Organized gang stalking, Scott Crow, disinformation and informants.

Scott Crow, an anarchist, animal rights activist, has gone on record stating that organized “gang stalking is bullshit,”which is alright- because everyone is entitled to an opinion. And as they say, even assholes have those. Opinions, of course. And, I guess for some, it’s easier to love fuzzy or feathered critters and act like cute, four year old anarchists with lil’ diapies full of doodoo, than to deal with the real issues of gross human rights abuses of corporatism colluding with a full blown surveillance/security state to do things to people that were unimagined at the height of America’s last Constitutional crisis of the 1960’s (click here to see the catalogue of surveillance gear available to LEO’s who spy on American citizens without warrants).

But to the hundreds of thousands of people world wide who claim to be harassed by unknown assailants, various electronics ranging from wiretaps and StingRay towers, cell phone emulation, and sound weapons (what’s that clicking on my phone?!), and stalkers- lots of stalkers who do plainly weird shit called street theater- the evidence is against Mr. Crow’s opinion.

There is ample evidence of religions and cults that stalk people; evidence that the intelligence agencies and some really bad  LEO’s stalk people; retired LEO’s stalk people, the USAF and Naval NCIS working with the CIA and others stalk people; a HUGE well heeled operation of conformity enforcement run by the OSI and there is sh!tloads of evidence that it is part of a large, orchestrated crisis PR movement. And of course, every crisis PR movement needs useful idiots, who are just glad the pendulum missed their neck.

Scott, on gang stalking:

In the last couple of years I became aware that I have accidentally become the poster child for a marginal, but rising movement.   It’s a movement of the disaffected, and somewhat marginalized in civil society. And like all of us its made of those alienated by the ills of capitalism: our atomized communities,  the overwhelming media (online and corporate) that can reverberate any idea into truth and the growing overwhelming complexities of our social and political spheres.  There is also another important piece that I have to throw into this cauldron that has given rise to this movement too; the farce called the war on terror and its all ensuing baggage of the surveillance state. Sounds intriguing doesn’t it? If you guessed I was talking about anarchy, social justice or even LOLcats you would have guessed wrong.  What I am referring to is an internet phenomena called gangstalking and somehow my surveillance by the FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force for almost 9 years became the actual proof they all needed to say they were right all along; that they weren’t just paranoid.  Except I wasn’t gangstalked.

Related Story: The famous Civil Rights photographer Ernest Withers-who photographed ALL of the black leaders of the 1960’s, was a paid RAT. Bonus points if you can answer the question: And WHY was this guy at the hotel where Martin Luther King was shot dead?

SO- make of Scott Crow’s opinion what you will, But psychologists and other paid disinformation agents who both benefit directly from drug companies and privatized prison payrolls, and those who work with schizophrenics and sex offenders have even waged a classic “black propaganda” campaign to discredit those who claim they are harassed.

I DUNNO. MEBBE They is all caaaaraaaazy. Or not.

Either way? Any scientist, sociologist, intel agent, or crisis PR moron can take the data provided in this blog and test the many proofs and hypotheses themselves, against historical events like COINTELPRO, and the destruction/co-option of the peace/anti-war/Civil rights movement. You can look for- and find- the evidence that I provide herein-and replicate the methods, and find new validation yourself. I have merely provided a starting point.

But it boils down to this: people like Scott Crow, who was followed, surveilled and harassed by the FBI in what amounts to a fairly traditional investigation of a fairly pasty white traditional ‘suspect’ claims OGS is “total bullshit.” I mean-after all- animal rights people are startlingly quiet about warrantless surveillance, human rights, prison reform, and how the targeted, flawed and sociopathic Countering Violent Extremism programs work with local LEO’s and private security contractors to terrorize TI’s into complicity with snitch culture.

