal herd.You might have heard ” Be the shepherd, not the sheep.” This idiom is a derivative of Biblical teachings[…]

With that in mind, two things are plain: 1) one group of people- a small group in comparison to the herd-envisions itself as wiser, more capable, and more human than other groups. You can look about the world and ask yourself who these people are, as they exist at all levels of western society, and many groups compete to prove that they are in fact the shepherds, not the sheeple.

2) for those who these shepherds choose to ‘create’ or to ‘tend to’ or to ‘nurture’ or otherwise herd, lead and mislead accordingly-to be raised, shorn, profited from, and eventually devoured as meat for sustenance, we see that group two is mostly an undesireable category to be in. But for some, it feels safe, for most of their lives. Surely, the last coupe minutes don’t feel quite as safe though; and all of the gelding, sheep dipping and shoring along the way can’t possibly be anything but traumatic. And this, at the hands of the good shepherds of course.

Often we hear about globalists and their intent to create “one world government,” which is often relegated to conspiracy “theory.” Yet in fact, and in practice there exists a group of extremely wealthy individuals who do hold dual citizenship, and dual loyalty to nations and religion as well, and for whom the world is ripe for the sheeping. You can figure out who these are, and then, understand OGS from that perspective. As such, these people stir up a herd in one area, in order to run them off cliffs in another, while profiting from each act, and benefiting from each slaughter.

In this case, I suspect the letter writer to be one of those “save the prostitutes-and their children, of course” types outlined [here, here, and here] that have neatly created a social order whereby their actions with children are unchecked, and unmnitored, and  is, once again, being used by protecting the multi-billion dollar industry from another angle, while destroying families, the safety of locality, and harming actual sex workers by taking globalist dollars instead of doing an honest days work like the rest of the girls out there who believe that endless war, and those who profit from it ON BOTH SIDES AT THE SAME TIME, are the problem, not the solution.

For any who have read this far, here is my response to pooor lil’ Lilly:


If all that you say is true, and you are NOT involved in something ilegal or otherwise dubious, then

1)BUY A SET OF SECURITY CAMERA’S, and begin to keep a journal. Anyone can get a cheap camera, and mount it themselves.
2) Buy it with cash, so they cannot track your purchase.
3)In your journal, take names, license plate numbers, and record conversations. Make note of unusual happenings, and
4) especially-this is important- look around YOUR WORLD and ask yourself “who can I trust?” and “Who will listen to me, and help me?”

These will prove to be your best allies in this fight.

Also, there are many small, hidden camera devices that you can buy as well, and carry in your pocket. Also, anyone can buy a “tape recorder” and place it in VOX mode in a hidden location.

Then, sit back and watch what happens. You must build evidence before you can take any legal action, but with evidence-and especially names and faces of these people, you can build a case, and even psychiatrists will look at and listen to solid evidence.

Avoid the “TI self help groups” as most of them are government agents, sadistic cops and their related “friends and family” of Masonic/Rotary club/Lions/Save the Children types, or mind control cults.

In your case (all cases are different) the bank is involved, and an old lady who is easy to pick on. THs theme is as old as crime itself. And you are her naive daughter/grand daughter, which is a common theme. Banks are literally stalking people out of their homes. And yes, the police are heavily involved in this scheme, and get paid no matter what happens. They are NOT to be trusted, as are most private investigators. Your best option then, is to become the detective yourself.

After 9-11, America was taken over by a hidden well organized gang of criminals, aka “bankster’s” and the police are their paid armies-police do NOT care about the people, which is why we see young men and old ladies being beaten and murdered around the country. These police are taught to have no conscience, and no morality other than a bizarre form of “Christian”mentality which is guided by Israeli zionism. These people are selected for the profession BECAUSE they are murderers, not because they are moral. Especially, take a look at my piece about police badges-they have te universal symbol of child rape on them.

Lastly, you noted that you are pretty and so on. One other common theme of gang stalking is young cops or other perverts stalking a woman to “impress her” with their power. Sometimes this leads to rape, and prostitution, and far less frequently, marriage via intimidation. If this is your case, you can get help from another group of actual stalkers, which are the “women’s” shelters and advocates, who also practice organized stalking.

But nothing is MORE IMPORTANT THAN GETTING PHOTOGRAPHIC and FILMED EVIDENCE. If you have that, I might be able to refer you to the proper resources.

The last thing I would like to tell you is this-sometimes we(you, me, others) are actually suffering from mental illness, but cannot see it. This is why you MUST try to get photographic evidence, because it can tell you if you are imagining it or not.

Not you “first rodeo,”eh? Then hop on a horse and ride out of Dodge, bcause things get rockier from here unless you take measures. And the best measure you can take is to document it.

And here below, for the curious, is another piece of recent correspondence from another TI who has been stalked by church people, and black fraternity pimpologists, and the DVIC, all of whom derive hundreds of millions in profits from single mothers who take the quote about men being 10% of the breeding population seriously:

This paragraph above  refers to a comment that has been deleted by this blogs author, at the request of a TI who wrote to discuss how the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex, and the billions of dollars that have been made available to law enforcement and others to create narrative of “good menz-v- badmenz” have also created incentive for these same goodmenz and wimminz in the goodpeeples organizations to commit crimes “in darkness,” following the feminist models of eugenics and gendered fascism that we know today as “feminist jurisprudence” which is a misnomer. More easily described as Fabian “fascist prudery” and totalitarian control with violence as their first option.

This blog asks: Where did all the real women go? Oh-never mind.

Ottawa police officers’ walk in heels a misstep, some cops say (with ...

Although Nikki Craft, a feminist, was the first to propose that men be gang stalked*, it has since become a wider phenomenon, as many affiliated groups exploit the DVIC narrative for great profits. And, certainly, many of them then get laid, a lot, by feminists. By angry mean people who are just like they are: too stupid to care about the Constitution, and too fat to get off their asses to maintain it.

Then, when this author logged in to make the requested change, the browser was hit with a sploit, and the router where the author was logged in was crashed, and this crash, witnessed by multiple parties. In no way do I attempt to infer that the commenter who requested that I maintain the privacy of their anonymous comment is or was responsible for this activity.

Maybe it was a leprechaun in Ireland, maybe it was some pimple faced prick in Tennessee, or MEPCON, but to the reader or researcher, one might note that this scenario described above is an extremely common type of “social engineering exploit.”

Speaking of socially engineered expoits-exactly when did “women’srights” become synonymous with  “police state?”

Oh. Never mind, again. And, speaking of pigs:

Canadian MGTOW: Andrea Dworkin: Femifascist of the week

  • Nikki Craft was arrested some 17times for making messes (erhem) in porn shops, and never did more than a day in jail, whereas men fill the prisons some 2.3-4 million per year, because “good men” wear high heels, and will do ANYTHING for a shopping spree in the MIC closets.Hey, Nikki-did your brain fall out, or is that a pile of girl goo all overthe f@cking place these days?