Gang stalking, LEIU’s and plausible deniability

Official police organizations and intelligence agencies are forbidden from tormenting people they “suspect” are guilty. [They] have conjured up a rather circuitous route by which to enact their vengeance against those who they believe are rotting away at the moral structure of modern society.  They use civilian organizations—those that have been founded by former members of the law enforcement and/or intelligence communities—to attack these “suspicious” types by proxy

Some 80% of all online narratives of organized gang stalking appear to be the work of an influence operation, or the result of those who have been influenced by a black operation. I cannot understate the latter, because in mind control and propaganda, the goals and aims are the same: control of an individual, a group or an entire population.

Robert Guffey, of Cal State Long each, and author of Chameleo says that one of the features of gang stalking is plausible deniability that has morphed into total un-accountability, and I would concur. He also states that the Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU’s) are certainly partially responsible.

Plausible deniability, so in vogue during the Watergate era, has now been supplanted by total deniability.

How was this accomplished?  The answer is so obvious one wonders why it took so long for the Cryptocratic Bad Brains to implement it on a mass scale:  Make sure these violations of the law are not committed by any current member of a police organization or intelligence agency.  The field work—involving active harassment, spying, psychological warfare, and physical torture from a distance—is farmed out to eager civilians, some of whom may not even be paid for the privilege of stalking their fellow citizens.  In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest that many of these civilians actually pay others in order to be trained in these techniques.

Since my book Chameleo was published, specific information has come to the fore about who these gangstalkers really are.  Official police organizations and intelligence agencies are forbidden from tormenting people they “suspect” are guilty.  In our glorious post-9/11 society, these watchdogs of ethical purity have conjured up a rather circuitous route by which to enact their vengeance against those who they believe are rotting away at the moral structure of modern society.  They use civilian organizations—those that have been founded by former members of the law enforcement and/or intelligence communities—to attack these “suspicious” types by proxy.  According to a very well-respected Constitutional lawyer (whose identity must remain anonymous for the time being), one such organization is the LEIU, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Units.

Any research into this topic must include this feature, and also to test and retest the hypotheses of this being an influence operation of the most despicable nature, whose goal is to create learned helplessness in its targets due to the occult nature of the operators cowardly practices. The thesis that I put forward, is also confirmed here above by Guffey.

Then there is the secondary issue of psychological sadism and torture-nearly every single targeted individual (TI) makes claims that they are being tortured with “no touch torture” techniques, which are well documented from Abu Ghraib, to Guantanamo, and beyond, the US and it’s allies are indeed practicing mind control and using this form of NT torture.

One of the significant aspects of this claim that needs exploration is that the general profile of law enforcement agents and police is that they embody the classic aspects of the famous Milgram experiment, whereby the torturers turn off their human instinct and follow orders instead.There are also high correlations between police and domestic violence, police as rapists and pedophiles, and sexual sadism as well. Lastly, as America has tanked into a state of impunity for officers who murder children and old ladies, we see much outcry that these same no longer serve the people but rather, see the people as obstacles to total control.

Here, below, from MindJustice, we see the actual documented CIA torture of the Bush era explored as  wartime act of the CIA-but all agencies are using it, and there are well documented facts that indicate it is contracted out to those who could well be using it domestically:

“What in torture makes possible a change of such nature that it appears similar to psychotic processes and to disorders of organic origin?” Doerr-Zegers found the answer lies in the psychological, not physical, “phenomenology of the torture situation;”

  1. an asymmetry of power;
  2. the anonymity of the torturer to the victim;
  3. the “double bind” of either enduring or betraying others;
  4. the systematic “falsehood” of trumped-up charges, artificial lighting, cunning deceptions, and “mock executions”;
  5. confinement in distinctive spaces signifying “displacement, trapping, narrowness and destruction”; and
  6. a temporality “characterized by some unpredictability and much circularity, having no end.” …

Thus, much of the pain from all forms of torture is psychological, not physical, based upon denying victims any power over their lives. In sum, the torturer strives “through insult and disqualification, by means of threats … to break all the victim’s possible existential platforms.” Through this asymmetry, the torturer eventually achieves “complete power” and reduces the victims to “a condition of total or near total defenselessness.” (Question of Torture, 10-11)

In torture, a torture situation is created according to Doerr-Zegers. In mind control allegations, there is a similar phenomenology of a mind control situation. TIs describe this as “an electronic prison.” Doerr-Zegers described the torture technique, 1) an asymmetry of power. In torture, the torturer has complete power and the victim is completely powerless. Similarly, TI’s are targeted remotely and are completely powerless to stop the targeting. Doerr-Zegers described the torture technique, 2) the anonymity of the torturer to the victim. Torture victims do not know their torturer and similarly, there is the anonymity of the remote targeting in the mind control situation.

