Gang stalking, DHS, and law enforcement

It is widely documented in nearly every blog that discusses organized gang stalking that there is or has been police, FBI, DHS, or other agency involvement (much of it mi-attributed, as we see in the case of LEIU’s that they work in “darkness” and complicity with bad actors; and with total impunity-even the FBI does not have access to their files- and as such, like a gang or criminal enterprise itself), and all gang stalking is deeply rooted in deep state tools and database abuse where a targeted individuals data was gleaned illegally and without a warrant, and then used to “spook” them in a variety of ways, that any researcher of organized stalking is already likely familiar with.

Why the NSA database abuse is far worse than anyone could ever imagine.

But others note that surveillance role players contracted with the Department of Homeland Security are also clearly involved in these activities. So in my research, I use this as one measure of the veracity of writings and video’s that document it. In security and especially covert operations, those who deploy these tactics do not want them widely known. So, to a researcher of organized gang stalking, you will note that blogs that discuss this, but also provide documentation of this are valuable allies to falsifiable evidence that it exists, as opposed to bloggers who write about aliens, the devil, and talking to dead people.

Related Story: How Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit’s (LEIU’s) are destroying DEmocracy and the Constitution, one black bag job, one blackmail and compromise operation, one dossier at a time. From Project Censored- the top censored story of the 1970’s Project Censored- the top censored story of the 1970’s, and how it affects us today. [full text is available online]

The trick for the researcher is to uncover which is which, and then, to weed out the blogs and videos that are classic misinformation and disinformation, as well those that are purely deep state mind control. For example, most blogs and video’s that reference Directed Energy Weapons, and electronic’s that are bizarre; or websites that dabble in the absurdly paranormal, although some are just odd accounts of unique worldviews, sprinkled with paranoia.

But any cursory search of the how-to and the who-to-target of propaganda and influence operations can be found online, and compared to these many blogs and accounts of OGS. Here is just one of the many declassified Psychological Operations manuals of the CIA. And here is the famous Simple Sabotage manual as well.

Other clues that blogs and videos of gang stalking are psychological operations is that they give patently bad advice, such as ( a site that borders on psychological sadism), which once advised TI’s to put a jar of water next to an electrical outlet; or sites that are very well funded, as is the case with OSI informers and others. Interestingly, several of the commenters at NE1 are Lions Club members, and others who fit certain profiles, as I have described herein, and many of them have now deleted or closed their blogs since I wrote about them.

In my experience, my rough estimate is that some 5-25% of all blogs are actually people who are indeed targeted individuals (TI’s) and the rest are useful idiots (some 45-50%) who work in and around LE communities, or subsidiary to them; some 20% are actually agency or agency affiliated. And small number of them are mentally ill, elderly, or just lonely people trying to fit in (these also show up in many blogs, like the neverending1 blog). is one apparently decent site that seems to steer clear of honey-netting or “DEW” misinformation, as of 2/28/2017 (so far-many of these sites start out well, and then get taken over, or manipulated by agencies, as many of them are just entrpment schemes.) I have not at this time sorted them all out, but one good example of a blog that is written by a former security officer is, which is notable among the many blogs because it only documents verifiable news sources and stories that any researcher of organized gang stalking can refer to as an official source.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, the blog author gives credible background information about themselves, is open to dialogue ( we have exchanged emails), and does NOT allow a comments section. This last point is important because the great majority of blogs are a sort of free for all of madness, manipulation, mind control/influence operations, or honeypots whereby investigators entrap those who comment, or like Dr. Mike Wood’s blog on Conspiracy Theory Psychology, the comments eventually become disinformation outlets due to the well oiled crisis PR industry that I describe elswhere.

The author of FGS is also familiar with the fact that much of gang stalking is perpetrated by security contractors and surveillance role players, likely funded by black budget’s and grants from the Department of Homeland Security and others. These quasi-investigations take on Orwellian proportions, and are highly reminiscent of the brutal psychological operations and blackmailing population control East German Stasi tactics of the 1960’s.

