Organized stalking and Five Eyes Alliance, disruption, online mobbing, and database abuse: documenting OGS with evidence

Most of those who write about OGS mention that they are frequently the targets of specialized internet harassment that takes various, often personalized forms*. There is the standard theft of email, sometimes as one writes it; there is the recurrent and constant theme of computers being hacked; and online manipulation of speakers who use words to communicate ideas to others, like we see with the outed JTRIG harassment-but the NSA/FBI DITU and military orgs, often working hand in hand with zionist hasbara roaches from Israel are all in on it, trying to censor and manipulate and control online dialogues, and targeting individual speakers. And, similar things went on in Germany just before the Holocaust as well, with zionists involved at every level.

Well, here, first have a look at the catalogue’s of spy tools that these institutions are using on unsuspecting citizens:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation catalogues  NSA spy tools aimed at us AND them-whoever “they are” since “they” became “us too”:

How the CIA spies on you through your TV, and more:

Renowned security guru Bruce Schneier has the British spies catalogue of tools:

One of the ways that the claims of TI’s can be tested-one of the simplest ways actually- is for any researcher to merely write a blog about OGS. Then, use the key words “organized gang stalking,” “gang stalking” “targeted individuals,” and any of any number of keywords that PRISM and XKEYSCORE, and their specially trained, biased and calculatingly and deviant religious analysts are targeting.

You will have more rapid results if you mention the fact that the US Department of Homeland Security gives special black budget money into the hundreds of millions to zionist-Jewish groups and organizations affiliated with the Anti-Defamation League, which they use for organized stalking. Or, if you mention the fact that the FBI is basically a zionist and cult-controlled organization that has benefited from illegal ADL spying operations for  generations, and those hidden campaigns of domestic terror/spying are waged by any of a number of fanatical cults and religious sects in America.

For example-in the summer of 2016, there were two high profile mass shootings, and each one of the shooters shared the fact that one of the many radical sects of radical zionist hatred, called the “Messianic Jews” were involved in workplace mobbing before these events took place. In both cases of Sayed Farook who was taunted about religion bullied in the work place by Nicholas Thalasinos, -and the mosque of Omar Mateen, the Florida shooter, was burned to the ground by a Messianic Jew from “Jews for Jesus” after the fact of his alleged shooting.

It is also not a stretch to note that these same zionists not only helped create Hitler, but they shared similar goals and killed millions of people, while using other egregious forms of database abuse, like the IBM punch cards that were used to round up gypsies, dissenters, the mentally ill, and many other categories of people.

Then, link that blog to any substantive conversation about warrantless surveillance, criticize this system of targeting pure speech online (and in our own ‘private’ emails), or criticize the plausible deniability and unaccountability built into this system, and especially criticize any law enforcement body in any of the 5Eyes nation-states, and watch the fireworks begin! Your blog will suddenly become the darling of the Five Eyes nations as the UK, Australia, New Zealand (have a look at what and WHO is in New Zealand),Canada, and the US start to hit your blog up EVERY DAY, 20-50 hits per day.

You will note that they key in to certain posts and pages that mention their culpability. This blog here is a recent favorite of some who read these specific posts below, nearly every day, in this order-and you can test these results yourself:

1) Gang stalking, Mormons, FBI/CIA recruitment of same
2) Gang stalking and punitive psychology
3) Gang stalking and the Martha Mitchell effect and influence operations; or how retired LEIU members act as auxilliary LEO’s, often outside the law-and as para-judiciary inluencers of the legal process.
4) the CIA and phone hacking/NSA mass surveilance of citizens/ crisis PR counter-narrative about OGS
5) Any post that criticizes, implicates, or indicts LEO’s as particpants in OGS
6) Any post that impicates military involvement in OGS
7) you will especially note that avid readers who target posts about how the surveillance state is a Panopticon especially seek your personal information/contact info/biographical data, and most of THOSE readers from military bases and so on.

