The three Little Pigs and one Big, truly bad in a “good way” Wolf.

“Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.”-the Shirky-Masnik bureaucracy perpetuation principle.

A tale of two Doctors: Moss David Posner versus Lorraine Sheridan, and the author of the resoundingly debunked study on gang stalking.

The Good Doctor Posner

Dr. Moss David Posner was an M.D., and a former Viet Nam draft resistor– a man for whom involuntary conscription into the military forces was both unethical, and a necessary act of resistance, as he was charged with the care of his elderly parents. He made a reluctant decision to become a conscientious objector against the Viet Nam draft.

Like many men of his era,  and men of all era’s where men are seen as cheap dsiposable  labor and military cannon fodder, he was targeted and prosecuted with every niggling and quibbling detail under the laws that existed at the time- and those laws targeting men as potential victims of the sex-biased draft. The local draft board “expressly found that Posner was not a “genuine conscientious objector,” and like all laws that target male labor, male resistance, or male calls for ethical treatment-and that attempt to frame, or conscript men into violence one way or another, Posner lost his bid at resistance (the Domestic Violence Industry is the modern reaction formation from the MIC, and it’s dominists and zionists to men who resisted the draft).

Years later, after service to the state of California working with prisoners in some of the worlds most inhumane prisons, he was fired for treating prisoners humanely. He died in 2011, and was buried in Beth Israel cemetery, just as gang stalking had started to become a main stream topic.

For many decades after his act of civil disobedience, and throughout his prison advocacy efforts, where he quite nefariously advocated for the humane treatment of elderly prisoners-Dr. Posner endured organized gang stalking for decades, and he counseled others who also have been targets of this military-police-community policing-corporate stalking nightmare. He taught coping mechanisms and tactics on how to “fight back” using peaceful means of resistance, and and he is remembered as a man who fought “the good fight.”

Here are two of the several video’s that he and others put on Youtube to preserve his efforts, but there are many more, and you can find tidbits about him around the net:


In order to understand the exact nature of how the discrediting and disinformation smear campaigns work in regards to gang stalking, here is a screen capture of a Google search for Dr. Posner’s video’s, with Google autocomplete utilizing “suggestions,” which any hypnotist, propagandist, or other influence operator will recognize by its colloquial name, which is “mind control:


Also keep in mind that Google, which  keeps a “back door” open on all Google searches, routing everything you search directly to the NSA and the CIA, but also to the FBI and some 14 other intelligence agencies-and which have notoriously co-opted the communication channels via back door searches in real time of all Google data. And, Google is basically a CIA creation to begin with. Wait a minute: did the CIA create Google, or did Google create the CIA?  In a word of smoke and mirrors, sometimes the cut outs look identical.

There literally is no difference between them now, except for the black bag jobs, and the assassinations and high level targeting of…consumers, of course. OH-and the physical as opposed to mental torture. Oh and the budgets- Google makes WAAAAAAY more money. Oh wait…..

Related Story: How the CIA built Google

“They” see gangs of deep state parrots, crisis PR professionals, and psychologists who are complicit with the Military Industrial Complex and the Carceral State.

Those Other doctors

In the summer of 2016, as the American election was in full swing, and the partisan MSM as revealed as a mere tool of deep state propaganda dissemination rather than anything even remotely close to being the heralded “fourth estate” that championed the will of the people, a string of mass shootings took place across America, and across the world. Lie most staged terror events that are eventually traced to deep state interests, Israel, or one of many international banking cartels, the summer of 2016 was unique in that the collusion between deep state narrative and actual homicides was linked irrevocably.

The issue of “targeted individuals” who are victims of organized gang stalking was linked as well. because some of these mass shooters had contacted online resource and support groups to attempt to get the help that modern psychiatry will not, and cannot provide to TI’s, chiefly because psychiatry is in bed with the Domestic Violence Industrial Complex (DVIC), the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC), all of which are also involved heavily with the drug companies and the mega-pharmaceutical interests.

What a difference a few decades make. In the era of Dr Posner resisting the draft and today, deep state involved mass shootings have swelled, as has the PIC and endless war. And one important detail that cannot be missed is how deeply in bed all of the above named interests are with both psychiatry and Big Pharma, but also with main stream media(MSM), which is little more than a propaganda dispensary.

