Bombing suspect mentally ill. Deep State cozies up: another #badguy Foiled! Stop me if you start to see patterns. Obsession with patterns can indicate schizophrenia.

Note to the reader: mental health professionals see patterns and obsession with coincidences as signs of mental illness. Tell me if you see a pattern here, with YET ANOTHER MI kid entrapped in a “terrorist plot.”

Attempted bombing suspect’s family issues statement [full story here]

by Kyle Schwab, & Meg Wingerter Published: August 16, 2017 8:57 AM CDT Updated: August 16, 2017 9:02 AM CDT

Family members of Jerry Drake Varnell issued a statement late Tuesday night regarding his involvement in Saturday’s attempted bombing of a downtown Oklahoma City bank building.

“We as a family are extremely distraught about this situation with our son Jerry Drake Varnell, but what the public must understand is that he is a paranoid schizophrenic and is extremely susceptible to different types of ideology that normal people would deem immoral. Underneath his condition, he is a sweet-hearted person and we are extremely shocked that this event has happened. However, what truly has us flabbergasted is the fact that the FBI knew he was schizophrenic. The State of Oklahoma found him mentally incompetent and we, his parents have legal guardianship over him by the Court. These documents are sealed from the public, which is why no news media outlet has been able to obtain them. The FBI clearly knew that he was schizophrenic because they have gathered every ounce of information on him. Reading the criminal complaint against him has brought us great pause due to the numerous lies from the informant. We do not have an underground bunker! We built our home a few years ago and bought a storage container, as we use it for a storm shelter. We only recently pushed dirt up around it to make it safe. The building is used for storage and is NOT a bunker full of food and supplies, in fact the doors close from the outside. It has neither electricity nor anything that would make it habitable.

What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional. The mental health system has consistently failed us due to the lack of establishments and health care coverage for a person like him….


Some say that delusional disorders include irrational fears of patterns, or an unusual obsession with coincidences. In the story above, we see both ‘patterns,’ and ‘coincidences.’

Here is one such coincidence: the family of yet another entrapped defendant  thinks FBI due process reach-around milked their MI son into a plot. This is a pattern with each and every mentally ill kid that is entrapped into a nebulous FBI plot. And you can BET that many others discussed in my thesis were involved as well. Apparently, someone sat down and said “Gee Bob, do you think there might be more money in fake plots, or in the proper care of schizophrenics?”

The short answer, of course, is that there’s waaaaaaay more money in fake terror plots.


I would LOOOOOOOOVE to see this kids internet history-and trace all of the connections he had(and did not knw he had) to Fusion Centers, squad cars, the Rotary Club, etc-all of those InfraGard goodguys who are “protecting the wimmin and chilren,” from #badguys- and just to see how much of my many thesis could be validated in this one single case alone.

Human Rights Watch documents ‘sting’ operations
Report raises questions about post-9/11 civil rights


Alright folks, try not to let all these “pattern’s and coincidences” cloud YOUR patriotic vision-and keep milking that “anti-turrerismsmsmsms” teat til the cow’s come home to roost. And of course, carry on! Nothing to see here! MooooOOOOOooove along now.

But before you get back to that trough over there (the one with the hen house on top, and the fox, there,  guarding the hens safety) take a look at Google search terms like “”gang stalking” and “neighborhood watch” which returns about 37,100 results worth of “coincidences.” It’s starting to look like a “pattern,” similar to how some say that “community clubs” like the Rotary and more are involved. Hmmm.


Try not to make yourself crazy in that echo chamber, lol.


Then there’s this old blog which documented it too:

and some comenntary:

Neighborhood Watch, Neighborhood Support, Community-Based Policing, Community Watch-Dog Groups, Citizen’s Corps, Community Patrol, Crime Watch, Guardian Angels, Citizen Observer, COPS, TIPS…

These and other such ‘citizen safety’ or ‘crime prevention’ groups, which any citizen can join, are a house-hold name. We put our trust in these groups, who declare themselves to be the ‘eyes and ears’ of the state.

