Organized Gang Stalking case study: Real Estate, Rotary Club’s and

Bulletin: I have decided to continue to write at this blog on occasion, as day after day validates that OGS is a very real thing, and actual victims of this have written to me to share their stories (I have not published the accounts of those who I believe to be actual victims without their permission) involving all of the groups and tactics outlined herein.

Related: of the two studies that “examine” gang stalking, two studies that “examine” gang stalking, both have recommended that those who claim it be isolated, shunned, silenced, and/or declared “mentally ill.” And here is how one “community newspaper” has “framed”the narrative of OGS victims fighting back using the First Amendment- the irony meter explodes every time it meets OGS denialists and free speech rights. Especially note who the “badguys” are to that community, and to others who deny OGS:

The flier that was distributed ” praises “patriots” such as Daniel Ellsberg, who released the “Pentagon papers” in 1971; Edward Snowden, who recently exposed thousands of intelligence documents; and Frank Serpico, a former New York City police officer who blew the whistle on police corruption in the late 1960s and early ’70s.

And equally important to note is that these posts here, here, here and here have become integral to this narrative, and can be tested and retested against my many hypotheses.

While I have not experienced rape, or death threats, minor car burglaries, floating bubbles on my security camera’s, GPS signals emanating from my car(as tested with a LM-8 bug sweeper, which is one of the best pocket sized BS I have ever used), or actual daily stalking for nearly a year, it is important to note that this blog, and associated writings have been around for nearly a year as well. Do you see a correlations? Any causation/correlation errors? Any proofs of hypotheses?

While legitimate researchers of organized gang stalking would find my thesis validated time and time again, cultists, secret societies, religious fanatics who hide in secular culture, and organized gangs of statist’s and institutional psychopaths will find no such correlations. Academic fraud’s will most certainly find a lack of correlation here as well.

But to continue my thesis: Here is yet another correlation straight from the coveted anus of the Sacred Cow that is Main Stream Media (MSM). It is YET ANOTHER correlation between claims of “organized gang stalking” and “real estate,“which comes to me from

In this case of “the Guilford CT Gang Stalkers,” we see once again that real estate related organized stalking, OGS and policing mix together in the toxic brew of secret, occulted, hidden and obscured un-Constitutional harassment, and we also find a real estate developer, who also “coincidentally” is Rotary Club member. I must point out that in the general literature of psychology, coincidence is often mistaken as a feature of delusional thinking. However, any historian, sociologist, or propagandist instantly recognizes the correlation between real estate red lining and coincidence, or KKK activity and coincidence, but also how it is a well known feature of cult activity and religious superstitions. Atheists, secular humanists and rationalists-and many Libertarians for some reason- seldom are obstructed by these last two major hurdles that psychology-by some coincidence-cannot seem to overcome.

Related Story: How the worlds most famous coincidence-the relationship between psychologist, Sigmund Freud and his nephew, the world’s greatest propagandist Edward Bernay’s literally mind-controlled much of the last century.

As I have noted and written about before this is ALSO directly correlated and substantiated in many cases of  OGS. Note especially that the local police are actively working to discredit “whoever” it is that is distributing fliers about OGS that they obtained from the website mentioned above.

Without irony (if this is still possible at this point), also note the following: a whistle blower is being called “anti-government,” and this likely due to the DHS thought and word policing aka the “terrorist threat matrix” which targets pure first ammendment activity by design; and that whistle blower is being “framed” as a threat, rather than as a concerned citizen. Are you seeing any more correlations, kids? Yeah?

Well that’s interesting. Those who derive their income from carefully phrasing what is or isn’t; who is or who isn’t a “threat” can’t seem to find correlations! And even refutation is perceived as a threat. Seeing a pattern there, with the “silencing” and “isolating narrative? No? Then look a little harder. Maybe take a look at the DHS “badwerdz” list.

Guilford Police Investigate Anti-Government Fliers In Mailboxes

July 04, 2014|By DANIELA ALTIMARI,, The Hartford Courant

GUILFORD — Police are investigating anti-government fliers left in hundreds of mailboxes throughout town over the past two months.

The fliers refer to “gang stalking” and direct recipients to a website that likens U.S. intelligence agencies to the Stasi, the former East Germany’s secret police agency.

“This neighborhood has an ongoing ‘gang stalking’ operation involving covert surveillance and harassment of targeted individuals,” the flier reads.

The website,, professes to expose “the use of illegal counterintelligence tactics against American citizens by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies and private security-intelligence contractors.”