You don’t have to believe me- ask an actual RAT, Greg Monteilh, former FBI informant, about the “murky” practice of “flipping” innocent people into becoming agency informants-from the Guardian UK:

The ex-FBI informant with a change of heart: ‘There is no real hunt. It’s fixed’-Craig Monteilh describes how he pretended to be a radical Muslim in order to root out potential threats, shining a light on some of the bureau’s more ethically murky practices….(follow the link to learn more).

Just off the top of my internet, I can think of these many many validated tactics below that are reported by TI’s. And these days, as the NSA shares data with 16 other intel agencies and targets American citizens, it ain’t gettin’ any prettier out there without due process (even if Mr. Crow thinks it’s all bullshit, some of us still believe in Constitutional Democracy. And Mr. Crow and his pals- most of them animals- don’t read the Constitution anyways.).

A short list of what the NSA et al is doing to American citizens BEFORE they turn the data over to the local LEO’s-from Brian Lehrer-and ask yourself how YOU would feel with this arsenal pointed at YOU, personally:


  •  track the numbers of both parties on a phone call, as well location, time and duration. (More)
  • It can hack Chinese phones and text messages. (More)
  • It can set up fake internet cafes. (More)
  • It can spy on foreign leaders’ cell phones. (More)
  • It can tap underwater fiber-optic cables. (Clarification: Shane Harris explains that there were reports the NSA was trying to tap directly into cables using submarines, but is now more likely trying to intercept information once it has reached land.) (More)
  • It can track communication within media organizations like Al Jazeera. (More)
  • It can hack into the UN video conferencing system. (More)
  • It can track bank transactions. (More)
  • It can monitor text messages. (More)
  • It can access your email, chat, and web browsing history. (More)
  • It can map your social networks. (More)
  • It can access your smartphone app data. (More)
  • It is trying to get into secret networks like Tor, diverting users to less secure channels. (More)
  • It can go undercover within embassies to have closer access to foreign networks. (More)
  • It can set up listening posts on the roofs of buildings to monitor communications in a city. (More)
  • It can set up a fake LinkedIn. (More)
  • It can track the reservations at upscale hotels. (More)
  • It can intercept the talking points for Ban Ki-moon’s meeting with Obama. (More)
  • It can crack cellphone encryption codes. (More)
  • It can hack computers that aren’t connected to the internet using radio waves. (Update: Clarification — the NSA can access offline computers through radio waves on which it has already installed hidden devices.) (More)
  • It can intercept phone calls by setting up fake base stations. (More)
  • It can remotely access a computer by setting up a fake wireless connection. (More)
  • It can install fake SIM cards to then control a cell phone. (More)
  • It can fake a USB thumb drive that’s actually a monitoring device. (More)
  • It can crack all types of sophisticated computer encryption. (Update: It is trying to build this capability.) (More)
  • It can go into online games and monitor communication. (More)
  • It can intercept communications between aircraft and airports. (More)
  • (Update 1/18) It can physically intercept deliveries, open packages, and make changes to devices. (More) (h/t)
  • (Update 1/18) It can tap into the links between Google and Yahoo data centers to collect email and other data. (More) (h/t)
  • (Update 4/2) It can monitor, in real-time, Youtube views and Facebook “Likes.” (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can monitor online behavior through free Wi-Fi at Canadian airports. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can shut down chat rooms used by Anonymous and identify Anonymous members. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can use real-time data to help identify and locate targets for US drone strikes. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can collect the IP addresses of visitors to the Wikileaks website. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can spy on US law firms representing foreign countries in trade negotiations. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can post false information on the Internet in order to hurt the reputation of targets. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can intercept and store webcam images. (More)
  • (Update 4/2) It can record phone calls and replay them up to a month later. (More)
  • (Update 6/2) It can harvest images from emails, texts, videoconferencing and more and feed it into facial recognition software. (More)

Did we miss any? Mischaracterize any capabilities? Let us know in the comments, or tweet @brianlehrer.

Suuure. It’s all bullshit- yeah, that sounds about right. Yup-keep your head up your ass, play it safe, m’boy. “They” are prolly all crazy- no electronics involved at all. Nothing to see here move along now….