COULD IT BE POSSIBLE THAT CRIMINALS HAVE IN FACT INFILTRATED, STARTED UP, OR HIJACKED MOST NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH-TYPE GROUPS, AND ARE INSTEAD USING THEM AS A FRONT TO VICTIMIZE AN INNOCENT CITIZEN LIKE YOURSELF IN A COORDINATED CAMPAIGN OF TERROR?….Community based policing groups such as neighborhood support are now using neighbor’s to help them to psychologically and socially attack an innocent individual who they have chosen for ‘destruction’.


And here is a correlation between an “increase in federal funds for neighbors to wage hidden terror campaigns on other neighbors” and “positive spin” from spin doctors that claims ‘crime goes down’ with community watch groups. Hmmm. I guess that depends upon how you define “crime,” and whether or not you can catch the rat’s at your windowsill.

Here are tools YOU can use to catch these voyeurs, bullies, and internet switch redirectors in action.


Gang stalking and punitive psychology: technology abuse meets bad government policy

Organized stalking is  symptom of a mental disease alright- the creeping institutional psychopathology of America’s encroaching police and military state. And it’s also a social disease, where victims who have not been targeted mock, or deride the claims of those who have been targeted. What do you call a world where the torturers mock their victims, or a world where psychologists work with the FBI as informants against the interests of patients who have endured hidden abuses?

Between the massive fraud waste and abuse at today’s NSA, which targets individuals with chronic and pervasive surveillance, and targets whistle blowers, and then feeds the interactions between these people to the many other alphabet agencies that use NSA data to then follow, wiretap, and target American citizens, democracy is on a precipice like never before in history.And it doesn’t help that psychology is politicized and allied with torture and abuse, as government seeks to eradicate privacy by outright lying and bullying the nation with one false paradox after another; and the silencing of those who believe that privacy is an important personal right; and perhaps the seat of healing itself?

Never in history has there been a bigger invasion of institutions of healing. Well-there WAS MKULTRA, which set the template of course. And once upon a time some psychiatrists, medical doctors and psychologists still had a conscience, and took a stand against punitive psychology. Meet Dr. Moss David Posner, draft resistor, prison doctor and prisoners advocate, who counseled targeted individuals and who was one himself.

So, maybe ONE other period of history- the Stalin era of the Soviet USSR, a time when psychologists diagnosed the complaints of those who were victims of gulags, and victims of chronic and pervasive surveillance and its subsidiary harassment as “mental illness.”

The term for the political use of psychiatry is well known: the Stalin era of punitive psychology.

One other era of history saw psychiatrists and psychologists abuse the practice and principles, as they colluded with military and CIA funded psychiatrists. And what they are doing today torturing people and mind controlling them a Guantanamo is also well documented as exactly that. So, political abuse of psychiatry is a real thing, as we see at Guantanamo, and in the Martha Mitchell effect.

But also-quite unsurprisingly- psychologists even recently ganged up and wrote a letter calling President Donald Trump a nutter. I mean-the irony meter is probably broken at this point over the “what is organized stalking” but this was just too much. And guess where that letter which featured psychiatrists who HAVE NEVER MET Trump, calling him all kinds of high falutin’ names straight out of the DSM-IV?

Yup-at the New Yarwk Times, the same paper that carried the accolades heralding the enshrinement of the David V. James and Lorraine Sheridan study as an “authoritative” document. I mean- go ahead and make my case for me if you want to, I will be glad to examine your claims, but most outside the echo chamber of psychiatry and psychology-and that which sucks the teats of the DVIC, are insular, incestuous, and single focused, as psychology is proven to be little more politicized sociology with a drug prescription to sell.

While applied-psychology once showed promise as a helping tool, today psychology as junk science or pseudo-science is very well documented, and it stymies any rational person that any president or political figure could condone torture, but they do, right here in America. And, psychologists have colluded with that, too, regardless of whether the president was a controlled asset or not. SO, this emergent internet trend of diagnosing mental illness via anonymous survey’s and other equally challenged methods is just plainly bizarre-schizophrenic projection at best, punitive political theater at worst.

Not surprisingly, the two “great white fathers(patriarchs)” of both propaganda operations and psychiatry were actually relatives: Sigmund Freud the mind bender and his nephew Edward Bernay’s the great spin doctor. And this is by design, and by practice, and echoes the very history of both psychology and propaganda to this day, as complimentary organs of mass mind control and opinion formation as well-which is a clear and stated goal of all propaganda, by definition, and by the stated goals of this slick operation.

