Organized stalking and keyword harvesting, aka PRISM and XKEYSCORE programs

One of the difficult aspects of researching organized gang staking is that government programs such as those exposed by Edward Snowden, actively monitor the topic of research, and make it difficult for the average citizen to write about their experiences, or to blog about the topic. Each Google search triggers a keyword search, and Google is in fact tied directly to the CIA and the NSA as well as a host of other agencies.

So, here I will demonstrate one of thousands of ways these agencies and their programs subvert  speech, harass online speakers, and skirt Constitutional scrutiny of any kind.

I have written blogs about some topics and never once had problems publishing in WordPress. Writing about organized stalking on the other hand, which is loaded with keywords that are certainly part of the hidden algorithms that target pure speech. This has the net effect of putting the writer ‘on their radar’ whoever they are at the moment.

This blog has been online for just around a week, and in that week I have been able to write smoothly, and efficiently every day. But just after I wrote about certain topics, three of the Five Eyes nations suddenly were interested in what I had to say. I will now type a paragraph and leave this paragraph in the exact form it is in when outside programs of speech monitoring interfere directly with the writing. Here goes:

I genrally type about fifty two words per minute, and seldom ny Wrdpress, but hen agency levek mechanisms interfere and frequentlyget Jscript type rrors, the writing iteself is deteriorated altered, or otherwise d by these pBelow is a screen so.

Now, I will return to the arduous task of documenting how these exploits affect content. The paragraph above was written as my screen flashed white, froze, and also that little blue circle that replaces the cursor appeared multiple times. For the first few days as I wrote this blg, on the exact computer I am using now, none of that happened. But after the Five  Eyes nations looked in, nothing but misery is a screenshot of tha

FiveEyes noticed.png
Writing in WordPress on the topic of organized gang stalking becomes nearly impossible after the Five Eyes nations become involved. This blog had been trouble free until March 2nd, when I get recurrent white screen freeze-ups, and jscript errors. My computer hasn’t changed, nor anything else. Only the fact that three out of five eyes looked in.

There are literally thousands of ways these agencies mess with free speech. This is just one of them.

This blog became nearly unusable yesterday after this incident as I wrote this. Then, when I left the place where I was writing, no less than one Fire Chief in a  Chevy Suburban, and three squad cars from two agencies were in the parking lot. I filmed this, and document it here as well. I will upload the film when I can, but for now, here is one blog that documented it extensively.I have not read through everything at that blog, nor can I attest to its veracity, but the author does appear to be credible.

Here is a snapshot she took of a neighbor, who has accosted her car:

I will look into this at a later time, and contact the blogs author, Bonnie Calcagno, but any researcher of OGS can as well. Perhaps there is mental illness, or some back story, but that does rationalize such blatant gas lighting and illegal intimidation.

Gang stalking and proof: proof costs money-who can compete with Goldman Sacks, or George Soros, or government stalkers deep pockets?

Who finances organized gang stalking, proof, George Soros, Goldman Sacks, Government Stalking.

“Who finances gang stalking?”

What’s the difference between 3 million and 4 billion dollars anyways? Decorated intelligence officer William Binney  built a machine to monitor the communications of foreign targets for just over 3 million. Then, he became a whistle blower when the NSA and the FBI targeted and harassed him– and they used “their machine” instead, which cost 4 BILLION dollars, and entraps the communications of EVERY AMERICAN.

Their version of the great terrorist/badguy/activist/journalist/whistleblower/pedophile  catcher machine (The TBAJWPCM72) costs the taxpayer between 52 and 72 billion dollars per year. And YOU pay for organized gang stalking every time you vote for security over liberty; your own silence over speaking up. And that isn’t counting the lawsuits that occur as a direct result of this “small town terrorism.”

Because of the hidden, well orchestrated and well financed occult (meaning hidden, and in this case, black budget) nature of organized gang stalking, proof is very hard to find in the narratives of those who claim they are stalked. However, as you read through this blog you will see several well documented incidents of systematic, organized harassment, and few of the people who report this are crazy, or mentally ill in the sense of organic mental illness.

What the victims of OGS are, often times, is under extreme stress, and duress, and sometimes under a form of psychosis that has been described in psychology, but not specifically in relation to tareted individuals, until we see that psychology is complicit in cases such as Martha Mitchell, and Jean Seberg, and maybe even your neighborhood “delusional person.”. And no doubt many Targeted Individuals do have pre-existing or recent onset symptoms of mental illness, and those who victimize them are frequently the cause of it.

What must be considered is a mental health related question of “who finances gang stalking?” This question routinely comes up in many blogs and video’s, but until recently, few of the bloggers attempted to answer this question. So, what must be considered is the proven cases of gang stalking that I have written about so far. Other researchers can find other proofs, and balance claims of OGS against what is extant, but here below arjust a e a few I have covered up to now.

Stockton city manager Bob Deis had the well heeled police/fire union move in next door to him and wage an endless campaign of noise terror, and more. This was financed by tax paying citizens, who can’t seem to find real work anywhere, while literal domestic terror is waged by public sectr employees to protect their double and riple police and fire pension funds. The situation was so absurd that they even bought the house next to Deis to pad their portfolio. Meanwhile, like many cities across America that are being bilked in the “see something say something” make work scheme’s of these public servants, Stockton was then, and is now, totally broke and in massive debt. Bob Deis lost his job.

