The Chinese teachers and the MDMA drug: Minigh dimol/ waterinch, psychology, and drug experiments, SWAT, Cigarettes and Suffragettes, and gang stalking

The Chinese teachers and the MDMA drug: Minigh dimol/ waterinch, psychology, and drug experiments, and gang stalking, with commentary from a SWAT officer

minigh dimol: Evidence is quite conclusive, though no one seems to care or take notice. Organised psychological harassment, ongoing, equates to psychological violence, and all involved in such violence are guilty of criminal harassment, whether they see it that way or not.

Discussions about organized gang stalking have political undertones. Much like the ‘War on Drugs,’ the current moral panic’s and the ‘War on Terrorism’ reveal the stresses at the seams of our democracy, as some will do ANYTHING for DVIC dollars, while other’s resist such ‘blood money’ and the accompanying lies and half truths-what blood libel’s one must speak in order to get more of it.

And still other’s recognize the militarized bleed-over that has likely affected those who claim OGS spilled all over America like the guts of a 10,000 deer hung on America’s tree limb. What is called “mission creep,” and it’s effects on “we the people” as police and corporate interests, database abusers, and politicized organizations ranging from AIPAC to other NGO’s (many of which are also coincidentally embezzling or otherwise selectively mis-managing funds) to psychology work and the healing professions, with crisis PR manufacturers ready to create the appearance of an America under attack by anyone BUT them.

It is these hidden black operations that need to see the light of day, because OGS is certainly one indicator of a social disease, not necessarily mental health. And certainly, as we watch the failed “War on Terror” casting an ever widening net to now encompass “domestic violence” which is and always has been a one way narrative, the Ich Du is showing some bloat.

As noted by a retired SWAT Lieutenant, a highly decorated officer, and wounded warrior who saw service all across the globe as exactly the black operator that I criticize here,  here, here and elsewhere, ” Anyone above me is a politican-they’re not even real cops. They’re a different clss of people-they are making political decisions, not using common sense.

Maybe there are occasions where MRAP’s are actually needed. Watts, riots and that sort of thing. But these small towns-and their police are ill equipped to even operate those things, much less have a need for them. It’s ridiculous. “

In the case of Lucie, aka “Miranda” I presented a tenuous link from unethical human exprimentation that was financed by US drug industries in Guatemala in the 1940-50’s, to a homeless street person who had lost “millions” by her own account due to unethical and amoral punitive psychology. I make no claims of this being an entirely accurate assessment, but rather, as a sociological sketch of one person’s story derived from a well known era of government and corporate psychological harassment and abuse of discredited or easily discreditable victims, and that the homeless are notoriously targeted from many interests groups ranging from real estate developers and other’s who seek to profit in real estate, to those who pass them around in the ‘helping’ industries, rather than root out the social problem that “causes” them.  As such it is a derivative analogy of one person who for all practical purposes and who fits the categories of advanced sequalae described by OGS TI’s; and only that. But mental health is not the WHOLE story-not even close.

One man’s online testimony about OGS has the absolute ring of truth to it, not least of which is that he documents times and dates of “onset” and specific drug use; and those directly from the notes of psychologists and inpatient treatment, and he presents a case that OGS being neither an imaginary thing, a delusion, or necessarily psychosis, and also points the finger directly at a mis-diagnosis that becomes a lie repeated in the “echo chamber” of drug rehab’s and treatment centers and the various “on message” care providers.  Here is the hard link to one of his/her many websites that chronicle the use of the party drug MDMA, which is arguably the “new LSD”: written November 19, 2006

While the CIA is widely discussed as having perpetrated drug experiments, little focus is on what might be a modern version of these experiments that takes place across international jurisdictions and across cultures and countries. But the American layperson is most prone to blame the CIA, FBI or other domestic agencies because that is what our propaganda system has on one hand encouraged, and on the other discouraged when it comes to OGS.

And it cannot be forgotten how Nancy Reagan’s War on Drugs affected the other side of the political aisle of morality policing-namely that Mothers Against Drunk Driving coincided with rape hysteria and bad guys (men, primarily, for some reason) are everywhere; the boogieman manufacturing and “Take Back the Night” rallies, which really just created women as cheerleaders for the modern DVIC, using the exact tactical and strategic marketing and the social shepherding to “manipulate the breeding stock with flattery and safety” formula that Edward Bernays used to sell cigarettes as “Torches of Freedom” to the same class of primarily European, middle class white females.