It praises “patriots” such as Daniel Ellsberg, who released the “Pentagon papers” in 1971; Edward Snowden, who recently exposed thousands of intelligence documents; and Frank Serpico, a former New York City police officer who blew the whistle on police corruption in the late 1960s and early ’70s.

Guilford police Det. Martina Jakober said Friday that versions of the fliers began appearing in mailboxes about two months ago, prompting complaints.

Among those filing a complaint was Tony Fappiano, a local real estate agent and a member of the town’s board of ethics. The flier suggests that Fappiano is the “gang-stalking” coordinator and instructs those concerned about the operation to contact him.

The flier also suggests that Guilford police department may have sanctioned the alleged “gang stalking.”

Jakober said neither Fappiano nor the Guilford police is involved in any such surveillance or stalking operation.

Fappiano, who has served on a number of municipal panels, said on Friday that he has no idea why he was mentioned in the flier.

“I’m in business 41 years in this town. … I’m a former member of the economic development commission. Why somebody is targeting me is beyond me,” Fappiano said. “I had nothing to do with it and I look forward to meeting the coward that started this.”

Jakober is investigating whether the fliers constitute harassment. Also, by law, only stamped and metered mail may be placed in a mailbox, so the placement of the fliers in residents’ mailboxes is a violation.

Anyone with information about the fliers is asked to call the Guilford Police Department at 203-453-8061 or the anonymous tip line at 203-453-8240.

Any legitimate researcher of OGS will also connect immediately with other parts of my thesis-that “homelessness” or the threat of it is also a constant here as well.

Did Edward Bernay’s REALLY die, or was he absorbed into the Panopticon?

So if there were “gang stalking BINGO,” such as the case of the argest DNA exoneration in history which vindicated six people who were LITERALLY mind controlled so badly that they STILL have Stockholme Syndrome-but sued the pants off of that city and won 30 MILLION DOLLARS, then this would be a good second place candidate for having B-I-N-G——O.K.

Let’s recap, kids:

  1. real estate
  2. police running disinformation
  3. free speech-speaking up about your targeted harassment is demonized
  4. an individual claimant is villified
  5. isolation is suggested as a cure
  6. Rotary Club/secret societies involved
  7. us-versus-them, goodguy’s-badguy’s binary
  8. homelessness is an under current
  9. information/influence operations in local media
  10. lot’s of mysterious “well who knows fer sure?” and “can you prove it?” and “This guy’s a threat, likely delusional!” and so on
  11. in group, out group inter-relations
  12. hidden/occulted relationships working behind the scenes against an individual
  13. hmmmmm. What might 13 be? Oh Yeah! Disinformation spread through official channels…no wait, um……

Disclaimer: I make no opinion or otherwise make a statement about the individuals involved in this case, but rather, document these as indisputable facts, and actual proof of how “gang stalking” exists in the narrative of modern culture, and how it is interwoven between the powerful, and how it hamstrings the powerless.

Here below is the realtor mentioned in the article-note the associations that I have discussed above, and especially-again, without irony-note that he sits on the local “ethics commission” too!:

Anthony Fappiano [linked in here]

Owner, Shoreline Real Estate Company

Greater New York City Area
Real Estate
  1. Shoreline Real Estate Company
  1. Guilford Ethics Commission,
  2. Ct Assoc of Realtors-Legislative Committee,
  3. Guilford CT Rotary Club
  1. Univ of Connecticut

Just for “Lucie,” aka “Miranda”

“I will tell you that those who think to hurt me will be surprised.”

Lucie is a 60-70 year old Los Angeles bag lady, who could easily be mistaken for a delusional schizophrenic. She has all the traits. Talks to herself, homeless, speaks in long streams, unedited, and unfiltered; has mysterious figures following her around all the time, and has an extensive back story that involves mind control.  She sleeps outdoors, and resists attempts by “the psychiatrists who are always coming around here” to “help” her.

But when I looked into her story, it checked out in many parts, not least of which is that non-violent resistance to false narratives, and highly organized, well funded bullies often takes unusual forms in the self protective mind.