Most TIs described “street theater” or seemingly staged events…”


The Police Personality: fact or fiction?

Are there more pedophiles in police and law enforcement agencies?

Are there more rapists in police culture and law enforcement?

The story of Celeste Guap, aka Jasmin Abuslin, who was pimped and pandered, used as a sex toy by some 30 officers of the law across seven departments, since she was 12 years old, which made the news in the California Bay Area in 2016.




Gang stalking and surveillance role players

Meet Robert Guffy of Cal State University, author of Chameleo which documents one man’s experience being gang stalked by organized military figures:

Robert Guffey

Robert Guffey is a lecturer in the Department of English at California State University – Long Beach. His most recent book is CHAMELEO: A STRANGE BUT TRUE STORY OF INVISIBLE SPIES, HEROIN ADDICTION, AND HOMELAND SECURITY (OR Books). His first novel, UNTIL THE LAST DOG DIES, is scheduled to be published by Night Shade/Skyhorse in November of 2017.

Guffy writes at Cryptoscatology:

“The desire for control runs rampant through our 21st century society.  What with the advent of Facebook, YouTube, and other such self-surveillance technology, many citizens aren’t afraid of the rise of Big Brother anymore.  Instead, they want to be Big Brother.  To find evidence of this strange sociological phenomenon, glance through your local newspaper; you might come across a mysterious ad searching for “surveillance role players.”  You may very well have seen these ads and passed right over them, not understanding what you were seeing (yes, just like Poe’s purloined letter).

In August of 2013 an intriguing ad popped up on Craigslist.  This ad seems to give an official name to the perpetrators who engage in gangstalking.  For years targeted individuals had no idea what the gangstalkers called themselves.  One can’t ignore the significance of the Orwellian, bureaucratic language at play here:

Surveillance Role Players and Practical Exercise Role Player (San Diego)

The MASY Group is looking for motivated surveillance role players (SRPs) and scenario driven practical exercise Role Players (RPs) to support military training activities in the San Diego, California region. Qualified personnel should demonstrate an established track record of conducting surveillance operations at various discretion levels, supporting surveillance training and military practical exercise training. Individuals with previous military, intelligence community and law enforcement experience are highly preferred.”

Surveillance Role Players appear to be contractors who work under the federal umbrella of alphabet agencies in counter-intelligence. In an ordinary world, or in a democracy, this would be seen as a good thing, the government contracting mercenaries…right?

The only problem is, that these mercenaries are training here, on American soil, targeting other Americans in hidden campaigns of domestic terror that defy the Constitution.And that’s not right…right? Like-Americans have rights, right?

I mean- who knows anymore who is who in the many agencies that work in secret, applying secret interpretations of law, secret surveillance, secret black operations, secret etc. They could be the Russians for all I know anymore- there are just so many secrets, and black bag jobs, and black operations all across the country today-who can keep up?

We’re all so free- I’m lovin’ me freedumb!

Nope, not according to these guys.Wouldn’t it be nice if we all lived our lives like we are on a military base, subject to military laws, and military control-right? Oh wait- that’s not a Democracy-that’s a totalitarian, authoritarian, rank and file scheme that in and of itself defies and defiles and destroys democracies all over the world today.

And who needs a Constitution at the border anyways-the border which some say is 100 miles thick. Let me get my map out, and see if I can count one hundred miles inland. No wait-fuck that, I’m calling the ACLU ASAP. We need to fix that map/Constitution conflict.

Follow the link above to Cryptoscatology to learn more about Chameleo, and night vision goggles or something way more shady.