Anti-corruption blogger Jeff Pataky had nearly an entire police department ruin his life, and it was financed by local, state and federal taxes paid by citizens. And if I recall, he was caught up in a domestic dispute with his wife who later dated or got “extremely close to” one of her heroic saviors from the police department, which is a common theme in many of these cases.Makes one wonder- if you have nothing to hide, then….

And in these two cases alone, we see a pattern emerge which I will flesh out later, bt it appears that a mercenary element within police and public unions and institutions is blatantly abusing their power, and benefiting financially.

For example, when Rick Krlich and his wife Cindy bought a house in Hubbard Ohio, and the local police overlooked and even participated in what amounts to a ten year harassment campaign similar to the year that Bob Deis endured, and that waged by the local fire chief ;or the seven plus years that Jeff Pataky was targeted, these campaigns domestic terror have consequences and real mental health effects.

And I am certain that local residents aren’t always aware that this is the way their funds are being spent-and certainly each of these cities gets federal dollars as well, which makes these local occurrences a federal question. I mean-how many fires do they have in Hubbard Ohio? So I imagine those engines, and the fire fighters in them aren’t very busy with anything OTHER THAN stalking Krlich.

Well known whistle blowers William Binney and Kirk Wiebe, Dianne Roark, and many more were fired for blowing the whistle on NSA spying on American’s, and the agencies then set out to destroy them. After Binney tried to stop the NSA from spying on American’s while also saving taxpayers a few billion dollars– he was fired, stalked, and indicted for it after the FBI kicked his doors in and tossed his house. And all that because he tried to save the taxpayers a few billion dollars. Remind me again- who are the good guys?

So- when the researcher of organized gang stalking encounters the question, often written in a mocking tone on the extant blogs online,  “but where do the gang stalkers get all the money??” it is usually “one of them,” mocking the impotence of the people to defend themselves against this new and horrific privacy rape, fraudulent spending, and military madness.

Of course, if you have nothing to hide-then let’s talk about who finances gang stalking, and let’s have a look at the way these massive black budgets are being spent. But stop trying to silence victims of it.Because it costs tax payers billions of dollars per year in waste, fraud, and abuse.

Thin Thread versus TrailBlazer: a 4 million dollar loss, at the expense of the taxpayers of the United States. Here is some of William Binney’s interview with Juan Gonzalez on NPR in 2012:

JUAN GONZALEZ: What—did it have a name, the program?

WILLIAM BINNEY: Well, it was called Thin Thread. I mean, Thin Thread was our—a test program that we set up to do that. By the way, I viewed it as we never had enough data, OK? We never got enough. It was never enough for us to work at, because I looked at velocity, variety and volume as all positive things. Volume meant you got more about your target. Velocity meant you got it faster. Variety meant you got more aspects. These were all positive things. All we had to do was to devise a way to use and utilize all of those inputs and be able to make sense of them, which is what we did.

JUAN GONZALEZ: And when they didn’t use your system, they—the NSA developed another or attempted to develop another system to do the same?

WILLIAM BINNEY: Well, that one failed. They didn’t produce anything with that one.

AMY GOODMAN: And that one was called?

WILLIAM BINNEY: Trailblazer, yeah.

AMY GOODMAN: Trailblazer, and—

WILLIAM BINNEY: I called it—I called it five-year plan number one. Five-year plan number two was Turbulence. Five-year plan number three is—

AMY GOODMAN: And Trailblazer cost how much money?

WILLIAM BINNEY: That was, I think, in my—my sense, was a little over $4 billion.

AMY GOODMAN: Four billion dollars.


AMY GOODMAN: But it was scuttled. It was done away with in 2006?

WILLIAM BINNEY: Yes, ’05, I think it was. But yes, that’s right. And we developed our program with $3 million, roughly.

Decorated intelligence officer William Binney’s sworn testimony here.

While on the surface, a casual researcher of organized gang stalking might not see the correlation between police and fire departments, and bloggers, and whistle blowers, most legitimate alternative media does see it; and legitimate psychologists can make the link. Further, in the cases above, we see the pattern: whistle blowing or challenging officials; real estate investments, federal dollars,well connected and well organized groups in positions of trust, and narrative control- who can and can’t have a job in modern America to pay a mortgage; and then, massive fraud on the courts and the localities that have no idea this is going on, thanks to the collusion of some in mass media, influence operations, and psychology.

So, when a psychologist might say (as Dr. Michael Wood said) “well, the term itself doesn’t appear in the literature,” or that ” these people who claim this all show clear indicators of delusions,”you can point them here, to this one article, and work your way back from here. While each case may be different in it’s facts or in it’s “onset” it is indisputable that it is a real thing, and it is very well financed.


Organized stalking, the Martha Mitchell effect, and disinformation.

While many people are currently being persecuted in ways that are seldom discussed in the news, when they write about it online, they are targeted for extra harassment by paid agents of the state-many states- who are seeking to create a class of citizens for whom justice is denied.