It goes like this:

Guatemala, in this era, and particularly, this end of that era:

In a 1946 to 1948 study in Guatemala, U.S. researchers used prostitutes to infect prison inmates, insane asylum patients, and Guatemalan soldiers with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, in order to test the effectiveness of penicillin in treating the STDs. They later tried infecting people with “direct inoculations made from syphilis bacteria poured into the men’s penises and on forearms and faces that were slightly abraded . . . or in a few cases through spinal punctures”. Approximately 700 people were infected as part of the study (including orphan children). The study was sponsored by the Public Health Service, the National Institutes of Health and the Pan American Health Sanitary Bureau (now the World Health Organization‘s Pan American Health Organization) and the Guatemalan government. The team was led by John Charles Cutler, who later participated in the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. Cutler chose to do the study in Guatemala because he would not have been permitted to do it in the United States. In 2010 when the research was revealed, the US officially apologized to Guatemala for the studies.[29][30][31][32] A lawsuit has been launched against Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb and the Rockefeller Foundation for alleged involvement in the study.[33]

This morning, I saw her in her usual neighborhood, slumped on a bus bench. Driving by, I was touched with a rare affection for a homeless person, warm with recognition of her, in the sense of the root word affect, and then, as I analyzed my emotion, I realized I had actual affection for her in a nearly familial sense. Maybe it is her regular pick up line, or maybe it was that she told me she is a virgin, and I believe her every time she says it.

While I had given her toasted bagels on many previous occasions, and generally avoided getting close to her in the literal or the physical sense-because of my own personal issues with body odor and dirt-her regular line, every time, is “Are you the guy who bought me a sandwich that one time?“-I was particularly affected today, because I had never seen her sleeping before.

Despite the morning chill, she looked comfortable-and even comforting. As if her head, resting on her chest in a pile of tangled hair was itself in a warm bed, and my own head, somehow felt the warmth of it; and had the urge to provide for her.

I circled the block, with a smile on my heart at the sight of her. Matted hair, dyed tawny red sometime in the recent several months past-the grey was showing at about two inches; usual sweat suit type casual slacks, coupled with a stylish dumpster dived blazer and various bags, and terribly sporty, colorful shoes-and a huge but silent boombox.

The thing about Lucie is that even as a homeless bag lady, one can tell in seconds that she is quite a charmer, and has some class. That even at 60-70 she has a wink in her eyes, and delight in her heart, despite anything; and despite what the psychiatrists might say, and have said about “people like her.”And she has quite an entertaining wit-her mind, as far as I have ever seen-is clear as a bell. Not delusional at all.

She has a quick smile, and is full of life, with a lilt in her step as if she has likely known a dance floor or two. Surprisingly full of wit and awareness of her surroundings, and status in life. “I will tell you that those who think to hurt me will be surprised.”

This morning, I spent an hour or so with her, as she treated me to story after story about the psychiatrists who try to “save her,” and how she craftily avoids them at all costs. Which, based on her history with psychiatrists, is probably not a bad idea. She even has a regular and clear recall of a particular psychiatrist, complete with a name that rings like the name of a mad doctor in any SciFi novel. Or a Mengele; or Strangelove. Or- Gottlieb; Jessen and Mitchell, D.E. Cameron; now come Sheridan, James, and Dietrich to tell us how crazy the gang stalked people are.

Related Story: Ten real victims of the CIA corporatocracy MKULTRA program.

Sure. Nothing to see here. Move along now. Our country has evolved-look! We almost had a woman president!

“Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” –Hillary Clinton on Bill Clinton’s bimbo eruptions

As I listened to Lucie-again-and every time I listen to her-she fills in a new blank that makes it all clear-that targeted individuals are often actual victims, very well hidden and discredited victims, and very bullied people, victims most often of  highly orchestrated, highly targeted, extremely nefarious state and internationalist medical/legal/moral practices; and all of that mixed in with biographical data that checks out with known historical events, and since-revealed nefarious state/corporate/church/intelligence agency/police practices, and echoes much of what you will find here on this blog.

The last time I bought her a toasted bagel and cream cheese-because that is what she asks for, telling me each time ” I lie everything toasted!”she regaled me with flirtations of all kinds, sometimes bordering on the charming and sort-of-really-cute. Even beyond old lady cute, she still has exactly what she claims to have-magic!

“I tell you I have not had sex for over twenty years. Twenty years. the last sex was with my husband. But I tell you, I have some very magical things that I can do-very magical. Even for you, they would be like magic.”

Of course I believe her. Without a doubt, after twenty years since her husband died, I am certain sex has crossed her mind many times. Often, women need to get very very old before they can admit to themselves a biological desire for sex, for it’s own sake. And certainly, those who have endured the trauma of Judeo-Christian narratology, and its attendant lies, mythologies and industries that exploit every piece of a person as thoroughly as a rendering plant, must recognize when they are being loved without penalty.

And such was she this morning-frisky, and flirtatious, and she loved my clothes, told me that she looks better with her hair washed, and loved my telling her that she is beautiful even with dirty hair.

