Organized stalking and international feminism: Nikki Craft stalks men

In many online narratives, we can see that domestic violence is not only a double entendre’, but also, a tool of women’s organizations and police to harass defame or otherwise destroy men who are activists or men who challenge the narrative. This was first put into play in the 1970’s when Nikki craft advocated that women should band together and stalk alleged rapists. We now see that in the progressive dialectic, the term man is in fact synonymous with rapist. And Nikki Craft never made a dime off of this sloganeering, but it is now a tens of billions of dollar per year industry, but police and women’s organizations did. And, they lost the 2016 election because of it’s scope and fraud as well.

Here is from her website:

In 1975, Craft founded Women Armed For Self Protection (WASP), which advocated armed self-defense for women and retaliation against rapists by their victims. In 1976, Craft co-founded the Kitty Genovese Women’s Project when they posed as sociology students under the pretense of doing “statistical study on violent crimes” and compiled, pre-computerization, on index cards, the names of every indicted sex offender in Dallas County from 1959 to 1975. A year later 25,000 copies of a newspaper listing all 2,100 indictments, 1700 of which were multiple offenders, was distributed throughout Dallas. On March 8, International Women’s Day, the group read the names over local community radio KCHU for 13 hours. The same year she wrote and recorded the Rape Song about Inez Garcia and Joan Little.

And here is from her work labelling men as dangerous rapists, and helping to build the massive surveillance and police state that we see today:

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Drifting from the Mainstream
A Chronicle of Early Anti-Rape Organizing

by Nikki Craft

1972 – 1975 — New information was surfacing within the women’s movement about the myths surrounding rape. Women were beginning to discuss rape in feminist consciousness raising groups. For the first time women could benefit from the experience and knowledge of other women. Susan Brownmiller’s eloquent historical analysis in Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape, Diana Russell’s, The Politics of Rape and Medea and Thompson’s Against Rape laid the foundation for the changes that would sweep the country in the next decade.

1974 — A small group of Dallas women left their consciousness raising group and began to organize specifically around the issue of rape. Each woman in the group, including myself, had been raped at one time in her life. Each was tired of talking about it and wanted to act. None of us were exactly sure of what to do. We began by educating ourselves. Part of that educational process was attending an anti – rape conference in Austin, Texas. It would change our lives.

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