Surveillance role players and gang stalking

In the same way that members of the organized stalking community raised awareness that the NSA and other agencies were breaking the letter and the spirit of the law by wiretapping them, all American’s now know tat TI’s were right-the NSA is tapping all of our phones. And wrse, continuing the harassment of TI’s by distributing that data to 15 other agencies. As some of us predicted in 2003, it will NOT get any more Constitutional around here, any time soon.

TI’s are now warning that the Department of Homeland Security is using surveillance role players to target and harass them, and implicating the LEIU’s and others. This is not insignificant, because the DHS is actually said to be based on the model of the Stasi, and many today forget that it was a former KGB agent, Markus Wolf,  that set up the DHS in its early years.

From 2005:

Why would Homeland Security hire former Stasi chief Markus Wolfe and former head of the KGB General Yevgeni Primakov?

Is this part of the Bush anti-terror strategy? After all, Wolfe is the man who is credited with building up the feared East German secret police that was responsible for the disappearance and deaths of thousands of citizens. And, Primakov�s record is not any better. As skipper of the KGB he was driving force behind the machinery of state terror; a legacy that still has a chilling affect on many Russians.

Now, apparently, they�ve found a new place to hang their hats at Homeland Security. Or have they? Perhaps, the numerous stories on the internet are just fabrications intended to mislead independent research. That�s certainly one possibility. But, consider this; for those who have followed the activities of the current administration (the torture, the deception, the death squads, the destruction of Falluja) stories like this are difficult to discount. As a matter of fact, the hiring of Primakov and Wolfe seems fairly consistent with the long-term goals of the Bush team.

Organized gang stalking and confidential informants

One of the common themes in the OS community is the idea of recruitment. While most if not all domestic intelligence agencies and even police departments today fancy themselves as “intelligence agencies,” and disregard the Constitution accordingly, less is known about how they ‘recruit’  informants. The general dialogue round OS is loaded with references to this, and once a researcher recognizes the language, it is readily apparent that this is true.

In my experience, in the organized gang stalking dialectic, I have been approached many times and asked directly ” do you want to become an informant??” And this often on Twitter in a DM that disappeared shortly thereafter! Any researcher could set up their own honeypot and replicate my results, but for me it was a learning experience.

Then,upon confirmation that this was so, I re-read a few blogs of note, and confirmed the theory. There is a website that attracted a ton of negative attention from law enforcement back in the early 2000’s call Who’, which was eventually forced offline-ironically- in a well organized stalking of their links and content. It was not only a foreshadowing of the oppressive total spectrum dominance that we see today, but also a canary in the free speech coalmine.

Here’s one post about how this program is intended to cause what is called in sociology a “social death,” for an individual, and control them to the point where they have learned helplessness:

It is not like I am using this medium to express myself in anonymity. Every single Organized Informant “GangStalker” and colluded Bad Cop knows my identity. I am the one who wants to end this. I WANT TO TURN MYSELF IN! Please tell me what precinct you want me to go and I will show up. NO JUDGE will accept a guilty plea once they learn that every piece of this case -my case- is tainted and biased because of personal HATE against me. So when and where is gonna be? Please tell me!
I want Due Process,
I want a Fair Trial,
I want the Best Defense,
Isn’t that the way is supposed to be?

This fabulous site was one of the early predictors of our current “if you see something say something” culture where every American is being asked to become a rat, the lowest form of life in any culture except the communist bloc nations where being a rat means being a good citizen. East Germany under the Stasi was a great example of a culture where each intelligence agent had some 30  or so citizens reporting to them (I will check that stat later).

Pretty soon, East Germany was crawling with rats, but had no free citizens, as the master plan of all communists and fascist communists is total control of citizens.

From Spiegel Online:

Web of Surveillance East German Snitching Went Far Beyond the Stasi

Everyone knows about the Stasi and the extent to which it spied on the East German populace. But that was only a small part of the informing that went on. New research shows that snitching was vastly more common than previously thought.