And again, she regaled me with stories of the psychiatrist- the guy who kept her and pursued her, and tried to convince her it is all in her head. How he used ‘the black men*’ to threaten to rape her, and how they chased her out of her apartment. How the psychiatrist became a millionaire after he took her share of something or other. How Guatemala “was a long time ago, but they are still here, all the time. The psychiatrists are looking for me, and I know how to hide from them.”

That Lucie’s an everything bagel with garlic and all that; the real cream cheese. And I believe her. It is for the reader herein t decide what they believe, and what they do not. But you an look it all up, and do your own research, but herein, I have tried to point you in the right direction. You are welcome to listen to the “professionals” all you want-but Lucie, aka “Miranda” which is her real name, but which she disavows for some as yet undisclosed reason-has already been down that route, like many before her. These take the life right out of people by sheer utter stupid and circular DSM-V Big Pharma funded psychiatry, and it’s affiliated hench-persons and their black bags of dirty tricks, wielded like swords in court rooms, confinement hearings, and jails-prisons across America.

“But I tell you right now-I am thinking of that psychiatrist-and that witch! How they robbed me. Many millions I assure you. And I can tell you this, that even right now do you know what I am thinking? I am thinking magic. I tell you this-I can do magic things. Many men would want me to do this magic, and I tell you I have very special things I can do. But I will not do them, you know, they are that good. But I have done them before-one man, without even touching him, I made him very happy. Even women would want this magic. But that witch….”

Her voice trails off, and she is giving me her smile-the alertness in her eye, the keen  awareness of her story telling ability, and her audience-the knowledge that what she is telling me has been heard, and appreciated, and believed, if only for the humor of the situation-her a bag lady, me a guy in a thrift store suit jacket, like a Harold and Maude at the back end of this generations Titanic-too in love for the youngsters to believe is possible-with magic, tossing chum out the mess windows, and marveling at the colorful sparkling wake behind our conversation, as everyone else drinks the fine and exotic cruise ship wine called “KoolAid” on the bow, sycophantic and helpless, waiting for an appearance of the captain who will reassure them that they are all the good guys, and everyone else, well….

When I first started writing this leg of the story, I had “Piper” on my mind-and how she told me that she had been a 12 year old prostitute, how I met her at 17 and thought she was nuts when she talked of “gangs of people who chase me everywhere, and always seem to know where I am,” but who I came to believe over time;  a story much like the exact story of Jasmine, who, perhaps NOT un-coincidentally-also hails from Guatemala. It seems these things that I write about herein are interlinked in ways that seldom make the news. And also-as “they” like to remind those who “they” stalk: “What happens in darkness…”

And when I write, the hackers and the exploiters always take over my blogs, and sometimes, online harassment comes offline. So adios for now. Or, more in the vernacular “a Dios,” with toasted bagels-because Lucie likes everything toasty.

UPDATE 09-04-2017: A source close to Lucie’s neighbrhood reported that Lucie was hauled off to the insane asylum, or “5150’d” because someone called her in for dancing, just over a month after I wrote this article.

“She was dancing in the street. Apparently, she was taking her clothes off,” said the source, who works in main stream media. “Many people around here saw it, and were concerned.”

Related: “Dancing in the Street’s” by the Grateful Dead (are you seeing patterns yet?)

So, we see in the OGS dialectic that protecting the public from nudity-especially the nudity of old women- is also a theme, and that it isn’t just young nude women, or enjo kosai that provokes the wrath of the DVIC and it’s handmaidens, but rather, the control of the ENTIRE dialectic, young to old-eight to eighty, blind, crippled, or….

We’re f@cked.


* Using black men and exploiting race was also a theme in Ken Kesey’s novel about psychiatric mind control experiments in the manner of D.E. Cameron, called “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest,” and starring Jack Nicholson as the errant Randall P. McMurphy.

Image result

Kesey was himself a victim of CIA experimentation, as was the Boston gangster “captured” in Santa Monica after decades on the run, and who had FBI agents on his payroll, Whitey Bulger; and the UnaBomber Ted Kaczinski and many more men and women whose faces and names have graced the newspapers and mass media over the years.

In the famous scenes from that movie, the notorious Nurse Ratched-a white female- cuckolded and cauterized male libidinal energy, creativity, and raw sexuality with psychopathic and dispassionate force, targeting the brain, and it’s companion in thought crime, the mind. And when she couldn’t intimidate men into silence, she called in the “Orderlies” who were all black males, much like we see with “progressive” politics today.