Related Reading: the easily manipulated American woman: Cigarettes and Suffragettes, and America’s most famous  Pimp of Propaganda

One must also remember that America’s GDP isn’t measured by actual productivity, but rather the appearance of it, because we produce very little, so “products” in America are drunk driving arrests, sex offender statistics, domestic violence creation, prison beds filled nearly at random and frequently in advance as “gangster babies” are targeted literally from birth and stalked in databases from day 1.

And that PR “placements” of these ideas have replaced an actual economy, and keeping everyone who benefits from these industries, down to local police and the affiliated DVIC industries, such as social workers, psychologists, and drug rehabs ‘on message”and saying the same thing at all times, to keep DVIC dollars flowing, aka “official source gas-lighting” and CVE collusion AGAINST the mental health of clients entrusted to them. This is in stark contrast to the 1960’s when actual products were manufactured here, and men were conscripted for the draft. The DVIC incentivizes false claims and one sided story telling via Martin Buber’s zionist framework of othering and “us versus them,” rather than creating insight into cause and effect related research; much less enlists the truth of those who are for all practical purposes the people who were spoken of when it was written “first they came for___________, and I said nothing, for I was not a __________.”

Then, as we saw in the election of 2016, foreign intelligence agencies ranging from Russia to Israel, corporate spying, and likely more, are operating on American soil, and in American politics, enjoying the impunity that a special class of citizen’s also enjoy here-the political class*; that it could be argued, America is under siege, or that those who sit at the gate employing the “gatekeepers mechanism” willingly allowing the subversion of our citizens.

Adding to this potential and actual proven abuse are other American intelligence agencies, or even private contractors such as the firms like Stratfor, or CIA funded fronts that hire surveillance role players to stalk American’s and others as target practice are also clearly spying ON American’s and more.

While many celebrities such as writer Ken Kesey, The Grateful Dead, Timothy Leary, and others participated in these experiments of the 1960’s and even acted as nearly positive public relations, and made few dollars talking about it. But it seems that the dialogue of drug experiments and the general public is somehow stuck in the 60’s, and today, in American Studies programs and Pop Culture, much of which is so fused with women’s studies programs and multi-culti classes that the Marxist blur of indoctrination, propaganda, and history is complete; and we see many teachers, and especially those who ‘work’ in the DVIC-all of whom were propagandized a certain and specfic way-  adulating this era as well.

But what are the modern version’s of “The ElectricKool Aid Acid Test,”and is psychology and psychiatry as much a part of this ‘junk science’ that produces ‘junk economy’ as it was then? Because listening to James Mitchell-one of the CIA’s torture psychiatrists justify his participation-his hands on water boarding of detainees- is just sickening, and illustrates EXACTLY how deep the OGS denialist collusion-with-psychology rabbit hole goes. I mean, these guys got 81 million to design scientifically sound, but ethically bankrupt torture, just so Dick Cheney could catch a woodie again. I mean-who cares if your name is forever cemented in infamy-81 million will buy lots of return trips to Tel Aviv, where Russian hookers are cheaper than blow up dolls (this last phrase was for the guys at the Fusion Center.)

One case stands out in the online community of OGS victims as one man’s quest to overcome what most of us would call intense and life-crippling stigma from a couple of ‘bad night’s on the town’ in his time as a language teacher in China, which was later diagnosed as a mental disorder accompanied by delusions. While some might say he is mentally ill, o otherwise infer this or that-it cannot be forgotten that secret LSD experiments created lifelong informants and HUMINT out of whole cloth as well:

The case of minigh dimol aka ‘waterinch’ is all over “the internet”and his claim that on  several occasion’s, which he can date and virtually timestamp, of the “rapid onset” of his OGS “symptoms,and delusions” which he had NEVER had before meeting specific, nameable people in a foreign country and doing MDHA.”

Minigh dimol is extremely well spoken, and devotes a large part of their commentary to trying to explain the “psychosis” from a different viewpoint than labeling it mental illness. Most importantly-and this cannot be overlooked from a historical perspective, or from the stand point of sociology-it is noted that the way this person was introduced to MDMA is exactly how many were introduced to LSD at the height of the MKULTRA era:

“The terror stalking campaign involving the writer of this text is campaign that begins in the central region of Hunan Province China, a place called Shaoyang, were the target was a teacher. A torturous protracted nightly noise campaign disrupts his sleep for more than a year, and while he has on going discussions with the schools administration concerning the harassers, nothing is done.