DPA/ akg-images
July 10, 2015  05:05 PM

One day in September 1987, the phone rang at the headquarters of the Volkspolizei, East Germany’s police force, in the town of Döbeln, not far from Dresden. On the other end of the line was the voice of an unknown man.

“Good evening. I have some information for you. Grab a pen!”
“I’m listening.”
“Ms. Marianne Schneider is traveling on Wednesday, Sept. 14, to West Berlin for a visit. She doesn’t intend to return.”
“And who are you?”
“You would like to remain anonymous?”
“What is the basis for your information?”
“She said so, to her closest friends.”

Then, the mysterious caller hung up. And Marianne Schneider* had a problem. Officials immediately revoked her travel permit and began monitoring her phone and mail in addition to questioning her neighbors and friends.


These rats reported also important stuff like:

“My neighbor uses too much water.”

“The guy downstairs looks at me funny (but not because I am a rat).”

“The woman across the street has two lovers,” and so on.



Organized stalking, the Martha Mitchell effect, and disinformation.

While many people are currently being persecuted in ways that are seldom discussed in the news, when they write about it online, they are targeted for extra harassment by paid agents of the state-many states- who are seeking to create a class of citizens for whom justice is denied.

While the actual cases of actual cases of actual people who are stalked are not always the best written accounts, nor do those so targeted possess the best writing skills, sadly, they are mocked for their attempts to bring attention to this topic.

As is well known today, the CIA and other intelligence agencies have long been influential in media, steering stories and content. Today, there is-for some reason- a huge media push to discredit those who claim they are gang stalked. Why is that?

Internet culture is infused with this thing called the Streisand effect which states that the harder one tries to stop, or censor an idea, a meme, or a story that has truth in it, the bigger the story becomes. And, there is the Martha Mitchell effect which is a common ploy by psychologists to label all people who  have been harmed byillegal government activity as schizophrenics:

The Martha Mitchell effect is a process by which a belief is mistakenly diagnosed as a delusion by a psychiatrist. This is named after Martha Beall Mitchell (the wife of John Mitchell, the United States Attorney General in the Nixon administration), who alleged that illegal activity was taking place in the White House. At the time her claims were thought to be signs of mental illness, and only after the Watergate scandal broke was she proved right (and hence sane).

DISCLAIMER: this post will now take on a “satirical tone” as regards the seriously flawed work of Dr, Lorraine Sheridan, who interviewed “the internet” in order to formulate an opinion about OGS that is “New Yarwk Times” worthy (the many pieces of orve CIA propaganda that have run in the Times are themselves wrthy of derision and satire.)

Starting in about June of 2016, major media began a discrediting narrative, and attempted to smear and defame those who claim they have been gang stalked. They quoted a highly un-scientific study by a likely transhumanist intelligence cult type psychologist, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, (it was little more than an online poll, really) of people who claimed to be stalked. Unsurprisingly, she did not interview a single person in person, and relied upon anonymous internet results.

And, she attempts to relegate the entire community into a single category of nutters-likely schizophrenics. Hmmm. Where have we seen that before?

Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, who is co-author of perhaps the only study of gang-stalking, said the community poses a danger that sets it apart from other groups promoting troubling ideas, such as anorexia or suicide. On those topics, the internet abounds with medical information and treatment options.

An internet search for “gang-stalking,” however, turns up page after page of results that regard it as fact. “What’s scary for me is that there are no counter sites that try and convince targeted individuals that they are delusional,” Dr. Sheridan said.

“They end up in a closed ideology echo chamber,” she said.


Speaking of “closed echo chambers”-Dr. Sheridan and her comrade David V. James make a living running with DVIC narratives, and authoring work that panders to the ability to gain the feelz crowd and its associated crybullies by draining the tax payer, while pandering primarily to the middle class, and it’s poice mechanisms.