In my experience, it takes about a week to ten days before the 5Eyes nations and their many web crawling, word hunting,speaker targeting data analysts, or targeted search bots/Palantir/Media Sonar/etc or any of a number of retired LEIU types and Israeli “mind controllers,” or just plain odd people who are immersed in the even-more-odd disinformation dialectic of the “paranormal” find your blog.

Then, kick your feet up and watch as your email accounts get broken into or your internet gets redirected, and your online life becomes “redirected,” or stalked even by identifiable operators( usually those who follow your blog are affiliated with the groups mentioned above). I advise that you do all of this “anonymously” within reason-but also advise you to use Tor as a research control, just so you can see how easily it is subverted. And then, do ‘timing attacks’ against your own blog using Tor as a control, and your own blog as a subject. Note how slow your blog/s load/s now-or especially, how when you type, your posts begin to drop letters here and there as if your keyboard is full of peanut butter, or cracker crumbs-or screen cast across a Fusion Center control room, or to a couple of squad cars up the block.

Use Tor on one browser, and then use several others- you should find that Tor will be ‘crashed’ frequently AFTER they find your blog, but NOT BEFORE. And, you will find as described above with the ‘suddenly sticky keyboard,” and more. Also, AFTER they find your blog, you will note that Tor loads incredibly slowly, and that frequent time-out errors will occur. Further, if you publish over Tor, you will find it to then be a target of other exploits from the Metasploit toolkit. Teardrop attacks are common, and timing attacks that crash the browser and then time your reconnection to both the internet and your blog-which also leaves your ‘cookie’ and sign in data floating about cyberspace are among the most common attacks.

And-if any of your (hopefully, deliberately anonymized and obscured) blogs become targets of this extra special attention, extra-legal, extra-judicial attention, notice also “what they are reading” across your blogs-that the subject matter frequently seeks to develop a “profile” of the writer as certain posts that contain “personal” information are pieced together to form a parallel constructed “you” in the mind or the dossier of an analyst, investigator, or agency black ops practitioner.

Test it yourself, and prove me wrong-after all, the “pro’s ” and professional activists present a unified front that OGS is a myth- a symptom of mental disease; an indicator that MORE isolation and discrediting is needed to contain the dangers of the world finding out about this practice that benefits those who practice it! So prove me wrong-if you can.

But I have found these things described above for over a decade (as have others), using multiple blogging platforms, multiple computers, from multiple states, countries and localities ranging from communist countries to countries that thrive on mob hush money, to here, in “the land of the free (lol)”and using multiple word/phrase selectors.
These terms and subjects I discuss above are the quickest, and most replicable to get the results I describe, but you can find your own.

The net result is a simple and can be replicated, and prima facie evidence that gang stalking is real in the sense that it triggers both PRISM-like bots and humans, but also triggers intense scrutiny and malfeasance: it is prima facie proof that CERTAIN speakers are targeted, and then harassed, or blog-stalked in the very least, and others are not. In the US, this means that a pre-judicial mechanism of “denial of equal protection” under the Constitution is in effect at a baseline of un-Constitutional government conduct (and really- most Silicon Valley startups from Google to Twitter and Facebook are ALL funded with seed capital from the CIA, and fully interactive with NSA/CIA/DIA/FBI packet capture/black operations via the internet ‘backbone’/influence operations/redirection/code injection/ at ALL times).

Lastly, I would like to point out another fact of OGS: if and when the writer reveals their actual IP location, or actual contact information, they will also be able to document “web interception and redirection” in a variety of ways. This story herein covers that. I bring this up, because upon the discovery of writers and others who document OGS, the Five Eyes then entraps the blog off shore, or on a server that cannot be traced back to them directly-that hose who work in these intelligence collection hubs ‘contain’ or entrap’ the blogs so that further black ops/surveillance/timing attacks/code injection can take place.And this too, can be monitored, and data collected to document that OGS online s indeed a “real thing” and evidence of same accrues as soon as a researcher follows the steps outlined above.