Related Story: The birth of the MIC Propaganda complex, mass mind control and influence operations, and it’s historic alliance with psychology. “A week after [President]Wilson’s declaration of war, he[Bernay’s] creates the imaginatively named Committee on Public Information (CPI) to propagandize the war and, quite literally, to mass brainwash America. It marks the beginning of scientifically based mass mind control in America.”

Here below, I offer any researcher of OGS to look in on a dialogue between two people who claim they are targeted individuals, and note the sanity with which they speak. This is a very common fact of OGS victims-most are clear headed and plain spoken, and the only thing they seem to “suffer” is having n redress, and few legal recourses to action against their system sanctioned stalkers. And, that the only element of mental dis-ease displayed in the scenario below is that one suspects the other of being a government agent, and exhibits that exact rational, self protective paranoia.

Here is actual dialogue between targeted individuals on The Intercept forum. Note the dialogue between Galactus and Stan (Stan is a well known person there who believes he is targeted, and he frequently mentions surveillance role players, and has an online presence where he seems to exhibit rational reactions to harm he has experienced in the past. 

No tinfoil hats, now DEW’s, no microwave beams-just a discrediting narrative, some possible PTSD,  and one persons attempt to overcome it through seeking validation-which is not, and will not be forthcoming from politicized psychology any time soon. There’s just TOO MUCH money status and power in the game played by institutional sociopaths of all kinds, on a board that is overlayed on any individual’s personal experience.

March 4 2017, 3:16 p.m.

Who ultimately pays the storage fees for all this data, just sitting in a haystack, waiting to be sorted or not? … Seems mighty expensive, my boondoggle.
? Reply
hans gruber
March 4 2017, 3:14 p.m.

IC operates on need to know

and IC has determined that you dont need to know .. so quit whining
? Reply
Stan ? hans gruber
March 4 2017, 5:01 p.m.

Based on the number and scale of past fuck-ups, it seems the intelligence community doesn’t need to know much either.
? Reply
March 4 2017, 3:07 p.m.

Spying on Americans is anything but incidental.

My spouse and I are on 24×7 direct surveillance now via our smartphones for the last several years. We are both US citizens.

Although we’ve not been able to confirm it, we suspect we have been on a Watchlist since 2004. Our overseas mail has been redirected through an office/adress in Singapore, our phones tapped in 2005/6, incessantly questioned and interviewed at the US border every time we enter the US from any overseas trip either personal or for business.
? Reply
Stan ? Galactus-36215
March 4 2017, 5:31 p.m.

This guy has made these claims before while vehemently denying the experiences of others who have been subjected less trivial abuses, such as black-listing, constant organized stalking, and physical assaults.

He’s got that smell. The stasi runs sock puppets here, 24×7, trying to manage impressions. If they’re not tossing that space aliens & mind control slop at real targets, they’re pushing “it’s not so bad” bullshit.

Professional vermin? Volunteer patriot? Another naive zoo animal without a clue? Either way, he’s full of it.
? Reply
Christian C Holmer ? Stan
March 4 2017, 5:50 p.m.

I’ve never once questioned the veracity of the experiences you’ve described over the years. Different people can be targeted in different ways Stan no harm no foul. Weaponizing peer reviewed neuroscience has been at the top of the deep state “to do” list for quite some time.
? Reply
Galactus-36215 ? Stan
March 4 2017, 7:05 p.m.

These events are mutually exclusive. It’s perfectly acceptable for someone to believe one story while rejecting another.

The only ‘smell’ I have is usually when I don’t shower on Saturday mornings.

But have at it. Feel free to name call all you want, it doesn’t bother me. It actually makes me happy and to smile. So, go for it. 🙂
? Reply
Nick Torrent ? Galactus-36215
March 4 2017, 6:27 p.m.

You’ve confirmed this for sure?
? Reply
Galactus-36215 ? Nick Torrent
March 4 2017, 6:55 p.m.

Two very key aspects of this, yes. That’s all I’m will to say at this point.
? Reply

Organized stalking and punitive psychology: the paradox of psychologists as arbiters of the mental health of targeted individuals.

Conflict of interest in psychology? Targeted individuals and mental health: CVE programs and dubious intentions; even more dubious results.