It is here where the internet became for some an outlet of alternative news, and hard hitting social critique that filled a gap where the left-which once spoke for prison refrm and humane treatment-slid to the right, and now spoke for endless war and incarceration rates that are at record levels.

Through fear inducement and morality panics, the old left had become the neo-con new right, and they began to craft very misanthropic rationalizations and trans-humanist messages in Kantian “greater good” packages.  And all of this with “official sources” backing deep state social engineering schemes, one of which was gun control through the memetic that “targeted individuals” are dangerous.

It was at this un-American juncture where the New York Times met the Canadian “journalist” Mike McPhate, and his cohabitants in deep state propaganda factories, Australian psychologist and speech pathologist Dr. Loraine Sheridan, both of whom willingly and not-naively played along with disinformation and discrediting of TI’s and other vulnerable individuals-but also broad brushed all of those who experience abuse buy hidden surveillance state players into the category of mentally ill.

Like much of the NYT’s recent propaganda work, Sheridan was the perfect fit for their “official source,” and no doubt she has been handsomely rewarded since she forever juxtaposed junk science with mental health in a way that foreshadowed the death of the reputability of both journalism and psychiatry .

The infamous article was ominously billed as

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers

Here, below, is the clown prince of information mediation about gang stalking via the discrediting narrative His name is Mike McPhate, and this picture is from his Twitter account (which was curiously silent just after the backlash from this dubious piece). I suggest you contact him-frequently-and ask him about gang stalking. And-contact him from an anonymous email on “the internet,” because the study that he supports believes in anonymous input.


mike mcphate
Mike McPhate of the NYT wrote the piece that quoted Sheridan: Deep State Stooge, or just another Mockingbird in the flock? Either way, @mcphate is the poster child for the question: is the MSM just another MIC tool of social control and fake news?

And here below, once again  is the “official source” and “only person to ever do a study on gang stalking that was quoted all over the internet as an authority on organized gang stalking- his handmaiden in propaganda dispensing, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan (not including Posner, Dietrich, or dozens of others who have done studes on this EXACT toic, and several related topics-which McPhate did not. Such is the nature of journalism today-who needs a fact checker-or facts for that matter, when the deep state is running propaganda into your mouth and out your ass?)

Without irony, these two concocted a narrative of “what is organized gang stalking” by consulting an arguably mentally ill person, Timothy Trespas*, and then, adding to their “sources” the results of Sheridan’s study where she literally, and without irony, interviewed “the internet” for her data, without speaking to any real person, in person. Let that sink in a bit, and get back to me. I thou, Ich Du and all that, right Dr. Wood?

But one of the main themes from all these “official sources” seems to be that shutting down un-mediated, un-infiltrated, and un-fileted discussion by victims of OGS is a necessary step to understanding the dialogue-and that by isolating individuals who have been gang staked, problem solved!

Even and especially, one of the few others who have attempted to muddy the dialectic of OGS, Elizabeth E. Dietrich, also recommends “isolation” of “these” individuals, because conversation-words- are somehow dangerous. Not without irony or coincidence, she is widely quoted by those in the gay community, and those who believe that every Twitter post have a “trigger warning.” Speech, it seems, is a threat to some people-especially those who have harmed others with junk science.

But these people are not simply attempting to stifle free expression, they are also trying to control a narrative, which has historically been the work of the CIA itself, and even the New York Times as a propaganda outlet for the CIA to take a leak.

As one example of how tightly controlled and diabolical all of this narrative control is, one must look at Sheridan’s partner in crime that co-authored the study, David V. James, who studies stalking, and authors pieces that indicate words are a threat to him as well, and all of their work, one notices almost immediately, is tailored to the current terrorism and “threat assessment” funding sources, and then, threat assessments of critical opinions of their ‘work.’ And all of that without a blink of irony, as these two perpetrated a major hoax where words became threats, and actual victims discredited.