  • some things are just TOO predictable: as I wrote this post above, online-live- I was cut off the net, and the AP that I was using disappeared, replaced by several that are unfamiliar to me, or the location from where I blogged this post. I could not log back in because the AP I used( from a well known corporate coffee shop)completely disappeared. You just can’t invent some things. I ket sceen captures, but I do not have an anonymizer to strip the meta-data from those. But you can test this scenario yourself as well.

Organized stalking and keyword harvesting, aka PRISM and XKEYSCORE programs

One of the difficult aspects of researching organized gang staking is that government programs such as those exposed by Edward Snowden, actively monitor the topic of research, and make it difficult for the average citizen to write about their experiences, or to blog about the topic. Each Google search triggers a keyword search, and Google is in fact tied directly to the CIA and the NSA as well as a host of other agencies.

So, here I will demonstrate one of thousands of ways these agencies and their programs subvert  speech, harass online speakers, and skirt Constitutional scrutiny of any kind.

I have written blogs about some topics and never once had problems publishing in WordPress. Writing about organized stalking on the other hand, which is loaded with keywords that are certainly part of the hidden algorithms that target pure speech. This has the net effect of putting the writer ‘on their radar’ whoever they are at the moment.

This blog has been online for just around a week, and in that week I have been able to write smoothly, and efficiently every day. But just after I wrote about certain topics, three of the Five Eyes nations suddenly were interested in what I had to say. I will now type a paragraph and leave this paragraph in the exact form it is in when outside programs of speech monitoring interfere directly with the writing. Here goes:

I genrally type about fifty two words per minute, and seldom ny Wrdpress, but hen agency levek mechanisms interfere and frequentlyget Jscript type rrors, the writing iteself is deteriorated altered, or otherwise d by these pBelow is a screen so.

Now, I will return to the arduous task of documenting how these exploits affect content. The paragraph above was written as my screen flashed white, froze, and also that little blue circle that replaces the cursor appeared multiple times. For the first few days as I wrote this blg, on the exact computer I am using now, none of that happened. But after the Five  Eyes nations looked in, nothing but misery is a screenshot of tha

FiveEyes noticed.png
Writing in WordPress on the topic of organized gang stalking becomes nearly impossible after the Five Eyes nations become involved. This blog had been trouble free until March 2nd, when I get recurrent white screen freeze-ups, and jscript errors. My computer hasn’t changed, nor anything else. Only the fact that three out of five eyes looked in.

There are literally thousands of ways these agencies mess with free speech. This is just one of them.

This blog became nearly unusable yesterday after this incident as I wrote this. Then, when I left the place where I was writing, no less than one Fire Chief in a  Chevy Suburban, and three squad cars from two agencies were in the parking lot. I filmed this, and document it here as well. I will upload the film when I can, but for now, here is one blog that documented it extensively.I have not read through everything at that blog, nor can I attest to its veracity, but the author does appear to be credible.

Here is a snapshot she took of a neighbor, who has accosted her car:

I will look into this at a later time, and contact the blogs author, Bonnie Calcagno, but any researcher of OGS can as well. Perhaps there is mental illness, or some back story, but that does rationalize such blatant gas lighting and illegal intimidation.

Organized gang stalking, psychological and influence operations.

A large part of what the organized gang stalking dialectic seems to be is the result of psychological operations, and influence by suggestion. And some 70% of the blogs I have read talk about something called “electronic no touch torture,” which in my mind at least, is an accurate description of how one feels after their privacy is invaded, and or they are subjected to contact with agency level psychological operations. Every agency has a dirty tricks section, and they use them covertly, and judges and juries much less the average citizen are never aware they were there.

Even the world reknowned authorities David V. James and Lorraine Sheridan on OGS agree that the mysterious and nebulous “the internet” creates an “ideological echo chamber,” i.e. that for some, the targeted advertisements, the targeted switches and targeted routers i targeted American communities who have ISP’s that target words, and CEO’s that target speakers, and community policing that trickles in from the internet switch- and for targeted individualsThe internet creates a sort of ‘closed ideology echo chamber’ wherein people who share unusual beliefs reinforce each other’s thinking”

Which is, or course, by systemic design as we see the redirection method being used by “mystery money” funded startups to influence “jihadists” and the equally nebulous “right wing” alike via linguistic analyses, which is known as “persuasion,” and also “soft force mind control, and more. Then there is the direct access to any given targets mind via hacked cell phones, and then, hacked relationships-because that is EXACTLY what the Panopticon was designed to do.