Those who experience the quasi legal, and often illegal interactions targeted at them by intelligence agencies, law enforcement and the wide net of affiliated community groups that perpetrate organized gang stalking, such as the LEIU’s,  are often left debilitated, as the goals of OGS are stated in multiple blogs and videos online, and even Urban Dictionary is aware of these campaigns: they seek to destroy individuals.

Urban Dictionary has a list of the activities that TI’s are subjected to, but there are many more descriptions in the less than academic online discussion communities. One theme is certain to come up:  OGS seeks to destroy relationships or exploit them, isolate individuals, demolish and demoralize individuals and leave them broken and homeless.

Programs like the FBI’s Countering Violent Extremism, or CVE program,  enlists psychologists, social workers, teachers, homeless shelter advocates, and many more community members in the stalking, and harassment that a targeted individual experiences, and the TI has little to no chance of privacy, or the ability to recuperate from the stated goals of OGS. They literally have nowhere to run as they are filleted by this mechanism.

Let’s take a look at what a TI experiences as they are pressured or recruited by an FBI informant- and keep in mind that it is not just Muslim’s who are being targeted, but also that every law enforcement agency has versions of their own programs, targeting trailer park kids and south Central teenagers in other crime creation or infiltration schemes, as the FBI CVE is just the template for a wider range of community policing programs. And, as noted elsewhere in my blog, religious organizations and cults, community groups and others use these tactics too, though the purposes vary, the effect is often the same.

From the Intercept:

First, they target a Muslim[see my note above]: not due to any evidence of intent or capability to engage in terrorism, but rather for the “radical” political views he expresses. In most cases, the Muslim targeted by the FBI is a very young (late teens, early 20s), adrift, unemployed loner who has shown no signs of mastering basic life functions, let alone carrying out a serious terror attack, and has no known involvement with actual terrorist groups.

They then find another Muslim who is highly motivated to help disrupt a “terror plot”: either because they’re being paid substantial sums of money by the FBI or because (as appears to be the case here) they are charged with some unrelated crime and are desperate to please the FBI in exchange for leniency (or both). The FBI then gives the informant a detailed attack plan, and sometimes even the money and other instruments to carry it out, and the informant then shares all of that with the target. Typically, the informant also induces, lures, cajoles, and persuades the target to agree to carry out the FBI-designed plot. In some instances where the target refuses to go along, they have their informant offer huge cash inducements to the impoverished target.

Once they finally get the target to agree, the FBI swoops in at the last minute, arrests the target, issues a press release praising themselves for disrupting a dangerous attack (which it conceived of, funded, and recruited the operatives for), and the DOJ and federal judges send their target to prison for years or even decades (where they are kept in special GITMO-like units). Subservient U.S. courts uphold the charges by applying such a broad and permissive interpretation of “entrapment” that it could almost never be successfully invoked.

Once again, we should all pause for a moment to thank the brave men and women of the FBI for saving us from their own terror plots.

One can, if one really wishes, debate whether the FBI should be engaging in such behavior. For reasons I and many others have repeatedly argued, these cases are unjust in the extreme: a form of pre-emptory prosecution where vulnerable individuals are targeted and manipulated not for any criminal acts they have committed but rather for the bad political views they have expressed. They end up sending young people to prison for decades for “crimes” which even their sentencing judges acknowledge they never would have seriously considered, let alone committed, in the absence of FBI trickery. It’s hard to imagine anyone thinking this is a justifiable tactic, but I’m certain there are people who believe that. Let’s leave that question to the side for the moment in favor of a different issue.

So, psychologists in the very least are diagnosing shadows if they are unaware of these types of programs, and doing a great dis-service to psychology, and to the narrative or proper care of TI’s.

These programs incentivize psychology to act as informants themselves, and to report to the authorities the state of mind and mental health of an individual who does not even know who the hidden secret people and groups.In other words, psychology is truly “in on it,” as we have never seen before.

Especially troubling is how one of the leading privacy rape advocates in America, Senator Dianne Feinstein(who  benefits from a $600 million in government/military contract), correlated child pornography with terrorism, and used that as a tool whereby she could pry away patient-therapist privilege.Where once targeted persons and others had the protection of patient-psychologist privilege, today, the agencies have stripped even that. and, in one eerie reminder of past CIA and psychiatry collusion, we now see that California psychologists are mandated to report patients who “use” child pornography, when in fact the agencies distribute it, and likely use it in terrorist recruitment programs in classic compromise operations. As Bruce Schneier has noted, it is likely there is more to the story of terrorists and bad guys and child porn, because hiding secret messages in cp is like “smugglers hiding kilos of cocaine in bales of marijuana.