After leaving his teaching postition at Shaoyang University, he relocates to the southern city of Guangzhou, the fourth largest city in Mainland China, for a year of language study, and though the torturous noise harassments seem a far away and in the past, his life is slowly visited by a series of mishaps, misfortunes, and an unexplained injury.

By the end of his year of study, supposed friends he had met in the second half of the year, have set a stage on which we see the target become entangled through set ups, thefts that include his laptop and other expensive items, all leading to the eventual onslaught of an intense gang stalking campaign, one that carefully causes him to feel that he under investigation for suspicions regarding the death of his parents, or is being set up to look as if he had murdered his parents, committed rape and other sorted and grotesque act.It is not until months later, after being in the US for a nearly five months, that he discovers that all he has experienced is part of a phenomena called terror stalking (also multistalking/gang stalking).

A simple search on the internet using the words ‘secret harassment’ enlightens him to the facts concerning the sick reality brought onto him by organized criminals who are bent on exercising a sadistic psychopathic practice, for reasons that are not understood by the victim. Learning from accounts of other victims, who in the initial stages of terror stalking, endure countless noise harassments, he is brought back in mind to Shaoyang University and his own encounter with such a form of harassment.

The unfortunate reality is that these exercises in the destruction of innocent peoples lives are happening to individuals in many countries of the world today, especially here in the United States and Canada.

The effects of terror stalking will undoubtedly cause the victim of this horrific crime to appear mentally unstable, for the tactics of psychological harassment, demoralization and dehumanization are so subtle and 100% tailored for the targeted individual, so that a target’s accounts of gang stalking, when heard by others, seems surreal, strange and unbelievable.

One of the contentions many people have said in response to my accounts what has happened of this seemingly protracted harassment and insidious activity, is that in the months between October and January of last year, I had engaged in the use of MDMA, with other foreigners in Guangzhou, China, most of them English teachers and foreign teachers. The use was limited to weekends only, and such weekend use was not consistent for the entire three to four month period, and tapered off by mid January. My association with these foreign teachers seems to have led to the set ups, and gaslighting which took place in mid February. It is clear in my mind that these foreign teachers lured me into weekend parties, so that when the terror stalking began, I could be labeled with substance abuse psychosis. This is often the protocal for terror stalking, to cause a victim to fall into vulnerable situations before the stalking.

I have been diagnosed with substance abuse psychosis in a number of institutions, simply because I have recollected out loud to others the event that took place in China in February of 2006. I might add that the serious assault using chemicals, fumes, and laced items of consumption would not have been ideal unless the victim, myself, had aquired a history, however short, or using MDMA. It lends much to having accounts of such covert harassment be labeled as substance abuse psychosis. All of the diagnosis of such have had no medical verification, and could very well be contested in court.

Substance abuse psychosis is typically due to extended periods of binge use, in people who are chronic longtime users, who use other drugs as well, and who also have unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles. Below is collected facts sited from DEA and research websites specific to MDMA psychosis. It states that such a psychosis due to MDMA is rarely seen, though may appear in persons who have had a history of mental illness, prior to using the MDMA. This victim of psychological harassment has never been diagnosed with any mental illness during his entire life, nor does such illnesses run in his family.

dimol has a large web presence, and the story is documented in many places on the web. If you follow the link above, you will find more links to dimol’s personal narrative and testimonial about OGS.

* the political class is not a new topic, nor is it imagined that they operate with scurrilous immunity, and impunity. In fact, CA, which leads national trends in politics and fashion, has had an ever-growing list of “untouchables” since they enacted the”cover our asses, not yours,” and “we can carry arms as per the second amendment, even as we stand against your own rights to do so,” policies of granting rights to anonymity, and the right to be “left alone” to those who work in government, policing, politics, and public sector unions. Beyond this being an affront to both the state constitution and the federal constitution as well, it is plainly unethical by any standard, and is one place we see that what are rights for some, are phrased as ‘privileges’ for others, as was the case in pre-Constitutional America.

In a recent conversation with a retired SWAT Lieutenant who had set up SWAT styled units across the world at the height of the drug wars, he noted that “everyone above a certain level of policing is a politician. They’re not even real cops. They make decisions based on politics,” and not even on what is or isn’t uniquely and Constitutinally American.

So, when examining topics as wide ranging and opinionated on “what is a police state” or “what is thee Domestic Violence Industrial Complex” it is valuable to note that those who have been shot or shot at, fash banged or otherwise seen combat, and those who have literally been on the front lines have a distinctly different viewpoint even of ‘what is a cop,’ than thse who work behind closed doors writing laws that are designed to protect them from insight, oversight, or even dissenting opinions.