And here, “Boingboing media” runs with that, and discredits those who expose organized gang stalking (and really-who the hell is “Boingboing” media anyways? The intel agencies start as many news stories today as they stop, and literally use media to wage “influence operations,” aka “mind control-how weird is THAT? Thaaat? Thaaaaat? T-h-aaaaaat….?)

Here is doctor Lorraine Sheridan, speech pathologist:

Dr Lorraine Sheridan

Here is all of her contact information. This information is posted in other publicly available outlets, and is posted in the public’s interests, directing researchers and TI’s to the NYT’s primary contact person and undisputed internet “authority” on OGS.

Position Senior Lecturer
Faculty Faculty of Health Sciences
School School of Psychology and Speech Pathology
Campus Bentley Campus
Location 401

Here’s Curtin University’s phone number-call them, they look like one of those online colleges that could use some attention-any attention:

Telephone: +61 8 9266 9266
Fax: +61 8 9266 3131

I suggest you call and write Ms. Sheridan anonymous letters-letters, and emails, emails, anonymous, anonymous, frequently, very anonymously, and very frequently, from several different anonymous email services. Because based on her online poll/survey/study that was so prominently featured in the NYT, she’s a big fan and devoted believer in the power and truth of anonymity, and the internet to tell the truthto tell the truth.

And call Ms. Sheridan at her office a lot. A LOT. A looooot.

Call her every day, and give her a piece of your mind-or not. She’d probably dissect it with a child’s scissors, and eat it, if my read on her type of psychological approach to silencing victims of OGS is any indicator. After all-wasn’t Hannibal Lecter a big fan of talking around his victims, even as he talked to them?

Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, gang stalking, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan gang stalking study, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan contact information, Dr. Lorraine Sheridan email address, anonymous internet poll, David V. James, handmaidens of international finance, neo-con toilet slaves and other academics.

Here is the guy that the New York Times chose to pass off as the poster child for the online gang stalking community. His name is Timothy Trespas:

Timothy Trespas, the New York Times poster child for gang stalking (Dude-why did you let them USE YOU this way?-Oh, never mind. It’s what they do!)

From the NYT article

A growing tribe of troubled minds

Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them.

The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.

And history has shown on nearly every available opportunity that the pseudo-science of psychology, combined with propaganda, which is itself a sort of echo chamber of citations, and accreditation that bounces references after references of other pseudo-science and theoretical hypotheticals off of each other, works hand in hand with EVERY abuse by any government EVER on unsuspecting citizens, and that, backed by a powerful Bernaysian theoretical base of influence operations.


Organized stalking, CIA mind control, and the Palantir database: mass population control is no longer science fiction-or a conspiracy theory.

Mind control and the CIA: how the CIA started Palantir database, which can read your mind-and influence your choices. Now, 17 spy agencies know what you did last night-and ten years ago.

“collected communications not only include emails, chats, and web-browsing traffic, but also pictures, documents, voice calls, webcam photos, web searches, advertising analytics traffic, social media traffic, botnet traffic, logged keystrokes, computer network exploitation targeting, intercepted username and password pairs, file uploads to online services, Skype sessions, and more.” For the NSA and its global partners, XKEYSCORE makes all of this as searchable as a hotel reservation site.”

How Peter Thiel’s Palantir Helped the NSA Spy on the Whole World

From The Intercept- the news journal that published Edward Snowden’s reveals:

“Palantir” is generally used interchangeably to refer to both Thiel and Karp’s company and the software that company creates. Its two main products are Palantir Gotham and Palantir Metropolis, more geeky winks from a company whose Tolkien namesake is a type of magical sphere used by the evil lord Sauron to surveil, trick, and threaten his enemies across Middle Earth. While Palantir Metropolis is pegged to quantitative analysis for Wall Street banks and hedge funds, Gotham (formerly Palantir Government) is designed for the needs of intelligence, law enforcement, and homeland security customers. Gotham works by importing large reams of “structured” data (like spreadsheets) and “unstructured” data (like images) into one centralized database, where all of the information can be visualized and analyzed in one workspace. For example, a 2010 demo showed how Palantir Government could be used to chart the flow of weapons throughout the Middle East by importing disparate data sources like equipment lot numbers, manufacturer data, and the locations of Hezbollah training camps. Palantir’s chief appeal is that it’s not designed to do any single thing in particular, but is flexible and powerful enough to accommodate the requirements of any organization that needs to process large amounts of both personal and abstract data….