There is literally nowhere to hide from this form of institutional abuse, and mis-diagnoses brings back the reminders of the Soviet era and Stalin’s punitive psychology. Agency collusion to undermine victims of government abuses is startlingly similar to earlier era’s of experimentation on citizens.And, because this is a ‘cutting edge’ issue, and fairly new to psychology and criminal defense attorney’s, historical perspective is important, as we know from the past the agencies distribute drugs, and even assassinate people. But few historical examples are better than the story of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb, who first revealed the CIA’s drug running in the US in his expose'”Dark Alliance.

But whatever you, the reader decides, don’t shoot the messenger-or call them crazy.

Related: Academic says that the governments are distributing child pornography and using terrorism as stalking horses to destroy privacy rights.

Gang stalking case studies and research: The deeply flawed California gang database and police catalogues of children.

Gang stalking case studies: The deeply flawed California gang database and police catalogues of children.

Gang stalking likely started as a means to control and track gang activity. And the term organized stalking is likely another variant from the days of RICO when the FBI stalked organized crime. Then, as the NSA worked hard to wiretap all Americans, they told us it was terrorists they were after-despite the fact that not a single terror plot was disrupted by NSA surveillance.

The terrorists, which were-exactly nowhere to be found, despite the FBI working overtime on taxpayer dollars to create terrorists, and even then, the guys swept into these FBI plots are pretty lame, or mentally ill.

So, as actual crime dried up and the massive police and state infrastructure realized that it had some time on its hands and ample funding, it morphed into what we know today as the total surveillance state that uses databases to open hidden investigations, capture, read, store data about any American citizen, and otherwise subvert due process in a secret process that is destroying our Constitution.

First they came for the gangsters of the Mara Salva Trucha, or the guys from Diece Ocho’s. Then, they came for their children.

Street gangs are responsible for most homicides in El Salvador ...
Mara Salva Trucha member. Image from the PanAm Post

The dangerous diapered gangster babies in  the CalGang database.

In 2003, California began attempting to gather the name of every known gangster and gang affiliate in the state. The state credited with having a large part in the birth of the modern street gang movement was doing anything it could to turn the tide.

CalGang, as the database became known, was supposed to only be accessed by law enforcement agencies and used to add people to gang injunctions, support arguments for enhanced sentencing in court and even be used to disqualify families from living in public housing.

Problems quickly arose, however, especially when it came to the question of adding juveniles to the list. CBS Los Angeles reported that a law was passed in 2013 requiring parents or guardians to be notified when their children were added to CalGang.

A new audit (PDF) of the program, however, finds that the problems ran deeper than mere notification; it found that some in state law enforcement appeared to be worried about gangster babies.

And this from Ali Winston at Reveal News:

In a report released this morning, the California State Auditor harshly criticized management, oversight and use of the CalGang database, which tracks people with alleged gang ties across the state.

The 115-page report found inaccuracy rates of over 20 percent for individual gang criteria, a total lack of oversight and transparency, hundreds of people whose entries had not been purged from the system in the mandated five-year timeframe, and a failure to follow a 2013 law requiring that juveniles – and their guardians – be notified when they are included in CalGang.

CalGang Database links:

NSA stopped no terror attacks, from NBC news:

The FBI terrorist creation factory:

In the case of the “Newburgh Four,” for example, a judge said the government “came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles,” and had, in the process, made a terrorist out of a man “whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.”‘
— from the Summary, “Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions

Typically, the informant also induces, lures, cajoles, and persuades the target to agree to carry out the FBI-designed plot. In some instances where the target refuses to go along, they have their informant offer huge cash inducements to the impoverished target.

Robert Lorenzo Hester of Columbia, Missouri, didn’t have the $20 he needed to buy the 9-volt batteries, duct tape, and roofing nails his new FBI friends wanted him to get, so they gave him the money. The agents noted in a criminal complaint that Hester, who at one point brought his two small children to a meeting because he didn’t have child care, continued smoking marijuana despite professing to be a devout Muslim.