While the actual cases of actual cases of actual people who are stalked are not always the best written accounts, nor do those so targeted possess the best writing skills, sadly, they are mocked for their attempts to bring attention to this topic.

As is well known today, the CIA and other intelligence agencies have long been influential in media, steering stories and content. Today, there is-for some reason- a huge media push to discredit those who claim they are gang stalked. Why is that?

Internet culture is infused with this thing called the Streisand effect which states that the harder one tries to stop, or censor an idea, a meme, or a story that has truth in it, the bigger the story becomes. And, there is the Martha Mitchell effect which is a common ploy by psychologists to label all people who  have been harmed byillegal government activity as schizophrenics:

The Martha Mitchell effect is a process by which a belief is mistakenly diagnosed as a delusion by a psychiatrist. This is named after Martha Beall Mitchell (the wife of John Mitchell, the United States Attorney General in the Nixon administration), who alleged that illegal activity was taking place in the White House. At the time her claims were thought to be signs of mental illness, and only after the Watergate scandal broke was she proved right (and hence sane).

DISCLAIMER: this post will now take on a “satirical tone” as regards the seriously flawed work of Dr, Lorraine Sheridan, who interviewed “the internet” in order to formulate an opinion about OGS that is “New Yarwk Times” worthy (the many pieces of orve CIA propaganda that have run in the Times are themselves wrthy of derision and satire.)

Starting in about June of 2016, major media began a discrediting narrative, and attempted to smear and defame those who claim they have been gang stalked. They quoted a highly un-scientific study by a likely transhumanist intelligence cult type psychologist, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, (it was little more than an online poll, really) of people who claimed to be stalked. Unsurprisingly, she did not interview a single person in person, and relied upon anonymous internet results.

And, she attempts to relegate the entire community into a single category of nutters-likely schizophrenics. Hmmm. Where have we seen that before?

Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, who is co-author of perhaps the only study of gang-stalking, said the community poses a danger that sets it apart from other groups promoting troubling ideas, such as anorexia or suicide. On those topics, the internet abounds with medical information and treatment options.

An internet search for “gang-stalking,” however, turns up page after page of results that regard it as fact. “What’s scary for me is that there are no counter sites that try and convince targeted individuals that they are delusional,” Dr. Sheridan said.

“They end up in a closed ideology echo chamber,” she said.


Speaking of “closed echo chambers”-Dr. Sheridan and her comrade David V. James make a living running with DVIC narratives, and authoring work that panders to the ability to gain the feelz crowd and its associated crybullies by draining the tax payer, while pandering primarily to the middle class, and it’s poice mechanisms.

And here, “Boingboing media” runs with that, and discredits those who expose organized gang stalking (and really-who the hell is “Boingboing” media anyways? The intel agencies start as many news stories today as they stop, and literally use media to wage “influence operations,” aka “mind control-how weird is THAT? Thaaat? Thaaaaat? T-h-aaaaaat….?)

Here is doctor Lorraine Sheridan, speech pathologist:

Dr Lorraine Sheridan

Here is all of her contact information. This information is posted in other publicly available outlets, and is posted in the public’s interests, directing researchers and TI’s to the NYT’s primary contact person and undisputed internet “authority” on OGS.

Position Senior Lecturer
Faculty Faculty of Health Sciences
School School of Psychology and Speech Pathology
Campus Bentley Campus
Location 401

Here’s Curtin University’s phone number-call them, they look like one of those online colleges that could use some attention-any attention:

Telephone: +61 8 9266 9266
Fax: +61 8 9266 3131

I suggest you call and write Ms. Sheridan anonymous letters-letters, and emails, emails, anonymous, anonymous, frequently, very anonymously, and very frequently, from several different anonymous email services. Because based on her online poll/survey/study that was so prominently featured in the NYT, she’s a big fan and devoted believer in the power and truth of anonymity, and the internet to tell the truthto tell the truth.

And call Ms. Sheridan at her office a lot. A LOT. A looooot.

Call her every day, and give her a piece of your mind-or not. She’d probably dissect it with a child’s scissors, and eat it, if my read on her type of psychological approach to silencing victims of OGS is any indicator. After all-wasn’t Hannibal Lecter a big fan of talking around his victims, even as he talked to them?

Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, gang stalking, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan gang stalking study, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan contact information, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan email address, anonymous internet poll, David V. James, handmaidens of international finance, neo-con toilet slaves and other academics.

Here is the guy that the New York Times chose to pass off as the poster child for the online gang stalking community. His name is Timothy Trespas:

Timothy Trespas, the New York Times poster child for gang stalking (Dude-why did you let them USE YOU this way?-Oh, never mind. It’s what they do!)

From the NYT article

A growing tribe of troubled minds

Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them.

The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.

And history has shown on nearly every available opportunity that the pseudo-science of psychology, combined with propaganda, which is itself a sort of echo chamber of citations, and accreditation that bounces references after references of other pseudo-science and theoretical hypotheticals off of each other, works hand in hand with EVERY abuse by any government EVER on unsuspecting citizens, and that, backed by a powerful Bernaysian theoretical base of influence operations.