Most sites and discussions about no touch torture are loaded at the front end and are themselves psychological operations. Butt of the few sites that are not, we see that it is a real concept, and practice.

Psychotherapist Otto Doerr-Zegers, who has treated Chilean victims tortured under General Augusto Pinochet stated; “The psychological component of torture becomes a kind of total theater, a constructed unreality of lies and inversion, in a plot that ends inexorably with the victim’s self-betrayal and destruction. …”

This is similar to the technique of “street theater” that mind control victims described in the Washington Post Magazine article. As torture victims are not mentally ill, mind control victims would not be mentally ill but rather have undergone and are undergoing a traumatic situation comparable to torture, such as the alleged illegal targeting with government mind control weapons.

Here below, is one of the ways it is deployed in the real world, from NBC news, is Britain’s JTRIG dirty tricks division:

“British spies have developed “dirty tricks” for use against nations, hackers, terror groups, suspected criminals and arms dealers that include releasing computer viruses, spying on journalists and diplomats, jamming phones and computers, and using sex to lure targets into “honey traps.”

Imagine yourself sitting down to write an email, and all of a sudden your connection is cut. Then, you look in the body of your email and that masterpiece that you spent some 10 minutes writing to your aunt Alice has also and without explanation, disappeared-and NO COPY EXISTS in you drafts folder.

The first time this happens to you, you would be pissed-but if it happened dozens of times as you write critical stuff-emails to your doctor, a hot tip to your bookie(*jk*), or an even hotter tip to a journalist who believes in Constitutional liberty, you would begin to see patterns in your own mind-that your data is being messed with inside you.And, in fact, the internet has literally come into your home, and changed your behavior even before your fingers hit the keyboard-and altered your actions inside you.

This is what no touch electronic torture really is in real world deployment. And while it may seem insignificant, it has the cumulative effect over time of wearing a person down, letting them know that they are being watched, and that crucial and critical communications are being stopped at one’s fingertips. Important friends and associations are being destroyed each time you bring up these “odd happenings.”

And this, combined with other electronic no touch torture: your computer is hacked repeatedly, or flashing white screens; your cell phone apps turning your phone on and off seemingly at will, or the coincidental amplification of your conversation in your ear. here are literally hundreds of ways that a persons phone can be messed with, and TI’s talk about that too. Taken as a broader picture, it is the cumulative effect that does the damage.

Torture in any form is abhorrent, and never necessary, despite the claims of those who torture, who also happen to be the same people who have collected all of our internet data and are now culling through it  with 17 other agencies for blackmail purposes. If I had told you this is what is happening even five years ago, you would have called me a nutter. And now, I bet, even you are afraid to say it out loud much less do anything about it. First they came for the crazy guy on the internet….

Using neuro-linguistic programming techniques as simple as Google auto search”suggestion,” and subtle verbal intimidation, as well as the deployment of various internet tricks, such as cutting off a persons ability to write blogs, or the interception of emails, much of what we see can be said to have the hallmarks of classic operant conditioning, combined with learned helplessness.

This last link is important because many in the dialectic feel as though they will never be able to overcome their situation. And, the one venue they have, the internet, is subverted at every point as heir blogs get hacked, and their emails intercepted, and so on. Some 50% or more of the hundreds of blogs I have read indicate that these things happen. So it could be an indicator that there is something afoot, as other online communities of bloggers do not report these things, dwell on them, or even infer that they happen.

So, even a casual investigator of this community will readily recognize this feature. And, there appear to be some blogs that use learned helplessness language, and others that d not. Simple phrases like oh, targets, just get used to it, Wherever we go, there will always be gang stalkers,” and so on. A great example of that is the blog, where the writer never loses the chance to use negative language that reinforces the hopelessness of those who go here for advice.( I refuse to provide a link it is that negative.)