documents provided by Edward Snowden, that Palantir has helped expand and accelerate the NSA’s global spy network, which is jointly administered with allied foreign agencies around the world. Notably, the partnership has included building software specifically to facilitate, augment, and accelerate the use of XKEYSCORE, one of the most expansive and potentially intrusive tools in the NSA’s arsenal. According to Snowden documents published by The Guardian in 2013, XKEYSCORE is by the NSA’s own admission its “widest reaching” program, capturing “nearly everything a typical user does on the internet.” A subsequent report by The Intercept showed that XKEYSCORE’s “collected communications not only include emails, chats, and web-browsing traffic, but also pictures, documents, voice calls, webcam photos, web searches, advertising analytics traffic, social media traffic, botnet traffic, logged keystrokes, computer network exploitation targeting, intercepted username and password pairs, file uploads to online services, Skype sessions, and more.” For the NSA and its global partners, XKEYSCORE makes all of this as searchable as a hotel reservation site.

In the online and offline communities of those who claim they are being gang stalked, it is common that mind control is mentioned. Whereas once it was in the realm of conspiracy theory, today we see that the CIA has in fact financed, and co-created Palantir, which can influence your mind, your choices, your relationships and more-much much more. And all of that, from behind the curtains.

Mind control is real Dorothy!And we are definitely not in Kansas anymore.We are now in the old USSR, or East Germany in the 60’s. Or, San Francisco. Yeah, San Francisco! The tech capital of the new world order and the Panopticon.

Gang Stalking and the Panopticon

This, below, is a picture of a dead man who looks like he is still alive. In order to fully understand the nature of the deviant minds of organized gang stalkers, keep this guy in mind. His name was Jeremy Bentham, and his gift to the world was designing the concept of one big prison, where prisoners would be under 24/7/365 surveillance.Oh, and he was an advocate for freedom of expression-his own.


These people are truly sick individuals, and very very dangerous too.This guy wanted to live forever, and in his mind, the corpse in the glass box picture above is “forever.” He got his Panopticon alright.It’s called the surveillance state.

The Panopticon is a type of institutional building designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow all (pan-) inmates of an institution to be observed (-opticon) by a single watchman without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the single watchman to observe all cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that all inmates must act as though they are watched at all times, effectively controlling their own behaviour constantly. The name is also a reference to Panoptes from Greek mythology; he was a giant with a hundred eyes and thus was known to be a very effective watchman.

The Panopticon

To understand the contradictions in the minds of these people is a long and unrewarding task, and so I advise you to study how to make a spear from common wood, or metal, and then, jam it firmly in the center of the eye of this monstrosity. Then, run like hell.

Bentham was on one hand an advocate for individual liberty, and on the other, recommending this monstrosity. Such is the contrast between people who live in bubbles, and those of us down here in the real world.Freedom of expression anyone?

From the Guardian UK:

“Bentham was regarded as the founder of utilitarianism and a leading advocate of the separation of church and state, freedom of expression and individual legal rights. And now, from beyond the grave, his cadaver contains a webcam that records the movements of its spectators and broadcasts them live online, part of UCL’s PanoptiCam project which tests, amonst other things, surveillance algorithms.”


The Panopticon legacy

As a work of architecture, the panopticon allows a watchman to observe occupants without the occupants knowing whether or not they are being watched. As a metaphor, the panopticon was commandeered in the latter half of the 20th century as a way to trace the surveillance tendencies of disciplinarian societies. Is it still a useful way to think about surveillance in an age of NSA and GCHQ?