To whit, here is some titles of his work:

The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre: preventing harm and facilitating care


And this one below, a classic form of pre-emptive CYA when one of his botched ‘patients’ gets wise to operand conditioning, or other forms of the classic Martha Mitchell type official pinion gas-lighting that is prevalent in creationist communities, or police states and third world dictatorships, as well as neo-con artists that finance navel gazing junk science:

Which brings me back to Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, and the difference between Dr. Moss David Posner, activist, prisoners rights advocate, and Viet Nam War era draft resistor: the main targets of MIC stalking are always peace activists, dissidents, and others who challenge the lockup on “narrative.” Or who use “bad words,” that challenge these other coward directly.
While victims of OGS range from whistle blowers like decorated intelligence officer William Binney, to common victims of real estate developers and the llocal police such as Timothy Trespas, what any and all ‘studies’ of gang stalking indicate is that the pro’s want to keep a lid on it in the least, and to stop discussion about it entirely without their “divine intervention”. Cuz, bad words hurt waaaay more than bombs on babies heads in Syria, or Gaza; and certainly woods hertz way more to the sensitives in the trigger warning crowd.
Here is Dr. Sheridan’s work, co-authored by James:
Then, adding to the “BDS is Hitler!!” echo chamber that these academics are trapped in, there is Elizabeth E. Dietrich, who comes to similar conclusions-that OGS claimants are dangerous, and should be isolated. Without doubt, all these ‘official sources’ agree-isolation, and then, defamation via diagnoses is the key to containing the narrative, and that these ‘crazies’ must be silenced.
Where have we heard THAT before? Why, nowhere other than the famous case of Martha Mitchell, who helped break the Nixon Watergate scandal, when her psychologist called her delusional. This is called “the Martha Mitchell effect” which is a close cousin of “the Streisand Effect.”
Here is Dietrich’s easily discredited work-maybe you can help her, and  make her ‘internet famous’ and maybe, explain her flawed, kind of dangerous reasoning about isolating individuals (which has NEVER been shown to be a positive therapy):
Is it just me, or are all these Nazi sounding names on these psychologists a coincidence? Maybe I am losing my mind, with a bit of help, because no psychologist I have ever known would or ethically could agree that silencing victims-or isolating actually mentally ill people- is EVER a good idea.
These names: David V. James, and Lorraine Sheridan, and Elizabeth Dietrich, should forever exist next to names like the Nazi Joseph Mengele, and the CIA’s LSD doctor, Sidney Gottlieb, and the CIA torture psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jesssen who made 81 million pushing junk science, phony psychology, and human rights abuses.
These diabolical MIC people and those who tailor their opinions for maximum police state dollars are really are practicing what has historically been called “punitive psychology” in many cases.  Not that some claimants aren’t possibly “ill,” but also, many certainly are not, such as the cases where whistle blowers and reporters  like Jessica Miles, and many others describe the same exact things as victims of OGS; or where low level politicians like Bob Deis in Stockton CA are stalked and harassed by the police union.
And, the practices that are described by victims are certainly the kind of thing that can cause stress, and PTSD, as well as what appear to be delusions because the “good guys” are in fact one and the same as those who harass them. And when you add official source gas-lighting from the ‘healing professions’, certainly that can’t help.
So if anything in the data is clear, it is that psychologists are obsessed with narrative control, and discrediting those who claim they have been gang stalked.
SO, any legitimate researcher, civil or criminal defense lawyer or other advocate that seeks to understand a targeted individuals complaint for a lawsuit about organized gang stalking, one must factor in the ‘suppression mechanism” that some psychologists are using.
But Timothy Trespas, who was featured prominently on the cover of the story, and who looks like a guy who has spent one two many nights on skid row, coincidentally lives in one of New York’s gentrifying communities, where there is a high correlation between the likelihood of low income people being harassed and targeted with gang stalking, and property developers who hire teams of armed thugs to push the homeless out of these areas-as their is a connection between OGS and real estate.

While the most famous case of real estate related gang stalking could well be the case of Bob Deis in Stockton Ca, happened in Stockton CA, where  the police and fire unions bought the house next to him and waged a war of attrition after Deis suggested cuts to pension funds, there are many others.

I could go on, but for any genuine researcher of organized gang stalking, the tale of two doctors should be instructive. One man with ethics, a conscience, and a cause; a bunch of others like the many heads of a Hydra, or Medusa herself, squawking  lies and disinformation like panhandlers and hucksters with their paws so deep in the deep state that it is nearly impossible to refute them properly.

But if we put on our thinking caps, and disconnect the wires from these ‘offical sources’ I am sure there’s hope for TI’s-once we locate the source of their gas-lighting (which comes from official sources) and their “electronic harassment” (which is what we know today as the total surveillance state and its constant wiretapping of ALL citizens, hooked in with community policing that has so far existed in hidden form.) Then, we can clealy see that the only “implants” involved are these people, planted like a CIA leak in mainstream media.