Extra Bonus: Here is the CIA page for psychological operations to control populations.

Sigmund Freud, in “Civilization and its Discontents,” notoriously classified modern men as “men of action,” and the intelligence agencies are really into that.

“The man who is predominantly erotic will give first preference to his emotional relationships to other people; the narcissistic man, who inclines to be self-sufficient, will seek his main satisfactions in his internal mental processes; the man of action will never give up the external world on which he can try out his strength….”

-Sigmund Freud

And, in the targeted individual community, there is no small irony that they begin to refer to themselves as “TI’s” when in fact the PsyWar equivalent is the “TA” meaning targeted audience.

Here from the CIA link above:

The intelligence officer is not inspired by the purpose of merely collecting and evaluating information or making analytic studies. His mission is not an end in itself, but a means to an end — a contribution to the defense and foreign policy objectives of his country. His work is therefore meaningful only to the extent that the information he provides is utilized through appropriate action. The individual operator’s performance, to be sure, does not lose merit if significant information which he acquired in due time and reported to proper authority is not acted upon; but the intelligence organization as a whole has failed to function effectively if the information it produces does not lead to some kind of policy determination or action.

I must at this juncture make note that in classic schizophrenia, there has always been the element that these claim that they are being followed or harassed by the CIA or the FBI. While organized gang stalking DOES have these claims within it, sometimes, even the paranoids are right, as we se now with the Palantir database which is equipped with artificial intelligence an predictive software, as well as a host of other means by which to ‘read a person’s mind’ and control or manipulate their online behaviors.

But it’s simply not fair to blame the CIA for everything, although it is convenient, and the idea is within the vernacular of most people.Since Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA is sweeping up the data of everyone, and all Americans as well, we are now able to track the basic flow of this data in news stories that document the reach of this grand psychological operation we see that the picture is much bigger, in much more horrible ways than the CIA could imagine all by its lonesome.

Here in this link are the tactics and techniques of guiding, misguiding, or poisoning the dialectic entirely, and then, disguising victims in the cloak of mental illness.Any researcher of organized gang stalking will find correlations between the phhrase “electronic harassment” and discrediting tactics outlined in the CIA manual. In the targeted individual community, the psy-war elements are everywhere.

The Five Eyes nations are all in on it, and Great Britain is one of the worst offenders, using the dirty tricks division JTRIG to compromise, blackmail, and discredit targeted individuals.

A slide from the JTRIG dirty tricks and mind control presentation. Note the emphasis of “making something happen in the real world.” Mass shooters anyone? What else are these guys “making to happen?”via The Intercept

Israel has been getting ALL Americans data since forever, and waging hasbara and other psyops across the globe to enforce, reinforce, or otherwise promote Jewish religion and culture (the apartheid, mind control, old lady killing zionist version  of it.)

From the Washington Post:

“The relationship was described in a “Memorandum of Understanding” between the NSA and the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU)”

So- if those are “our friends”-our enemies must be real shitbags right?  But even China has yet to catch up with us as comes to waging active psy-war on it’s citizens. We can read  CNN as they try to downplay the fact that China is doing EXACTLY what the Five Eyes alliance is doing to suppress, control, discredit and destroy the free speech rights of western nations.Meet the CNN  version of “the Great Cannon of China.”

But-does it hold up well against the Free Speech Steamroller that we use? Only time will tell-or, maybe someone can  get standing to sue our agencies and see what they are really up to. I bet the Chinese are rolling in laughter as they watch how the agencies and law enforcement in general are using our Constitution as toilet paper.

Lastly, it cannot be understated that “the CIA tortured some folks.” And that the American Psychiatry Association provided advice as to how to do this. Meanwhile, their guys always get the help they need when they are done torturing others. I don’t mean to imply that the CIA and other’s are using the internet as a form of torture for some, but YES THAT IS WHAT I AM IMPLYING. But clearly, they aren’t the only ones doing it.

Mao has nothing on our guys when it comes to propaganda, and mind control techniques, and China last I checked had no Manchurian Candidates.