The basic setup of Bentham’s panopticon is this: there is a central tower surrounded by cells. In the central tower is the watchman. In the cells are prisoners – or workers, or children, depending on the use of the building. The tower shines bright light so that the watchman is able to see everyone in the cells. The people in the cells, however, aren’t able to see the watchman, and therefore have to assume that they are always under observation.


Organized stalking and the occult

The occult is a major theme in gang stalking narratives.

Among the many online blogs about organized gang stalking the occult is mentioned, or featured as the main thesis. Because many of those who practice organized stalking are themselves cultists, or involved with religion based stalking, the occult is a recurrent theme. Here is one example of a former military intelligence officer who claims to have been part of an Air Force think tank/cult experiment from the early 1960’s. This particular writer claims to be a criminal profiler, and part of a group of 13 people who can talk to each other across life and death, and into the afterlife. Make of that what you will….and I might also add that that person has claimed-in written communication- to be raising kids who “choose” their gender. And, make of THAT what you will as well.


And speaking of old crows-remember this guy? Living forever seems high on the list of those who built the Panopticon, and who today, deploy hidden mind control and influence operations on unsuspecting people all over the world, every day.

And it is at the juncture where artificial intelligence meets the internet, and any of it’s many illicit hidden InfraGard, or other agents, along with any of tens of thousands of other “good guys and gals” where we see what a monstrosity “predictive software” like Peter Thiel’s Palantir databases and their manipulative features that can be programmed to form situations of influence and custodial control operations; and DataMinr technology which is programmed to monitor “thought’s” and infer “actions” in real time, like Media Sonar-which was and is used by Fusion Center operatives to control, contain, monitor and influence activists until Twitter cut them off, and Moonshot CVE that is used by advertisers and corporate interests AS WELL AS the many LEO’s around the world that have foregone the “protect and serve” model of policing in favor of a “seize it all, exploit it all, capitalize on it all ” model of policing, to LITERALLY target SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS and their “ideologies.”

And psychology is truly in on it at every level, thick as thieves and fat as rats, and we know this based on the cases of Jessen and Mitchell, the angel of death Joseph Mengele, MKULTRA’s Scottish knight in academic armor DE Cameron, and now Lorraine Sheridan and David V. James and Elizabeth Dietrich that seek to overlay the pseudo-science of psychology over the suffering of targeted individuals of organized gang stalking.

This political abuse of psychology begins when we look at the key component of “schizophrenic narrative,” which has historically been a trouble zone for psychologists, especially in the heyday of CIA psychiatry where D.E. Cameron, first in Europe, and later at the notorious McGill University human torture and experimentation facility in Canada.  So, Cameron and others like the CIA’s official poisoner, the LSD doctor Sidney Gottlieb first diagnosed an entire nation (Germany) with mental illness, and that illness was, apparently, “the patriarchy,” aka “the warrior class,” and then, used children in experiments of all kinds-because in lieu of father’s now decapitated, the children of “the future” were then and are now in their sights.

As transhumanist types like Sheridan and James; and their progenitors Mengele and Gottlieb and especially Cameron, an heir kindred Mitchell and Jessen, for whom removing the “human” from the “experience” is a main goal, as they seek to replace, alter, medicate or otherwise mediate around the lived, human experience that exists in an individual mind; or to create it as a “hive” to be exploited by artificial intelligence in the case of Thiel and his intelligence cult, we see the field of robotics struggling with a unique problem: the problem that psychiatry has always managed to side step, which is the “human soul,” which is based in longevity of memory, and human experience that is sorted out and mediated through human filters within the brain that are stilll entirely unknown, and under-explored-precisely because psychiatry has been medicating AROUND this unknown.

And in the OGS dialectic, we see occultists from within law enforcement, and from within many of the other military and private security industry operating as well. I myself have had death threats and more for years for talking about this.

But the linked blog above uses occult symbols and the language of the paranormal. And, that person also claims to be a former USAF OSI investigator. Interestingly, one of the best financed online organized stalking operations is called OSI informers, and they are widely thought to be actual stalkers themselves, and the paranormal is used in these narratives to discredit those who they are targeting, and also, to drive away those rational people who know that the occult is always a huge waste of time.

The heavy saturation of the internet by OSI informers and then the involvement of a group linked to several mass shooters and suicides, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS),  indicates that they are well financed, much like other operations of population control, and these two groups are the only organized stalking related blogs and outlets where actual contact with mass shooters occurred BEFORE they went on rampage killings.So, because governments and law enforcement are often involved investigating, manipulating, or creating cults and interacting within religious communities, there is overlap in the dialectic.

Superstition is a powerful tool of control, and those who report being gang stalked often report things that could be attributed too the supernatural, which could have a powerful effect on those prone to religion. Gas lighting is one classic example, but also hearing voices and so on could easily influence those who are targeted with OS.

I cannot understate this last point, because previous too the internet, and the wide availability of small cameras a person who is gang stalked had only their word and their experience to draw on, and could easily be relegated into the schizophrenic dustbin.But we see today that the internet is a powerful tool of social control, and intelligence agencies are waging world wide psychological operations. Another term for PsyOps is mind control as we see today that the CIA and others are using Peter Thiel’s Palantir database to influence and even alter our decision making process-to alter our minds. This is what influence operations are.

The internet is full of video’s and stories-narrative’s and counter narratives- that document, in real time, the experiences of those who are stalked, and any researcher can easily determine the facts based on the evidence.

In my research, I have roughly estimated some 5-25% of all narratives to be documenting actual events. And, when we weed out the obvious chatter of video’s like those of OSI and others, we see that many who report OS are indeed struck with stress and emotional pain, even what looks lie psychosis, but also, many of them document real events, and often feel they are being influenced from outside themselves. This is not mental illness in the organic sense, although sometimes that is the case.

In the 1980’s both law enforcement and cults were a hot topic especially because America was then under the power of a fundamentalist Christian narrative. Here is a blast from the past when the term gang stalking hadn’t yet become as popular as it is today. Then, the word of the day was “satanists’ and organized stalking was attributed to the work of the devil.

Today, many in law enforcement are involved much as they were then in mind control and influence operations, but with much bigger budgets. And as we have seen before, many of them signal to each other across the internet using the language of organized gang stalking to identify each other, but also to persecute and prosecute those who they draw into their dialectic.

This, below, is from an issue of Police Chief magazine, when cops derived income from “chasing the devil” and Sataniss’s in the form of the now widely and resoundingly debunked Satanic Child Abuse scandals, and today, we see uncouth members of the law enforcement community acting in dual capacity on one hand to “protect” children” and on the other, fully exploting them down to the bone marrow via various foster care and parental destruction plans, so that their version of reality and religious/narrational control persists into perpetuity (see what I did there? PERPsPERPsPERPs):

By:     Kenneth V. Lanning
                                           Supervisory  Special  Agent
                                           Behavioral Science
                                           Instruction and Research Unit
                                           FBI Academy
                                           Quantico, VA 22135
                                           June, 1989

                            Published by:
                      CultWatch Response, Inc.
                            P.O. Box 1842
                  Colorado Springs, CO  80901-1842

PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  This report is  published under the  Public Domain.
The  author  knows  of  this  publication,  and  neither  approves nor
disapproves. The initial appearance of this report was in the October,
1989 issue of Police Chief Magazine.
In books,  lectures, handout material,  and conversations, the  author
has heard all of the following referred to as satanism:

Church of Satan         Stoner Gangs            New Age
Ordo Templi Orientis    Heavy Metal Music       Astrology
Temple of Set           Rock Music              Channeling
Demonology              KKK                     Transcendental Meditation
Witchcraft              Nazis                   Holistic Medicine
Paganism                Scientology             Buddhism
Santeria                Unification Church      Hinduism
Voodoo                  The Way                 Mormonism
Rosicrucians            Hare Krishna            Islam
Freemasonry             Rajneesh                Orthodox Church
Knights Templar         Religious Cults         Roman Catholicism